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Jean Terrier, Lorenz E. Baumer, André-Louis Rey, Christophe Schmidt, Matteo Campagnolo, Patrizia Birchler Emery, and Anne-Françoise Jaccottet-Muller

Dans ce MOOC, vous explorerez une vision différenciée du rapport entre païens et chrétiens durant l’Antiquité tardive, basée essentiellement sur les témoignages archéologiques. Nous verrons ensemble que la confrontation et le conflit religieux, souvent évoqués dans les écrits de l’époque notamment par les historiens de l’église, étaient l’exception plutôt que la norme.

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Dans ce MOOC, vous explorerez une vision différenciée du rapport entre païens et chrétiens durant l’Antiquité tardive, basée essentiellement sur les témoignages archéologiques. Nous verrons ensemble que la confrontation et le conflit religieux, souvent évoqués dans les écrits de l’époque notamment par les historiens de l’église, étaient l’exception plutôt que la norme.

Le premier module de ce MOOC vous permettra de définir le cadre et le contexte historique de l’Antiquité tardive. Vous découvrirez dans la suite du cours des thèmes plus spécifiques de cette période fascinante. Iconographie, architecture, sculpture, mosaïque et numismatique seront ainsi illustrés par de nombreux cas d’études et documents visuels.

Après avoir suivi ce MOOC, vous connaîtrez les textes officiels et les événements importants de l’avènement du christianisme comme religion d’Etat. Vous saurez prendre une distance critique avec des aprioris sur « l’imperméabilité » des sphères païenne et chrétienne. Vous serez enfin à même d’analyser la permanence d’architecture ou de thèmes iconographiques et mythologiques païens dans une société christianisée.

Différent-es enseignant-es du Département des sciences de l’Antiquité de l’Université de Genève vous accompagneront tout au long de ce MOOC.

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What's inside


Le cadre historique
Une brève introduction filmée présente la structure du cours et ses objectifs, ainsi que les différentes thèmes abordés. La suite du module vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le cadre et le contexte historiques de l’Antiquité tardive, ainsi que sa culture philosophique, à travers la présentation des principaux textes et événements historiques de l’avènement du christianisme.
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Des images et des dieux
Vous aborderez ici la question des dieux et des images à la charnière des conceptions « païenne » et chrétienne à travers trois perspectives complémentaires : la problématique de la polysémie des schémas figuratifs traditionnels et de leur resémantisation par les chrétiens d’abord, ensuite le culte de Mithra dans son contexte historique et enfin, la question de savoir si Constantinople a été conçue dès le début comme une ville chrétienne, ou ne constitue qu’une variante monumentalisée d’une ville impériale. Les trois perspectives se rejoignent dans le questionnement, permettant une prise de distance critique avec des a priori sur « l’imperméabilité » des sphères païenne et chrétienne.
L'architecture: temples et villas
Vous constaterez ici que l’image usuelle (fondée principalement sur la littérature) des chrétiens détruisant les temples pour radier le paganisme ne correspond pas complètement à la réalité. Plusieurs temples ont été transformés en église : à quel moment ? De même, la christianisation des villes semble s’être produite très rapidement, mais certaines fonctions publiques restent en place et le paganisme est marginalisé, pas supprimé. Certaines grandes domus de l’Antiquité tardive en témoignent. La christianisation des campagnes sera abordée à travers l’exemple de l’Attique.
