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Corporate Social Responsibility

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals drive more and more attention and interest in the corporate world. Today companies devote more and more resources to improve their positive social and environmental impacts. Indeed, customers, governments and investors (among others) expect more from companies than economic profit; they look for integrity, ethical decisions and real contributions to sustainable development.

Have you ever considered how your company could become more socially responsible by adopting a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) integrated strategy?

In this program, you will learn what CSR is and what it involves. You will learn how to implement a credible CSR strategy aligned with your business strategy, whether in a small or big company. Finally, you will examine how to report and communicate a genuine CSR involvement (not a greenwashing façade!).

By presenting insights from CSR experts from both academia and practice, this program leads you to in-depth understanding of CSR and critical perspectives on companies’ CSR activities and their communication. You will confront the challenges facing today’s business leaders with multi-industry business cases throughout the two courses.

You will be encouraged to share analysis and good practices with other participants through dedicated forums. Individual homework will allow you to apply your knowledge by analyzing companies’ CSR strategy, reporting and communication.

What you'll learn

  • Adopt a constructive yet critical perspective on managerial practices related to societal issues.
  • Stimulate and manage impactful changes in organizations, towards more responsible activities.
  • Develop a persuasive CSR action and communication plan that avoids CSR-washing.
  • Communicate in a way that reconciles multiple stakeholders’ interests.

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From LouvainX, Université catholique de Louvain via edX
Hours 126
Instructors Valérie Swaen, Barbara Dupont, Jessica Lieberman
Language English
Subjects Business

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Agent/CSR 1 $30k

CSR Lead 2 $33k

Associate CSR 1 $37k

Assistant CSR 2 $39k

Certified CSR $42k

CSR 2 4 $44k

Medicare CSR $46k

CSR 1 2 3 $47k

CSR 5 $52k

Clinical CSR $58k

Deliveries, CSR $65k

District CSR $89k

Courses in this Professional Certificate

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

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Driven by global crises in financial, economic, and governance systems, companies all over the world devote massive resources to their corporate social responsibility (CSR). But...

edX | LouvainX, Université catholique de Louvain


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edX | Université catholique de Louvain




LouvainX, Université catholique de Louvain

From LouvainX, Université catholique de Louvain via edX
Hours 126
Instructors Valérie Swaen, Barbara Dupont, Jessica Lieberman
Language English
Subjects Business


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Agent/CSR 1 $30k

CSR Lead 2 $33k

Associate CSR 1 $37k

Assistant CSR 2 $39k

Certified CSR $42k

CSR 2 4 $44k

Medicare CSR $46k

CSR 1 2 3 $47k

CSR 5 $52k

Clinical CSR $58k

Deliveries, CSR $65k

District CSR $89k

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