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Asen Gyczew

What is the aim of this course?

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What is the aim of this course?

One of the projects you will participate in during your work in management consulting is the Performance Improvement Project. You will be hired by the owner or the Board of Directors to improve the business. Those projects are extremely interesting because you will be able to make a real change, create a new reality, and improve part of the business or even the whole business. They are also very difficult as you have to not only analyze areas but also find ways to improve the current situation as well as, on some occasions, implement the change. The skills that you will learn during this sort of project will be also very useful once you move to work for regular businesses or set up your own firm. In this course, I will show you how to deliver such projects fast and efficiently. In the course you will learn the following things:

  1. How to conduct performance improvement projects

  2. How to estimate in Excel savings and improvements

  3. Where to look for performance improvements in FMCG and Retail

  4. What frameworks can be used during performance improvement projects

This course is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement, and turn-arounds in the biggest firms from Retail I have carried out or supervised over 90 different performance improvement projects in different industries that generated a total of 2 billion in additional EBITDA. On the basis of what you will find in this course, I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts, and managers who now are Partners in PE and VC funds, Investment Directors and Business Analysts in PE and VC, Operational Directors On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 224 000 students including people working in EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Adidas, Naspers, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Dell, Walgreens, Orange, and many others.

I teach through cases, so you will have a lot of lectures showing examples of analyses, tools, and end-products of Performance Improvement Projects. To make the course more realistic and applicable we will go over a simplified overall case for performance improvement as well as through a number of typical analyses from Retail and FMCG. I will also show you the frameworks you should use during Performance Improvement Projects to conduct this sort of project fast and efficiently.  To every lecture, you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels as well as additional presentations, and materials shown in the lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modifications, be applied by you in your work.

Why have I decided to create this course?

Performance Improvement Projects differ greatly from other consulting projects. You have to not only analyze and come up with bright ideas but you quite often also have to implement them. Many Business Analysts and Management Consultants lack the frameworks as well as the fluency in analyzing the right thing fast to deliver the results the customers expect. This course will help you become an expert in the field of performance improvement which will be extremely useful not only in consulting but also later on when you become a director or you move on to build your own business. By giving you exposure to real-life cases and analyses I want to improve your skills in analyzing the right things fast and implementing the improvements that you have identified.  Thanks to this course, you will know what and how to do during a Performance Improvement Project to deliver ahead of deadlines high-quality products.

To sum it up, the course will help you become an expert in Performance Improvement on the level of McKinsey, BCG, Bain, PwC, Deloitte, EY, and other top consulting firms. That is why, I highly recommend this course not only to Consultants or Business Analysts who have to advise their customers but also to Investment Directors working for PE, Directors as well as owners/founders of businesses that need better to improve their profitability and prepare for scaling.

In what way will you benefit from this course?

The course is a practical, step-by-step guide loaded with tons of analyses, tricks, and hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you understand, and analyze the business considered for acquisition. There is little theory – mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn:

  1. How to conduct performance improvement projects

  2. How to estimate in Excel savings and improvements

  3. Where to look for performance improvements in FMCG and Retail.

  4. What frameworks can be used during performance improvement projects

You can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly. 

How the course is organized?

The course is divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction. We begin with a little intro to the course as well as some general info on how the course is organized

  • How to conduct Performance Improvement Projects. In the second section, I will show you how such projects should be carried out to ensure that you deliver value to the customer fast and efficiently

  • A Case Study in Performance Improvement. In this section, you will be asked to solve a case study on performance improvement. I will also show you the solution and the analyses in Excel. This section will give you a flavor of how the Performance Improvement Projects look like

  • Performance Improvement Projects in Retail. In the 4th section, I show you what kind of frameworks you should use during performance improvement projects in Retail. You will also go through a number of real-life analyses from Performance Improvement Projects in Retail.

  • Performance Improvement Projects in FMCG. In the 5th section, I show you what kind of frameworks you should use during performance improvement projects in FMCG. You will also go through a number of real-life analyses from Performance Improvement Projects in FMCG. 

