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Adam Zollinger

*Course Updates 02/2023 - An entire new section added:

Chaos Vantage | Easily turn any rendering into a professional level animation

This new section goes over all the basics of Chaos Vantage (all the settings) and culminates with a demonstration of how archviz artists can use it to quickly and easily animate their projects. It is so easy to learn, but so powerful in enhancing workflows to be more efficient and streamlined, especially for animation. *Includes project downloads

*Course Updates 08/2022 - New videos added for latest Vray features, including Cosmos and all the free Vray assets. 

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*Course Updates 02/2023 - An entire new section added:

Chaos Vantage | Easily turn any rendering into a professional level animation

This new section goes over all the basics of Chaos Vantage (all the settings) and culminates with a demonstration of how archviz artists can use it to quickly and easily animate their projects. It is so easy to learn, but so powerful in enhancing workflows to be more efficient and streamlined, especially for animation. *Includes project downloads

*Course Updates 08/2022 - New videos added for latest Vray features, including Cosmos and all the free Vray assets. 

*Course Updated 09/11/2020 - A complete revamp of the course to bring it up to speed with the newest software. Includes an entire new project from start to finish with various professional model / texture downloads for your use in learning.

*I'll be your technical support - I answer questions every day in the discussion area, and I always respond to your private messages.  In these advanced computer programs, you will inevitably run into technical problems.  I am always here to answer all your questions and help you troubleshoot.  You can't find another course anywhere that gives you this much training, from a practicing professional, who is also at your beckon call to help, for such a reasonable price. 

*Recent Student Feedback

        "The Missing Link 

        Having done numerous on-line 3D courses I am always looking for new ways of doing things to speed up production and modeling. The course although basic is very well structured with very few ambiguities. What Adam outlines in the Intro clip is what you should achieve relatively easily by the end of the course. . The only downside is that he hasn't done more advanced Visualisation courses yet. When they do come on stream I will no doubt enroll as his skill and experience within the industry comes through in his presentation."  NOTE: I do, in fact, have some more advanced classes now. 

      "This course is perfect for the beginners in 3ds max and V-ray. The information is clear and easy to understand. The course was a blast..." 

About This Course:

When I first made this course, it was to fill a void that I noticed in the arch viz industry. There are not a lot of tutorials out there that help you to learn arch viz from the beginning in a professional way, using the PRO software and a PRO workflow. So, I created this course, and I never could have imagined how popular it has become. It has also evolved a lot since that first time I published. Here are some key things to know:

e. HDRI lighting, etc)

  • more advanced and complex projects 

  • currently two additional projects to follow along with, including an advanced interior and exterior.

  • much higher production quality than original videos

  • awesome new content being added regularly to make you aware of new techniques, software updates, etc.

  • new projects coming soon

  • About 3ds Max and V-Ray:

                        Knowing how to use these two programs together is a valuable skill. Seriously, I taught myself how to use these programs many years ago, and now I get paid quite well for my expertise.  3d is not just my hobby, it is also how I support my family.  You can learn, and start a career in 3d too.  Everything you need to get started is in this course.  I will take you through 3ds Max and V-Ray from the very beginning, and by the end you will be well on your way to creating your own images and filling up your portfolio with polished work.  Keep in mind, you do not typically need formal training to get a job in 3D.  What it takes is an awesome portfolio, so let's get started on yours. 

      Some Questions To Ask Yourself: 

    • Are you currently in a job you do not enjoy?Jobs in 3d are seriously fun and rewarding.

    •     Are you an architecture student who feels overwhelmed sometimes trying to learn complicated software just to present your design properly? This course can get you up and running QUICK.   Plus, you'll learn it the right way, from a pro.   

    •     Are you a SketchUp user who is no longer satisfied with the modeling / rendering capabilities of SketchUp, and are ready to take your 3d skills to the next level? SketchUp is great at what it does, but it falls short when it comes to making flashy, photoreal images.  Also, bring your sketchUp with you, then learn to import it into 3ds Max and render with V-Ray, the best render engine out there.   

    •     Are you a practicing architect that needs a better way to portray your designs to clients? You've come to the right place.  I am an expert at just that.   

    • Maybe you're a gamer who wants to create your own game assets?  Even you should learn 3ds Max.  It is the industry standard for video games, and I personally have used it for asset creation for my unity 3d games.     

