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Michael Davies

Learn Inkscape, the FREE vector-based graphic design application.  

In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to go from a With my step-by-step instructional videos, you'll finally gain mastery of the various features and tools found in this amazing free Adobe Illustrator alternative while learning applicable skills to help you get paid for your designs.

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Learn Inkscape, the FREE vector-based graphic design application.  

In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to go from a With my step-by-step instructional videos, you'll finally gain mastery of the various features and tools found in this amazing free Adobe Illustrator alternative while learning applicable skills to help you get paid for your designs.

I'm Michael Davies, a 10+ year professional designer and instructor for free and open source creative software. I'm also a certified Google UX Designer and YouTuber with over 150,000 subscribers on my channel, Davies Media Design. Over my career, I've taught millions of students and viewers just like you how to use free software to obtain valuable skills and create stunning works.

This course will teach you important fundamental concepts while also taking a deeper dive into more advanced features to help you succeed in Inkscape. You'll learn how to create logos, work with text, design vector icons, draw shapes, customize settings, and more.

I've included class projects throughout the course to help you directly apply what you learn, while also including quizzes in each section to help you test your knowledge.

Together we will learn:

  • Drawing with simple shapes using Inkscape's shape tools

  • Mastering the pen and node tools to create lines, curves, and custom illustrations

  • Working with text in Inkscape to make custom designs like logos and social media posts

  • Installing custom fonts to take your designs to the next level

  • Using color features like palettes and gradients to make designs pop

  • Using the mesh tool to create more photorealistic vector designs

  • Importing raster-based images to integrate into your designs or use as a reference

  • Applying Live Path Effects to objects for non-destructive effects

  • Designing digital icons to display properly on the web

  • Customizing your Inkscape document

  • Customizing the Inkscape User Interface

  • Using the Shape Builder tool and Boolean Operations to combine multiple shapes

  • Working with layers, objects, symbols, and clones

  • Using the Pages tool to create multi-page compositions (a.k.a. add multiple Artboards)

  • How to design a business card

  • Learn with the latest version of Inkscape, Inkscape 1.4

  • And more.

Even if you're a total beginner when it comes to Inkscape or graphic design, I'll help you finally understand Inkscape and its many tools and features so you can create real-world-ready projects. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and confidence to tackle any design project using Inkscape.

Here's what students are saying about the course so far:

"Fantastic course. .. the quality is top-notch. Clear explanations and practical insights make this the best Inkscape course I’ve taken... Highly recommend. "

- D. Yadav

"Very good teacher. Easy too follow."

- Ove. C

Though the course is brand new, students have rated it 4.9/5 stars overall.  

So what are you waiting for? If you've always been confused or lost using Inkscape, it's time to finally go from a beginner to a pro with Inkscape and graphic design.

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • How to master inkscape.
  • How to use all the tools in the inkscape toolbox.
  • The inkscape layout and its most important features
  • Important graphic design and vector design concepts like color and font pairing.
  • The popular shape builder tool for combining simple shapes to create complex graphics.
  • The inkscape shape tools like the rectangle, ellipse, and polygon tools.
  • How to master the pen and node tools to create vector illustrations.
  • How to create a professional business logo and business card design in inkscape.
  • How to create professional vector designs for the web and social media.
  • How to save, export, and autosave your inkscape compositions.



In this lecture I cover the "Flatten" Boolean Operations, which allows you to "flatten one or more overlapping segments into their visible parts."

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In this class project I show you how to design a vector icon, including tips to help you ensure your icon accurately displays on digital screens. Icons can be used on website, in user interfaces, and in any other print or digital environment to quickly communicate messages to visitors or readers.

Boolean Operations Quiz
Layers & Objects

In this lecture I provide an introduction to the layers and the layer stacking order. I take a look at the "Layers & Objects" dialog, and discuss how the order and size of layers plays a role in your graphic design compositions. Plus, I show some of the functionality of the Layers & Objects panel.

In this lecture I discuss some of the more advanced settings found in the Layers & Objects dialog, like adjusting layer opacity, adding blend modes, toggling layer visibility, and locking layers.