You will be able also to download many additional resources

  1. Useful frameworks and techniques

  2. List of resources useful during performance improvement projects

  3. Selected analyses shown in the course

  4. Links to additional presentations, articles, and movies

  5. Links to books worth reading 

At the end of my course, students will be able to…

  • Conduct Performance Improvement Projects

  • Apply the right frameworks and techniques from your management consulting toolbox   

  • Find potential improvements in Retail and FMCG

  • Analyze in Excel potential improvements in Retail, and FMCG on the level of McKinsey, BCG, Bain

  • Manage efficiently a consulting project devoted to performance improvement

  • Find ways to improve the business you manage

Who should take this course? Who should not?

  • Business Analysts

  • Management Consultants

  • Directors

  • Investment Analysts

  • Owners and founders

  • Financial Controllers 

What will students need to know or do before starting this course?

  • Basic or intermediate Excel

  • Basic knowledge of economics or finance

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • How to conduct a performance improvement projects
  • Apply the right frameworks and techniques from your management consulting toolbox
  • Find potential improvements in retail and fmcg
  • Analyze in excel potential improvements in retail, fmcg on the level of mckinsey, bcg, bain
  • Manage efficiently a consulting project devoted to performance improvement
  • Find ways to improve the business you manage or own
  • Increase profits of the business



We begin with little intro into  the course as well as some general info how the course is organized

A few words about your humble teacher

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I will show you how the course is organized

Here I will show you what to do if a blurry image appears

Here I will show you how to find additional resources attached to the coruse like Excel files, presentations, links etc.

In the second section I will show you how such projects should be carried out to ensure that you deliver value to the customer fast and efficiently

In the second section I will show  you how such projects should be carried out to ensure that you deliver  value to the customer fast and efficiently

To put it simply the aim of Performance improvement projects is to get higher profits from the business we have today. I will discuss in this lecture what exactly you have to do to achieve it

Performance improvement consists of 3 stages. Consulting firm can participate in different form in each and one of them. In this lecture I will show you how to have to do on each and every stage of the project

Size of the project will depend on the type of the project. Since we have 4 basic type of projects I will show you how the size of the team looks like for each and every type of projects

Most consulting project are done in a bad manner. If you prepare properly you can shorten them, create more value and earn more. I will show you in this lecture how to do the project in the right order

Companies use different pricing per position. Stronger brands are obviously more expensive. In this lecture I will show you how much the project can cost depending on the scope and the firm performing it

. In this section you will be asked to solve a case study in performance improvement. I will also show you the solution and the analyses in Excel. This section will give you a flavor of how the Perfor

In this section you will be asked to solve a case study in performance      improvement. I will also show you the solution and the analyses in Excel. This section will give you a flavor of how the Performance Improvement Projects look like

You were hired to support the new CEO of Canned Foods Incorporated in performance improvement project. In this section we will introduce the case study that you will have to solve during the next few lectures

Here I will show you part of the solution to the case study introduced in this section

In the 4th section I show you what kind of frameworks you should use during performance improvement projects in Retail. You will also go through a number of real life analyses from Performance Improve

In the 4th section I show you what kind of frameworks you should use during performance improvement projects in Retail. You will also go through a number of real life analyses from Performance Improvement Projects in Retail.   

Here I will show you how I would recommend approaching the set-up for the Diagnostics phase of performance improvement

We will start with a short introduction to retail business model

I will start by showing main challenges in Retail

I will show you in this lecture what KPI I the retail business model driven by. This will help you understand the modeling in Excel done in next lectures

Here I will show you how to model the Retailer business in Excel.

Here we will do a short intro into the next part of the section where we will discuss frameworks

Here I will show you useful fraemworks for performance improvement projects in retail

Issue tree is a simple yet powerful concept used in consulting for structuring discussion and picking the right topics to concentrate on. In this lecture I will show you the principles of using it as well as a practical example

In this lecture I will show you how the issue tree could look like for a retailer 

Here I will show you the general framework for increasing the sales in retail

Here I will show you the general framework for increasing the margin in retail

Here I will show you the general framework for decreasing the costs in retail

Here I will show you the general framework for decreasing the costs of stores in retail

Here I will show you the general framework for decreasing the costs in the head office in retail

Here we will do a short intro into the next part of the section where we will show you examples of analyses done during consulting projects