      Course Structure (Original 6 hrs of instruction)

    • For absolute beginners, I will show you how to get the software as a free trial and start finding your way around.  I will also go over how to customize your UI for a professional workflow, because why learn the slow way to do things, right?  I'll also share with you my custom UI files.  Of course, you can skip all of this if you are more seasoned.

    • Next we will start with the basics of modeling.  I will show you different techniques, and we will begin to work on our project.  Again, files will be provided if you want / need them.

    • With modeling down, we will go into V-Ray and start playing with lighting, materials, cameras, render settings, etc.

    • Finally, we will learn how to enhance our images with Photoshop.  I give some great post-processing tips in this course.

    • By the end you will be able to create architectural renderings on your own with a completely professional setup and workflow.  Then it is your turn to start practicing your skills, creating beautiful work, building a portfolio and landing a job.


            If you are a beginner, this class will be a great overview of how to get up and running.  It will cut out all the stuff you do not need and show you exactly the workflow necessary to work like a pro. 

            If you are a veteran user, take this course to polish your V-Ray skills, and also to streamline your workflow.  I show so many tips and tricks that I use everyday to pump out arch viz projects fast and on budget.  There is no need to sacrifice quality and creativity if you can fly through the project quickly and on budget.  I'll show you how. 

        Ready To Sign Up? 

                          What are you waiting for?  If you're still not sure, check out the preview videos.  Also, check out my profile to the left and see some of my portfolio.  Cool, right?  Wan't to make some of your own images?  Let's get started.  6 hrs is all you need to get started, then take the skills I share and practice, practice, practice. 

                          Remember, I will provide the files and download links that you need for everything.  My models are included.  Come with nothing, leave with a finished project and a great knowledge base. 

        Start Your Love Affair With 3d Today.  

    Enroll now

    What's inside

    Learning objectives

    • Learn 3ds max + v-ray from scratch by creating your first arch viz project in the first 6 hrs of the course
    • Take your rendering knowledge from basic to pro by following along with multiple projects using a pro workflow
    • Become comfortable creating with the two industry standard software packages, 3ds max and v-ray
    • Learn to use photoshop for texture creation and post-processing your renderings
    • Learn vray materials, lighting and cameras.
    • Provide the foundation for starting a career in 3d visualization.
    • Complete your first photoreal, professional rendering using 3ds max and vray.
    • Improve your lighting, composition, and post-processing skills
    • Start creating professional looking 3d visualization by following along with the course projects.
    • After learning the basics with the first projects, jump into more advanced projects with the latest versions of the software
    • New content added regularly
    • Adjust your knowledge for the most up to date versions of the software
    • Show more
    • Show less


    Get Oriented in The Course
    Course and Instructor Introduction
    Download the Proper Software
    How Is This Course Structured?
    Read more
    Stay Connected With Your Instructor
    ALL RESOURCE FILES FOUND HERE: copy the link in the article
    Introduction to 3d Graphics With 3ds Max

    We will cover some of the basic principles of 3d, learn some of the applications of 3d (and possible career paths), and we will also create our first basic rendering in this section.

    Here we will create a basic model using available default objects called standard primitives.  We will also see how to place a light in our scene and render out an image.  This is where we will create our very first rendering!

    A little more about the building blocks of 3d and an explanation of how we can take these basic standard primitives and turn them into complex scenes.

    3d can be used for so many things, and it all starts with the basic elements we have discussed in this section.  In this lecture we will revue what we have learned, and also take a look at examples of what can be created using 3d graphics.  This will give you some good goals to aim for as far as what kind of things you might want to create in 3d, and what kind of career path you might want to pursue.

    This section overall will familiarize us with the basic navigation and operations within the 3ds Max Environment. We'll cover UI navigation, transforming objects, snaps, and scene management

    In this lecture we will touch on the various different elements of the 3ds Max UI.  There is kind of a lot to look at, and it can be overwhelming, so it is worth taking the time.  We will learn the difference between the viewport, file menus, command panel, other tool panels, etc.

    Oh Snap! Get More Accurate With Object Snaps
    Scene Organization
    Navigating 3ds Max Review
    Learn how to adjust the default settings in 3ds Max to something more optimized for arch viz

    Grab my UI files and load them so you can have a more optimized and professional workspace. Also, learn how to further modify your UI if you desire.

    Learn how to quickly navigate around your scene for arch viz purposes. Increase the efficiency of your workflow, and work more like the PROS do.

    Learn all the elements and essential tools for modeling an arch viz scene

    Start learning some of the 3ds Max modeling tools and build a site for our exterior project.