In this lecture I define objects, discuss object types and their icons inside the Layers & Objects panel, grouping objects, the object stacking order, and more!

Symbols are a great feature of Inkscape, allowing you to save illustrations or icons in the Symbols dialog to quickly access at any time during your design process. They allow you to use the same designs multiple times without drastically increasing your file size. Plus, they declutter your workspace by reducing the number of layers associated with duplicate objects.

Similar to Symbols, Clones are an important feature in Inkscape allowing you to link multiple duplicates together to quickly make changes to an object and have those changes reflected in all its clones. Clones also save room in your composition and can be unlinked if you decide you only want changes made to a single clone.

Spray Tool

Test your knowledge of layers and objects from the course!

Learn how to create multiple pages for your designs for more flexibility and creativity.
Add & Customize New Pages
Customize Margins, Bleed, & Page Labels
Moving Pages & Page Rulers

Test your knowledge of the Pages Tool!

Download this SVG with all the most common social media template sizes to make designing for different platforms more convenient!

In this series of lectures I show you how to design a business card from start to finish, including exporting the final design to a PDF!
How to Design a Business Card Part 1
How to Design a Business Card Part 2
How to Design a Business Card Part 3
How to Design a Business Card Part 4
Learn how snapping works in Inkscape, from Simple to Advanced snapping options.
Introduction to the Snap Controls
Snap to Bounding Boxes
Nodes Snapping: Paths & Path Intersections
Nodes Snapping: Cusp Nodes & Smooth Nodes
Nodes Snapping: Line Midpoints, Perpendicular Lines, & Tangential Lines
Other Points Snapping: Midpoints, Rotation Centers, and Text
Other Points Snapping: Masks and Clips
Smart Guides (Alignment Snapping)
Snap to Grid and Guide Lines

This course is designed to take you from a beginner to a pro in using Inkscape for vector design. Whether you are new to graphic design or looking to enhance your skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools to create stunning vector graphics. Inkscape is a powerful open-source software that allows you to create scalable graphics for a variety of purposes, including logos, icons, illustrations, and more.

Throughout this course, you will learn how to navigate the Inkscape interface, use various tools and features, create shapes and paths, work with text, colors, and gradients, and export your designs for web and print. You will also explore advanced techniques such as creating complex illustrations, designing patterns, and working with layers. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and confidence to tackle any design project using Inkscape.

Inkscape Quick Start

In this lecture I show you how to quickly create your first new composition in Inkscape from the Welcome Dialog. This video will help you get started on your graphic design projects.

Saving your work is a crucial part of working in Inkscape to ensure you avoid hours of effort due to a crash. I show you how to do exactly that in this lecture, plus show you how to ensure you have "Auto-recovery" properly set up in the event Inkscape does crash.

This quick introduction to drawing shapes in Inkscape shows you important basics when working with shape tools in Inkscape for the first time. I'll be getting more in-depth with Inkscape's shape tools later in the course.

In this lecture, you will learn how to add custom fonts to Inkscape to expand the default font library:

  • Download the Bebas Neue font used in the lecture via the provided link

  • Adding custom fonts to Inkscape ensures the ability to use any third-party font for professional designs

  • Process for finding fonts on Google Fonts

  • Downloading fonts to your computer

  • Installing downloaded fonts in Inkscape

In this lecture I'll cover a quick introduction to adding text to your compositions in Inkscape. I'll review the important features of the Text tool and its settings in the Tool Controls Bar.

In this video I cover a quick introduction to drawing paths with the Pen tool in Inkscape. I keep it simple and stick to drawing straight paths for this composition. In future lectures, we will cover drawing curves with the Pen tool, as well as utilizing the Nodes tool to customize those curves. Paths and curves are commonly used throughout the graphic design process.

In this lecture I provide an introduction to importing raster-based images into Inkscape. Images can be used to enhance your composition or simply as a reference image (i.e. when creating vector illustrations).

Exporting from Inkscape allows you to save your files to a variety of useful formats for various applications. In this lecture, I cover a quick introduction to exporting images to a PNG file format.

