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Particle Physics

an Introduction

Martin Pohl and Anna Sfyrla

This course introduces you to subatomic physics, i.e. the physics of nuclei and particles.

More specifically, the following questions are addressed:

- What are the concepts of particle physics and how are they implemented?

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This course introduces you to subatomic physics, i.e. the physics of nuclei and particles.

More specifically, the following questions are addressed:

- What are the concepts of particle physics and how are they implemented?

- What are the properties of atomic nuclei and how can one use them?

- How does one accelerate and detect particles and measure their properties?

- What does one learn from particle reactions at high energies and particle decays?

- How do electromagnetic interactions work and how can one use them?

- How do strong interactions work and why are they difficult to understand?

- How do weak interactions work and why are they so special?

- What is the mass of objects at the subatomic level and how does the Higgs boson intervene?

- How does one search for new phenomena beyond the known ones?

- What can one learn from particle physics concerning astrophysics and the Universe as a whole?

The course is structured in eight modules. Following the first one which introduces our subject, the modules 2 (nuclear physics)

and 3 (accelerators and detectors) are rather self contained and can be studied separately. The modules 4 to 6 go into more depth about matter and forces as described by the standard model of particle physics. Module 7 deals with our ways to search for new phenomena. And the last module introduces you to two mysterious components of the Universe, namely Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

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What's inside


Matter and forces, measuring and counting
During this first module, we will give an overview of the objects studied in particle physics, namely matter, forces and space-time. We will discuss how one characterizes the strength of an interaction between particles using the concept of cross section, which is central to our subject. At the end of this module, we will visit the laboratory of the nuclear physics course at University of Geneva to see an example of how one measures the strength of a reaction in practice.
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Nuclear physics
During this second module, we deal with nuclear physics and its applications. This is a rather self-contained module. If your main interest is nuclear physics, you will be well served. You will notice that this is a rather substantial module, we recommend that you take two weeks to digest it. At the end of this module, we will visit the Tokamak of the Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne and the Beznau nuclear power plant, the oldest one still in operation. This will alllow you to better understand the applications of nuclear physics for our energy supply.
Accelerators and detectors
In this module, we treat the basic facts about particle acceleration and detection. This is a rather self-contained module. If your main interest is particle acceleration and detection, you will be well served. You will notice that this is rather substantial module, we recommend that you take two weeks to digest it. We introduce electromagnetic acceleration and focalisation of particle beams and show how they are used in the accelerator complex of CERN. We describe how charged particles and photons interact with matter and how these interactions are used to detect particles and measure their properties. And we show how modern particle detectors use the synergies between different detection methods to get exhaustive information about the final state of particle collisions.
Electromagnetic interactions
We now start a series of three modules discussing the three fundamental forces described by the Standard Model of particle physics. In this forth module, we go into more details about the properties of electromagnetic interactions. We discuss spin and how it intervenes in measurements. And we give a few examples of basic electromagnetic processes to point out common features. You will notice that the intellectual challenge and also the level of mathematical description rises somewhat as we go along. This is why we first remind you how to describe the intensity of a reaction using the cross section and the decay rate and how to construct a Feynman diagram.
Hadrons and strong interaction
In this module we discuss the structure of hadrons and the properties of strong interactions. We start out by explaining how one uses the scattering of electrons off nucleons to learn about the internal structure of these baryons. Step by step we lead you from elastic scattering, through the excitation of resonances, all the way to deep inelastic processes. You thus learn about the concept of form factors and structure functions and what they tell us about hadron structure. We then discuss the physics behind this and learn about color and the strange features of strong interactions, like asymptotic freedom and confinement.
Electro-weak interactions
In this 6th module, we discuss weak interactions and the Higgs mechanism. You will notice that this module is again larger that average. This is due to the rich phenomenology of electro-weak interactions. We recommend that you take 2 weeks to digest the contents. Before entering into our subject, in this first video we go into more depth on the subject of antiparticles. We will then discuss the discrete transformations of charge, space and time reversal. Weak interactions are introduced, explaining the weak charge (called weak isospin) and examples of decays and interactions. Properties of the W and Z bosons are detailed. The extremely tiny cross sections of neutrino interactions with matter are discussed. In the last part of the module, we explain how the Higgs mechanism keeps particles from moving at the speed of light, and the properties of the associated Higgs boson.
Discovering new phenomena
In this 7th module Anna discusses searches for new phenomena, beyond the known ones described by the standard model and covered in previous modules. We will remind you why we believe that the standard model is incomplete and new physics must be added. We will explain how hadron collider data are rendered usable for searches. And we will discuss examples, split into the two categories, based on how new phenomena might manifest themselves.
Dark matter and dark energy

