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Tayseer Almattar

This is a streamlined course to take you from knowing nothing about This course should enable you to, with confidence, use After this course, you can proudly list your

We are following a learn-by-doing approach for you to truly master all the skills needed for the certification test.

*The interface used in this program is the classical We have another updated program with the

About this course:

With this course, you will get:

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This is a streamlined course to take you from knowing nothing about This course should enable you to, with confidence, use After this course, you can proudly list your

We are following a learn-by-doing approach for you to truly master all the skills needed for the certification test.

*The interface used in this program is the classical We have another updated program with the

About this course:

With this course, you will get:

  • Full, free lifetime access to 77 lectures (increasing over time).

  • All future extra lectures and upgrades will always be free.

  • Unconditional Udemy 30 days money-back guarantee - We are sure you would love the course though :)

  • Regular free bonus additions to increase your knowledge. - lots of fun topics.

Today, you can start your journey to becoming a

I stress that you need no prior experience, and there is nothing to buy or pay for. You will only need

Why our course?.

  • Learn from the best. Your instructor is the author of the book Learn

  • You will have all your questions answered by experts in the course forum.

  • Get access to an exclusive student

  • We follow the learning-by-doing approach, which is proven the best for learning software like

  • We have enlarged the interface icons in our screencasts to make our videos more eye-friendly. We even enlarged the mouse cursor.

  • We use annotations in all our lectures for easier follow-up.

  • We made our videos short and concentrated on one or a few aspects to make them easier for reference. We also designed each lecture to be a stand-alone lecture.

You will learn:

  • How to navigate through the

  • How to sketch with different sketch commands.

  • How to define sketches using relations or distances.

  • How to use more than 10 different features to create 3D models. (extruded boss and cut, fillet, chamfers, revolved boss and cut, swept boss and cut, lofted boss and cut)

  • How to create additional reference planes.

  • How to modify given parts to match design needs.

  • How to explore different materials for your models.

  • How to find your model's mass, volume, and center of gravity.

  • How to assemble different parts into an assembly file.

  • How to generate drawings from parts and models.

  • How to interpret different drawing annotations.

Click the 'take this course' button, top right, now... Every hour you delay is costing you great creations and skills :)

Tayseer Almattar

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Confidently list your solidworks skills in your resume
  • Use solidworks to design/draft your next innovation
  • Take, with confidence, the solidworks associate certification test - cswa
  • Self-learn advanced functions in solidworks
  • Use solidworks to make basic models


Identify what is SOILDWOKRS, and why it is a beneficial skill to have.

This lecture covers:

  • What is the course about.
  • Who is the course instructor.
  • What does the course cover.
  • What method is used in teaching the course.
  • What you should be able to do by the end of the course.
Read more

This lecture discusses:

  • How to watch this course
    • Watch on HD
    • Post in discussion board
    • Other Udemy related topics

This lecture discusses:

  • What is SOLIDWORKS.
  • What are some benefits for learning SOLIDWOKRS.
  • Number of existing SOLIDWORKS users.

This lecture discusses:

  • The SOLIDWORKS versions we are using for this course.
  • Why are we using SW 2015 for instructions and SW 2013 for supplementary materials.
Identify different parts in SOLIDWORKS interface and how to navigate the software.

This lecture covers:

  • What is covered in the section: Basic SOLIDWOKRS Interface and Navigation

This lecture will show you:

  • Different types of files you can start with SOLIDWOKRS.
  • How to start a new part.

This lecture will teach you:

  • The major parts of SOLIDWORKS interface.
  • What is the command bar, canvas and design tree.

This lecture will teach you:

  • The meaning of Document Measurement Units.
  • What are the document measurement units and how you can change them.

This lecture will teach you:

  • The type of mouse that would work best with SOLIDWORKS.
  • Tips on how to use the mouse for easier modelling and navigation.

This lecture address how can the user switch their SOLIDWORKS interface to different schemes.

Here are concluding remarks for the section "Basic SOLIDWORKS Interface and Navigation".