The Inkscape Layout

In this lecture we take a more in-depth look at the Welcome Dialog when you first open Inkscape. I walk you through the 3 main tabs of the dialog, showing you how to customize your Inkscape UI (including theme colors and icons), as well as selecting a template from the Time to Draw tab.

In this video we'll be taking a look at the main sections of the Inkscape User Interface (UI) to help you understand the Inkscape layout. We'll take a look at the Main Menu, Commands Bar, Tool Controls Bar, Work Area or Page Area, Color Palette, Dialogs, and Snapping Controls. The more familiar you can get with these areas, the more comfortable you'll be working with Inkscape.

This lecture takes a look at the "Document Properties" dialog. Here is where you can customize the size of your document or page, change the units, and set other customizations to improve your Inkscape experience.

Guides allow you to easily place objects on your composition and ensure multiple objects are aligned in your artworks. This lecture covers the "Guides" tab of the Document Properties dialog. We'll cover adding new guides or customizing existing guides on your page.

Grids are a powerful tool in Inkscape that help you ensure accurate placement and display of objects in your compositions. This lecture covers how to add the different grid types to your document in Inkscape (such as Rectangular or Axonometric grids), and explains the different use-cases for each type of grid.

Inkscape Layout Quiz
Drawing Shapes in Inkscape

It's time to take a deep-dive into the Rectangle tool in Inkscape! This tool allows you to draw rectangles and squares with a custom fill or stroke. I cover the shortcut keys for this tool, how to use the transform handles, plus how to style your rectangle with custom colors. You'll also learn how to add rounded corners to your rectangle and how to set precise dimensions.

This lecture takes a closer look at the Ellipse/Arc tool in Inkscape. This tool is unique versus other programs because it combines the ability to draw ellipses and circles with additional settings that allow you to quickly convert those shapes into arcs or slices. I demonstrate this versatile tool while providing an in-depth look at its settings and other customization features.

Welcome to your first class project! In this video, I'll be showing you step-by-step how to utilize the skills you've acquired up to this point to create a vector clock illustration. I also introduce some new concepts, including Live Path Effects, to help you take your design skills up a notch.

The Star/Polygon tool is a versatile graphic design tool for creating an innumerable amount of shapes. I show you how you can create shapes with essentially any number of sides, while also walking your through other important settings and features for this shape tool.

Let's take an in-depth look at the 3D box tool! In this lecture, I walk you through the different axes of the tool, plus show you how to change your vanishing point and customize the styling of each box face. I hope this lecture will make this tool far less intimidating than it appears on the surface!

In this lecture I cover the features and settings of the Spiral tool for creating custom spiral shapes in Inkscape.

In this lecture I cover the popular Shape Builder Tool in Inkscape. This handy tool allows me to combine multiple simple shapes into a compound shape to easily create illustrations. This is a great way for non-artists to create all sorts of designs without needing to freehand draw or even use the Pen tool.

Drawing Shapes in Inkscape Quiz
Drawing Paths and Curves in Inkscape

It's time for the all-important Pen tool! This tool allows you to draw straight paths and curves, opening up a whole new world of custom illustrations and shapes. I start off with an introduction to this tool, including how to add nodes, adjust directional handles, and create abstract shapes.

This video is an overview of the Drawing Paths and Curves practice activity (see download link here in the resources section). This activity will help you better understand how directional handles work, and how certain curve types are created with the Inkscape Pen tool.

Now that we have a better understanding of the Pen tool, lets look at the Nodes tool. You can think of this tool as a companion to the Pen tool because it allows you to edit the nodes and directional handles created by the Pen tool. This video lecture provides an introduction to the important relationship between these tools, showing you how to edit paths, curves, and nodes directly on-canvas.

This lecture gets into the advanced features of the Nodes tool by demonstrating how to insert of delete nodes using the icons in the Tool Controls Bar. I have created a special worksheet to help you better understand the Node tool settings in this and upcoming lectures (download link available in the resources section).

In this lecture I cover the "Join" and "Break Apart" icons in the Tool Controls Bar for the Node tool. When you join nodes together, you merge two nodes into a single node and take the average path between them. The Break Apart feature, on the other hand, will slice your path at the selected nodes and create new nodes at the location of the slice.