La sculpture
Vous vous initierez dans ce module aux différents cas de destructions, enlèvements et profanations de statues antiques, surtout des statues de culte, à travers des témoignages littéraires et archéologiques. Mais l’archéologie montre que ces destructions ne sont pas généralisées : certaines sculptures sont toujours restées visibles et ont été parfois même restaurées. Le cours passera en revue plusieurs ensembles de sculptures dans l’espace public et dans l’espace privé et étudiera les reprises de sculptures dans un contexte cultuel, ainsi que leurs dépositions, pour aboutir à une image différente que celle qui est habituellement admise pour cette classe de matériel archéologique.
Les mosaïques
Dans ce module, vous étudierez la diffusion et les caractéristiques des mosaïques en contexte privé durant l’Antiquité tardive. Vous y verrez en particulier certains des thèmes figurés illustrant la permanence des mythes et de la culture gréco-romaine dans l’empire christianisé, ainsi que les différentes interprétations énoncées à ce sujet, à l’aide de cas d’études axés sur les représentations de Dionysos, des amours divines, des sept sages et d’Achille. Le contexte politique, économique et culturel dans lequel s’insèrent ces mosaïques sera aussi évoqué.
La numismatique
Vous examinerez dans ce module l’apport de l’étude numismatique à l’investigation archéologique à travers l’exemple de la première cathédrale de Genève. Vous étudierez ensuite les évolutions du monnayage durant l’Antiquité tardive et les stratégies et mesures mises en œuvre pour assurer la stabilité économique de l’Empire romain, ainsi que l’iconographie particulière des monnaies qui se met en place avec Constantin, pour terminer avec un bref excursus sur le monnayage de Genève à la fin de l’Antiquité.
Le paysage à Genève
Dans ce module, vous étudierez les transformations du paysage urbain et rural à l’Antiquité tardive à travers un cas d’étude : la ville de Genève, qui se dote très tôt d’un groupe épiscopal au centre de la cité. Il sera question du phénomène d’édification d’églises funéraires à l’emplacement des nécropoles antiques, avec le cas très particulier de St-Gervais, lieu de culte du néolithique à l’époque romaine devenu cimetière privilégié pour les nouveau-nés avant l’installation d’un mausolée, puis d’une église, et des modalités de christianisation des campagnes. Seront évoqués également les phénomènes de persistance ou renouveau de traditions ou cultes païens.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Développe des compétences en iconographie, architecture, sculpture, mosaïque et numismatique, qui sont essentielles pour analyser les vestiges archéologiques de l'Antiquité tardive
S'appuie sur des exemples concrets et des études de cas pour illustrer les concepts, ce qui permet une compréhension plus approfondie
Offre une perspective différenciée des relations entre païens et chrétiens, fondée sur des preuves archéologiques, ce qui enrichit la compréhension de cette période historique
Enseigné par des experts du Département des sciences de l'Antiquité de l'Université de Genève, ce qui garantit la qualité et la pertinence du contenu
Examine les transformations du paysage urbain et rural à Genève à l'Antiquité tardive, fournissant un aperçu unique d'une ville particulière durant cette période

