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Daniel Walter Scott

UI design skills are one of the most employable opportunities of our lifetime. In this course you’ll learn how to design a professional website in Adobe Illustrator CC. We’ll start right at the basics of Illustrator and work our way through to building professional UI designs. This course doesn’t cover how to code a website but focuses on the design processes that professional UI designers use when working.

This is a project based class for students who are new to the world of app & web design. I created this for people nervous about changing their careers into the world of user interface design.

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UI design skills are one of the most employable opportunities of our lifetime. In this course you’ll learn how to design a professional website in Adobe Illustrator CC. We’ll start right at the basics of Illustrator and work our way through to building professional UI designs. This course doesn’t cover how to code a website but focuses on the design processes that professional UI designers use when working.

This is a project based class for students who are new to the world of app & web design. I created this for people nervous about changing their careers into the world of user interface design.

We’ll build a professional portfolio website. You can use this course to build your own portfolio website (the one you’ve been putting off for years). You’ll learn how to design desktop, tablet and mobile versions of your website. You’ll learn what you’ll need to deliver at the end of a project to your client.

This course is for people serious about becoming a User Interface design professional.

Know that I’ll be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.

Now it’s time to upgrade your skills, get that better job, and impress your clients.

What are the requirements?

  • You'll need a copy of Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 or above. A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.

  • No previous design skills are needed.

  • No previous Illustrator skills are needed.

What am I going to get from this course

  • 45 lectures 4 Hours 7 minutes of content.

  • You'll learn to design a website with in Adobe Illustrator.

  • User Interface essentials.

  • 27 Completed files so you never fall behind.

  • Learn how to wireframe at all levels

  • How to design for a responsive website.

  • Downloadable exercise files & cheat sheet.

  • Forum support from me and the rest of the BYOL crew.

  • Techniques used by professional website designers.

  • Professional workflows and shortcuts.

  • A wealth of other resources and websites to help your new career path.

What is the target audience?

  • This course is for beginners. Aimed at people new to the world of web and UI design. While no previous Illustrator experience is necessary.

    Course duration 4 hours

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Work as a ui designer building web design & app designs.
  • Use illustrator to a professional level.
  • Know how to build wireframes.
  • Know how to build site maps.
  • Know how to design for a responsive website.
  • Professional workflows and shortcuts.


Preparation for the course. I'll go over what you're about to learn and why.

Hi there, my name is Dan, and I'm a Certified Adobe Instructor for Illustrator. In this video series we're going to use Adobe Illustrator to build a web and UI design project together. We'll use a real world project, we'll start with our portfolio. You know the portfolio, the one that you've been planning to build forever but haven't got around to. Let's you and me build that now together. 

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Alright, now the question is, after this course, am I going to be a UI/UX designer? They kind of go hand in hand. They are very different things. After this course, you can say, "Yes, I am a UI designer. I can build user interfaces,” like websites that we're going to be doing, and app design, that is user interface. We use tools like Illustrator amongst other ones that you potentially could use to be a UI designer. 

In this video we're going to talk about what products do what, because Adobe has loads of them, and there are some other competitors as well about the way the UI is designed, so let's talk about the main Adobe products.

So, what is Illustrator's role in this whole business? As a web designer you might decide you finish at the limits of where Illustrator stops, and what you'd be expected to do-- say you're the designer, you'd have to work with the developer, or a web designer, somebody who does the HTML in CSS, because Illustrator itself doesn't actually make websites; it designs it, the look and feel, gets everything in the right position, the colors, the fonts, and we use that as a template to build that in code. 

I'll show you how to access your awesome exercise and completed files, as well as my handy downloadable Cheat Sheet!

First thing we need to do is to get the exercise files, so there'll be a link in the description or on the sites here somewhere, we can go out and get the exercise files, and they are just like the images that we're going to use, any text we use, any kind of resources that I talk about, so download those.

In this course, what we're going to do is look at setting up our Illustrator for working with web and app design. There's couple of things we need to change, because at the moment, by default, when you install it, and when you're using it, it's kind of assuming you're dealing with print based stuff, so it's using physical measurements like mm, cm, or inches, so we need to go off and change a few things.

I'll show you how to plan out your design to get the best end result.

A sitemap is similar to a flowchart which visually displays where the sites pages will go on your website. A wireframe is a simple mockup using placeholders to lay out the general look and feel of the page. The aim of the wireframe is to give an idea of where things will go rather than detailing what colors, fonts and images will be used.