Discussion - Why Learn 3D Modeling?
How to use SOLIDWOKRS sketching commands to sketch both simple and complex shapes.

This lecture covers:

  • What is covered in the section: Let's Start Sketching

This lecture covers:

  • What are sketch planes
  • What are the standard three sketching planes
  • How to select a plane to start sketching

This lecture covers:

  • TIP of always linking to the fixed origin.

This lecture covers:

  • How to take the first step to sketch shapes.
  • How sketch lines.
  • How to sketch rectangles.
  • Different methods of sketching rectangles.

This lecture covers:

  • How to sketch circles.
  • How to sketch arcs.
  • What are the major and minor axises of an ellipse.
  • How to sketch an ellipse.

This lecture covers:

  • How to use dimensions to define your sketches via "Smart Dimension" command.
  • What is an under-defined sketch, fully-defined sketch, and over-defined sketch.
  • How to know if your sketch is fully defined.

This lecture covers:

  • How to use angles to fully define your sketch (using "Smart Dimension")

This lecture covers:

  • What are relations in SOLIDWORKS.
  • Relations that involve a line, two lines, a point and a line and two points.
  • How to use relations to define your sketches. Relations covered here are:
    • Horizontal
    • Vertical
    • Merge
    • Midpoint
    • Coincident
    • Parallel
    • Perpendicular
    • Equal

This lecture covers:

  • Relations that involve circles and ellipses (curves).
  • How to use relations to define your sketches. Relations covered here are:
      • Concentric
      • Equal
      • Tangent

This lecture covers:

  • Relations that SOLIDWORKS apply automatically.
  • How to automatically apply relations in SOLIDWORKS.
  • How to know which relation is being applied automatically.

This lecture covers:

  • How to know which relations are active.
  • How to know which parts of a sketch a relation is linked to.
  • How to Delete active relations.

This lecture covers:

  • What are construction and centre lines.
  • What are construction lines used for.
  • How to convert lines/shapes into construction lines/shapes.

This lecture covers:

  • What are the sketching commands: Mirror, Offset, Patterns and Trim.
  • How would those commands make sketching easier and faster.
  • How to use the commands:
    • Mirror
    • Offset
    • Pattern
    • Trim

This lecture covers:

  • Exercises in which you can apply your sketching skills!

This lecture covers:

  • A teaser to the next section in we will start making 3D models.

This lecture covers:

  • Concluding remarks on the section: Let's Start Sketching.
  • Check self-examination to make sure you understood the topics covered in the section.
How to apply basic features to build 3D models in SOLIDWOKRS.

This lecture covers:

  1. What are the topics covered in the section: Let's Start Applying Basic Features

This lecture covers:

  • What are features.
  • Three 'starter' steps to apply features.

This lecture covers:

  • What are the features Extrude boss, Cut Extrude and Fillets
  • How to apply multiple features in one body.
  • How to define the feature Extrude boss.
  • How to utilize faces as sketch planes.
  • How to define the feature Cut extrude.
  • How to define the feature Fillet.
  • How to apply shortcuts in applying Fillets.
  • Previewing the features before apply them.

This lecture covers:

  • How to identify features from the design tree.
  • How to edit a specific features from the the design tree.
  • How changes in features effect different parts in the design.
  • How to delete a specific feature from the design tree.
  • How to interpret feature deletion pop-up message.
  • How could deleting a feature effect the rest of the part.

This lecture covers:

  • Review: how to delete a feature.
  • What are chamfers
  • What is the difference between fillets and chamfers
  • How to define chamfers by an Angle and a Distance
  • How to define chamfers by two Distances
  • How to define chamfers by Vertexes

This lecture covers:

  • Interpreting a drawing to model a part.
  • How to plan the creation of a model into different steps.
  • Drafting a model using the features:
    • Extrude Boss.
    • Extrude Cut.
    • Chamfers (defined by distance-distance).
  • Review: Applying linear patterns to create sketches.

This lecture covers:

  • How to model the same model using different approaches.
  • How can the same part modification part have different effect is same looking model.
  • How to priorities your modeling approach based on your design intent.
More on Design Intent!

