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Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии (General Issues of Pathology and Pathologic Anatomy)

Цинзерлинг Всеволод Александрович and Google Cloud Training
Уважаемые слушатели! Курс "Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии" предназначен только для студентов, обучающихся на медицинских специальностях и медицинских специалистов. Предупреждение: данный курс содержит материалы, не рекомендованные к...
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Уважаемые слушатели! Курс "Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии" предназначен только для студентов, обучающихся на медицинских специальностях и медицинских специалистов. Предупреждение: данный курс содержит материалы, не рекомендованные к просмотру лицам со слабой психикой и беременным женщинам. Курс базируется на многолетнем опыте научной, диагностической и преподавательской работы автора в традициях известной научной школы. Изложение сложного материала проводится на современном уровне, все основные положения иллюстрируются большей частью оригинальными авторскими макро- и микроскопическими изображениями, схемами и рисунками Задачи: 1. Познакомить слушателей с общепринятыми взглядами на природу болезней человека 2. Обозначить некоторые биомедицинские проблемы, нуждающиеся в дальнейшем комплексном изучении 3. На конкретных примерах продемонстрировать структурные изменения, лежащие в основе важнейших болезней человека По завершении этого курса учащиеся будут Уметь: 1. Критически оценивать представления о природе заболеваний человека 2. Распознавать некоторые макроскопические изменения при основных общепатологических процессах 3. Распознавать некоторые микроскопические изменения при основных общепатологических процессах Знать: 1. Сущность структурных изменений при общепатологических процессах 2. Основные методы, необходимые для морфологического анализа общепатологических процессов 3. Основные источники по истории патологии и современной интерпретации патологических процессов Владеть: 1. Общей методологией комплексного анализа патологических процессов 2. Современной терминологией, касающейся общепатологических процессов
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Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Essential course for medical students and professionals, providing a comprehensive overview of general pathology and pathological anatomy
Utilizes original and high-quality visual content, including macro- and microscopic images, to illustrate complex concepts
Facilitates critical thinking by encouraging students to evaluate different perspectives on the nature of diseases
Provides a solid foundation for understanding the structural basis of common human diseases
Taught by an experienced professional with a strong background in scientific research and medical education
Course materials and content may be disturbing for some viewers, viewer discretion is advised

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Reviews summary

Pathology and pathologic anatomy

This course in Pathology and Pathologic Anatomy is taught by a professor with many years of experience. The materials contain graphic images that may be disturbing to sensitive viewers. Overall, students find the materials engaging and informative. However, some students feel that there is too much irrelevant information.
Art in medicine
"...замечание о ценности некоторых микропрепаратов, как искусства..."
Professor's background enhances materials
"Курс базируется на многолетнем опыте научной, диагностической и преподавательской работы автора..."
"...все основные положения иллюстрируются большей частью оригинальными авторскими макро- и микроскопическими изображениями..."
Some information is irrelevant.
"...тестовая информация, например о красителях, упомянута вскользь."
Some materials may be disturbing.
"Предупреждение: данный курс содержит материалы, не рекомендованные к просмотру лицам со слабой психикой и беременным женщинам."

Career center

Learners who complete Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии (General Issues of Pathology and Pathologic Anatomy) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Pathologists are responsible for diagnosing diseases by examining tissues and cells under a microscope. They also conduct research to understand the causes and progression of diseases. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with a foundation in pathology and help you to develop the skills necessary to diagnose and study diseases.
Forensic Pathologist
Forensic Pathologists are responsible for investigating deaths that are suspected to be criminal in nature. They perform autopsies to determine the cause of death and to provide evidence for use in criminal investigations. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with a foundation in pathology and help you to develop the skills necessary to investigate deaths and provide evidence for use in criminal investigations.
Veterinarians are responsible for diagnosing and treating diseases in animals. They also perform surgeries and provide preventive care. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that underlie the development of diseases in animals. This knowledge will help you to diagnose and treat diseases in animals and to provide preventive care.
Health Educator
Health Educators are responsible for developing and implementing health education programs to promote healthy behaviors and prevent disease. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that underlie the development of diseases. This knowledge will help you to develop and implement health education programs that are more effective at promoting healthy behaviors and preventing disease.
Physician Assistant
Physician Assistants are healthcare professionals who work under the supervision of a physician to provide patient care. They perform a variety of tasks, including taking medical histories, performing physical exams, and diagnosing and treating illnesses. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with a foundation in pathology and help you to develop the skills necessary to diagnose and treat diseases.
Toxicologists are responsible for studying the effects of chemicals and other agents on living organisms. They conduct research to assess the safety of chemicals and to develop strategies to protect human health and the environment. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that occur in response to exposure to toxic substances. This knowledge will help you to assess the risks of chemical exposure and to develop strategies to protect human health.
Biomedical Scientist
As a Biomedical Scientist, you will conduct research to gain a better understanding of the causes, effects, and treatments of human diseases. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that underlie the development of diseases. This knowledge is essential for understanding the mechanisms of disease and for developing new treatments.
Pharmacists are responsible for dispensing medications and providing information about their use. They also provide advice on the prevention and treatment of diseases. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that underlie the development of diseases. This knowledge will help you to provide accurate and up-to-date information to patients about the use of medications and the prevention and treatment of diseases.
Biostatisticians are responsible for designing and analyzing studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new drugs and treatments. They also develop statistical methods for analyzing medical data. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that occur in response to disease and treatment. This knowledge will help you to design and analyze studies that are more likely to yield meaningful results.
Research Scientist
Research Scientists are responsible for conducting research to gain a better understanding of the natural world and to develop new technologies and products. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that underlie the development of diseases. This knowledge will help you to design and conduct research projects that are more likely to lead to new discoveries.
Epidemiologists are responsible for studying the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that underlie the development of diseases. This knowledge will help you to understand the causes of disease and to develop strategies to prevent and control disease.
Clinical Researcher
Clinical Researchers are responsible for designing, conducting, and analyzing clinical trials to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new drugs and treatments. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that occur in response to disease and treatment. This knowledge will help you to design and conduct clinical trials that are more likely to yield meaningful results.
Medical Writer
Medical Writers are responsible for writing and editing scientific and medical documents, such as journal articles, grant proposals, and patient education materials. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that underlie the development of diseases. This knowledge will help you to write clear and accurate medical documents that are accessible to both scientific and lay audiences.
Medical Librarian
Medical Librarians are responsible for managing and providing access to medical information. They provide reference services to healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that underlie the development of diseases. This knowledge will help you to provide accurate and up-to-date information to healthcare professionals and the public.
Science Teacher
Science Teachers are responsible for teaching science to students in grades K-12. They develop lesson plans, conduct experiments, and grade student work. This course, Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии, will provide you with knowledge of the structural changes that underlie the development of diseases. This knowledge will help you to teach science in a way that is engaging and informative.

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