    Continue to learn 3ds Max modeling techniques, this time focusing on splines.

    Continue to learn 3ds Max modeling techniques, this time focusing on poly modeling.

    Continue to increase your knowledge of the various modeling techniques in 3ds Max.

    The sweep modifier in 3ds Max is an important tool for any and every modeling workflow

    The lathe modifier in 3ds Max is an important tool for any and every modeling workflow

    Sit back and watch as the instructor continues to model this project, with explanations of what he is doing as he goes.

    Finish up the modeling of our project. Download the instructor model if necessary in the resources.

    Get V-Ray up and running and start learning about setting up a camera for your scene

    -Setup V-Ray as your render engine

    -Start using it to actually generate some images

    -Learn the basics of how a camera works so you can better understand V-Ray cameras in 3d

    - Apply photography principles to V-Ray camera

    - Basic settings of V-Ray camera

    - Adjust camera settings to get the right exposure for your scene

    - Understand the different factors affecting exposure

    - learn the last remaining V-Ray camera settings and what they do

    Learn the settings of V-Ray lights and how to use them to bring realism to your scene

    - Use HDRIs to realistically and quickly light your scene

    - Learn the different types of V-Ray lights and how to use them

    Learn the basics of creating materials, specifically using Photoshop and V-Ray

    - The newest version of V-Ray comes complete with

    - How to make your own custom materials in V-Ray

    - See how maps are created

    - Use your custom maps to create your own V-Ray material

    -See the new improvements for V-Ray materials that are specific to V-Ray 5

    - UVW mapping tells your maps how to project themselves onto an object

    - it is important part of realistic materials

    - learn the basics of how it works.

    Start learning the necessary V-Ray render settings and start actually creating renderings

    Learn all the essential settings to start creating renderings of your scene right now with V-Ray

    Continue to learn and understand V-Ray Render settings

    Enhance your renderings using the new light mixer available with V-Ray 5. Many of the adjustments can also be done with older versions of V-Ray too.

    Add additional models to your scene in order to enhance the details, and therefore the realism

    Learn where you can get high quality models to add to your scene to enhance realism and save time / money.

    Download a free tree model and import it into our scene to add landscaping.

    -Learn about V-Ray Proxies and what they are

    -Learn how to create them

    -See how to use them for easily creating extremely complex scenes with huge amounts of geometry.

    Download My Models and Add Them To Your Scene
    How to use some of the newer features of Vray, plus all the new content that Vray has made available for use in your scenes
    Vray 5 New Features Overview
    Using Cosmos and Other Free Assets From Vray
    Wrap up the project with a finished quality rendering and some post-processing.

    Use everything you have learned to produce a finished product

    Use Photoshop to enhance the final look of your rendering

    Follow a similar path to what you have been doing, and build upon the skills you have already learned with this slightly more advanced V-Ray project.
    Use What You Have Learned to Create A More Advanced Version of The Project
    Take the provided model and generate some stellar renderings with just the right lighting and camera effects to create a good composition and mood.

    This lecture begins a new project, an exterior rendering created with my models.

    Download the models by going to the resources in this lecture.

    V-Ray Sun / Sky Setup

    Getting Exposure levels right with camera settings and V-Ray Frame Buffer

    Play with depth of field and other V-Ray camera settings

    compose your shot

    Essential V-Ray render settings that you need to know

    Cut through all the stuff you don't need to know

    Use V-Ray dome light to create and image based lighting effect using an HDRI

    Go to the resources of this lecture to get your HDRI

    Add plants and other purchased / downloaded objects to your scene to add detail and enhance composition

    Turn on your necessary render channels

    Get your render settings right

    Render a final image

    Import all your render channels

    Use them to enhance your image

    Compositing In A 2d Cutout Person
    Creating Different Lighting Situations
    Here I will discuss some of my favorite tools for really making your renderings stand out and look professional
    Average to Awesome | Pro Tips For Better Vray Renderings
    As V-Ray continues to advance, I will make new videos about the new features and add them in this section. It is constantly, and consistently getting better all the time
    New Features: V-Ray Material Library, Material Presets and Light Mixer!
    New Features: Chaos Cosmos and V-Ray Material Library
    V-Ray Updates | Cosmos, Decals and More
    Students will learn to use Choas' new real time tool, Vantage, to turn their still renderings into stunning animations quickly and easily

    Chaos Vantage is a very powerful program used for real-time rendering and animation for 3d projects and models. Follow along with this segment as we look over the possibilities that Chaos Vantage presents in the ArchViz industry, along with doing some small projects to utilize Chaos Vantage's rendering capabilities. An important element of Vantage is how easily it can turn our renderings into animations.