Here I will do an overview of cases and analyses I will show you in this section

Imagine that you are working for a fashion discounter that operates a retail chain in Easter Europe. You have to find ways to increase the profitability for this firm

In Retail you have space that you divide among different product groups. For every group you should calculate the total margin using sales density, % Gross Margin and space allocated to specific group. You have to analyze their performance and decide how to split the space. In this lecture I will show you the general concept

Here I show an example of a product range analysis

We will continue with the example from previous lecture. In this  example of single store when we look at the sales and inventory level it is clear that there is too much stock. Let’s see what we can do about it

If you are present on specific market you want to know when you will reach a saturation market – the maximal number of shops that will not cause much cannibalization. I will show you how to approach this subject

We will now try to check in practice how to find saturation point for a retailer. In this lecture I will introduce the case that we will work with for the next few lectures. You will be asked to find the saturation for grocery store operating in Poland

In this lecture we solve previously introduced case.

Creating an expansion strategy requires you to do a number of things. I will show you in this lecture how to approach this subject

In this lecture I will start the case study that we will be solving for the next few lectures. Imagine that you are a Spanish fashion retailer and you want to figure out which countries you should enter. Therefore, you prepare a ranking of countrires that show attractivness and the size of each and every market.

Expansion strategy into other countries – Solution in Power Point

This case will show you how to compare the non-comparable. I will show you what to do in situation when you have different tariffs and straightforward comparison is virtual impossible

In this lecture we will give you some tips how to approach the case and show you the usage of the proper Excel functions

In this lecture we solve the case with you, show you the outcome, interpret it and give you examples how the results can be presented in terms of Excel and slides

In this case you will have to optimize the way central warehouse of grocery Retailer works. We will start with a short introduction 

I will start by showing you how to calculate the costs of current solution used in groceries 

Now we will have a look at what kind of improvements you can make in the current solutions 

In this lecture I will show you calculate the impact of the proposed improvements 

Sometimes the supply chain activities are also performed in the stores as well. Here I will show you how you could optimize them. We will use as an example a DIY store 

Here I will show you how we optimized the process of shelf replenishment in the store and what savings we managed to generate

In this lecture you will get insight into the business model of different e-commerce companies. E-commerce businesses group is very diversified so we will try to show the similarities and the differences between concepts.. You will learn here the definition of this business model, see some examples of companies using this business models. You will also understand what really matters in this sort of business, what KPIs you should look at and what values you can expect.

Here I will show you main KPIs for e-commerce

Here I will show you the main KPIs that drive the e-commerce busines smodel

Here we will do a short intro into the next part of the section where we will discuss the mian challenges in Retail in sales and marketing as well as supply chain.

Retail sell through its own stores. Yet they also have their online presence and try to sell via marketplaces

In this lecture I will show you what matters the most in marketing in this business model 

There are number of challenges in the Sales and Marketing in Retail. We will discuss them in this lecture briefly to give you a taste of what you can expect during a consulting project 

Retail supply chain is not only long and involves many parties but also is fluctuating a lot. In this lecture I will show the typical flow that you may expect 

There are number of challenges in the Supply Chain in Retail. I will discuss them briefly in this lecture 

Here I will show you main techqniues you should master to be great at the performance improvement in Retail

I will show you what kind of frameworks you should use during performance improvement projects in FMCG. You will also go through a number of real life analyses from Performance Improvement Projects

I will show you what kind of frameworks you should use during performance improvement projects in FMCG. You will also go through a number of real life analyses from Performance Improvement Projects

In this lecture I will talk about how you can organize a performance improvement project in FMCG

In this section we will move to products. The first one to be discussed are FMCG products. I will show you the main challenges they are facing, KPIs that matter in B2C service, examples of companies. As an example I will show you how to model in Excel Cosmetics business.

I will shortly go through things that are important in other FMCG.

