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The Teacher's Social and Emotional Learning

Dan Liston and Randy Testa

Social and emotional learning, or SEL, programs have flourished in schools during the last decade. While this growth has been impressive, inadequate attention has been paid to teachers’ social and emotional learning. In this course Dan Liston and Randy Testa introduce you to various rationales for why teacher SEL is needed as well as examine and reflect on various emotions in teaching and learning.

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Social and emotional learning, or SEL, programs have flourished in schools during the last decade. While this growth has been impressive, inadequate attention has been paid to teachers’ social and emotional learning. In this course Dan Liston and Randy Testa introduce you to various rationales for why teacher SEL is needed as well as examine and reflect on various emotions in teaching and learning.

This course is a part of the 5-course Specialization “The Teacher and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)”. Interested in earning 3 university credits from the University of Colorado-Boulder for this specialization?? If so check out "How you can earn 3 university credits from the University of Colorado-Boulder for this specialization" reading in the first module of this course for additional information.

We want to note that the courses in this Specialization were designed with a three-credit university course load in mind. As a participant you may notice a bit more reading content and a little less video/lecture content. Completing and passing the SEL Specialization allows the participant to apply for 3 graduate credits toward teacher re-certification and professional enhancement. We want to ensure the quality and high standards of a University of Colorado learning experience.

Interested in earning 3 graduate credits from the University of Colorado-Boulder for The Teacher and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Specialization? Check out "How you can earn 3 university credits from the University of Colorado-Boulder for this specialization" reading in the first week of this course for more information.

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What's inside


Why SEL and the teacher?
Here we introduce what SEL is and why it is important for all teachers. We elaborate the need for the teacher to enhance her/his knowledge of self, especially his/her own social and emotional terrain. A guiding premise is that deeper teacher self-understanding facilitates and enhances deeper student relations and greater chances for the transformative possibilities for student and teacher. A related premise is that by examining our deeply held cherished beliefs and emotional responses to situations and texts, we create opportunities for further insights into why and the ways we teach.
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What does teaching do to teachers?
Here we further elaborate the need for the teacher to enhance her/his knowledge of self, especially his/her emotional responses as well as deeply held beliefs.
Sadness and despair in teaching
The value of reflection on and examination of sadness, despair, and related emotions in teaching is seen as one example of an enhanced “granularity” offered to teachers through reflection on emotions.
Joy, passion, and enjoyment in teaching
The value of reflection on and examination of joy and passion, as well as other related emotions in teaching is seen as another example of an enhanced “granularity” that can be gained by teachers through a reflection on emotions.
Grit and wholeness in teaching
By contrasting “grit” and “wholeness” in teaching and learning we explore further the value we as individuals place on these two orienting dispositions.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Examines rationales for why teacher SEL is necessary
Develops an awareness of emotions in teaching and learning
Taught by instructors Dan Liston and Randy Testa, recognized experts in SEL
Helps teachers enhance their self-knowledge
Explores the impact of teaching on teachers' emotions
Examines the values of grit and wholeness in teaching

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Reviews summary

The teacher's emotional journey

Learners say those teaching the course are largely positive role models who share inspiring insights with engaging materials. They especially recommend the readings, which provide valuable information about teachers' social and emotional well-being. One learner stressed that the readings were difficult for them as a non-native speaker, so learners with similar circumstances should be prepared for this. Overall, learners found the course thought-provoking and enlightening.
Provides in-depth and relevant readings on social and emotional learning
"I LOVED this course! The readings were captivating and inspiring."
"I truly learned so much and reflected on my own beliefs intensely. It was refreshing and challenging in that I was forced to look deep into myself and evaluate where I am in my social emotional learning of my inner self and I feel like I will bring the lessons I learned into my coaching of my teachers and students."
"It was very interesting to think about why teachers tend to lose the passion they used to have when they started teaching."
Promotes self-reflection and critical thinking about teaching
"This course is fundamental for anyone teaching or considering teaching."
"This course had helped understand in depth on how social and emotional aspects of a teacher's life can greatly affect students' life as well."
"This course is a thought provoking and enriching ride to one beginning the journey to understand the need and importance of teachers' social and emotional well being."
Prioritizes the emotional well-being of educators
"I am really pleasantly surprised by the focus on the social and emotional needs and insight of the teacher in this course."
"Being a teacher, who has an experience of 3 years, I feel this i a very enlightening course for me. I have still have a lot of enthusiasm for my vocation but loved to understand how this enthusiasm may falter, yet it can be rekindled. I highly recommend this course to all the teachers."
"Exploring the self- as a teacher is often an overlooked process, but ever so important. The course helped me reflect better as a teacher."
Some readings are lengthy and complex
"This course contains a lot of reading material. This is unusual for a MOOC, but makes it easier to read almost anywhere."
"When taking a class called social emotional learning I expect that the teachers of the subject connect with their students on exactly that level."
Includes historical texts that may be difficult to relate to
"A very interesting course that focuses on the social and emotional aspects of teaching. Although at the beginning it was a bit strange to read some texts that are over 100 years old."
"Exploring the self- as a teacher is often an overlooked process, but ever so important. The course helped me reflect better as a teacher."

