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Andrea Moring, Dave Reay, and Hannah Ritchie

މިއީ ހަމަ ހަގީގަތުގައިވެސް ފުރިހަމަ ތޫފާނެކެވެ. ކާބޯތަކެތި ލިބުމުގެ ދަތިކަމާއި، އެއް މިންވަރަށް މި އިތުރުވަމުންދާ އާބާދީއަށް ހަކަތަ ނުލިބުމާއި ގައްވު ހޫނުވުމަކީ މި ތޫފާން އިތުރަށް ވަރުގަދަ ކުރުވާ ކަންތައްތަކެވެ. މި ހުރިހާ ދުނިޔަވީ ގޮންޖެހުންތަކުގައި ނައިޓްރޮޖަން ވަރަށް މުހިއްމު ރޯލެއް އަދާކުރެއެވެ. މި ކޯހުން ދަސްވެގެންދާނީ އިންސާނިއްޔަތަށް ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ބޭނުން ހުރި މިންވަރާއި މުސްތަގުބަލުގައި ނައިޓްރޮޖަން ވާނީ އިންސާނުންނަށް ހުރި ރައްކަލެއްތޯ ނުވަތަ ނުރައްކަލެއްތޯއެވެ.

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މިއީ ހަމަ ހަގީގަތުގައިވެސް ފުރިހަމަ ތޫފާނެކެވެ. ކާބޯތަކެތި ލިބުމުގެ ދަތިކަމާއި، އެއް މިންވަރަށް މި އިތުރުވަމުންދާ އާބާދީއަށް ހަކަތަ ނުލިބުމާއި ގައްވު ހޫނުވުމަކީ މި ތޫފާން އިތުރަށް ވަރުގަދަ ކުރުވާ ކަންތައްތަކެވެ. މި ހުރިހާ ދުނިޔަވީ ގޮންޖެހުންތަކުގައި ނައިޓްރޮޖަން ވަރަށް މުހިއްމު ރޯލެއް އަދާކުރެއެވެ. މި ކޯހުން ދަސްވެގެންދާނީ އިންސާނިއްޔަތަށް ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ބޭނުން ހުރި މިންވަރާއި މުސްތަގުބަލުގައި ނައިޓްރޮޖަން ވާނީ އިންސާނުންނަށް ހުރި ރައްކަލެއްތޯ ނުވަތަ ނުރައްކަލެއްތޯއެވެ.

ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ވާހަކައަކީ ވަރަށްވެސް އާދަޔާ ޚިލާފު ވާހަކައެކެވެ. ފެން ރަތްވެ، މީހުން ނޫވާ ކަމަށް ބުނާ ވާހަކައެކެވެ. މޫސުމީ ނިޒާމުތަކާއި ތަޣައްޔަރުކަން، ބޮޑެތި ޖާފަތްތަކާއި ބަނޑުހައިހޫނުކަމުގެ ވާހަކަތަކެވެ. ނައިޓްރޮޖަންއަކީ ހަމަ އެކަނި ޕީރިއަޑިކް ތާވަލުގައި ހިމެނޭ އެހެން ކެމިކަލް އުންޞުރުތަކެކޭ އެއްފަދަ އާދައިގެ އުންޞުރެއް ކަމުގައި ހީކުރަނީ ނަމަ، ނައިޓްރޮޖަންއާއި ދޭތެރޭ އަލުން ވިސްނާލުން ރަނގަޅެވެ.

މީގެ ކުރިން ކޮންމެ ރޮނގަކުން ތަޢުލީމު ހާސިލުކޮށްފައިވީނަމަވެސް، މި ކޯހުގެ ޒަރިއްޔާއިން ނައިޓްރޮޖަންއާއި ގުޅޭ އާއްމު މަޢުލޫމާތުތަކާއި ނައިޓްރޮޖަންއާއި ގުޅުންހުރި ދުނިޔަވީ ބަދަލުތައް ދެނެގަނެ، ނައިޓްރޮޖަންއާއި ގުޅިގެން ދިމާވާ ގޮންޖެހުންތަކާއި މި ކަންތަތަކަށް ހައްލު ހޯދާނެގޮތް ދަސްވެގެންދާނެއެވެ. މައިގަނޑު މަޢުލޫ ތަކުގެ ތެރޭގައި، ކާބޯތަކެތި ލިބުމުގެ ރައްކާތެރިކަން، މޫސުމީ ބަދަލުތައް، ވައި ތަޢައްޔަރުވުން، ފެން ތަޢައްޔަރުވުން، އިންސާނީ ސިއްޙަތު އަދި މިނޫންވެސް އިތުރު މަޢުލޫތައް ހިމެނެއެވެ.

