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Luke Priddy

Isn't it frustrating when you have to deal with an unhappy customer on the phone, especially when you're using your second language?

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Isn't it frustrating when you have to deal with an unhappy customer on the phone, especially when you're using your second language?

It can be a big challenge to express yourself clearly and help a customer resolve their problem, while at the same time trying to show empathy and remain professional. I designed this course to help you get the confidence and English expressions needed to resolve issues with even the most difficult clients.

This course is meant for non-native English speakers who deal with English-speaking customers daily, particularly over the phone. You will learn many common English expressions in this course, as well as common vocabulary and tips about intonation and stress to give your spoken English a more native sound (especially over the phone). This course falls in the category of business English.

Each lesson is designed to prepare you for nearly every situation you may face, from keeping an angry customer calm to explaining steps in a detailed process, to telling a customer they are wrong, and much much more. If you practice what you learn, your ability to deal with challenging situations and customers, in English, will improve dramatically.

You will be able to see my face in each video lesson, and I will use a blackboard at all times. 

Each lesson focuses on a single aspect of a particular skill. You can go at your own pace and should take your time, with lots of practice between sections. Replaying each lesson is highly recommended.

If you're ready to master the craft of communicating with customers naturally and effectively, sign up.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Master phrases for handling difficult or angry customers
  • Learn many expressions for handling a variety of cs situations
  • Understand how to structure logical explanations and answers
  • Use empathetic language to create a connection with customers
  • Resolve communication problems effectively
  • Clarify a process or the solution to a problem in clear language



This course is meant for non-native English speakers who deal with English-speaking customers on a daily basis, particularly over the phone. Each lesson is designed to prepare you for nearly every situation you may face, from keeping an angry customer calm to explaining steps in a detailed process, to telling a customer they are wrong, and much much more!


  • Take notes throughout the course.

  • Make your own examples to ensure maximum retention 

  • Cases used in this course are only for the sake of focus. Most of the expressions and sentence patterns we will learn are universal.

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In this section, you'll learn to begin each call on a positive note and ask questions to clearly understand the customer's basic details, as well as their issue.

Learn a variety of ways to start the call, from simple greetings to more formal salutations. This lesson will focus on the tone and connotation of different ways to say 'hello', among other phrases.

Learn how to ask questions to get essential details before you start dealing with the customer's issue.

Learn phrases to confirm identity, and how to deal with a situation in which one person is speaking on behalf of another.

When it's time to find out the purpose of your customer's call, you need to ensure you're getting the right information. In this lesson, learn to ask clear questions in order to better understand the issue.

Learn how to ask questions about time and duration, how to confirm specific details, and how to dive deep into an issue. This section will ensure a full understanding of the issue.

Learn to ask about how long an issue has been happening, as well as other background details about a particular issue.

Learn ways to push further when an issue hasn’t been fully explained. This is crucial to making sure that the solution is actually relevant to the problem.

Once you feel you understand the issue, confirm your understanding. Do this by using specific phrases from this lesson.

Sometimes it is necessary to dig still further into a customer’s issue. In this lesson, learn how to push for details both with specific questions and with simple requests for information.

In this section, learn how to clearly give a breakdown of product features and benefits, including how to respond when your customer has a follow-up question. This section includes sales phrases.

Learn simple phrases useful in gently getting simple information about a particular service across, as well as key vocabulary to describe it. These phrases can be used to explain nearly any service or product.

When customers explain what they think a product or service includes, or what it does—whether they are right or wrong—you should be able to effectively and politely let them know whether they correct, and then add some detail in your own words.

This lesson is a simple overview of the phrases learned in this section. Remember to review the expressions covered in this section by making your own examples, then making variations of those examples.

In this section, learn how to explain, in clear detail, the steps of a process, including how to confirm that steps are complete, describe positions and values, and structure a process.

Learn key tips to keep in mind when describing the steps of a process, as well as critical phrases for walking your customer through the things they need to complete in order to resolve their issue.

When talking on the phone, it is critical to making sure each step is complete before moving onto the next. Learn phrases for confirming that a particular step has been done.

Learn ways to handle unexpected problems throughout the walkthrough. These phrases will allow you to express hypotheticals and desirable outcomes.

This section focus on all the skills and phrases you need to clear up misunderstandings so that no time is wasted and nobody loses their patience, regardless of the cause.

Learn a few useful tips for handling communication gaps, particularly those due to accent. Keeping these in mind will allow you to remain balanced, which in turn will keep the customer calm.