This lecture covers:

  • Exercises in which you can apply your basic features skills!

This lecture covers:

  • Concluding remarks on the section: Let's Start Applying Basic Features.
  • Check self-examination to make sure you understood the topics covered in the section.
Join Our SOLIDWORKS Community
How to apply different SOLIDWOKRKS features to create complex 3D models.

The lecture covers:

  • What are the topics covered in the section: Let's Start Applying more Complex Features.

This lecture covers:

  • What are the features Revolved Boss and Revolved Cut.
  • How to plan your sketch to apply the features Revolved Boss and Revolved Cut.
  • What is an axis of revelation.
  • How the define the features Revolved Boss and Revolved Cut.
  • How to utilize the features Revolved Boss and Revolved Cut to model a part from a drawing.

This lecture covers:

  • What are the features Swept Boss and Swept Cut.
  • How many sketch are needed to apply Swept features.
  • What is profile sketch and a guide sketch.
  • How does profile and guide sketches interact with each other.
  • How to create a model using Swept features and a drawing.

This lecture covers:

  • What are reference planes.
  • How to create new planes different than base planes and faces resulting from features.
  • What are some shapes you would need to define new planes for.
  • How to specify new plane using one of seven combination:
    1. Three points
    2. A line and a point
    3. Two lines
    4. Other Planes
    5. A plane and a line
    6. A plane and a point
    7. A plane and a curve
This lecture covers:
  • What are the features Lofted Boss and Lofted Cut
  • How many sketch are needed to apply the Loft features.
  • What are profile sketches and guide curves.
  • How does profile and guide sketches interact with each other.
  • How to create a model using Loft feature and a drawing.
7 Shortcuts to Speed up Your Workflow

This lecture covers:

  • Interpreting a drawing to model a part.
  • How to plan the creation of a model into different steps.
  • Drafting a model using the features:
    • Revolved Boss
    • Swept Boss
    • New reference planes
    • Extruded Boss
    • Extruded Cut
    • Fillets

This lecture covers:

  • Exercises in which you can apply your more complex features skills!

This lecture covers:

  • Concluding remarks on the section: Let's Start Applying more Complex Features.
  • Check self-examination to make sure you understood the topics covered in the section.
Hey there! ?
How adjust model materials and find out the model's mass properties like wight, center of gravity, and volume.

This lecture covers:

  • What are the topics covered in the section Let's Explore Material and Mass Properties

This lecture covers:

  • How to edit the material for a modeled part.
  • How to identify materials properties.
  • How to adjust the unit of measurement for material properties.
  • How does the model appearance change with different materials.

This lecture covers:

  • What are mass properties.
  • How to know the mass, volume, surface area and center of mass for your models.
  • How does different materials have different mass properties.
  • How to change the unit of measurement to view mass properties.

This lecture covers:

  • Exercises in which you can apply your mass properties skills!

This lecture covers:

  • Concluding remarks on the section: Let's Explore Material and Mass Properties.
  • Check self-examination to make sure you understood the topics covered in the section.
How to mate different parts to create properly constrained assembly.

The lecture covers:

  • What are the topics covered in the section: "Let's Start doing Assemblies.

This lecture covers:

  • How to open an assembly file in two ways:
    • Through a new file
    • From an open part
  • How add different components to an assembly file.

This lecture covers:

  • How to create mates between parts.
  • Three types of mates: standard, advanced, and mechanical

This lecture cover:

  • The fixed part on an assembly.
  • The function of the first added part in an assembly.

This lecture covers:

  • What are the following Standard mates and how to use them to create an assembly:
      • Coincident
      • Parallel
      • Perpendicular
  • How to select Mate Relations when creating mates.
  • How to use the Move Component command to rotate models.
  • The meaning of the sign (-) adjacent to part names in the Design Tree.

This lecture covers:

  • What are the following standard mates and how to use them to create an assembly:
      • Tangent
      • Concentric
  • Fully defining a component vs. leaving parts of it undefined.