ޔުނިވަރސިޓީ އޮފް އެޑިންބަރާގެ ފަހުރުވެރި ވަނަތަކެއް ހާސިލުކޮށްފައިވާ ފެކަލްޓީ ޓީމާއި އެކު އުނގެނުމުގެ ފުރުސަތު މި ކޯހުން ލިބިގެންދާނެއެވެ. މި ކޯހުގެ ޒަރިއްޔާއިން އިލްމުވެރިންގެ ޚިޔާލާއި އެއްގޮތަށް ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ސަބަބުން ދިމާވާ ގޮންޖެހުންތައް ދެނެގަނެ، އޭގެ ސަބަނުން އިންސާނީ ދިރިއުޅުމަށް ދިމާވެދާނެ ނުރައްކާތައް ދެނެގަނެ، އެކަންކަން ހައްލުކޮށް އެކަންކަމާ ކުރިމަތިލާނެ ގޮތްތައް ދަސްވެގެންދާނެއެވެ.

މިއީ 'ނިއުޓަން-ބާބާ ވަރޗުއަލް ސެންޓަރ އޮން ނައިޓްރޮޖަން އެފިޝަންސީ'ގެ އިންޑިއާއި އަދި އިނގިރޭސި ވިލާތުގެ ތަޖުރިބާކާރުން ގުޅިގެން އުފައްދާފައިވާ، މިފަދަ ދުނިޔޭގެ ފެންވަރުގެ ފުރަތަމަ ކޯހެވެ. މި ކޯސް ކިޔަވައިދޭނީ ނައިޓްރޮޖަން އާއީ ތަހުލީލުގެ ދާއިރާއިން އެތައް އަހަރެއްގެ ތަޖުރިބާ ހޯއްދަވާފައިވާ ފަރާތްތަކެވެ.

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  • __ބައިނަލްއަގުވާމީ ފެންވަރުގައި ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ސަބަބުން ކުރިމަތިވެފައިވާ ގޮންޖެހުންތައް، ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ސަބަބުން އިންސާނީ ނަސްލު ކުރިއެރުމަށް ލިބުނު ފައިދާ، އަދި ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ބޭނުން ނަހަމަ ގޮތުގައި ކުރުމުން މިހާރު އިންސާނުންނަށް ދިމާވެފައިވާ ދަތިތައް ***
  • ދަނޑުވެރިކަމާއި ކާބޯތަކެތި ލިބުމުގެ ރައްކާތެރިކަމަށް ނައިޓްރޮޖަންއަކީ މުހިއްމު އަސާސެއްކަން ދެނެގަތުން ***
  • ވައި ތަޢައްޔަރު ވުމުގައި ނައިޓްރޮޖަން އަދާކުރާ ރޯލާއި އިންސާނީ ސިއްހަތައް ކުރާ އަސަރު ***
  • ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ސަބަބުން ފެން ތަޢައްޔަރުވާ ގޮތާއި އޭގެ ނޭދެވޭ އަސަރު ދެނެގަތުން ***
  • ދުނިޔޭގެ ނައިޓްރޮޖަންއާއި ގުޅިގެން ދިމާވާ ގޮންޖެހުންތައް ދެނެގަނެ، މި ގޮންޖެހުންތަކަށް ހައްލު ހޯދާނެ ގޮތްތައް ދިރާސާކޮށް، މި އަގުހުރި އުންޞުރު މެނޭޖްކުރާނެ ގޮތް ދަސްކުރުން