Sometimes things need to be repeated. There is a wrong way to do this (What?) and quite a few right ways. Learn how to ask the customer to say something again without making them impatient.

Sometimes you’ll need to say what you think you heard, and then confirm whether or not that’s actually what the customer meant. Learn expressions for doing this effectively.

It’s very easy to misunderstand a number or name that was said over the phone. Learn how to make sure you get the right details in order to avoid future problems.

Perhaps the hardest part of doing customer service is handling frustrated customers. How can you handle such customers in a way that’s good for everyone? Well, that’s what this section is all about.

Having a basic structure for handling an unhappy customer can put your mind and ease and help you focus on ‘how’ to say what you want to say rather than ‘what’, which is very important. In this lesson, learn the basic formula for doing this.

Showing empathy will allow you to make a connection. If you can make a connection, the customer’s anger will dissipate more quickly. Establishing empathy is a way to remind the customer that you’re a person, not just a robot at the other end of the phone. This is the best way to dissolve tension.

In this lesson, we’ll look at in-depth examples using the phrases learned earlier in the section. Context is the key to learning, and so is practice, so remember to make your own examples!

Learn a few more useful expressions for talking with frustrated or furious customers over the phone. These phrases have many applications.

After you’ve established an empathetic connection with an angry customer, it’s a good idea to reassure them that you’re willing and able to help. In this lesson, learn phrases to reassure.

Learn how to lay out a clear solution to a particular issue, and make sure that the customer actually accepts the solution that you are providing.

In this lesson, we’ll look at full examples of solutions so that you can see how the expressions we’ve learned so far can actually be put into practice.

Obviously, never say ‘wait’. It’s too direct. So, what should you say? In this section, learn expressions for putting your customer on hold, as well as what to say once you’ve returned.

Learn common phrases to give an affirmative answer, including both formal and informal expressions.

Learn how to ask a customer to wait on hold while you either look into their case or speak to someone who can help you resolve the issue better.

Learn the best ways to let the customer know that the hold is over so that the call can be resumed without any awkwardness or tension.

Sometimes you will be unable to resolve a particular customer’s issue. This section focuses on skills and phrases needed for smoothly getting the customer over to a person who is better-equipped help.

Learn core phrases to explain why you need to have the customer talk to someone else.

Learn expressions to let the customer know that you don’t know how to resolve their issue, but in a way that keeps them from losing confidence in your company’s ability to deal with the problem.

Learn expressions for telling the customer that you don’t have the authorization to resolve an issue, or perhaps that they have in fact called the wrong department.

In this section, learn what to say when the customer has misunderstood a particular feature or service, or perhaps when they are simply wrong about something for whatever reason.

In this lesson, we’ll simply focus on an overview of some ideas in this section, including an explanation of the case.

Learn ways to soften language in order to make contradictory or direct feedback more palatable. In this lesson, we’ll focus on the feelings that words create, rather than the explicit meaning they convey.

Learn useful expressions for ensuring that information about a service or feature has not been misunderstood.

What if the issue a particular customer is having is their own fault? In this section, we'll focus on expressions for clarifying policies so that they are reasonable and acceptable to the customer.

Learn core phrases for letting a customer know that they are simply incorrect about something. 

When you’re unable to resolve a particular issue because the customer did something irreversible that essentially means there's nothing which can be done to fix it, you can at least let them know that you would like to have helped. In this lesson, learn how to get this across clearly.

If a customer leaves the call with their issue unresolved, and they don’t understand the reason, they may never come back. However, if they feel that the final result is reasonable, even if it’s not in their favor, they will be much more likely to remain as a customer. 

Learn core phrases for letting a customer know that they are simply incorrect about something. In this lesson, we’ll go over some full examples that bring together the expressions from this section. Remember to create your own examples so that the key phrases will stick in your mind.

It may sometimes be necessary, for whatever reason, to make an exception for a customer. This section focuses on all the expressions you’ll need to do this, and also make the customer feel special.

In this lesson, we’ll go over the case, as well as some useful vocabulary for this section. Also, we'll learn a basic structure for making exceptions.

Learn how to communicate an exception so that the customer feels special. This lesson will focus on phrases and sentence patterns that can fit almost every kind of special case you may come across.

In this lesson, learn detailed examples based on the case so that you can gain a deep understanding of the expressions learned in this section. Learning expressions in context is key, and practicing them in your own examples is just as important.

At the end of a call, there are a few things you’ll need to take care of. This section will cover these things, including expressions for ensuring that the issue is resolved and much more.