In Inkscape, you can click on individual nodes and change their "node types" to determine how curves interact with nodes and thus how the curves will be shaped. In this lecture, I explain how this feature allows you to customize your curves directly from selected nodes or add smoothing to existing curves.

In this class project I show you how to design a badge-shaped logo and beach scene using the shape tools, as well as how to use Live Path Effects to quickly create sun rays to enhance your design. You'll put the skills you've learned in the course thus far to work while learning some new tips, tricks, and effects.

This lecture continues looking at the Tool Controls Bar settings for the Node tool, showing you how to convert drawn curves to straight paths and vice versa.

This lecture highlights the difference between objects/shapes and paths, and shows you the process for converting objects to paths with a single click. I also demonstrate why it can be beneficial to convert a traditional shape to a path in Inkscape.

Paths and Curves Quiz
Working with Text in Inkscape

We've already taken a look at the basics of the Text tool in this course, but now it's time to take a deeper dive and see how we can add custom text to our graphic design compositions in Inkscape! I review items like selecting fonts and changing font size while covering new ground on the many other Text tool settings available in Inkscape.

This lecture covers the process for adding and customizing vertical text for your Inkscape compositions.

In this lecture I show you how to place text around a circle in Inskcape. I also demonstrate how to ensure your text is placed exactly where you want it around the circle, while also showing you how to place the text on the inside of the circle (as opposed to around the circle's perimeter).

In this class project you'll learn how to design a professional vector logo with a pictorial mark, word mark, and slogan. Plus, I show you how to set up a "rule of thirds" grid for more visually appealing logos.

Find Font Combinations Using AI
Text Quiz

The Color Palette is an important Inkscape feature that allows you to quickly apply foreground and stroke colors to objects. This lecture takes an in-depth look at how to properly use the Palette and customize its settings.

In this lecture we'll be taking a look at the Fill & Stroke dialog for customizing your fill and stroke colors. This dialog contains color features like color wheels, color sliders, and more to help you choose the right colors for your projects.

Inside the Fill & Stroke dialog is the "Stroke Style" tab for customizing the settings of your object's stroke. Here, you can customize the stroke width, the line or dashes of your stroke, and stroke markers (for adding things like arrowheads or other icons to the nodes of your strokes). This is a handy dialog for styling your strokes in Inkscape.

In this lecture I cover how to create gradients in Inkscape. I show you how to use the Gradient tool, plus how to customize the gradient settings in the Tool Controls Bar and Fill & Stroke dialog to fill objects with different gradient types. I'll show you how to change the gradient shape and direction while also demonstrating how to adjust gradient stop positions and colors.

The Mesh tool is a great resource for coloring objects in your Inkscape designs to make them appear more photorealistic. I dive into the settings for this tool and show an example of how to effectively use it with a reference photo to bring objects to life.

Colors Quiz
How to Import a Custom Color Palette
Boolean Operations

Welcome to Boolean Operations! This lecture provides an introduction to this Inkscape feature for quickly combining multiple selected shapes. This feature predates the Shape Builder tool, which is now the go-to tool for combining shapes, but is still effective when you need to create simple shape combinations.

In this lecture I cover the "Union" Boolean Operation, which "keeps the common outline of all selected paths."

In this lecture I cover the "Difference" Boolean Operation, which "subtracts one path from another."

In this lecture I cover the "Intersection" Boolean Operation, which "keeps only the parts of objects that are covered by all selected paths."

In this lecture I cover the "Exclusion" Boolean Operation, which "keeps those parts which are covered by an odd number of paths."

In this lecture I cover the "Division" Boolean Operation, which combines shapes in a manner where "the path below is cut into pieces by the path above."

In this lecture I cover the "Cut Path" Boolean Operation, which "creates as many paths as there are path intersections between the two paths."

This lecture is an introduction to the next set of Boolean Operations available in Inkscape's Path Menu.

In this lecture I cover the "Combine" Boolean Operation, which "Keeps all parts, and combines them into a single object."