Hey, in this video we're going to look at making a site map. Now, we can do this in a couple of programs. I'm going to show you how to do it in Illustrator because it's an Illustrator class, but then I want to show you why I don't do it in Illustrator, mainly because it takes so long.

I'll show you how to set up your Illustrator documents to make the whole design process MUCH easier.

Hey there, in this tutorial we're going to make these Artboards in Illustrator. This is going to be our desktop size, this is going to be our tablet size, and this is going to be our mobile size. So let's work out what sizes we need to make these first, and then we'll go and build them in Illustrator. 

Hey there, in this video we're going to talk about Grid Systems and Responsive Web Design. So, when people talk about responsive, all it means is I'm going to design a site that responds to the different devices that I'm using.

Hello, wonderful people. What we're going to do in this one is actually add these guides to our views, so we can use that lovely 12-column grid, and get started with our design. Let's go and do it.

Let's begin our wireframing, the pillar of design is aways planning, so lets get into it!

In this video, we're going to look at doing wireframes, but we're going to do some low fidelity, hand drawn ones. I always start with this, I draw on my book and start working that way, and often, if it's my own work I don't get any further than this, I don't mock up beautiful ones in Illustrator because there's no point, there's no one to impress but myself, and it's a bit of ideation, this wireframing, and I work from those. 

In this video we're going to make this a wireframe. It's a wireframe, it also is just gray boxes and some type; nice and simple. Alright, let's go do it.

So let's start building a wireframe. It's quite like our Sitemap, we've just got lots of rectangles, and some type. Let's go through some tricks and tips to come along, but if you are pretty confident with Illustrator already you might want to skip along this one.

Okay, lovely people. This is what we're going to be building in this tutorial, we're going to finish off the desktop, build the tablet and mobile versions of our wireframe. I won't be offended if you just skip to the next video, because it is literally just kind of doing the same thing but working to a different grid.

Lets get stuck into designing our landing page at Desktop View

Okay, now we're getting into the design phase. We've done some Sitemaps and Wireframes, and they don't look very sexy, now it's sexy time.

We're going to go through and look at where I get my inspiration, you might have yours. This I find is probably the best of all the sites. It's called 'awwwards', but with www in there. Good gig

Okay, in this tutorial we're going to look at how to start from templates. You might be really new to design in general, you might be a student, you might be young, you might be older and have never done it before. Whatever reason, you might be a little more daunted by the whole design process. “What is it going to look like?” 

Hey there, in this video we're going to bring in our lovely, sexy, vector logo, and we'll drop in our Nav bar, play with the opacity, and add a bit of ‘Type’ for our navigation. Alright, let's go and do it.

In this section we'll explore how to use Adobe Color and how to match your colors nicely

In this video we're going to talk about adding color to your site, we're going to start using something called Adobe Color CC. It used to be called Cooler, if you remember him, but if you go to color.adobe.com and you sign in with your Creative Cloud license you'll get to here. 

In this video we're going to look at pulling colors from existing branded logos to use within your UI design.

I love fonts! Let's have a look at the various ways to impliment fonts into your design. Then we'll finish the hero box in our design

In this video we're going to look at bringing in really specific web safe fonts, from Google Fonts, and Typekit, like this little sexy guy here, and these little plain Janes, but very cool fonts up the top here.

In this production video-- production video just means, I’m not really doing anything new, I’m just going to be filling in the holes for our design, you can watch or you can skip it along, it's alright. So this is what we're going to get to at the end of this video, we're going to be putting in some text, some colored boxes, but we know how to put  text and colored boxes in, so let's go and do that now.

Let's look at where to get high quality, royalty free images for you to use in your design, shall we? Then lets see how to edit them.

Hi there, in this video we're going to look at where we get free images from, and what royalty free images are. We'll start with the free images.

In this video what we're going to do is we're going to bring in some images, and we're going to look at how to crop them into these little thumbnails here. We'll look at both squares and circles.  Alright, let's go.

Hey there, in this video we're going to do this little image in the background here where it's kind of like a full stretchy background, and it's kind of washed out, it's got a green tone. We'll look at how to do that in Illustrator.

Howdy, campus! In this video we are going to look at layers in Illustrator, and what we're going to do is we're going to end up looking like this, where we've got one layer with all that kind of art work, and one layer with the background layer. The cool thing about the background layer is that it's kind of locked. There's a locking icon here, so we can't move it around. So let's go and do that now.