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Reviews summary

Archaeology and the late antique world

This course is an exploration of the relationship between pagans and Christians in Late Antiquity. Through the lens of archaeology, students will learn that religious conflict was the exception rather than the norm during this time period.
Accessible to students with or without a background in history or archaeology.
"Cours clair et passionnant ! Accessible au néophyte féru d'histoire et d'archéologie sans pour auant être superficiel."
Knowledgeable and passionate professors.
"Les professeurs arrivent à transmetrre leurs connaisssances. Cours intéressants"
In-depth coverage of Late Antiquity from multiple perspectives.
"Vous découvrirez dans la suite du cours des thèmes plus spécifiques de cette période fascinante. Iconographie, architecture, sculpture, mosaïque et numismatique seront ainsi illustrés par de nombreux cas d’études et documents visuels."
Tests may be overly complex.
"Les tests sont beaucoup trop compliqués. "
Difficulty obtaining certificates.
"No he podido obtener el certificado y me gustaría tenerlo.Saludos"
"finansal destek koşulları ile aldigim bu kurs certifika aşamasında ucretlendirildi!!!"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in A l’avènement du christianisme : l’archéologie des derniers païens with these activities:
Review ‘A History of Late Antiquity: From Marcus Aurelius to Muhammad’
Get a solid look at how the Roman Empire transitioned to Christianity.
Browse courses on Late Antiquity
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  • Create an outline of key events and a list of the political and religious leaders who shaped them.
  • Explain how factors such as political, economic, and social conditions, along with the emergence of Christianity, affected this transition.
Review Christianity's influence in European History
Review key events and figures in European history to strengthen your understanding of the context in which Christianity emerged and spread.
Browse courses on European History
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  • Read a book or article summarizing key events in European history from the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages.
  • Create a timeline of major events in the history of Christianity.
Practice identifying pagan and Christian iconography
Enhance your ability to distinguish between pagan and Christian iconography, improving your understanding of the interplay between the two religions.
Browse courses on Iconography
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  • Gather a collection of images of ancient art and artifacts.
  • Examine the images and identify common symbols, motifs, and themes associated with each religion.
  • Pay attention to details such as clothing, gestures, and facial expressions.
  • Compare and contrast the different iconographic elements to identify similarities and differences.
  • Categorize the images into pagan and Christian iconography based on your analysis.
11 other activities
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Review Peter Brown's 'The Rise of Western Christendom'
Deepen your understanding by reading a seminal work on the transformation of the Roman world from paganism to Christianity.
Show steps
  • Obtain a copy of Peter Brown's 'The Rise of Western Christendom'.
  • Read the book carefully, taking notes on key arguments and themes.
Explore the Archaeology of Late Antiquity
Become more self-sufficient at interpreting archaeological evidence.
Browse courses on Late Antiquity
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  • Watch videos or attend virtual tours of archaeological sites and artifacts from the time period.
  • Analyze archaeological data from this period.
  • Draw conclusions about the daily life and customs of people.
Analyze primary sources on the relationship between pagans and Christians
Engage with historical texts to develop your critical thinking and source analysis skills.
Browse courses on Primary Sources
Show steps
  • Identify and gather primary sources related to the interactions between pagans and Christians in late antiquity.
  • Read and analyze the texts, identifying key themes and perspectives.
Participate in a discussion group on pagan-Christian relations
Engage in peer-led discussions to exchange ideas, share perspectives, and deepen your understanding.
Show steps
  • Join or create a discussion group focused on pagan-Christian relations.
  • Actively participate in discussions, asking questions, sharing insights, and respectfully engaging with others.
Explore the architecture of ancient churches
Delve into the architectural styles and features of ancient churches, gaining insights into their historical and religious significance.
Show steps
  • Visit ancient churches in your area or online through virtual tours.
  • Observe the exterior and interior structures, paying attention to the design, proportions, and materials used.
  • Read books or articles about the history and architecture of early Christian churches.
  • Analyze the churches' architectural features in relation to their liturgical functions and the prevailing beliefs of the time.
Create a Comparison of Pagan and Christian Symbolism in Late Antiquity
Solidify your grasp on the complex relationship between pagan and Christian beliefs in this era.
Browse courses on Late Antiquity
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  • Gather images or descriptions of pagan and Christian symbols.
  • Compare and contrast their meanings, origins, and how they were used in different contexts.
  • Create a digital or physical display of your findings in the form of an infographic, presentation, or poster.
Interpret archaeological evidence of pagan and Christian practices
Explore archaeological sites and artifacts to gain a deeper understanding of the material culture and practices of both pagans and Christians.
Browse courses on Archaeology
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  • Visit an archaeological museum or historical site with exhibits on late antique religion.
  • Study archaeological reports and scholarly articles on excavations related to pagan and Christian practices.
Volunteer at a historical site or museum related to pagan-Christian relations
Gain practical experience and contribute to the preservation of historical sites while learning firsthand about the complexities of pagan-Christian relations.
Show steps
  • Identify historical sites or museums related to pagan-Christian relations.
  • Contact the organization to inquire about volunteer opportunities.
Analyze Late Antique Sources: Comparing Primary and Secondary Sources
Learn valuable critical thinking and analytical skills when it comes to evaluating history.
Browse courses on Late Antiquity
Show steps
  • Find and compare different primary and secondary sources on the same topic from Late Antiquity.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each type of source.
  • Write a report on your findings, evaluating the reliability and usefulness of the sources for historical research.
Create a presentation on a specific aspect of pagan-Christian relations
Synthesize your knowledge and develop your communication skills by presenting on a topic of your choice related to pagan-Christian relations.
Browse courses on Presentation
Show steps
  • Choose a specific topic related to pagan-Christian relations, such as the role of Constantine, the evolution of religious practices, or the impact of Christianity on pagan beliefs.
  • Research and gather information from scholarly sources.
  • Develop a clear and engaging presentation outline.
Attend a workshop on archaeological methods for studying pagan-Christian relations
Enhance your knowledge and skills in archaeological techniques for studying the material remains of pagan and Christian practices.
Browse courses on Archaeology
Show steps
  • Research and identify workshops on archaeological methods for studying pagan-Christian relations.
  • Register and attend the workshop.

