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Steve Kaliski

There is no art form as eternal or essential as storytelling. It conjures images across time and space: whether experienced around the campfire, the holiday dinner table, or within the confines of a good book, storytelling is everywhere. And, as the business world of the 21st Century has discovered, intentional and impactful storytelling provides one of the most indispensable competitive advantages on the market. An empowered, aware storyteller interviews, inspires, leads, and manages more effectively than someone who dismisses a story purely as a form of entertainment. ****

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There is no art form as eternal or essential as storytelling. It conjures images across time and space: whether experienced around the campfire, the holiday dinner table, or within the confines of a good book, storytelling is everywhere. And, as the business world of the 21st Century has discovered, intentional and impactful storytelling provides one of the most indispensable competitive advantages on the market. An empowered, aware storyteller interviews, inspires, leads, and manages more effectively than someone who dismisses a story purely as a form of entertainment. ****

In this Applied Storytelling course, you will learn how to integrate this foundational human skill more powerfully into your career. Over the course of 4 self-paced weeks, you will train in vocal and physical performance techniques that will support your public speaking; you will engage in all the different types of story that shape our professional world; you will learn how to tell a story and practice in scenarios including digital storytelling and oral storytelling that will help launch or advance your career goals as a storytelling practitioner; and you will understand how to implement best practices of storytelling to enliven the day-to-day of your job. ****

No experience is necessary to enroll! You might be asking, “Which sorts of careers will benefit from this class?” Well, the answer is “All of them.” While some fields may seem more inclined toward story than others, everyone in the workforce encounters moments of stage fright where they can apply storytelling to become more captivating, confident, successful humans.

By signing up for the Verified Track, you will gain access to a community of other learners and course staff via Slack chat and Zoom video calls for advice, feedback and accountability. In addition, you will also receive on 30-minute consultation with the course instructor, Steve Kaliski, in Week 4 to discuss your capstone project!

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Gain practical application insights by leveraging case study interviews with a variety of professional backgrounds and industries ranging from academia to advertising to graphic design to politics to law and beyond!
  • Key elements of a story including defining, ethos, examples, lists, anecdotes, hypotheticals, illustrations, humor and images.
  • Basics of voice and physicality such as how to warm up prior to public speaking, practicing breath, vocal and physical variety at networking events.
  • How to get yourself out there to practice storytelling in interviews, pitches and group settings.
  • Ways to use storytelling in day-to-day office environments via powerpoint presentations, team meetings and how to get stories out of others.
  • Verified learners gain access to bonus content, a slack community of other learners and a 30-minute capstone project review via zoom video call with the course instructor, steve kaliski


Week One
In week one, we will discuss the different aspects of the body that make up our voices and check in with ourselves to discover our vocal ranges. We will explore the implications of changes in tempo, gesture, volume, pitch, timbre, and silence, and observe how different locations change the style of a presentation. At the end of the week, enjoy an interview with Jean Andzulis, whose acting background influences the way she approaches her work as Director of Special Projects at Boomerang Water.
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Week Two
This week, we will focus on the elements of a story. What are ethos, logos, and pathos, and which is most important? How do you organize a story to maintain interest? Throughout the week, Moth Grand Slam champion Will Clegg will offer his insights into telling a compelling, emotional story.
Week Three
Now that you have the building blocks of a story, how do you want to use them? This week, we encourage you to begin telling your own stories, varying the lengths and focuses so you can adapt your stories to various situations, including pitches, networking, and job interviews. Maribel Lara, Senior VP and Head of Consulting at The Sasha Group, shares her expertise on how to effectively frame and pitch an idea.
Week Four
In this final week, we'll pull everything together into a final capstone presentation. Build a slide deck, find your style, rehearse and share your work. John Corso-Esquivel, Associate Professor of Art at Davidson College, shares his slide deck on how to present a slide deck.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Shares foundational elements of a story that are key to effective storytelling
Taught by an instructor who is recognized for their storytelling work
Covers the practical application of storytelling techniques in the workplace
Offers a capstone project review with the instructor for personalized feedback
Exploration of storytelling elements, including structure and organization, enhances understanding of effective storytelling techniques
Instructor has extensive experience in the field of storytelling, providing credibility to the course content

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Applied Storytelling with these activities:
Read 'The Storytelling Animal' by Jonathan Gottschall
Gain insights into the evolutionary and psychological underpinnings of storytelling and its impact on human cognition and behavior.
View The Story Paradox on Amazon
Show steps
  • Identify the key arguments and supporting evidence presented in the book.
  • Analyze how storytelling shapes our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
  • Discuss the implications of the book's findings for effective communication and persuasion.
Practice Vocal Warm-Ups and Body Exercises
Improve your vocal and physical presence for more engaging and effective storytelling presentations.
Show steps
  • Perform warm-up exercises for your voice and body.
  • Practice breathing techniques to enhance your vocal endurance.
  • Experiment with different gestures and movements to convey emotions and illustrate your stories.
Join a Storytelling Discussion Group
Connect with fellow students, share your experiences, and receive constructive feedback on your storytelling techniques.
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  • Join a discussion group or start one with peers.
  • Prepare stories or presentations to share with the group.
  • Provide constructive feedback to other members to enhance their storytelling skills.
Four other activities
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Attend a Storytelling or Public Speaking Workshop
Accelerate your learning by attending a workshop led by experienced storytellers or public speaking experts.
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  • Research and identify reputable storytelling or public speaking workshops.
  • Register and attend the workshop.
  • Actively participate in the workshop activities and exercises.
Participate in Storytelling Competitions or Events
Challenge yourself, test your skills, and gain valuable feedback by participating in storytelling competitions or events.
Browse courses on Public Speaking
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  • Research and identify relevant storytelling competitions or events.
  • Prepare your storytelling performance or presentation.
  • Participate in the competition or event and seek feedback on your performance.
Connect with a Storytelling or Public Speaking Mentor
Gain personalized guidance and support from experienced professionals in the field of storytelling or public speaking.
Browse courses on Mentorship
Show steps
  • Identify potential mentors through professional networks, referrals, or online platforms.
  • Reach out to mentors and request their guidance.
  • Meet with your mentor regularly for feedback and advice.
Develop a Personal Storytelling Portfolio
Showcase your storytelling abilities and build your professional presence by creating a portfolio of your best work.
Browse courses on Portfolio Development
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  • Compile examples of your storytelling from presentations, pitches, or written pieces.
  • Create a website or online platform to house your portfolio.
  • Seek feedback from mentors, peers, or professionals to refine your work.