This lecture covers:

  • How to identify existing relations in a given assembly from:
      • Design Tree
      • Part Options
  • How to identify the Mate Selections for an existing relation.
  • How to delete an existing relation.
  • How to modify an existing relation

This lecture cover:

  • What are the following standard mates and how to use them to create an assembly:
      • Distance
      • Angle
  • Different Mate Selections to reach the same mate result.

This lecture covers:

  • What is the Standard Mate LOCK and how to use it.

This lecture covers

  • How to introduce a new coordinate system. 
  • How to find the center of mass in relation to a newly introduced coordinate system.   

This lecture covers:

  • Using the skills learned earlier in this section to create an assembly from a given parts. Mates used are:
      • Coincident
      • Parallel
      • Distance
      • Angle
      • Concentric
  • There are many different ways to reach the same assembly.

This lecture covers:

  • Exercises in which you can apply your assemblies skills!

This lecture covers:

  • Concluding remarks on the section: Let's Start doing Assemblies.
  • Check self-examination to make sure you understood the topics covered in the section.
How to communicate models using 2D engineering drawings.

This lecture covers:

  • What are the topics covered in the section: Let's Start doing 2D drawings
The importance of 2D Engineering Drawings

This lecture covers:

  • How to open a drawing file in two ways
      • Opening from nothing
      • Opening from an open part
  • How to insert drawings into the canvas

This lecture covers:

  • How to adjust the measurement unit setting for a drawings file.
  • Important notes to consider related to drawing's file unit of measurement

This lecture covers:

  • How to insert orthographic views from a part.
  • What is a base view.
  • Which views are connected to the base view and which are not.
  • How to add separate additional views when needed.
  • How to delete a view.

This lecture covers:

  • How to adjust the scale of drawings using:
      • already defined scales
      • custom defined scales
  • The difference between scaling the base drawing and the accompanied drawings
  • What is correct scale to pick for your drawings

This lecture covers:

  • Displaying dimensions using "Smart Dimension"
  • How much information to display in a drawing
  • Displaying hole information using "Hole Callout"
  • Adjust dimensions displays
  • Adjust display style
  • Adding Centerlines

This lecture covers:

  • The type of information displayed at the bottom of a Drawings file.
  • Adjusting the information displayed at the bottom of a Drawing file.

This lecture covers:

  • How to export a SOLIDWORKS drawings into an image or a PDF.

This lecture covers:

  • How to interpret the following when seen in a drawing:
    • Auxiliary View
    • Section View
    • Detail View
    • Brocken-out Section View
    • Crop View

This lecture covers:

  • Concluding remarks on the section: Let's Start doing 2D Drawings.
  • Check self-examination to make sure you understood the topics covered in the section.
This small test will help you practice the skills you have learned in the course.

This test is to strengthen the SOLIDWORKS skills you have learned in the course. In addition, to strengthen your skills, they will work to strengthen your SW stamina. The exercises here, you will different models back to back and you will be timed completely all the exercises.

You can think of this as a little CSWA test.

How to take this exam:

· The multiple choice answers should serve as a check for you to ensure that your model is on the right track.

· There are hints that can help save time during the exam.

The following is the topic and question breakdown of this exam:

Basic to Advanced Part Creation and Modification


Extrude Boss and Cut


Modification of Key Dimensions


Sketch Offset

Swept Boss and Cut

Lofted Boss and Cut

Modification of Key Dimensions

More Fun Here!
Practical Assignment - Project X
Practical Assignment - Furniture
Sample CSWA Exam Walkthrough
Section Intro
Questions 1-2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops skills and knowledge related to SOLIDWORKS, which is standard in mechanical engineering
Teaches students to use SOLIDWORKS to design and draft their own innovations
Prepares students for careers where SOLIDWORKS is required using industry-standard techniques
Taught by an author recognized in the field of mechanical engineering
Uses a learn-by-doing approach to build skills through hands-on practice
Examines basic to advanced features in SOLIDWORKS
Provides students access to exclusive student resources
Covers the basics of 3D modeling, making it suitable for beginners
May not be suitable for students without prior knowledge of mechanical engineering
The course is taught using an older version of SOLIDWORKS
Students may need to purchase additional software or materials to complete the course