Symbols and icons are also a super important part of UI design, lets dive in!

Alright, in this video we're going to cheat, we need a tick, and we're going to just steal it. Okay, stealing is the wrong word, we're going to appropriate it from Creative Cloud market place, and there's lots of good stuff in there that we can use, and we're allowed to use legally, and it's all scalable and vectoriness, and that will save us from drawing it, so let's go and look at that now.

Hello! In this video, what we're going to do is, we're going to get these images, these icons, these social icons, and we're going to get them for free, from a place called Iconfinder, then we're going to go off and change the colors to match our design. Let's go.

Hello, UI designers. What we're going to do now is get these icons just kind of aligned nicely, and balanced in these columns. Alright, let's go do it.

Alright, in this video we're going to look at editing vectors that already exist, that we've downloaded, and we want to start playing around with, and kind of adjust them a little bit. We're going to do it to this simple arrow down here, we're going to change the stroke size, and adjust it a little bit along with the color. We're also going to mess around with them, make them kind of rounded, and do all sorts of fun stuff. Alright, let's go and do that now.

Hi there, in this video we're going to build this logo shape here using the Shape Builder. We're also going to build all of these fun little guys. So let's go and do that, and learn how to use the Shape Builder tool.

In this exercise, we're going to draw this little Kiwi, and this clover leaf down the bottom here, and we're going to draw a crown, and they're all vector, they're nice, and vector bits, and we're going to show you how to use this lovely pen tool. There he is there. Let's go do that.

Let's complete our tablet and mobile responsive designs.

In this tutorial, we're going to create our tablet version, it's going to look very similar, we're going to play with some of the padding on the sides here, so it's not so fat and dented, we're going to rearrange the stacking order of these thumbnails, and little bits and pieces, but we'll get ready for tablet. Okay, so let's get started.

Hello, beautiful people! In this tutorial we're going to make our mobile version. You can see it's a little bit different, we've done lots of left aligning, and columns. In mobile, we're going to break it down, we're going to remove some boxes, you can see, we're missing some, we're missing some lines, and we've gone for some centred bits, and probably the main bit is our lovely mobile menu, or our Nav sandwich, or our Hamburger menu. So let's go and build that stuff.

After this section you'll have a good understanding of how and why we export components in specific ways

In this tutorial we're going to export our different screens, or our different artboards so that we can put them into a PDF, so that we can send them off to the client to see, or for our web designer to maybe give us a costing on, just a nice way to make a PDF straight from Illustrator. Let's go and do that now.

In this tutorial we're going to talk about SVGs, and should I be using them, or should I not? SVG’s a reasonably new file format. It's like a JPEG, or PNG, and it's really good for use online because it's scalable. SVG is a vector graphic, which means it can be scaled up and down without loss of resolution, whereas JPEGs, if you stretch it really big, it gets all kind of pixelated and yucky.

In this video we're going to look at exporting our images, things like photographs, and there's background graphic here, you can see that we're going to end up in this ‘Export’ panel, and then we're going to end up in this lovely group I've exported. Awesomeness! All right, let's get started.

Hi, in this tutorial we're going to look at exporting logos and icons from Illustrator for web or app use. 

When we're dealing with SVGs - We talked about that in our earlier video - it's super easy.

Hi there, in this video we're going to talk about what we do about retina, or high dpi, or responsive images, whatever you may want to call it, it's all about quality of images.

This video is going to be more about exporting for apps but let's pretend we're not building a desktop and tablet version, we're just building a mobile app, so we've kind of build some icons to be used in here. It's very easy. 

Hi there, in this video we're going to look at exporting some of the code from Illustrator. Oh, code!

If you've never used code before, and this is something that will be really helpful for the person building your site. If you're going to be building your site, this is going to be super helpful for you.

Understand the basics of working in the UI industry

All right, now that we've created our first project together in Illustrator, you can now proudly call yourself a User Interface designer. Are you the world's best UI designer? Probably, not yet.

So how do you get your first work as a UI designer? You've done the course, and you're really keen to get started, but how do you get work?

There's kind of like two streams, if you are young, or ready for a complete career change, you're going to ditch being a baker and now you’re going to become a UI designer, or you're young, a student, and looking to get into it, that direction, just starting as a junior UI designer

What you need to do to maximise your newly found skills and build your UI Designer career

All right, now it's time for the next steps. What do I do now, I've finished the course. I'm getting started in UI, what can I do next?