    In this course, we will mostly be learning how to navigate Chaos Vantage and it's many features. We will also learn how to use those features to improve our rendering. This lecture goes over all the settings of Chaos Vantage.

    Use the link attached to this course to download the 3ds Max file and the Chaos Vantage project.

    We will be exploring the different settings between live link and exporting 3ds max files into Chaos Vantage projects. We will also cover camera placement and animation to enhance this project and make it look much better.

    In this section we will cover more animation concepts, along with animating lighting and atmosphere aspects of the project. We will also experiment with lighting options such as the sun and the atmosphere.

    In this lecture we will complete the animation but also explore multiple other animation concepts and ideas to expand on and link together the skills learned in previous sections.

    In this section we will fine-tune the skills learned in previous sections and use examples to expand on previous knowledge. We will finish up the Chaos Vantage segment of this class with this lecture. Here we will see a complete animation project from beginning to end.

    Chaos Vantage 2.0 Updates
    Using Anima5 Animated People in Chaos Vantage
    Starting to Work With Scene States in Chaos Vantage
    Animating With Scene States in Chaos Vantage 2.1.0
    Course Structure Clarifications
    Welcome to the original course content

    Welcome to the course! You're going to love it. This video will give you a small idea of the kinds of images that I create using 3ds max. I hope that I can help you along the path to create beautiful images as well. Take a look.

    This is a brief introduction to what visualization is. It also gives you a nice resource to check out. I including some resource links in the the supplemental material as well.

    In this video, I will give an idea of what knowledge you need before starting this course. Don't worry, if you are here on Udemy, you probably have everything you need.

    Generic Video: How To Get The Most Out of This Course

    This video will walk you through the basic software we need, and where to get the demo versions. I am adding some other downloads you might want in the supplemental material.

    When I originally made this course, I used 3ds Max 2010 and V-Ray 2.0. I am now adding new lectures all the time, including (depending on when you read this) a whole new section of interior renderings done completely in 3ds Max 2016 and V-Ray 3.2. I am also going through and trying to add addendum to the original course as necessary, to help you follow along regardless of what version of the software you are using. Most things are applicable to all versions.

    Looking Around In 3ds Max

    Good to know

    Know what's good
    , what to watch for
    , and possible dealbreakers
    Students with backgrounds in SketchUp or architecture can use this course to improve their workflow
    Perfect for beginners in the program
    Develops professional modeling skills with 3ds Max and V-Ray
    Enhances learners' rendering knowledge with multiple projects and a pro workflow
    Provides a strong base for starting a career in 3d visualizing
    Offers advanced knowledge and complex projects for experienced users

    Save this course

    Save 3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs to your list so you can find it easily later:


    Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in 3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs with these activities:
    Join a study group with other students
    Join a study group with other students to discuss the course material and work on projects together.
    Show steps
    • Find other students who are taking the same course.
    • Set up a regular meeting time and place.
    • Discuss the course material and work on projects together.
    Practice lighting techniques
    Practice lighting techniques to improve your understanding of how to create realistic lighting in your scenes.
    Browse courses on Lighting
    Show steps
    • Set up a simple scene with a basic object.
    • Experiment with different types of Vray lights.
    • Adjust the settings of the lights to create different lighting effects.
    • Render the scene and evaluate the results.
    Show all two activities