Career center

Learners who complete A l’avènement du christianisme : l’archéologie des derniers païens will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Archaeologists uncover and examine the physical remains of past societies. They analyze artifacts, buildings, and other evidence to learn about cultures, peoples, and environments of the past. This course provides a foundation in archaeological methods and techniques, as well as an understanding of the history and culture of the ancient world. This knowledge can be applied to the study of archaeology in a variety of settings, including museums, universities, and government agencies.
Museum curator
Museum curators are responsible for the care and preservation of museum collections. They may also conduct research on the objects in their care and develop and deliver educational programs for the public. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of a museum curator in a variety of settings, including museums, historical societies, and cultural institutions.
Art historian
Art historians study the history of art and its relationship to other fields, such as culture, politics, and society. They may also work in museums, galleries, or auction houses. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of an art historian in a variety of settings, including museums, universities, and research institutions.
Archivists are responsible for the care and preservation of historical documents and records. They may also conduct research on the materials in their care and develop and deliver educational programs for the public. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of an archivist in a variety of settings, including libraries, archives, and historical societies.
Architectural Historian
Architectural historians study the history of architecture and its relationship to other fields, such as culture, politics, and society. They may also work in museums, historical societies, or government agencies. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of an architectural historian in a variety of settings, including museums, universities, and research institutions.
Historians research, analyze, and interpret the past. They may also teach, write, or work in museums or other public institutions. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of a historian in a variety of settings, including universities, research institutions, and government agencies.
Librarians provide access to information and resources to the public. They may also work in museums, historical societies, or government agencies. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of a librarian in a variety of settings, including libraries, archives, and museums.
Anthropologists study the behavior, origin, and development of humans. They may also work in museums, government agencies, or private research institutions. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of an anthropologist in a variety of settings, including universities, museums, and research institutions.
Theology Professor
Theology professors teach and research the nature of God, the universe, and humanity. They may also work in religious institutions or organizations. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of a theology professor in a variety of settings, including universities, seminaries, and religious organizations.
Religious Studies Professor
Religious studies professors teach and research the nature of religion and its impact on society and culture. They may also work in religious institutions or organizations. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of a religious studies professor in a variety of settings, including universities, colleges, and research institutions.
Philosophy Professor
Philosophy professors teach and research the nature of reality, knowledge, and existence. They may also work in government agencies or private research institutions. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of a philosophy professor in a variety of settings, including universities, colleges, and research institutions.
Economics Professor
Economics professors teach and research the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. They may also work in government agencies or private research institutions. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of an economics professor in a variety of settings, including universities, colleges, and research institutions.
Political Science Professor
Political science professors teach and research the nature of government and its impact on society and culture. They may also work in government agencies or private research institutions. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of a political science professor in a variety of settings, including universities, colleges, and research institutions.
Sociology Professor
Sociology professors teach and research the nature of society and its impact on individuals and groups. They may also work in government agencies or private research institutions. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of a sociology professor in a variety of settings, including universities, colleges, and research institutions.
Law Professor
Law professors teach and research the nature of law and its impact on society and culture. They may also work in government agencies or private research institutions. This course provides a foundation in the history and culture of the ancient world, as well as an understanding of archaeological methods and techniques. This knowledge can be applied to the work of a law professor in a variety of settings, including universities, colleges, and research institutions.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in A l’avènement du christianisme : l’archéologie des derniers païens.
Specifically discusses the archaeology of late antique paganism, making it an extremely relevant supplemental reading to this course.
Is highly relevant to this course as it presents a comprehensive cultural history of the late antique world, a broad period which covers many of the topics touched on by this course.
This biography of Constantine the Great examines the emperor's role in the transition from a pagan to christian Roman empire, and is highly relevant to this course.
This handbook offers an even more in-depth overview of late antiquity, and more advanced supplemental reading which may be helpful for learners with a strong background in the time period.
Offers a broad overview of the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. This is highly relevant to this course since this time period primary focus.
Introduces the last pagan senators and aristocrats of the Roman empire, and is relevant to the course as it focuses on the interaction between pagans and christians in late antiquity.
Offers essays from a variety of experts who examine the reign of Constantine, and is helpful supplemental reading for learners who want to learn more about this pivotal era.
Offers another overview of late antiquity, though focuses on everyday life and society.
Focuses on the archaeology of the Mediterranean countryside during late antiquity, which is relevant to this course as it touches on the topic of the christianization of rural areas.
Presents a more recent interpretation of the fall of the Roman Empire, and is useful supplemental reading for learners interested in the broader historical context of late antiquity.


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