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The Complete Igbo Language Course

Onyinye Ibelegbu

What is the best approach to learning a language? Classroom learning, interaction with native speakers or both? Memorizing commonly used words and phrases or detailed study beginning from the alphabets?

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What is the best approach to learning a language? Classroom learning, interaction with native speakers or both? Memorizing commonly used words and phrases or detailed study beginning from the alphabets?

The Complete Igbo Course provides ALL you need to master Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing the Igbo Language. Beginning with a foundation lecture on the Igbo alphabets, it guides you through Tones and Vowel sounds to lay a foundation for your pronunciation, Greetings and Salutations as a basis for communication, Nouns to increase your vocabulary, and other Parts of speech to guarantee your progress from simple to complex sentence formation.

This highly detailed but simple course is ideal for Beginners and Intermediate level Igbo language learners, simultaneously increasing proficiency in all 4 components of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Igbo. Advanced learners will certainly find it helpful as a refresher course. Practice exercises are included in each lesson, and the answers to these exercises are added as an extra resource to the course. Take your time, watch the lessons over and over, ensure you understand a lesson before moving on to the next, do the practice exercises, ask your questions, and keep learning.  Jisie ike.

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Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Suitable for beginners seeking a comprehensive foundation in the Igbo language
Provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of Igbo, including alphabets, tones, and greetings
Offers a structured approach to learning Igbo, progressing from simple to complex sentences
Includes practice exercises to reinforce learning and improve comprehension
May require additional resources for advanced learners seeking more in-depth knowledge

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Career center

Learners who complete The Complete Igbo Language Course will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Igbo Translator
Igbo Translators are responsible for translating written or spoken material from Igbo to another language, or vice versa. They work closely with speakers of both languages to ensure accuracy. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in the Igbo language, including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and writing. This foundation can help translators understand the nuances of Igbo, which can lead to more accurate and effective translations.
Igbo Interpreter
Igbo Interpreters assist people who do not speak Igbo to communicate with those who do. They work in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, schools, and courts. This course provides a strong foundation in the Igbo language, including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and writing. This foundation can help interpreters communicate effectively in both Igbo and the other language.
Igbo Language Teacher
Igbo Language Teachers teach Igbo to non-native speakers. They work in a variety of settings, such as schools, universities, and community colleges. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in the Igbo language, including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and writing. This foundation can help teachers develop effective lesson plans and materials.
Igbo Linguist
Igbo Linguists study the Igbo language and its relationship to other languages. They work in a variety of settings, such as universities, research institutions, and government agencies. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in the Igbo language, including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and writing. This foundation can help linguists conduct research on the Igbo language and its place in the world.
Igbo Cultural Consultant
Igbo Cultural Consultants provide guidance on Igbo culture and customs to non-Igbo individuals and organizations. They work in a variety of settings, such as businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo culture and customs, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help consultants provide accurate and culturally sensitive advice.
Igbo Historian
Igbo Historians study the history of the Igbo people. They work in a variety of settings, such as universities, research institutions, and museums. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo history, including the pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial periods. This foundation can help historians conduct research on Igbo history and its place in the world.
Igbo Anthropologist
Igbo Anthropologists study the Igbo people and their culture. They work in a variety of settings, such as universities, research institutions, and government agencies. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo culture and society, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help anthropologists conduct research on the Igbo people and their place in the world.
Igbo Sociologist
Igbo Sociologists study the Igbo people and their society. They work in a variety of settings, such as universities, research institutions, and government agencies. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo culture and society, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help sociologists conduct research on the Igbo people and their place in the world.
Igbo Political Scientist
Igbo Political Scientists study the Igbo people and their political systems. They work in a variety of settings, such as universities, research institutions, and government agencies. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo culture and society, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help political scientists conduct research on the Igbo people and their place in the world.
Igbo Economist
Igbo Economists study the Igbo people and their economy. They work in a variety of settings, such as universities, research institutions, and government agencies. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo culture and society, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help economists conduct research on the Igbo people and their place in the world.
Igbo Lawyer
Igbo Lawyers provide legal advice and representation to Igbo individuals and organizations. They work in a variety of settings, such as law firms, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo law and culture, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help lawyers provide accurate and culturally sensitive legal services.
Igbo Journalist
Igbo Journalists report on Igbo people and issues for a variety of media outlets, such as newspapers, magazines, and television stations. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo culture and society, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help journalists write accurate and informative stories about Igbo people and issues.
Igbo Activist
Igbo Activists work to promote the rights and interests of the Igbo people. They work in a variety of settings, such as non-profit organizations, government agencies, and community groups. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo culture and society, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help activists develop effective strategies for promoting the rights and interests of the Igbo people.
Igbo Politician
Igbo Politicians represent the Igbo people in government. They work in a variety of settings, such as local, state, and federal government. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo culture and society, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help politicians develop effective policies and programs that benefit the Igbo people.
Igbo Businessperson
Igbo Businesspeople own and operate businesses in a variety of industries. This course provides a comprehensive foundation in Igbo culture and society, including history, religion, language, and arts. This foundation can help businesspeople develop effective business strategies and practices.

Reading list

We've selected four books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Complete Igbo Language Course.
A comprehensive Igbo textbook for beginners, covering grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Provides exercises and cultural insights.
A basic Igbo phrasebook that is useful for learners of all levels. Provides essential vocabulary and phrases for everyday communication.
A collection of Igbo folktales, providing insights into Igbo oral tradition and culture. Can be used to enhance vocabulary and cultural understanding.
An exploration of Igbo traditional religion, including beliefs, practices, and rituals. Provides a deeper understanding of the cultural context of Igbo language.


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