    Career center

    Learners who complete 3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
    Technical Artist
    Technical Artists work at the intersection of art and technology, creating technical solutions for creative challenges in the entertainment industry. They work closely with programmers, artists, and other team members to bring their ideas to life. This course provides a foundation in the principles of technical art, including 3D modeling, texturing, and lighting. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a Technical Artist and contribute to the creation of visually stunning and technically sound digital content.
    3D Modeler
    3D Modelers use specialized software to create three-dimensional models of objects, environments, and characters. To be successful in this role, it is important to have a strong understanding of 3D modeling principles and techniques. This course can help you build a foundation in 3D modeling, providing you with the skills to create realistic and visually appealing models. With the skills you learn in this course, you can work towards becoming a 3D Modeler and bringing your creations to life.
    Computer Animator
    Computer Animators create moving images using computer software. They work in various industries, including film, television, video games, and advertising. This course provides a solid foundation in the principles of 3D animation, from modeling and texturing to lighting and rendering. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a Computer Animator and bring your creative visions to life through captivating and engaging animations.
    Interior designer
    Interior Designers plan and design the interiors of buildings, creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces. They work closely with clients to understand their needs and preferences. This course can provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to create visually stunning and functional interior designs. With the foundation you gain from this course, you can take steps towards becoming an Interior Designer and making your mark on the world of interior design.
    VFX Artist
    VFX Artists create visual effects for film, television, and other media. They work closely with other artists and technicians to bring their ideas to life. This course provides a foundation in the principles of visual effects, including the use of 3D modeling, animation, and compositing. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a VFX Artist and contribute to the creation of visually stunning and immersive digital content.
    Architectural Designer
    Architectural Designers plan and design buildings, ensuring that they are safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. They often work closely with clients to understand their needs and preferences. This course can provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to create visually stunning and technically sound architectural designs. With the foundation you gain from this course, you can take steps towards becoming an Architectural Designer and making your mark on the built environment.
    Texture Artist
    Texture Artists create the textures that are applied to 3D models, giving them a realistic and visually appealing appearance. They work closely with other artists to achieve the desired effect. This course provides a foundation in the principles of texture art, including the use of digital painting and photo editing. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a Texture Artist and contribute to the creation of stunning and immersive digital worlds.
    Multimedia Artist
    Multimedia Artists create visual content using a variety of media, including photography, graphic design, and animation. They work in various industries, including advertising, marketing, and entertainment. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and techniques used in multimedia art, including composition, color theory, and storytelling. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a Multimedia Artist and create engaging and visually appealing content.
    Environmental Artist
    Environmental Artists create realistic and immersive environments for video games, movies, and other digital media. They work closely with other artists and designers to bring their visions to life. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the techniques and workflows used in environmental art, including modeling, texturing, lighting, and composition. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become an Environmental Artist and contribute to the creation of stunning and believable digital worlds.
    Visualization Artist
    Visualization Artists create visual representations of data, making it easier to understand and communicate. They work in various industries, including science, engineering, and business. This course provides a foundation in the principles of data visualization, including the use of data visualization software and techniques. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a Visualization Artist and create clear and informative data visualizations.
    Lighting Designer
    Lighting Designers create lighting systems for buildings, ensuring that they are safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. They work closely with architects and interior designers to achieve the desired effect. This course provides a foundation in the principles of lighting design, including the use of natural and artificial light, as well as color theory. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a Lighting Designer and create visually stunning and technically sound lighting designs.
    Unity Developer
    Unity Developers use the Unity game engine to create video games. They work with programmers, artists, and other team members to bring their ideas to life. This course provides a foundation in the Unity game engine, including the use of C# scripting and the Unity editor. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a Unity Developer and create engaging and visually stunning video games.
    Product Designer
    Product Designers create physical products, such as furniture, appliances, and vehicles. They work closely with engineers and manufacturers to bring their designs to life. This course provides a foundation in the principles of product design, including sketching, prototyping, and user experience. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a Product Designer and create innovative and functional products that meet the needs of users.
    Game Designer
    Game Designers create the overall concept, rules, and gameplay for video games. They work with programmers, artists, and other team members to bring their ideas to life. This course provides a foundation in the principles of game design, including level design, character development, and storytelling. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become a Game Designer and create engaging and unforgettable gaming experiences.
    Unreal Engine Developer
    Unreal Engine Developers use the Unreal Engine game engine to create video games. They work with programmers, artists, and other team members to bring their ideas to life. This course provides a foundation in the Unreal Engine, including the use of C++ scripting and the Unreal editor. By completing this course, you can gain the skills to become an Unreal Engine Developer and create engaging and visually stunning video games.

    Featured in The Course Notes

    This course is mentioned in our blog, The Course Notes. Read two articles that feature 3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs:

    Reading list

    We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in 3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs.
    Provides a comprehensive overview of modeling techniques and concepts in 3ds Max.
    Provides a broad understanding of 3D computer animation, including modeling, animation, and rendering techniques.
    Provides a comprehensive overview of 3D modeling and animation with Blender.
    This is the official reference guide for 3ds Max created by Autodesk. It comprehensive guide to the software, however it may be somewhat dense or not as accessible as other resources, and may be used more for reference than for learning the fundamentals.


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