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Introduces matter and forces, measuring and counting, topics typically covered in introductory physics courses
Covers topics in nuclear physics and its applications, which can be useful for those in engineering and chemistry
Introduces accelerators and detectors, topics typically covered in introductory physics courses
Covers electromagnetic interactions, which are fundamental to understanding the properties of matter
Explores hadrons and strong interactions, topics typically covered in upper-level physics courses
Covers electro-weak interactions and the Higgs mechanism, topics typically covered in upper-level physics courses

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Reviews summary

Physicists' take on particles

learners say this course on Particle Physics: an Introduction has largely positive reviews. Students praise the engaging assignments and well received instructors, especially Martin Pohl, Anna Safrla, and Mercedes Marquez. Highlights include: - A detailed survey of quantum and nuclear physics - Interviews with experts in the particle physics field - A breakdown of particle physics for beginners to understand
clear prerequisites
"I am very thankful that they offered the course for free to the world."
well received instructors
"The course has no mathematical quizzes but if you want to understand the topics better I recommend to practice or reflect about the equations."
"Thank you!!!!!!!"
Absolutely mind changing!
"Absolutely mind changing!"
"I learned a lot of things, I enjoyed my classes and work with new knowledge to be learned."
"I think this changed my view of the universe and it has given me new skills."
engaging assignments
"The course provided me a great oppurtunity to learn many aspects about Physics laws."
"It provided a ton of knowledge and understanding in this particular area of physics."
"I loved this course."
challenging but rewarding
"Extremely interesting course, but you will need to be ready to persevere with the mathematics if you do not at least have an A level understanding of physics/maths"
"This course, in general, it might be considered as a very useful preliminary step to know the basic notions of both theoretical and experimental particle physics."
not interactive
"The course was so tough."
"But overall it was a good experience knowing some key terms used in particle physics."
"I think more mathematical explanation and explanation of the equations and terms used in those equations should be added."
incomplete materials
"The course was very informative and finely detailed."
"I would say, however, that some parts or concepts were made a bit complicated and that they could have been easily explained/demonstrated."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Particle Physics: an Introduction with these activities:
Review basic physics before the start of the course
Reviewing basic physics will help you recall the fundamentals that build the foundation of this course's content. This will make it easier to understand the concepts in the course and to apply them to different situations.
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  • Review your high school or college physics notes.
  • Take practice problems and quizzes.
  • Watch videos and tutorials on basic physics concepts.
Review basic concepts of particle physics prior to starting the course
Refreshes essential particle physics concepts to enhance comprehension of course materials
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  • Review the fundamental concepts and definitions of particle physics, including particles, forces, and interactions.
  • Go through basic principles of quantum mechanics, such as wave-particle duality, quantization of energy, and the Schrodinger equation, which are foundational to particle physics.
  • Recall the Standard Model of particle physics, including its elementary particles, their properties, and the forces they mediate.
Organize and review class materials
Enhances retention and comprehension by organizing and reviewing course materials
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  • Organize lecture notes, assignments, and any supplemental materials into a cohesive structure.
  • Review materials regularly, highlighting important concepts and summarizing key ideas.
  • Create flashcards or mind maps to aid memorization and recall.
Ten other activities
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Read 'Introduction to Elementary Particles' by Griffiths