All right, it is project time, homework time, professional development time, whatever you might want to call it. This bit is super important, I promise you. The people that I teach, I teach a lot of people, it’s the people that do this, like extra step, because you've been following me step by step through this course, which is amazing, and you’ll get the ideas, but it's only about your own practice, where you have to think for yourself, on to your own problems, so this little project I'm going to set for you-- I bet you, the people that do this are the ones that are going to remember, probably later.

Lots of awesome tips and tricks that you can utilise in your new UI career

Alright, this is our Cheat Sheet. We're going to go through some of the bits we've covered in real quick bullet points, and add some super extra fancy tips and tricks. Let's go do it.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches the basics of UI design and front end development using industry standard Adobe Illustrator CC
Taught by Daniel Walter Scott, a Certified Adobe Instructor
Suitable for beginners with no prior design or Illustrator skills
Core audience includes aspiring UI designers and web designers
Develops solid user interface essentials and wireframing expertise
Builds a strong foundation in Illustrator for professional-grade UI design

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC with these activities:
Complete a refresher course in Illustrator basics
Kickstart your UI design journey by brushing up on the fundamentals of Illustrator.
Browse courses on Adobe Illustrator
Show steps
  • Enroll in an online or in-person refresher course covering the basics of Adobe Illustrator.
  • Review the fundamental concepts of vector design, such as paths, shapes, and layers.
  • Practice using the основных инструментов Illustrator, such as the Pen tool and the Shape Builder.
Attend local UI/UX design meetups or conferences
Expand your professional network and stay updated on industry trends by attending local UI/UX design events.
Show steps
  • Research local UI/UX design meetups or conferences in your area.
  • Register for events that align with your interests and career goals.
  • Attend the events, engage with other attendees, and share your knowledge and experience.
Complete daily wireframing exercises
Sharpen your wireframing skills with regular practice, laying the groundwork for effective UI designs.
Browse courses on Wireframing
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  • Choose a simple website or app and attempt to create wireframes for its key pages.
  • Focus on capturing the essential elements and functionality of each page.
  • Seek feedback from peers or online communities to refine your wireframes.
Five other activities
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Show all eight activities
Follow tutorials on advanced Illustrator techniques
Elevate your UI designs by exploring advanced Illustrator techniques through guided tutorials.
Show steps
  • Identify specific Illustrator techniques you want to master, such as creating custom brushes or using the Pathfinder panel.
  • Seek out reputable online tutorials or courses that provide step-by-step guidance on these techniques.
  • Follow the tutorials carefully, experimenting with the techniques and applying them to your own designs.
Volunteer as a mentor for aspiring UI designers
Reinforce your understanding of UI design principles by mentoring aspiring designers and sharing your knowledge.
Browse courses on Mentoring
Show steps
  • Identify opportunities to mentor aspiring UI designers through organizations or online platforms.
  • Provide guidance and support to mentees, sharing your insights and expertise in UI design.
  • Review mentees' work, offer constructive criticism, and encourage their growth and development.
Develop a UI design concept for a mobile app
Put your UI design skills to the test by conceptualizing and creating a comprehensive UI design for a mobile app.
Browse courses on UI Design
Show steps
  • Define the purpose, target audience, and user flow of the mobile app.
  • Sketch out wireframes and mockups to visualize the app's layout and functionality.
  • Design the user interface using Illustrator, paying attention to aesthetics, usability, and consistency.
  • Create a prototype of the app to demonstrate its interactivity and user experience.
Contribute to open-source UI design libraries or frameworks
Enhance your UI design skills and contribute to the community by participating in open-source projects.
Browse courses on Open Source
Show steps
  • Identify reputable open-source UI design libraries or frameworks that align with your interests.
  • Review the project documentation and contribute bug fixes, feature enhancements, or new components.
  • Collaborate with other contributors to improve the quality and functionality of the open-source project.
Design and develop a portfolio website
Showcase your UI design skills by creating a professional portfolio website that highlights your abilities.
Browse courses on Portfolio Website
Show steps
  • Plan the structure and layout of your portfolio website, considering the user experience and visual appeal.
  • Design the user interface using Illustrator, focusing on aesthetics, functionality, and accessibility.
  • Develop the website using appropriate web development technologies, ensuring cross-platform compatibility.
  • Populate your portfolio with high-quality samples of your UI design work, showcasing your range and expertise.

