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Nestor Nicolas Campos Rojas

En este proyecto, vamos a crear una simple Web que a partir de ciertos filtros seleccionados por un usuario, un set de datos pueda desplegarse.

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Dirigido a personas interesadas en desarrollar habilidades en el manejo de datos y visualización de información
Proporciona una base para comprender los principios de visualización de datos y su aplicación práctica
Impartido por Nestor Nicolas Campos Rojas, instructor con experiencia en el campo de la visualización de datos
Requiere conocimientos previos en estadística y programación básica

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Creando aplicaciones con Shiny with these activities:
Leer el manual de usuario del software de visualización de datos
Familiarícese con las capacidades y funciones del software de visualización de datos para aprovechar al máximo sus proyectos.
Show steps
  • Descargar e instalar el software
  • Explorar la interfaz y las funciones básicas
  • Revisar los tutoriales y la documentación
Resolver 5 ejercicios de visualización de datos en línea
Mejore sus habilidades de visualización de datos resolviendo problemas prácticos y analizando diferentes conjuntos de datos.
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  • Identificar plataformas en línea que ofrecen ejercicios
  • Seleccionar ejercicios que se alineen con los objetivos de aprendizaje
  • Resolver los ejercicios y analizar los resultados
Contribuir a un proyecto de código abierto relacionado con el filtrado de datos
Contribuir a un proyecto de código abierto relacionado con el filtrado de datos te permitirá aplicar tus habilidades prácticas y aprender de otros desarrolladores.
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  • Encontrar un proyecto de código abierto relevante
  • Familiarizarse con el código base y las pautas de contribución
  • Identificar áreas donde puedes contribuir
Show all three activities

Career center

Learners who complete Creando aplicaciones con Shiny will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Project Manager
As a Project Manager, you will be responsible for planning, executing, and closing projects. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in project management, including the use of project management tools and techniques. This knowledge will be essential for managing projects successfully and delivering results.
Business Analyst
As a Business Analyst, you will be responsible for identifying and analyzing business needs and recommending solutions. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in business analysis, including the use of business analysis tools and techniques. This knowledge will be essential for making sound business decisions.
Data Analyst
As a Data Analyst, you will be responsible for collecting, cleaning, and analyzing data to identify trends and patterns. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in data analysis, including the use of statistical tools and data visualization techniques. This knowledge will be essential for making informed decisions based on data.
Web Developer
As a Web Developer, you will be responsible for creating and maintaining the appearance and functionality of websites. This course may be useful as it will help you build a foundation in web development, including the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This knowledge will be essential for creating interactive and user-friendly websites.
Full-Stack Developer
As a Full-Stack Developer, you will be responsible for developing both the front-end and back-end of websites and applications. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in full-stack development, including the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and programming languages. This knowledge will be essential for creating complete web applications.
Product Manager
As a Product Manager, you will be responsible for defining, developing, and launching new products. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in product management, including the use of product management tools and techniques. This knowledge will be essential for creating successful products that meet the needs of customers.
UX Designer
As a UX Designer, you will be responsible for designing and evaluating the user experience of websites and applications. This course may be useful as it will help you build a foundation in UX design, including the use of UX design tools and techniques. This knowledge will be essential for creating user-friendly and engaging digital experiences.
Software Developer
As a Software Developer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications. This course may be useful as it will help you build a foundation in software development, including the use of programming languages and software development tools. This knowledge will be essential for creating reliable and efficient software applications.
Web Designer
As a Web Designer, you will be responsible for designing and developing websites. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in web design, including the use of web design tools and techniques. This knowledge will be essential for creating effective and engaging websites.
Front-End Developer
As a Front-End Developer, you will be responsible for developing the front-end of websites and applications. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in front-end development, including the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This knowledge will be essential for creating responsive and interactive web experiences.
Interaction Designer
As an Interaction Designer, you will be responsible for designing the way that users interact with websites and applications. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in interaction design, including the use of interaction design tools and techniques. This knowledge will be essential for creating engaging and intuitive user experiences.
Information Architect
As an Information Architect, you will be responsible for organizing and structuring information in a way that is easy to find and use. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in information architecture, including the use of information architecture tools and techniques. This knowledge will be essential for creating effective and efficient information systems.
Back-End Developer
As a Back-End Developer, you will be responsible for developing the back-end of websites and applications. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in back-end development, including the use of programming languages and software development tools. This knowledge will be essential for creating scalable and reliable web applications.
UI Designer
As a UI Designer, you will be responsible for designing the visual appearance of websites and applications. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in UI design, including the use of UI design tools and techniques. This knowledge will be essential for creating visually appealing and functional digital experiences.
Visual Designer
As a Visual Designer, you will be responsible for creating the visual appearance of websites and applications. This course may be useful as it will help you develop a foundation in visual design, including the use of visual design tools and techniques. This knowledge will be essential for creating visually appealing and effective digital experiences.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Creando aplicaciones con Shiny.
Este libro proporciona una introducción completa al uso de R para la ciencia de datos. Proporciona una base sólida para aquellos que buscan comprender los fundamentos de R y su aplicación en el análisis de datos.
Este libro ofrece una guía integral sobre el lenguaje de programación R. Cubre temas como la gestión de datos, la visualización y el análisis estadístico. Es un recurso valioso para aquellos que buscan dominar las capacidades de R.
Este libro proporciona una introducción completa al aprendizaje estadístico. Cubre temas como la regresión, la clasificación y la agrupación. Es un recurso imprescindible para aquellos que buscan comprender los conceptos fundamentales del aprendizaje estadístico.
Este libro proporciona una guía completa sobre el paquete ggplot2 para la creación de gráficos. Cubre temas como la estética, la geometría y la estadística. Es un recurso imprescindible para aquellos que buscan crear visualizaciones de datos atractivas e informativas.
Este libro ofrece una guía de fácil lectura sobre el lenguaje de programación R. Cubre temas como la gestión de datos, la visualización y el análisis estadístico. Es un recurso útil para aquellos que buscan aprender los conceptos básicos de R.
Este libro guía a los lectores a través del uso de R para el análisis de datos. Cubre temas como la importación de datos, la limpieza de datos y la creación de modelos. Es un recurso valioso para aquellos que buscan aplicar R a proyectos del mundo real.


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