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Save SOLIDWORKS: Become a Certified Associate Today (CSWA) to your list so you can find it easily later:

Reviews summary

Certified solidworks associate: cswa essentials

learners say this course is largely positive for beginners seeking a foundation in SolidWorks. It offers a step-by-step approach to core concepts, with ample practice exercises and support materials. The instructor is praised for clear explanations and responsiveness. While it sufficiently covers CSWA exam topics, some reviewers suggest expanding content for more complex projects.
The instructor explains concepts clearly and responds promptly to questions. His teaching is organized and structured, making it easy to follow along.
"Tayseer is an incredible instructor. His lessons are very effective."
"The instructor is all about practicing, even though your have no knowledge about SolidWorks it is going to be okay!"
"The instructor is good enough to advance at a very reasonable pace."
This introductory course assumes no prior knowledge of SolidWorks, making it ideal for beginners.
"I was able to create not only 2D Drawings and 3D Drawings, I was able to model useful parts and print them from a 3d Printer."
"After going through the course a bit more, I am very impressed. At first, I gave 4.5 stars, because it didn't surpass my expectations. Half way through and my expectations were surpassed."
"This course is perfect for beginners, to learn Solidworks from scratch and get to a well-defined level."
The course is packed with practice exercises, downloadable resources, and practice tests to reinforce learning.
"Many practice exercises so you will be able to know whether you have understood the concepts or not."
"All videos are excellent that clears your conceptual understanding and it is fun to design new parts while learning"
"Each and every necessary features are explained elaborately in this course. Practice drawings are also provided at the end of every section which made me confident in using each feature."
The course aligns with the CSWA certification exam, providing a solid foundation for passing the test.
"Everything was explained clearly, and it was easy to do all exercises once you understood what was going on."
"I had no idea what Solidworks before. I started to take a CAD class in my university at the same time with this course."
"This course has been really informative and you can start as a beginner."
While the course covers the basics of SolidWorks thoroughly, some students may require additional resources for more advanced topics.
"This was a really good refresher course for me to take before moving onto the more advanced topics."
"This will be a good course for very beginners."
"The short modules are great for a beginner that is busy multitasking."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in SOLIDWORKS: Become a Certified Associate Today (CSWA) with these activities:
SW Sketching Exercises
Practice sketching techniques to solidify understanding of basic commands and sketching workflow.
Browse courses on Sketching
Show steps
  • Review baseline sketching techniques
  • Perform sketching exercises from online resources or textbooks
  • Focus on practicing different sketch relations
Drawing Creation Exploration
Follow video tutorials or online documentation to learn about creating and annotating drawings, including views, dimensions, and notes.
Show steps
  • Identify a model or part that requires a drawing
  • Search for video tutorials or documentation on drawing creation
  • Follow the tutorials or documentation to create a drawing for the model or part
Drawing Annotation Project
Create a detailed technical drawing for a given model or part, including views, dimensions, notes, and other annotations, to demonstrate understanding of drawing practices.
Browse courses on Dimensions
Show steps
  • Select a model or part to create a drawing for
  • Create multiple orthographic views of the model or part
  • Add dimensions and notes to accurately convey the design intent
  • Check the drawing for completeness and accuracy
One other activity
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all four activities
Assembly Modeling Project
Create an assembly model from scratch, including multiple parts, mates, and constraints, to demonstrate understanding of assembly concepts.
Show steps
  • Design a simple assembly with multiple parts
  • Create the individual parts for the assembly
  • Assemble the parts using appropriate mates and constraints
  • Test the assembly for proper functionality and motion