Career center

Learners who complete The Teacher's Social and Emotional Learning will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
As a Teacher, you will be responsible for educating and inspiring students. This course can help you enhance your teaching practice by providing you with a deeper understanding of your own social and emotional experiences, as well as those of your students.
Teacher Educator
As a Teacher Educator, you will be responsible for preparing and supporting future teachers. This course can help you enhance your teaching practice by providing you with a deeper understanding of your own social and emotional experiences, as well as those of your students.
As a Principal, you will be responsible for leading and managing a school. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional challenges and rewards of teaching, which can help you better support your teachers and create a positive learning environment.
School Counselor
As a School Counselor, you will provide academic, career, and personal counseling to students. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional experiences of teachers, which can help you better understand and support students.
Education Consultant
As an Education Consultant, you will be responsible for providing guidance and support to schools and other educational organizations. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional challenges and opportunities faced by teachers and students, which can help you provide more effective and tailored support.
Education Advocate
As an Education Advocate, you will be responsible for promoting and protecting the rights of students and educators. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional challenges and opportunities faced by teachers and students, which can help you better understand and address the issues they face.
Education Policy Analyst
As an Education Policy Analyst, you will be responsible for analyzing and evaluating educational policies and programs. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional challenges and rewards of teaching, which can help you develop more effective and equitable policies.
Education Journalist
As an Education Journalist, you will be responsible for reporting on and analyzing educational issues and trends. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional challenges and opportunities faced by teachers and students, which can help you write more informed and impactful stories.
Educational Researcher
As an Educational Researcher, you will be responsible for conducting research on educational issues and developing evidence-based practices. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional experiences of teachers, which can help you better understand and address the challenges and opportunities they face.
Educational Psychologist
In your role as an Educational Psychologist, you will apply your expertise in psychology to improve educational systems and student outcomes. This course may be useful for your career as it explores the social and emotional learning of teachers, which is a key factor in student success.
Education Technology Specialist
As an Education Technology Specialist, you will be responsible for integrating technology into educational settings. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional challenges and opportunities faced by teachers and students, which can help you develop and implement more effective and engaging technology-based learning experiences.
Instructional Designer
As an Instructional Designer, you will be responsible for designing and developing educational materials and programs. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional needs of teachers and students, which can help you create more effective and engaging learning experiences.
Nonprofit Program Director
As a Nonprofit Program Director, you will be responsible for leading and managing educational programs and initiatives. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional needs of teachers and students, which can help you create more effective and engaging programs.
Higher Education Administrator
As a Higher Education Administrator, you will be responsible for managing and leading colleges and universities. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional experiences of teachers and students, which can help you better understand and support the needs of your institution's faculty and students.
Curriculum Developer
As a Curriculum Developer, you will be responsible for designing and developing educational materials and programs. This course may be useful for your career as it provides insights into the social and emotional needs of teachers and students, which can help you create more effective and engaging learning experiences.

Reading list

We've selected 13 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Teacher's Social and Emotional Learning.
Introduces mindfulness practices and techniques that can be used in the classroom to promote emotional regulation and self-awareness.
Provides a framework for understanding and developing emotional intelligence, which is essential for effective teaching and classroom management.
Offers strategies for creating a positive and supportive learning environment, based on the principles of respectful communication and self-discipline.
Provides a neurobiological perspective on child development, and offers practical strategies for fostering healthy emotional and social development.
Offers a practical guide to mindful parenting, which can help teachers better understand and support the emotional needs of their students.
Offers a classic perspective on the art of teaching, including insights into the importance of teacher self-reflection and the cultivation of empathy.
Provides insights into the impact of poverty on students' learning and behavior, and offers strategies for creating equitable learning opportunities.
Examines the importance of culturally responsive teaching, which involves honoring and valuing students' cultural backgrounds and experiences.
Explores the role of character traits, such as grit and curiosity, in student success.


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