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Become a Corporate Recruiter

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Set yourself up for success as a corporate recruiter. Learn the critical role that corporate recruiters play in talent management, as well as how to source talent, screen resumes, interview candidates, and create successful onboarding experiences.

In this learning path,

  • Master recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and hiring individual employees.
  • Learn how to find the best candidates and keep them.
  • Discover the importance of talent management.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 11
Instructors Catherine Mattice Zundel, Barbara Bruno, Lou Adler, Wayne Cascio, Nick Brazzi, Oliver Schinkten, Kathrine Sharon, Jeff Toister
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Talent Management Project Coordinator $50k

Talent Management Specialist 2 $62k

Talent Management Program Coordinator $62k

Talent Management Administrator $66k

Talent Management Specialist 1 $70k

IT Talent Recruiter | University Talent Management Contractor $72k

Global Talent Management $81k

Head of Talent Management $90k

IT Talent Recruiter | University Talent Management $93k

Talent Management Executive $99k

Talent Management Manager $107k

Talent Program Management $108k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

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Human Resources: Running Company Onboarding

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LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 11
Instructors Catherine Mattice Zundel, Barbara Bruno, Lou Adler, Wayne Cascio, Nick Brazzi, Oliver Schinkten, Kathrine Sharon, Jeff Toister
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Talent Management Project Coordinator $50k

Talent Management Specialist 2 $62k

Talent Management Program Coordinator $62k

Talent Management Administrator $66k

Talent Management Specialist 1 $70k

IT Talent Recruiter | University Talent Management Contractor $72k

Global Talent Management $81k

Head of Talent Management $90k

IT Talent Recruiter | University Talent Management $93k

Talent Management Executive $99k

Talent Management Manager $107k

Talent Program Management $108k

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