ހަފްތާ 1: ދުނިޔޭގެ ފެންވަރުގައި ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ސަބަބުން ހުރި ގޮންޖެހުން
ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ތަޢާރަފު އަދި ދުނިޔޭގައި ކާބޯތަކެތި އުފެއްދުމުގައި ތިމާވެށްޓަށް ލިބޭ ގެއްލުން ތައް، އަދި މޫސުމަށް އަންނަ ބަދަލުތަކުގައި ނައިޓްރޮޖަން އަދާ ކުރާ ރޯލު
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ހަފްތާ 2: ނައިޓްރޮޖަން އާއި ދަނޑުވެރިކަން
ނައިޓްރޮޖަން ސައިކަލްގެ ތަޢާރަފު، ކާބޯތަކެތި އުފެއްދުމުގައި ތާރީޚަށް ބަލާއިރު ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ރޯލު، ނައިޓްރޮޖަން އާއި މޫސުމަށް އަންނަ ބަދަލުތަކާ ހުރި ގުޅުން، ކުރިއަށް އޮތްތާގައި ކާބޯތަކެތި ލިބުމުގެ ރައްކާތެރިކަމަށް ހުރި ގޮންޖެހުންތައް
ހަފްތާ 3: ނައިޓްރޮޖަންއާއި ވައި ތަޢައްޔަރުވުން
ނައިޓްރޮޖަންގެ ސަބަބުން ސަރަހައްދީ އަދި ދުނިޔޭގެ ވައި ތަޢައްޔަރު ވާ ގޮތް، އޭގެ ސަބަބުން ކުރާ އަސަރުތައް، ޓްރެންޑްސް އަދި ކުރިއަށް އޮތްތާގައި ދިމާވާނެ ގޮންޖެހުންތައް
ހަފްތާ 4: ނައިޓްރޮޖަން އާއި ފެން
ނައިޓްރޮޖަން ފެނުގެ ނިޒާމުގެ ތެރެއަށް ވަންނަ ގޮތް، މީރުފެނާއި ކަނޑަށް މީގެ ސަބަބުން ކުރާ އަސަރުތައް، މާހައުލީ ނިޒާމުތަކަށާއި އިންސާނުންގެ ސިއްހަތަށް ކުރާ އަސަރު.
ހަފްތާ 5: ނައިޓްރޮޖަންއިން ހައްލު
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Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Examines nitrogen, which is essential for crop growth in agriculture and industry
Taught by faculty with extensive backgrounds in nitrogen's impact on the environment
Explores current and future challenges associated with nitrogen
Covers various aspects of nitrogen's impact, including climate change, pollution, and human health
Provides insights into managing nitrogen to mitigate its environmental impact
Course materials include videos, readings, and interactive activities

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Nitrogen: A Global Challenge (Maldivian) with these activities:
Prepare your study space
Get ready for the course by setting up a space where you can learn effectively.
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  • Choose a specific area for studying
  • Declutter the space and reduce distractions
  • Gather your essential study materials
Review the syllabus and course materials
Familiarize yourself with the course structure and key concepts to prepare for effective learning.
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  • Read the course syllabus thoroughly
  • Scan through the textbooks or online materials
  • Identify unfamiliar concepts and make a note of them
Evaluate your background in chemistry
Test your prior knowledge of chemistry concepts to identify areas where you may need to brush up.
Browse courses on Chemistry
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  • Take a practice quiz or exam
  • Review your notes or textbooks
  • Identify topics where you had difficulty
Five other activities
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Join a study group or discussion forum
Connect with other learners to discuss course topics, share insights, and support each other.
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  • Find a study group or discussion forum
  • Participate in discussions
  • Ask questions and share your perspectives
Test your understanding of nitrogen cycle
Practice solving problems related to the nitrogen cycle to improve your comprehension.
Browse courses on Nitrogen Cycle
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  • Find practice problems or exercises
  • Attempt to solve the problems independently
  • Check your answers and identify areas for improvement
Develop a concept map of nitrogen's impact
Create a visual representation of the various ways nitrogen affects the environment and human health.
Browse courses on Environmental Impact
Show steps
  • Brainstorm concepts and their relationships
  • Organize the concepts into a logical structure
  • Use a tool or software to create a concept map
Plan a community outreach project on nitrogen awareness
Design a project to educate your community about the importance of nitrogen and its impact on the environment.
Browse courses on Community Outreach
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  • Identify a target audience and specific goals
  • Develop educational materials and activities
  • Secure funding or resources
  • Implement the project and track its impact
Enter a hackathon or competition related to nitrogen management
Participate in a hands-on challenge to apply your knowledge and skills in a practical setting.
Show steps
  • Find a suitable hackathon or competition
  • Form a team or collaborate with others
  • Develop a solution to the challenge
  • Present your solution and receive feedback

