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Google Cloud Training

企業における AI と ML の利用が拡大し続けるなか、責任を持ってそれを構築することの重要性も増しています。多くの企業にとっての課題は、責任ある AI と口で言うのは簡単でも、それを実践するのは難しいということです。このコースは、責任ある AI を組織で運用化する方法を学びたい方に最適です。

このコースでは、Google Cloud が責任ある AI を現在どのように運用化しているかを、ベスト プラクティスや教訓と併せて学び、責任ある AI に対する独自のアプローチを構築するためのフレームワークとして活用できるようにします。

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このモジュールでは、AI テクノロジーの影響と責任ある AI に対する Google のアプローチのほか、Google の AI に関する原則について学びます。
責任ある AI のビジネスケース
このモジュールでは、Economist Intelligence Unit によるレポート『The Business Case for Ethics by Design』に基づいて、責任ある AI のビジネスケースを作成する方法について学びます。
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AI の技術的な考慮事項と倫理的懸念
このモジュールでは、倫理的ジレンマについて学ぶほか、生成 AI などの新たなテクノロジーが、対処すべき倫理的懸念をどのように表面化させるかについて学びます。
AI に関する原則の作成
このモジュールでは、Google の AI に関する原則がどのように作成されたかを学び、各原則の倫理的な目的を探ります。
AI に関する原則の運用化: レビューの設定と実施
このモジュールでは、責任ある AI の実践的な応用と、レビューを設定して実施することで AI に関する原則を運用化する方法について学びます。
AI に関する原則の運用化: 問題発見と得られた教訓
責任ある AI への取り組みの継続
このモジュールでは、責任ある AI への取り組みを続けるための次のステップとリソースについて学びます。

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
責任ある AI の実践に関する Google のベスト プラクティスと教訓に基づいている。
独自の責任ある AI アプローチを構築するためのフレームワークを提供する。
責任ある AI を実施するためのレビューの設定と実行方法を学ぶことができる。
責任ある AI への取り組みを継続するためのリソースを提供する。

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with GC - 日本語版 with these activities:
Review philosophy on AI
Reviewing philosophy on AI will provide a foundation for understanding the ethical implications of AI.
Browse courses on AI Ethics
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  • Read a textbook on AI ethics.
  • Summarize key concepts from the textbook.
  • Discuss the ethical implications of AI with others.
復習: AIの基礎
Browse courses on AI
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  • AIの定義と歴史を調べる
  • さまざまなタイプのAIを調査する
  • AIの適用例を特定する
Learn about AI tools and techniques
Guided tutorials on AI tools and techniques will help you practice using these tools and techniques in a practical context.
Browse courses on AI Tools
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  • Find online tutorials on AI tools and techniques.
  • Follow the tutorials and practice using the tools and techniques.
  • Apply the tools and techniques to real-world problems.
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Discuss AI ethical implications with peers.
Discussing AI ethical implications with peers will help you develop a more nuanced understanding of the topic.
Browse courses on AI Ethics
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  • Find a study group or online forum to discuss AI ethical implications.
  • Participate in discussions and share your thoughts on AI ethics.
  • Consider different perspectives and challenge your own assumptions.