This lesson focuses on ways to make sure the issue the customer called about has been fully resolved, before ending the call.

Learn how to make sure the customer knows that they can call again if they have other issues or problems in the future. This ensures a positive and inviting tone, which will leave the customer with a good impression.

There are many ways to say ‘you’re welcome’ or to respond to positive statements. In this lesson, learn both formal and informal phrases, with complete explanations of each (including the connotations).

While it may not always be necessary, you may occasionally have to mention a survey. In this lesson, learn expression to ensure that the customer is aware of the survey and feels motivated to complete it.

Never just say ‘bye’. Native English speakers frequently use the expressions you’ll learn in this lesson as part of a friendly and polite farewell.

Let's tie up the loose ends!

Let’s talk about everything we’ve learned, and discuss where you can go from here! You can check out my other courses if there are other skills you need to improve!

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops logical explanations and empathetic language skills for handling challenging situations professionally
Teaches common English expressions for handling a variety of customer situations in English over the phone
In-depth review of call handling phrases, concepts, and techniques
Teaches tips on structuring clear and effective explanations and answers
Teaches tips on how to ask clarifying questions to better understand customer issues
Helps students become comfortable with guiding customers through product features and benefits

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Read a book about English conversation
Reading a book about English conversation will provide you with useful information and tips on how to improve your skills.
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  • Set a goal for your reading
  • Read the book in small chunks
  • Take notes on the most important points
  • Review your notes regularly
  • Put what you have learned into practice
Watch a tutorial by a native English speaker
Watching a tutorial by a native English speaker will help you with your pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary
Browse courses on English Conversation
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  • Find a tutorial on a topic you want to learn more about
  • Watch the tutorial carefully and take notes
  • Practice what you have learned
  • Ask questions if you need clarification
  • Watch the tutorial again to reinforce what you have learned
Repeat speaking exercises
Repeating speaking exercises will help solidify the pronunciation of words and phrases.
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  • Listen to a conversation or dialogue slowly
  • Repeat each line of the conversation or dialogue slowly, trying to imitate the native speaker's pronunciation
  • Record yourself repeating the conversation or dialogue
  • Listen to your recording and compare it to the native speaker's pronunciation
  • Make adjustments to your pronunciation
Four other activities
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Practice speaking with a native English speaker
Practicing speaking with a native English speaker will help you improve your fluency and pronunciation.
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  • Find a native English speaker to practice with
  • Set up a time to practice speaking
  • Choose a topic to talk about
  • Start speaking!
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes
Take a workshop on English conversation
Taking a workshop on English conversation will help you improve your skills in a structured environment.
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  • Find a workshop on English conversation
  • Sign up for the workshop
  • Attend the workshop
  • Participate in the activities
  • Practice what you have learned
Create a video of yourself conducting an interview
Creating a video of yourself conducting an interview will help you practice your speaking skills and improve your confidence.
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  • Choose a topic for your interview
  • Write a script for your interview
  • Record yourself conducting the interview
  • Edit your video
  • Share your video with others
Create a podcast about English
Creating a podcast about English will help you improve your speaking skills, research skills, and overall knowledge of the language.
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  • Choose a topic for your podcast
  • Write a script for your podcast
  • Record your podcast
  • Edit your podcast
  • Share your podcast with others