Provides a comprehensive overview of particle physics, complementing course materials with in-depth explanations and examples.
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  • Obtain a copy of the book and set aside dedicated time for reading.
  • Read each chapter thoroughly, taking notes and highlighting key concepts.
  • Solve the end-of-chapter problems to test understanding and apply the concepts learned.
Identify and connect with experts in the field
Provides access to expert guidance, industry insights, and potential research opportunities
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  • Attend conferences, workshops, or online events to meet potential mentors.
  • Reach out to professors or researchers in the field via email or LinkedIn, expressing interest in mentorship.
  • Prepare questions and demonstrate genuine interest and enthusiasm during mentorship meetings.
Practice solving problems related to the course content
Solving problems related to the course content will help you to develop a deeper understanding of the concepts and to apply them to different situations.
Browse courses on Quantum Mechanics
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  • Find practice problems in your textbook or online.
  • Solve the problems independently.
  • Check your answers and identify any areas where you need additional support.
Create a mind map or diagram for each module
By creating a mind map or diagram for each module, you can visualize how the different concepts are connected.
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  • Review the materials for the module.
  • Identify the main concepts in the module.
  • Create a mind map or diagram that connects the main concepts.
Solve practice problems on particle properties and interactions
Strengthens problem-solving abilities and deepens understanding of particle properties and interactions
Browse courses on Problem Solving
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  • Attempt textbook exercises or online problem sets that focus on particle properties, such as mass, charge, and spin.
  • Practice solving problems involving particle interactions, including scattering, decays, and reactions.
  • Analyze real-world experimental data to identify particle properties and interactions.
Participate in study groups or online discussions
Promotes active engagement, deepens understanding through peer discussions, and provides diverse perspectives
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  • Join or form study groups with peers to discuss course materials, solve problems, and exchange insights.
  • Participate actively in online discussion forums, asking questions, sharing resources, and engaging in thoughtful discussions.
  • Seek feedback from peers on assignments and projects to improve understanding and identify areas for growth.
Join a study group to discuss the course material
Participating in a study group can help you to learn from others and to get help with concepts that you are struggling with.
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  • Find a study group to join.
  • Attend the study group meetings regularly.
  • Participate in the discussions and ask questions when you have them.
Write a summary of each module after completing it
By summarizing each module, you can reinforce your understanding of the material and identify any areas where you need additional support.
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  • Review the materials for the module.
  • Identify the main points of the module.
  • Write a summary of the module.
Create a visual representation of particle interactions
Enhances conceptual understanding by translating complex interactions into visual representations
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  • Choose a specific particle interaction or phenomenon to visualize.
  • Use software or online tools to create a visual representation, such as a diagram, simulation, or animation.
  • Explain the visual representation to others, clarifying the interactions and concepts involved.
Follow video tutorials on advanced particle physics topics
Expands knowledge and explores advanced concepts beyond the scope of the course
Browse courses on Particle Physics
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  • Identify reputable sources for video tutorials on advanced particle physics topics, such as supersymmetry, string theory, or dark matter.
  • Diligently follow the tutorials, taking notes and asking questions to enhance understanding.
  • Engage in discussions with classmates or online forums to exchange ideas and clarify concepts.

