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European Business Law

Understanding the Fundamentals

Julian Nowag, Xavier Groussot, Anna Wiberg, Hans Henrik Lidgard, Magnus Schmauch, Eduardo Gill Pedro, Angelica Ericsson, and Annegret Engel

The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. This six week course is the first in a series of three that will provide students with an insight into European Business Law. The series ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the European Union to focusing on various specialized areas of law. Each course will give the students an understanding of the laws and policies that regulate the internal market of European Union, as well as relevant case law and useful inputs from leading practitioners in the field.

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The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. This six week course is the first in a series of three that will provide students with an insight into European Business Law. The series ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the European Union to focusing on various specialized areas of law. Each course will give the students an understanding of the laws and policies that regulate the internal market of European Union, as well as relevant case law and useful inputs from leading practitioners in the field.

At the end of this course series, you will have a basic understanding of how to:

• Navigate EU legal sources

• Understand relevant laws and regulations governing the internal European Union market

• Apply the fundamental principles of EU law within the EU legal framework

• Utilize the rules of freedom of movement and their impacts on trade in the EU

• Relate EU law with national laws

• Understand how individuals and companies are able to enforce their EU rights on national level

• Understand how an individual can challenge an inadequate EU legislation

• Understand EU policies and their influence on foreign trade and investment

About the Series

In the first course, Understanding the Fundamentals, we will examine the core structures and principles of the European Union as well as the main sources of law. In the second course, Doing business in Europe, we will focus on the main laws that regulate various aspects of establishing and running a business within the European Union. In the final course, Competing in Europe, we will go into more depth about how to compete on the internal market and protect your brand, product or invention.

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Syllabus and Format

Each course consists of a number of modules where one module represents about one week of work. A module includes a number of lectures and readings, and finishes with a voluntary assessment – a quiz, a small peer graded assignment or a case law review. The assessments are intended to encourage learning and ensure that you understand the material of the course. Participating in forum discussions is voluntary.

Course I - Understanding the Fundamentals

Module 1. Introduction to EU law

Module 2. Legal Method and Sources

Module 3. Constitutional Freedoms and Fundamental principles

Module 4. Enforcement of EU Law and Judicial Review

Module 5. Freedom of Movement

Module 6. The External Dimension

Course II - Doing Business in Europe

Module 1. Making Business Transactions

Module 2. Establishing a Company

Module 3. Employing and Working in Europe

Module 4. Paying Taxes and Complying with Environmental Standards

Module 5. Resolving Cross-border Disputes

Module 6. Case Clinic

Course III - Competing in Europe

Module 1. Trademarks as Essential Assets

Module 2. Defending Patents

Module 3. Competition: Illegal Agreements

Module 4. Competition: Abuse of Dominance and Mergers

Module 5. Selling to the State and State Aid

Module 6. Advocacy and Legal Writing

Lund University

Lund University was founded in 1666 and has for a number of years been ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has 47 700 students and 7 500 staff based in Lund, Sweden. Lund University unites tradition with a modern, dynamic, and highly international profile. With eight different faculties and numerous research centers and specialized institutes, Lund is the strongest research university in Sweden and one of Scandinavia's largest institutions for education and research. The university annually attracts a large number of international students and offers a wide range of courses and programmes taught in English.

The Faculty of Law is one of Lund University’s four original faculties, dating back to 1666. It is a modern faculty with an international profile, welcoming both international and Swedish students. Education, research and interaction with the surrounding community are the main focus of the Faculty’s work. The connection between the three is particularly apparent in the programmes and courses offered by the university, including the university’s MOOC course in European Business Law. The students get the chance to engross themselves in traditional legal studies, while interacting with both researchers and professionally active lawyers with qualifications and experience from various areas of law.

The faculty offers three international Masters: two 2-year Master’s programmes in International Human Rights Law and European Business Law, and a 1-year Master’s in European and International Tax Law. Students from around 40 countries take part in the programmes which offer a unique subject specialization within each field, with highly qualified researchers and professional legal practitioners engaged in the teaching.