I will show you in this lecture what KPIs, drivers are important for the FMCG model and how do they generated the end results – operating profti

In the next few lectures I will show you how to model in Excle FMCG businesses

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops skills and knowledge in performance improvement, which can be immediately applied in consulting and management
Taught by Asen Gyczew, who has 15 years of experience as a consultant in top firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement, and turn-arounds in the biggest firms
Examines performance improvement, which is highly relevant to business
Develops professional skills in the field of performance improvement, which is extremely useful in consulting and business management
Takes a creative approach to performance improvement by teaching specific methodologies and tools
Explicitly requires learners to come with basic or intermediate Excel and knowledge of economics or finance

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Performance Improvement Projects for Management Consultants with these activities:
Read 'The Lean Startup' by Eric Ries
Gain insights into lean principles and customer development to complement insights from the course on performance improvement projects.
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  • Read the book thoroughly, taking notes and highlighting key concepts.
  • Complete the exercises and case studies provided in the book.
  • Reflect on how the principles and concepts can be applied to performance improvement projects in retail or FMCG.
Form a Study Group with Classmates
Collaborate with peers to enhance your understanding, share insights, and prepare for assessments.
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  • Identify classmates with similar interests or expertise.
  • Schedule regular meetings to discuss course materials, assignments, and case studies.
  • Take turns leading discussions and presenting findings.
  • Provide feedback and support to other members of the group.
Review Excel Techniques for Data Analysis and Modeling
Strengthen your Excel skills to effectively analyze data and build financial models for performance improvement projects.
Browse courses on Excel
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  • Review core Excel functions, such as VLOOKUP, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF.
  • Practice data cleaning and manipulation techniques.
  • Build simple financial models to forecast revenue, expenses, and profitability.
  • Complete online tutorials or exercises to reinforce your understanding.
Five other activities
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Explore Case Studies of Successful Performance Improvement Projects
Learn from real-world examples and industry best practices to enhance your knowledge and strategy development.
Browse courses on Case Studies
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  • Identify relevant case studies from reputable sources such as McKinsey or BCG.
  • Review the case studies in detail, focusing on the problem statement, analysis, and recommendations.
  • Extract key insights and lessons that can be applied to your own performance improvement efforts.
  • Share your findings and insights with classmates or colleagues.
Compile a Resource Library of Tools and Techniques for Performance Improvement
Build a valuable reference for future projects by gathering and organizing useful resources.
Browse courses on Best Practices
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  • Research and identify relevant tools, frameworks, and templates.
  • Organize the resources into a structured and accessible format.
  • Include descriptions, examples, and links to additional information.
  • Share the resource library with classmates or colleagues.
Attend a Workshop on Performance Improvement for Retail or FMCG
Gain practical knowledge and insights from industry experts and experienced practitioners.
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  • Research and identify relevant workshops offered by reputable institutions or consulting firms.
  • Register and attend the workshop.
  • Actively participate in discussions, case studies, and exercises.
  • Connect with other professionals and expand your network.
Conduct a Performance Improvement Project for a Retail Business
Apply the concepts and frameworks learned in the course to a real-world scenario, providing hands-on experience and deepening your understanding.
Show steps
  • Identify a suitable retail business and obtain necessary approvals.
  • Conduct a thorough analysis of the business, including financial performance, operational efficiency, and customer feedback.
  • Develop a plan for improvement, outlining specific initiatives and timelines.
  • Implement the improvement plan and monitor its progress.
  • Evaluate the outcomes of the project and make adjustments as needed.
Develop a Performance Improvement Plan for a Specific FMCG Product
Focus on a specific aspect of performance improvement and develop a comprehensive plan to address it.
Browse courses on Sales Forecasting
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  • Choose a specific FMCG product and analyze its performance.
  • Identify areas for improvement, considering factors such as market demand, sales trends, and customer feedback.
  • Develop a plan outlining strategies to improve performance, such as pricing adjustments, marketing campaigns, or product enhancements.
  • Estimate the potential impact of the plan on sales, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
  • Present the plan to stakeholders and obtain feedback.