Career center

Learners who complete Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with GC - 日本語版 will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
AI Engineer
An AI Engineer is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining AI systems. This may include working on projects in natural language processing, computer vision, or machine learning. This course may be useful as it covers topics such as the ethical considerations of AI, the technical challenges of AI development, and the best practices for deploying and maintaining AI systems. This course also focuses on how to utilize Google Cloud's Responsible AI tools to build out and maintain responsible AI systems in the real world.
Machine Learning Engineer
A Machine Learning Engineer is responsible for developing and implementing machine learning models. This may include working on projects in natural language processing, computer vision, or speech recognition. This course may be useful to Machine Learning Engineers as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and machine learning, as well as the challenges involved in developing and deploying machine learning models with Google Cloud.
Data Scientist
A Data Scientist is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. This may include working on projects in data mining, statistical modeling, or predictive analytics. This course may be useful to Data Scientists as it covers how to build a solid foundation in the principles of AI and how to apply these principles to real world projects with Google Cloud Platform.
Software Engineer
A Software Engineer is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software systems. This may include working on projects in web development, mobile development, or cloud computing. This course may be useful to Software Engineers as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and software engineering, as well as the challenges involved in developing and deploying AI-powered software systems with Google Cloud.
Product Manager
A Product Manager is responsible for managing the development and launch of new products. This may include working on projects in product planning, marketing, or sales. This course may be useful to Product Managers as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and product management, as well as the challenges involved in developing and launching AI-powered products with Google Cloud.
Business Analyst
A Business Analyst is responsible for analyzing business processes and identifying opportunities for improvement. This may include working on projects in process improvement, data analysis, or financial modeling. This course may be useful to Business Analysts as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and business analysis, as well as the challenges involved in using AI to improve business processes with Google Cloud.
A Researcher is responsible for conducting research on a variety of topics. This may include working on projects in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or data science. This course may be useful to Researchers as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and research, as well as the challenges involved in conducting research on AI with Google Cloud.
A Consultant is responsible for providing advice and guidance to clients on a variety of topics. This may include working on projects in business strategy, IT strategy, or financial planning. This course may be useful to Consultants as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and consulting, as well as the challenges involved in using AI to solve business problems with Google Cloud.
An Architect is responsible for designing and overseeing the construction of buildings and other structures. This may include working on projects in residential architecture, commercial architecture, or public architecture. This course may be useful to Architects as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and architecture, as well as the challenges involved in using AI to design and oversee the construction of buildings and other structures in the age of Google.
A Doctor is responsible for providing medical care to patients. This may include working on projects in primary care, surgery, or specialized medicine. This course may be useful to Doctors as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and medicine, as well as the challenges involved in using AI to provide medical care to patients in the age of Google.
A Lawyer is responsible for providing legal advice and representation to clients. This may include working on projects in criminal law, civil law, or corporate law. This course may be useful to Lawyers as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and law, as well as the challenges involved in using AI to provide legal advice and representation in the age of Google.
A Journalist is responsible for reporting on news and events. This may include working on projects in print, broadcast, or online journalism. This course may be useful to Journalists as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and journalism, as well as the challenges involved in using AI to report on news and events in the age of Google.
An Engineer is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining infrastructure and systems. This may include working on projects in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, or electrical engineering. This course may be useful to Engineers as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and engineering, as well as the challenges involved in using AI to design, build, and maintain infrastructure and systems in the age of Google.
An Educator is responsible for teaching students about a variety of subjects. This may include working on projects in computer science, mathematics, or science. This course may be useful to Educators as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and education, as well as the challenges involved in teaching AI to students with Google Cloud.
Policy Analyst
A Policy Analyst is responsible for analyzing public policy and developing recommendations for improvement. This may include working on projects in healthcare, education, or environmental protection. This course may be useful to Policy Analysts as it covers topics such as the principles of AI and policy analysis, as well as the challenges involved in using AI to improve public policy in the age of Google.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with GC - 日本語版.
"The Ethical Algorithm" explores the ethical challenges of designing and deploying AI systems, with a focus on fairness, accountability, and transparency. It provides practical guidance and case studies on how to develop AI systems that align with ethical principles.
"Human Compatible" delves into the long-term implications of AI, exploring the potential threats and benefits of advanced AI systems. It discusses the concept of value alignment and the challenges of ensuring that AI systems are aligned with human values.
For those interested in the technical implementation of AI models, "Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and PyTorch" offers a practical guide to building and deploying deep learning applications using popular tools and libraries. It requires some programming experience and provides hands-on examples.
"The Alignment Problem" explores the fundamental challenge of aligning AI systems with human values. It discusses the complexities of defining and measuring human values and the implications for the development of safe and beneficial AI.
"Rebooting AI" argues for a more cautious approach to AI development, emphasizing the need for safety, transparency, and accountability. It critiques some of the current approaches to AI and proposes alternative frameworks for responsible AI development.
"The Fourth Industrial Revolution" provides a broader context for understanding AI within the context of the broader technological and societal changes brought about by the digital revolution. It explores the implications of AI for the economy, society, and the future of work.
"The Future of Humanity" takes a long-term perspective on the potential of AI, exploring its implications for the future of humanity and the universe. It discusses the potential for AI to transform society, solve global problems, and even lead to the creation of a new species.
"Hello, World" offers a more accessible introduction to AI and its implications for society, written for a general audience. It explores the potential benefits and risks of AI, as well as the ethical and societal challenges it raises.
"Superintelligence" delves into the hypothetical concept of superintelligent AI, exploring its potential benefits and risks and discussing strategies for managing its development and use.


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