The Master’s programme in European Business Law provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and the theoretical aspects of business law within the European Union. The programme provides both general and specific knowledge of the European Union legal framework, which is necessary for students intending to work as legal advisors or business decision-makers. The programme is delivered in English and is open to students with at least a three year degree in Law (Bachelor, LL.B, or equivalent) who want to specialise in European economic and business law.

The MOOC course in European Business Law is a great course to start with for students intending to apply for the Master’s programme in European Business Law. Even though the MOOC course does not grant credits previous knowledge of the subject is considered upon admission to the master’s programme. For more information about the Master’s programme in European Business Law see https://www.law.lu.se/#!meb

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What's inside


Introduction to EU law
Welcome to the first week of Understanding the Fundamentals. This first module will help you to build a solid foundation for the coming lectures on EU law. The module provides a brief introduction to the history and the institutions of the EU, as well as the judicial branch i.e. the Court of Justice of the EU. The module will also go into some detail about the most fundamental EU treaties, namely the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
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Sources and Method
The second module will give you a practical introduction to the legal sources and method of EU law. It will provide you with some skills that are crucial when dealing with EU law, such as navigating the vast databases of official publications, legislation and case law. The module provides an overview of the available online resources and EU legal databases. It provides suggestions on how to search the official journals, including the case law of the ECJ. In addition, the module explains what treaties, regulations and directives actually are, and where to find them online. Keep in mind that the module can be used as reference if you continue your studies of European Business Law.
Fundamental Principles
In the third module you will learn about the fundamental principles and constitutional foundations of EU Law. The dynamic and interaction of the national law of the Member States and the EU will be covered in some detail. This includes the three categories of competence – exclusive, shared and supporting. The effects of the exercise of competence are discussed, as well as relevant case law. A brief historical background is given to the principle of fundamental rights along with its application in contemporary Europe. Finally some of the main principles of EU law are discussed, including the principles of proportionality, non-discrimination and legal certainty.
Enforcement of EU Law and Judicial Review
The fourth module covers the enforcement of EU law and judicial review. In the previous lectures, you have learned that the EU confers certain rights on individuals and companies and that the EU has certain powers conferred to it by the Member States. This module examines the essential question of how you – as an individual or as a company – are able to enforce your rights at a national level and how you can challenge a legislation through which the EU has acted outside of its conferred powers.
The Economic Freedoms
Module 5 introduces the four freedoms, including free movement of services, goods, persons and capital. These economic freedoms are at the very heart of EU Law and crucial to understanding the law from a business perspective. The module considers the relevant legal provisions and the key case law. It continues to introduce the right to establishment and discusses the harmonisation of EU law in the national law of member states. In the end of this module you will be given the chance to do a peer graded assignment and earn an honors certificate. You will find the assignment under "Assessments."
The External Dimension
Module 6 focuses on the common European foreign policy and its institutional setup. This is a complex field where the policies of the individual Member States and the EU overlap and interact. The external dimension is important for anyone conducting international trade or upholding relations with the EU. The division of competence is discussed in the module, followed by a review of the seven main EU institutions and players and their respective role relating to foreign policy. The module gives a thorough overview of the six fields in the external dimension of EU Law: Common commercial policy; EU development policy; Foreign and Security Policy; Security and Defence Policy; Energy Market; Freedom, Security and Justice. Finally, the module gives a brief history of the EEA Agreement, as well as its application.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Provides a strong foundation for learners new to the field
Taught by recognized experts in a field
Developed by a reputable institution
Provides unique insights from the guest speakers
Provides valuable case studies for learners
Examines a topic that is highly relevant to the legal field
This course is part of a series and can be taken as a standalone module
Provides readings and assignments that require extra time outside of class

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Reviews summary

Comprehensive overview of eu business law

Learners say this course provides a thorough overview of European Business Law from historical development to contemporary principles. Many professors contribute to the engaging lectures, covering the rights and obligations of EU member states.
Covers the evolution of EU Business Law.
"It not only provides you with the knowledge of the EU Business Law but also how it developed and why it developed throughout the ages to be what it is."
Taught by an array of specialized professors.
"It is quite amusing to be taught by various professors instead of just one professor teaching all of it."
"indeed quite appropriate for a subject as vast as this one."