Career center

Learners who complete UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Product Designer
Product designers are responsible for the overall design of a product, from its initial concept to its final production. They work closely with engineers and other team members to ensure that the product meets the needs of users. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help product designers create products that are both visually appealing and functional.
UX Designer
UX designers focus on the user experience of a product or service. They work to ensure that the product is easy to use and meets the needs of users. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help UX designers create products that are both visually appealing and user-friendly.
Interaction Designer
Interaction designers create the interactive elements of a product or service. They work with designers and other creative professionals to ensure that the product is easy to use and meets the needs of users. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help interaction designers create products that are both visually appealing and user-friendly.
Web Designer
Web designers create the visual interfaces for websites. They use their knowledge of design principles and user experience to create websites that are both visually appealing and easy to navigate. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help web designers create websites that are both engaging and effective.
UI Developer
UI developers work with designers to implement the visual design of a website or application. They use their knowledge of programming languages and web development techniques to create websites and applications that are both visually appealing and functional. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help UI developers create visually appealing and effective websites and applications.
Interactive Designer
Interactive designers create interactive experiences for websites and other digital products. They use their knowledge of design principles and user experience to create interfaces that are both visually appealing and easy to use. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help interactive designers create engaging and enjoyable user experiences.
Mobile App Designer
Mobile app designers create the visual interfaces for mobile applications. They use their knowledge of design principles and user experience to create apps that are both visually appealing and easy to use. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help mobile app designers create engaging and enjoyable mobile experiences.
Information Designer
Information designers focus on visualizing information and data in clear and concise ways. The process begins with understanding the data and then presenting it through visual elements such as charts and graphs. Courses that teach design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help information designers create visually appealing and effective data visualizations.
Visual Designer
Visual designers create visual concepts and designs for a variety of media, including websites, videos, and social media. They use their knowledge of design principles and techniques to create visually appealing and engaging content. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help visual designers create visually appealing and effective designs.
Art Director
Art directors oversee the visual aspects of a project, such as a website, magazine, or advertising campaign. They work with designers and other creative professionals to ensure that the project meets the client's vision. Courses that teach design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help art directors create visually appealing and effective projects.
Creative Director
Creative directors oversee the creative vision of a project, such as a website, magazine, or advertising campaign. They work with art directors and other creative professionals to ensure that the project meets the client's vision. Courses that teach design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help creative directors create visually appealing and effective projects.
Design Manager
Design managers oversee the design team and ensure that the team's work meets the client's vision. They work with designers and other creative professionals to ensure that the project meets the client's vision. Courses that teach design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help design managers create visually appealing and effective projects.
Graphic designer
Graphic designers create visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. Courses that teach design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help graphic designers create visually appealing and effective designs.
Multimedia Artist
Multimedia artists create visual content for a variety of media, including websites, videos, and social media. They use their knowledge of design principles and techniques to create visually appealing and engaging content. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help multimedia artists create visually appealing and effective content.
User Researcher
User researchers study the behavior of users to understand how they interact with products and services. They use their knowledge of research methods and techniques to gather data and insights that can be used to improve the user experience. Courses that teach UI design principles and techniques, such as UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC, can help user researchers understand the visual aspects of products and services and how they impact the user experience.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator CC.
Explores the principles of human-centered design, focusing on how to create products and interfaces that are both user-friendly and efficient. It provides valuable insights into user psychology and behavior, making it a valuable resource for UI designers.
Introduces the concept of user experience (UX) and provides a practical framework for designing user-centered products and interfaces. It valuable resource for UI designers who want to understand the principles of UX.
Introduces the concept of atomic design, a methodology for creating modular and reusable UI components. It valuable resource for UI designers who want to improve the efficiency and consistency of their designs.
Provides practical advice for user experience (UX) professionals who work independently or on small teams. It covers topics such as user research, interaction design, and usability testing, making it a valuable resource for UI designers who want to improve their skills and knowledge.
Provides a practical guide to creating and evolving design systems. It covers topics such as style guides, component libraries, and documentation. It valuable resource for UI designers who want to improve the consistency and efficiency of their design process.
Provides practical advice on how to design websites that are easy to use and understand. It covers topics such as navigation, layout, and content organization, making it a valuable resource for UI designers who want to improve the usability of their designs.
Provides a comprehensive overview of web design principles and best practices. It covers topics such as layout, typography, color theory, and mobile optimization. It valuable resource for beginners who want to learn the fundamentals of web design.
Showcases a collection of innovative and inspiring web designs. It valuable resource for UI designers who want to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in web design.


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