Career center

Learners who complete Nitrogen: A Global Challenge (Maldivian) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Environmental Engineer
As an environmental engineer, you will design, construct, and operate systems to protect the environment. This course will help you understand nitrogen's impact on the environment, including water quality, air pollution, and climate change, which can inform your engineering decisions.
Environmental Chemist
You will study the chemical composition of the environment, the reactions that take place in the environment, and remediation of environmental issues. This course will help you understand nitrogen's impact on the environment, including water quality, air pollution, and climate change.
Water Quality Scientist
Your career as a water quality scientist will involve studying the quality of water and developing solutions to water pollution. This course will help you understand nitrogen's impact on water quality and aquatic ecosystems.
Water Resources Engineer
In your role as a water resources engineer, you will design and manage systems to supply and protect water resources. This course may be helpful in understanding nitrogen's impact on water quality and aquatic ecosystems, which can inform your engineering decisions.
Soil Scientist
As a soil scientist, you will study the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils. This course may be helpful in understanding the role of nitrogen in soil fertility and crop production.
Climate Scientist
Your work as a climate scientist will involve studying climate patterns, climate change, and the impacts of climate change on the Earth's systems. This course will help you understand the role of nitrogen in the Earth's systems, through its impact on agriculture, water quality, and climate change.
Your work as an oceanographer will involve studying the world's oceans and seas. This course will help you understand nitrogen's role in the ocean's ecosystems and its impact on marine life.
Atmospheric Scientist
Your career as an atmospheric scientist will involve studying Earth's atmosphere and its interaction with other systems on the planet. This course will help you understand nitrogen's role in the Earth's systems, through its impact on agriculture, water quality, and climate change.
Sustainability Manager
In your role as a sustainability manager, you will develop and implement sustainability strategies and programs for businesses and organizations. This course may be helpful in understanding the global impact of nitrogen on the environment and the economy.
As a hydrologist, you will study the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth. This course may be helpful in understanding nitrogen's impact on water quality and aquatic ecosystems.
Environmental Scientist
In your work as an environmental scientist, you will study the environment and environmental issues. This course may be helpful in understanding the global impact of nitrogen on the environment, and the ways it affects ecosystems and public health.
Environmental Consultant
Your career as an environmental consultant will involve advising businesses and governments on environmental issues and regulations. This course may be helpful in understanding the global impact of nitrogen on the environment, and the regulations that are in place to protect the environment.
You will investigate the interactions among the Earth's geologic, biologic, and chemical systems in the role of a biogeochemist. This course could prove helpful to you in understanding nitrogen's role as an essential nutrient in the Earth's ecosystems.
Conservation Scientist
As a conservation scientist, you will investigate methods to protect the Earth's ecosystems and biodiversity. This course may be helpful in understanding the role of nitrogen in various ecosystems, and how the nitrogen cycle impacts conservation efforts.
Agricultural Engineer
In agricultural engineering, you will work on problems and solutions surrounding the production and distribution of foods and other agricultural products. This course may be helpful in understanding the global impact of nitrogen on crop yields and other agricultural concerns, which you may encounter as an agricultural engineer.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Nitrogen: A Global Challenge (Maldivian).
Provides a comprehensive overview of the global nitrogen challenge. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about this important issue.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the need for nitrogen. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about this important topic.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the nitrogen problem. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about this important issue.
Covers the larger role of nitrogen in the context of global climate change and environmentalism. This would be a good supplemental read for the course.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the nitrogen: a global perspective. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about this important topic.
Provides a comprehensive overview of environmental soil chemistry, including the role of nitrogen in soil ecosystems. It would be a useful reference for this course.
Would be most useful for those wishing to do additional reading for Week 2, when nitrogen and agriculture are covered.
Provides an overview of the nitrogen cycle and its role in water pollution. It would be useful as additional reading for this course.


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