In this lecture I cover the "Break Apart" Boolean Operation, whose definition says: "If a path consists of a number of independent parts (subpaths), this will create that number of separate objects."

In this lecture I cover the "Split Path" Boolean Operation, which "splits selected paths into non-overlapping sections."

In this lecture I cover the "Fracture" Boolean Operation, which allows you to "fracture one or more overlapping objects into all possible segments."

Snap to Page Borders and Page Margins
Reset to Default Snap Settings

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Inkscape: From Beginner to Pro In Inkscape & Graphic Design with these activities:
Review Vector Graphics Fundamentals
Reinforce your understanding of vector graphics concepts, which are essential for using Inkscape effectively.
Browse courses on Vector Graphics
Show steps
  • Read articles or watch videos explaining the difference between raster and vector graphics.
  • Identify common vector file formats like SVG, EPS, and AI.
  • Explain the advantages of using vector graphics for logos and illustrations.
Read 'The Non-Designer's Design Book'
Learn fundamental design principles to improve the visual quality and impact of your Inkscape projects.
View Presentation Book on Amazon
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.
  • Identify examples of these principles in existing designs.
  • Apply these principles to a simple Inkscape project.
Design a Simple Logo
Apply the skills learned in the course to create a practical logo design, reinforcing your understanding of Inkscape's tools and features.
Show steps
  • Brainstorm ideas for a logo based on a chosen brand or concept.
  • Sketch initial designs on paper.
  • Recreate the chosen design in Inkscape using shapes, paths, and text.
  • Experiment with different color palettes and fonts.
  • Export the logo in SVG and PNG formats.
Four other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all seven activities
Pen Tool Mastery Exercises
Improve your proficiency with the Pen tool by practicing drawing various shapes and curves, a crucial skill for creating custom illustrations.
Show steps
  • Practice drawing straight lines and simple curves.
  • Trace existing vector illustrations using the Pen tool.
  • Create complex shapes by combining multiple paths.
Create a Short Inkscape Tutorial
Solidify your understanding of a specific Inkscape feature by creating a tutorial to teach it to others.
Show steps
  • Choose a specific Inkscape feature or tool to focus on.
  • Create a step-by-step guide with clear instructions and screenshots.
  • Record a video tutorial demonstrating the feature in action.
  • Share the tutorial on a relevant online platform.
Read 'Vector Graphics and Illustration: A Technical Manual'
Gain a deeper understanding of vector graphics principles and techniques to enhance your Inkscape skills.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on illustration techniques and typography.
  • Explore the sections on preparing files for print and web.
  • Apply the techniques learned to an Inkscape project.
Contribute to Inkscape Documentation
Deepen your understanding of Inkscape by contributing to its documentation, helping other users learn and use the software effectively.
Show steps
  • Identify areas in the Inkscape documentation that need improvement or expansion.
  • Write clear and concise documentation for a specific feature or tool.
  • Submit your contributions to the Inkscape documentation team.