Career center

Learners who complete Performance Improvement Projects for Management Consultants will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Management Consultant
Management Consultants solve problems for businesses and organizations of all sizes. They analyze a company's operations and identify areas for improvement. They then develop and implement plans to improve the company's performance. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Management Consultant. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve business performance.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts work with businesses to identify and solve problems. They analyze data, identify trends, and develop solutions to improve business performance. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Business Analyst. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve business performance.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts provide advice and guidance to businesses and investors on financial matters. They analyze financial data, identify trends, and make recommendations on how to improve financial performance. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Financial Analyst. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve financial performance.
Investment Analyst
Investment Analysts make recommendations to individuals and institutions on how to invest their money. They analyze financial data, identify trends, and make recommendations on which investments to buy or sell. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Investment Analyst. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve investment performance.
Operations Manager
Operations Managers plan and oversee the day-to-day operations of a business. They are responsible for ensuring that the business runs smoothly and efficiently. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Operations Manager. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve operational performance.
Project Manager
Project Managers plan and execute projects of all sizes. They are responsible for ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Project Manager. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve project management performance.
Supply Chain Manager
Supply Chain Managers are responsible for managing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers. They plan and oversee the movement of goods and services, and they ensure that goods and services are delivered to customers on time, in good condition, and at a competitive price. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Supply Chain Manager. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve supply chain management performance.
Retail Manager
Retail Managers are responsible for managing retail stores. They are responsible for ensuring that stores are profitable and that customers have a positive shopping experience. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Retail Manager. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve retail management performance.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers are responsible for planning and executing marketing campaigns. They are responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies, and they ensure that marketing campaigns are effective and achieve their objectives. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Marketing Manager. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve marketing management performance.
Sales Manager
Sales Managers are responsible for leading and managing sales teams. They are responsible for developing and implementing sales strategies, and they ensure that sales teams are effective and achieve their sales targets. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Sales Manager. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve sales management performance.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for managing the development and launch of new products. They are responsible for developing and implementing product strategies, and they ensure that new products are successful and meet the needs of customers. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Product Manager. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve product management performance.
Pricing Analyst
Pricing Analysts are responsible for determining the prices of goods and services. They analyze market data, identify trends, and make recommendations on pricing strategies. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Pricing Analyst. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve pricing performance.
Risk Analyst
Risk Analysts identify and assess risks that businesses face. They develop and implement strategies to mitigate risks, and they ensure that businesses are prepared for potential risks. This course will teach you the skills you need to be a successful Risk Analyst. You will learn how to conduct performance improvement projects, how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve risk management performance.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to solve business problems. They analyze data, identify trends, and develop solutions to improve business performance. This course may be useful for Data Scientists who are interested in learning how to conduct performance improvement projects in FMCG and Retail. This course will teach you how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve data science performance.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, and maintain software systems. They work with businesses to identify and solve business problems using software solutions. This course may be useful for Software Engineers who are interested in learning how to conduct performance improvement projects in FMCG and Retail. This course will teach you how to estimate savings and improvements, and how to find ways to improve business performance in FMCG and Retail. You will also learn how to use a variety of frameworks and techniques to improve software engineering performance.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Performance Improvement Projects for Management Consultants.
Provides a comprehensive guide to developing and using performance measures. It covers all aspects of the process, from identifying the right measures to collecting and analyzing data to using measures to improve performance.
Provides a practical guide to measuring intangibles, such as brand value, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement. It offers a variety of techniques for quantifying these intangibles and using them to improve decision-making.
Explores the phenomenon of disruptive innovation, which occurs when new technologies or products challenge the status quo and disrupt established markets. It provides insights into how companies can avoid the innovator's dilemma and successfully adapt to new technologies.
Provides a framework for evaluating the quality of strategies. It argues that good strategies are clear, focused, and aligned with an organization's capabilities. It also provides insights into how to avoid bad strategies.
Provides a framework for linking strategy to operations. It argues that companies that are able to successfully execute their strategies are more likely to achieve competitive advantage. It also provides insights into how to improve execution.
Introduces the Lean Startup approach to building successful businesses. It argues that companies should focus on creating a minimum viable product and then iterating based on customer feedback.
Introduces the Five Dysfunctions of a Team, a framework for understanding and overcoming the challenges that teams face. It provides insights into how to build a high-performing team.
Provides a comprehensive overview of business management. It covers a wide range of topics, including strategy, leadership, innovation, and marketing. It useful reference for anyone who wants to learn more about business.
This ancient Chinese military treatise provides insights into strategy and leadership. It valuable read for anyone who wants to learn more about these topics.
Provides a framework for personal and professional effectiveness. It offers insights into how to develop good habits and achieve success.
Explores the science of motivation. It provides insights into what motivates people and how to create a more motivating environment.


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