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Salesforce Fundamentals

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The Salesforce Fundamentals specialization guides learners through the Salesforce Fundamentals for Business Administration Trailmix and presents what is possible with the Salesforce platform and how it can support your business. This specialization covers the essentials of Salesforce from building a user interface and creating reports and dashboards, to advanced process automation. Upon completion of all the assigned modules and projects, learners will have the skills needed to begin to implement Salesforce in a business.

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From University of California, Irvine via Coursera
Hours 55
Instructor Stephane Muller
Language English
Subjects Business IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Fundamentals of Networking, Undergraduate School - Adjunct Faculty $7k

Supervisor Divisional Instructor of Fundamentals and Continuing Education $46k

SalesForce Consultants $63k

Salesforce Product Manager $70k

Computer Fundamentals Lab Instructor $70k

Financial Data Analyst, Company Fundamentals $74k

Salesforce Engineer $84k

Senior Financial Data Analyst, Company Fundamentals $93k

Salesforce Administrator/Developer $93k

Salesforce Developer/Administrator $103k

Recruiter, Salesforce Development $105k

Salesforce Application Engineer $193k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Salesforce Basics

In this course, you will learn about what the world’s number one Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) system has to offer. You will begin this course by understanding the...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine



Salesforce Reporting

Salesforce Reporting focuses on how the micro-level changes in Salesforce affect the macro level of the user experience. In this course, you will focus on creating custom objects,...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine



Salesforce Integration

Salesforce Integration explores why data management is so important, how Salesforce can help organize and display reported data to gain insight into trends and patterns, and how...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine



Salesforce Capstone: Organization Integration (You were viewing this course)

In Salesforce Capstone: Organization Integration, the final course of the Salesforce Fundamentals Specialization, learners will complete the Business Administration Specialist...

Coursera | University of California, Irvine




University of California, Irvine

From University of California, Irvine via Coursera
Hours 55
Instructor Stephane Muller
Language English
Subjects Business IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Fundamentals of Networking, Undergraduate School - Adjunct Faculty $7k

Supervisor Divisional Instructor of Fundamentals and Continuing Education $46k

SalesForce Consultants $63k

Salesforce Product Manager $70k

Computer Fundamentals Lab Instructor $70k

Financial Data Analyst, Company Fundamentals $74k

Salesforce Engineer $84k

Senior Financial Data Analyst, Company Fundamentals $93k

Salesforce Administrator/Developer $93k

Salesforce Developer/Administrator $103k

Recruiter, Salesforce Development $105k

Salesforce Application Engineer $193k

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