Career center

Learners who complete Inkscape: From Beginner to Pro In Inkscape & Graphic Design will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Graphic designer
A Graphic Designer creates visual concepts to communicate information or ideas. This course, with its comprehensive introduction to Inkscape, may equip one with the skills to produce professional-quality designs. The course explores fundamental design concepts while diving into Inkscape's features. You'll learn to work with text, color, and shapes, all essential for graphic design. With class projects, you will apply what you learn.
Freelance Designer
A Freelance Designer works independently, offering design services to various clients on a project basis. For freelance designers, who need proficiency in design software, this course may be of use. The course offers a comprehensive introduction to Inkscape. The course provides the skills to create logos, icons, illustrations, and other visual assets. By learning to customize the Inkscape user interface, freelance designers may be more productive.
Icon Designer
An Icon Designer specializes in creating small, symbolic graphics for user interfaces and applications. This course can be an asset, as it teaches the creation of vector icons using Inkscape. By learning to master the pen and node tools, one can craft precise and visually appealing icons. Furthermore, experience with Inkscape's shape tools, as taught in the course, can significantly speed up the icon design process. The icon design project will come in handy.
Logo Designer
A Logo Designer crafts visual symbols that represent a brand's identity. This course may provide a foundational understanding of Inkscape, a versatile tool for creating vector-based graphics, which are essential for logos. Understanding Inkscape's tools and features, as this course provides, helps one create unique and scalable designs. The course's logo design project lets you directly apply what you have learned.
An Illustrator creates original artwork for various media, including books, websites, and advertising. This course may provide a solid foundation in vector illustration using Inkscape's drawing tools. The course will help you master the pen and node tools, allowing for the creation of complex and detailed illustrations. In particular, the course's discussion of the mesh tool is especially relevant for creating photorealistic illustrations.
User Interface Designer
A User Interface Designer focuses on the layout and interactive elements of digital products. This course may be beneficial, as it offers training in Inkscape. Learning to design digital icons, as this course teaches, is relevant for user interface design. The course will help you customize the Inkscape user interface.
Print Designer
A Print Designer creates designs for printed materials, such as brochures, posters, and packaging. The course may be useful due to its coverage of Inkscape, as it offers the features needed to create high-quality print designs. Learning to work with color, text, and layout, as taught in the course, are important for creating visually effective print materials. This course, with a focus on Inkscape, can assist designers in producing professional print designs.
Web Designer
A Web Designer plans and creates the visual layout of websites. This course may be valuable for web designers seeking proficiency in vector graphics. Inkscape, as taught in the course, allows for the creation of scalable vector graphics, which are essential for responsive web design. Furthermore, because this course teaches designing digital icons, students may find it easier to create user interfaces and other web elements.
Marketing Specialist
A Marketing Specialist develops and executes marketing campaigns to promote products or services. A course of this nature may strengthen a marketing specialist's ability to create visually appealing marketing materials. By understanding Inkscape, marketing specialists may be able to independently design social media graphics, email templates, and other marketing assets. The instructor's experience in UX may be helpful.
Brand Manager
A Brand Manager oversees a brand's identity and ensures consistency across all marketing and communication channels. A brand manager with experience in the creation of visual designs may be more effective when conceptualizing the look and feel of a brand. This course may teach you some graphic design fundamentals. Specifically, learning to design logos and social media posts, can help a brand manager ensure consistent branding across platforms.
Art Director
An Art Director is responsible for the overall visual style and images of various projects. Art directors provide leadership and guidance to creative teams. An art director with a course like this under their belt may be able to lead their team better. They will be more confident when providing instruction. In particular, mastering the shape builder tool may be relevant.
Product Designer
Today's products are often digital and require skillful design. A product designer will be more effective if they have a foundation in applications such as Inkscape. This course may be useful in this context. It will improve a product designer's ability to design custom icons. It can also make a candidate more attractive.
Motion Graphics Artist
A Motion Graphics Artist creates animated visuals for film, television, and digital media. Although motion graphics work often uses video editing software, the source material frequently begins as vector graphics. For a motion graphics artist, a course like this may be helpful. The artist can design logos, icons, or other vector assets. In particular, knowing how to import raster-based images may be useful.
Similar to motion graphics artists, animators can benefit from a strong foundation in vector-based graphics. This course may provide them with the knowledge they need. Animators often composite scenes from many vector images. They can import those directly into animation software and can adjust them using Inkscape as well. An animator can also create storyboards.
An educator who specializes in design or software training can make use of a course like this. The course may help someone who wants to become a trainer themselves. An educator can learn the ins and outs of the application by taking this course. The educator can then design courses and learning materials. Finally, they can teach the topic to others.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Inkscape: From Beginner to Pro In Inkscape & Graphic Design.
Introduces fundamental design principles like contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. It's a great resource for beginners to understand the basics of visual design. Understanding these principles will greatly enhance your ability to create effective and visually appealing graphics in Inkscape. This book is commonly used as a textbook in design courses.
Provides a comprehensive overview of vector graphics techniques and workflows. It covers topics such as creating illustrations, working with typography, and preparing files for print and web. While not Inkscape-specific, it offers valuable insights into the broader field of vector design. This book is more valuable as additional reading than it is as a current reference.


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