Career center

Learners who complete Particle Physics: an Introduction will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Theoretical Physicist
Theoretical physicists are responsible for developing and testing theories to explain the nature of matter and energy. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of theoretical physics, including the principles of quantum mechanics, relativity, and field theory. This knowledge is essential for theoretical physicists who want to develop and test theories to explain the universe.
Particle Physicist
Particle physicists are responsible for studying the particles that make up matter and energy. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of particle physics, including the properties of atomic nuclei, the interactions between particles, and the ways in which particles can be accelerated and detected. This knowledge is essential for particle physicists who want to design and conduct experiments to study the nature of matter and energy.
Detector Physicist
Detector physicists are responsible for the design, construction, and operation of particle detectors. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of particle detection, including the interactions between particles and matter, and the ways in which these interactions can be used to measure the properties of particles. This knowledge is essential for detector physicists who want to design and operate detectors for research and medical applications.
Nuclear Engineer
Nuclear engineers are responsible for the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of nuclear physics, including the structure of atomic nuclei, the interactions between nucleons, and the ways in which nuclear reactions can be controlled. This knowledge is essential for nuclear engineers who want to design and operate nuclear facilities safely and efficiently.
Accelerator Physicist
Accelerator physicists are responsible for the design, construction, and operation of particle accelerators. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of particle acceleration, including the principles of electromagnetic acceleration and focalization, and the ways in which particle beams can be used to study the nature of matter and energy. This knowledge is essential for accelerator physicists who want to design and operate accelerators for research and medical applications.
Experimental Physicist
Experimental physicists are responsible for the design, construction, and operation of experiments to study the nature of matter and energy. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of experimental physics, including the principles of experimental design, data analysis, and statistical methods. This knowledge is essential for experimental physicists who want to design and conduct experiments to test theories and models of the universe.
High School Physics Teacher
High school physics teachers are responsible for teaching physics to high school students. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of physics, including mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves, and optics. This knowledge is essential for high school physics teachers who want to teach physics in a clear and engaging way.
College Physics Professor
College physics professors are responsible for teaching physics to college students. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of physics, including mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves, and optics. This knowledge is essential for college physics professors who want to teach physics in a clear and engaging way.
Science Writer
Science writers are responsible for writing about science and technology for a general audience. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of science and technology, including the principles of physics, chemistry, and biology. This knowledge is essential for science writers who want to write about science and technology in a clear and engaging way.
Technical Writer
Technical writers are responsible for writing technical documentation, such as user manuals, technical reports, and white papers. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of technical writing, including the principles of clear and concise writing, and the use of technical language. This knowledge is essential for technical writers who want to write technical documentation for a variety of audiences.
Patent Attorney
Patent attorneys are responsible for drafting and prosecuting patent applications for inventions. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of intellectual property law, including the principles of patent law, copyright law, and trademark law. This knowledge is essential for patent attorneys who want to draft and prosecute patent applications for inventions in the fields of science and technology.
Science Policy Analyst
Science policy analysts are responsible for analyzing science policy issues and making recommendations to policymakers. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of science policy, including the principles of scientific research, the role of government in science, and the ethical issues involved in science policy. This knowledge is essential for science policy analysts who want to analyze science policy issues and make recommendations to policymakers.
Librarians are responsible for managing and providing access to library collections. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of library science, including the principles of library management, collection development, and reference services. This knowledge is essential for librarians who want to manage and provide access to library collections for the public.
Archivists are responsible for managing and preserving archival collections. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of archival science, including the principles of archival management, collection care, and archival research. This knowledge is essential for archivists who want to manage and preserve archival collections for the public.
Museum curator
Museum curators are responsible for managing and preserving museum collections. This course provides a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of museum studies, including the principles of museum management, collection care, and exhibition design. This knowledge is essential for museum curators who want to manage and preserve museum collections for the public.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Particle Physics: an Introduction.
Comprehensive introduction to particle physics. It covers topics such as the Standard Model, particle accelerators, and detectors.
Comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to particle physics. It covers topics such as the Standard Model, supersymmetry, and dark matter.
Comprehensive introduction to nuclear and particle physics. It covers topics such as nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, and particle physics.
Is an introduction to high-energy astrophysics. It covers topics such as black holes, neutron stars, and gamma rays.
Comprehensive introduction to string theory. It covers topics such as the basics of string theory, string field theory, and black holes.
Very short introduction to particle physics. It covers topics such as the Standard Model, particle accelerators, and detectors.
Popular science book about particle physics. It covers topics such as the history of particle physics, the Standard Model, and the search for new particles.


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