Career center

Learners who complete European Business Law: Understanding the Fundamentals will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Compliance Analyst
Compliance Analysts monitor business operations to ensure compliance with legal regulations. They must be intimately familiar with the legal landscape in their area of expertise. This course is highly relevant for a Compliance Analyst who works for an international business that does business in the EU.
Lobbyists represent the interests of their clients before government officials. Lobbyists who work on behalf of businesses that operate in the EU should have a thorough understanding of EU law and regulations.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts use financial data to make investment decisions. They must keep abreast of the financial landscape and the legal regulations that affect their work. This course would be highly relevant to a Financial Analyst who does business in the EU.
Investment Banker
Investment Bankers provide financial advice to companies and governments. They must be intimately familiar with the legal regulations that affect their work, especially as it relates to EU policy and regulations.
Strategy Consultant
Strategy Consultants help businesses develop and implement strategies for growth. This course may be especially helpful for Strategy Consultants who work with businesses that operate in the EU.
Risk Analyst
Risk Analysts identify and assess risks for businesses and organizations. This course may be especially helpful for Risk Analysts who work for businesses that operate in the EU.
Lawyers assist clients with legal issues and represent them in court. Knowledge of European business law is critical for a lawyer who handles international business clients and is imperative for lawyers who exclusively practice international business law. This course may be especially helpful for a lawyer who practices international business law and works with clients who do business within the EU.
Journalists gather and report news and current events. A journalist that covers international business news may find this course to be highly relevant to their work, especially if they cover stories related to the EU.
Management Consultant
Management Consultants provide advice to businesses on how to improve their performance. This course may be especially helpful for Management Consultants who work with businesses that operate in the EU.
Public relations manager
Public Relations Managers manage the public image of businesses and organizations. This course may be especially helpful for Public Relations Managers who work for businesses that operate in the EU.
Project Manager
Project Managers plan and execute projects for businesses and organizations. This course may be especially useful for Project Managers who work on international projects that involve the EU or EU-based partners.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers develop and implement marketing campaigns for businesses and organizations. This course may be especially helpful for Marketing Managers whose campaigns target businesses in the EU or who are interested in working with EU-based marketing agencies.
Consultants provide expert advice to businesses and organizations. The type of consulting may vary widely, with a focus on business strategy, operations, technology, or finance. This course may be especially helpful for a Consultant who works with businesses that operate in the EU.
Sales Manager
Sales Managers lead sales teams and oversee sales operations. This course may be especially helpful for Sales Managers who work for businesses that sell to customers in the EU.
Policy Analyst
Policy Analysts research and analyze public policy issues. This course will help build a foundation for working on policy related to the EU or its member states.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in European Business Law: Understanding the Fundamentals.
Provides a comprehensive overview of EU law, covering the key legal issues and principles at the heart of the European Union's legal system, including topics such as the relationship between EU and national law, the European Court of Justice, free movement and internal market, and EU competition law.
Provides a clear and concise introduction to EU law. It covers a wide range of topics, including the history of EU law, the institutions of the EU, the internal market, and EU external relations.
Provides a comprehensive overview of EU intellectual property law, covering a wide range of topics, including the law of copyright, the law of trademarks, and the law of patents.
Provides a concise and accessible introduction to the law of the European Union. It covers a wide range of topics, including the institutions of the EU, the internal market, and EU external relations.
Provides a comprehensive overview of EU law, covering a wide range of topics, including the history of EU law, the institutions of the EU, and the internal market.
Provides a concise and accessible introduction to the European Union. It covers a wide range of topics, including the history of the EU, the institutions of the EU, and the policies of the EU.


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