Career center

Learners who complete Customer Service English Essentials will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Customer Service Manager
A Customer Service Manager is responsible for overseeing the customer service operations of a business or organization. This course can provide a Customer Service Manager with a strong foundation in the principles of customer service and communication. The course will help them develop the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage a team of customer service representatives and ensure that customers are receiving a positive and helpful experience.
Call Center Manager
A Call Center Manager is responsible for overseeing the operations of a call center, which typically handles customer service inquiries. This course can provide a Call Center Manager with a strong foundation in the principles of customer service and communication. The course will help them develop the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage a team of customer service representatives and ensure that customers are receiving a positive and helpful experience.
Customer Service Representative
A Customer Service Representative is responsible for providing customer service to customers over the phone, email, or chat. This course can help someone prepare for a role as a Customer Service Representative by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively communicate with customers and resolve their issues. The course will cover topics such as customer service, communication, and problem-solving.
Customer Experience Manager
A Customer Experience Manager is responsible for overseeing the customer experience for a business or organization. This course can help someone prepare for a role as a Customer Experience Manager by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively manage customer relationships and ensure that customers are receiving a positive and helpful experience. The course will cover topics such as customer service, communication, and marketing.
Technical Support Specialist
A Technical Support Specialist is responsible for providing technical support to customers over the phone, email, or chat. This course can help someone prepare for a role as a Technical Support Specialist by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively communicate with customers and resolve their technical issues. The course will cover topics such as customer service, communication, and problem-solving.
Business Communication Manager
A Business Communication Manager is responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies for businesses. This course can help prepare someone for a role as a Business Communication Manager by providing them with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively communicate with customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders. The course will help build a foundation in the fundamentals of business communication, as well as provide practical tips and techniques for managing communication projects.
Training and Development Manager
A Training and Development Manager is responsible for developing and implementing training and development programs for employees. This course can help someone prepare for a role as a Training and Development Manager by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively communicate with employees and develop training programs that meet the needs of the business. The course will cover topics such as training and development, communication, and instructional design.
Business Communication and Etiquette Consultant
A Business Communication and Etiquette Consultant helps professionals communicate in a clear and persuasive way, with a focus on building strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and customers. This course can help a Business Communication and Etiquette Consultant by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively communicate with customers in a professional and courteous manner. The course will particularly benefit those who want to specialize in the area of customer service, as it offers practical tips and techniques for handling difficult customers and resolving issues in a positive way.
Sales Manager
A Sales Manager is responsible for overseeing the sales operations of a business or organization. This course can provide a Sales Manager with a strong foundation in the principles of customer service and communication. The course will help them develop the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage a team of sales representatives and ensure that customers are receiving a positive and helpful experience.
Public relations manager
A Public Relations Manager is responsible for managing the public relations for a business or organization. This course can help someone prepare for a role as a Public Relations Manager by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively communicate with the media, customers, and other stakeholders. The course will cover topics such as media relations, public relations, and crisis communications.
Web Content Manager
A Web Content Manager is responsible for developing and managing the content on a website. This course can help someone prepare for a role as a Web Content Manager by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively communicate with customers and other stakeholders through the web. The course will cover topics such as web content management, communication, and marketing.
Communication Specialist
A Communication Specialist is responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies for businesses and organizations. This course can help someone prepare for a role as a Communication Specialist by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively communicate with customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders. The course will help build a foundation in the fundamentals of communication, as well as provide practical tips and techniques for managing communication projects.
A Consultant provides expert advice and guidance to businesses and organizations on a variety of topics, including customer service. This course can provide a Consultant with a strong foundation in the principles of customer service and communication. The course will help them develop the skills and knowledge needed to effectively consult with clients and help them improve their customer service operations.
Marketing Communications Manager
A Marketing Communications Manager is responsible for developing and implementing marketing communications strategies for businesses and organizations. This course can help someone prepare for a role as a Marketing Communications Manager by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively communicate with customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders. The course will help build a foundation in the fundamentals of marketing communications, as well as provide practical tips and techniques for managing marketing communications projects.
A Writer is responsible for creating written content for a variety of purposes, including marketing, advertising, public relations, and technical documentation. This course can help someone prepare for a role as a Writer by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively communicate with customers and other stakeholders through written content. The course will cover topics such as writing, communication, and marketing.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Customer Service English Essentials.
Will help you understand the core principles of customer service, such as handling difficult customers, building relationships, and resolving complaints. It is commonly used as a textbook at academic institutions and by industry professionals.
Provides a fresh perspective on customer service, emphasizing the importance of creating a positive customer experience. It valuable read for customer service leaders and professionals.
Provides insights into the science of customer effort, and how businesses can reduce customer effort to improve satisfaction and loyalty. It valuable read for customer experience professionals.
Provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and improving the service experience. It is commonly used as a textbook at academic institutions and by industry professionals.
Provides a comprehensive guide to developing and using customer service scorecards. It valuable resource for customer service professionals and leaders.
Provides a comprehensive overview of customer service metrics, including how to measure and track them. It valuable resource for customer service professionals and leaders.
Provides a comprehensive overview of customer service technology, including how to select and implement it. It valuable resource for customer service professionals and leaders.
Provides a vision for the future of customer service, discussing how technology and changing customer expectations will impact the field. It valuable read for customer service professionals and leaders.
Provides an in-depth look at the customer service practices of Nordstrom, a world-renowned retailer. It valuable read for customer service professionals and leaders who want to learn from the best.
Provides insights into the culture and customer service practices of Zappos, a leading online retailer known for its exceptional customer service. It valuable read for customer service professionals and leaders who want to create a more customer-centric culture.


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