Career center

Learners who complete SOLIDWORKS: Become a Certified Associate Today (CSWA) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
SolidWorks Designer
A SolidWorks Designer is responsible for using computer-aided design (CAD) software to create 3D models of products and mechanical designs. This course teaches the skills needed to use SolidWorks, which is a popular CAD software program. Completing this course will help you enter and succeed as a SolidWorks Designer by teaching you the basics of the program, including how to sketch, apply features, create assemblies, and communicate models using 2D engineering drawings.
Product Design Engineer
A Product Design Engineer is responsible for the design and development of products. This course can help prepare you to become a Product Design Engineer by teaching you the fundamentals of SolidWorks, which will be an essential tool in designing products and developing prototypes.
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineers design, build, and maintain mechanical systems. This course teaches the basics of SolidWorks, which is a tool that Mechanical Engineers use to design and create 3D models of mechanical systems.
CAD Technician
A CAD Technician uses computer-aided design (CAD) software to create technical drawings and 3D models. This course will teach you the fundamentals of SolidWorks, a popular CAD program, helping you build a foundation for a career as a CAD Technician.
Manufacturing Engineer
Manufacturing Engineers develop and implement manufacturing processes. This course will teach you how to use SolidWorks, a tool that is essential for designing and optimizing production processes in the manufacturing industry.
Architects design buildings and other structures. This course can help you enter or advance in this career by teaching you how to use SolidWorks, a tool that will be an asset in the design and visualization of buildings and structures.
Interior designer
Interior Designers plan and design the interiors of buildings. This course will help you build a foundation for a career as an Interior Designer by teaching you how to use SolidWorks, a tool used to create 3D models and visualizations of interior spaces.
Civil Engineer
Civil Engineers design and build infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and buildings. This course will help prepare you for this career by teaching you how to use SolidWorks, a tool used in the design and analysis of civil engineering projects.
Graphic designer
Graphic Designers create visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. This course will teach you essential skills for a career in this field by providing a strong foundation in the use of SolidWorks, which is often used to create designs for marketing and advertising.
Web Designer
Web Designers are responsible for creating and maintaining websites. This course can help you develop the skills necessary for a career as a Web Designer by teaching you how to use SolidWorks, a tool that can be used to create 3D models and visualizations of website designs.
Industrial Designer
Industrial Designers develop the concepts and designs for manufactured products. This course will help you prepare for a career as an Industrial Designer by teaching you how to use SolidWorks, a tool that is essential for designing and developing new products.
Aerospace Engineer
Aerospace Engineers design and develop aircraft, spacecraft, and other related systems. This course can help prepare you for a career as an Aerospace Engineer by teaching you how to use SolidWorks, a tool that is commonly used in the design and analysis of aerospace systems.
Automotive Engineer
Automotive Engineers design and develop vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles. This course will help you build a foundation for a career as an Automotive Engineer by teaching you how to use SolidWorks, an essential tool in the design and development of vehicles.
Software Developer
Software Developers design, develop, and test software. This course can help you build knowledge and skills for this field by providing a foundation in the use of SolidWorks, a versatile tool that can be applied in various aspects of software development, including design and prototyping.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers create instruction manuals, technical reports, and other written materials. This course will teach you how to use SolidWorks, a tool used in the creation of technical illustrations and diagrams, enhancing your ability to produce clear and accurate technical documentation.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in SOLIDWORKS: Become a Certified Associate Today (CSWA).
This tutorial comprehensive resource for learning SOLIDWORKS. It covers all the major features of the software, including sketching, modeling, assemblies, and drawings. Overall, a very good resource for those new to SOLIDWORKS or those who need a refresher.
Standard reference for mechanical engineers. It covers a wide range of topics, including materials, stress analysis, and machine design. While useful as a reference guide, it might be too technical for beginners.
Could serve as another foundational book to the course. It covers various topics from beginner to advanced and has been used as a textbook in some academic institutions.
This step-by-step guide is great for absolute beginners to SOLIDWORKS. It provides a comprehensive overview of the software and its tools.
If you are interested in learning more about SOLIDWORKS Simulation, this book can provide more in-depth knowledge than what is covered in the course.
This tutorial good resource for learning SOLIDWORKS Plastics. It covers all the major features of the software, including plastic part design, plastic mold design, and plastic analysis.


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