Career center

Learners who complete Applied Storytelling will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Public relations manager
Effective Public Relations Managers leverage storytelling to shape public perception and build strong relationships with key stakeholders through storytelling. This course can help you develop the skills needed to create compelling narratives that resonate with audiences and drive positive outcomes for your organization.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers utilize storytelling to connect with target audiences, promote products or services, and build brand loyalty. This course provides a solid foundation in storytelling techniques that can help you craft effective marketing campaigns that engage and persuade consumers.
Journalists rely heavily on storytelling to inform the public and hold those in power accountable. This course offers valuable insights into the art of storytelling, helping you develop the skills needed to write compelling articles, conduct effective interviews, and present information in a clear and engaging manner.
Speechwriters use storytelling to craft speeches that inspire, persuade, and inform audiences. This course provides a comprehensive overview of storytelling techniques, helping you develop the skills needed to write speeches that resonate with listeners and leave a lasting impact.
Grant Writer
Grant Writers utilize storytelling to persuade funding agencies to support their projects or initiatives. This course can help you develop the skills needed to craft compelling grant proposals that effectively communicate the value and impact of your work.
Sales Manager
Sales Managers leverage storytelling to build strong customer relationships, close deals, and drive revenue. This course provides valuable insights into the art of storytelling, helping you develop the skills needed to engage customers, present products or services in a persuasive manner, and overcome objections.
Social Media Manager
Social Media Managers use storytelling to create engaging content that attracts and retains followers, builds brand awareness, and drives traffic. This course may be useful for developing the skills needed to craft compelling social media posts, manage online communities, and measure the impact of your social media campaigns.
Event Planner
Event Planners often use storytelling to create memorable events that engage attendees and leave a lasting impression. This course may be helpful for developing the skills needed to plan and execute events that captivate audiences, effectively communicate event details, and create a positive overall experience.
Community Organizer
Community Organizers leverage storytelling to inspire people, build support for causes, and mobilize communities to action. This course may be useful for developing the skills needed to engage with diverse stakeholders, effectively communicate your message, and motivate others to participate in community initiatives.
Teachers use storytelling to engage students, convey information, and inspire learning. This course may be helpful for developing the skills needed to create lesson plans that incorporate storytelling, manage classroom discussions, and effectively communicate with students from diverse backgrounds.
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Managers utilize storytelling to create a positive work environment, attract and retain top talent, and resolve conflicts. This course may be useful for developing the skills needed to communicate effectively with employees, build strong team cultures, and navigate sensitive HR issues.
Politicians rely heavily on storytelling to connect with constituents, advocate for their policies, and win elections. This course may be helpful for developing the skills needed to craft compelling speeches, effectively engage with voters, and navigate the complex world of politics.
Lawyers often use storytelling to persuade judges and juries, present evidence, and advocate for their clients. This course may be useful for developing the skills needed to effectively communicate legal arguments, build strong cases, and represent clients in court.
Doctors may use storytelling to explain complex medical information to patients, build strong patient relationships, and provide emotional support. This course may be helpful for developing the skills needed to communicate effectively with patients, build trust, and provide compassionate care.
While storytelling may not be a core aspect of engineering work, engineers may benefit from developing strong communication skills to effectively convey technical information, collaborate with colleagues, and present their findings. This course may be useful for developing the skills needed to communicate complex technical concepts in a clear and engaging manner.

Reading list

We've selected 15 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Applied Storytelling.
Explores the evolutionary and psychological reasons why humans are drawn to stories. It is helpful for understanding the power of storytelling and its potential for use.
Provides practical advice on how to use storytelling in the workplace. It is useful for anyone who wants to improve their communication skills.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the art of storytelling, including techniques for developing characters, creating conflict, and building suspense. It is useful for anyone who wants to write or tell stories.
This classic work of comparative mythology explores the common patterns found in myths and stories from around the world. It is useful for anyone who wants to understand the underlying structure of stories and how they can be used to communicate universal truths.
This practical guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to develop and tell stories. It is useful for anyone who wants to improve their storytelling skills.
This classic guide to writing provides essential advice on grammar, punctuation, and style. It is useful for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills.
This memoir and writing guide provides insights into the craft of writing from one of the world's most successful authors. It is useful for anyone who wants to learn from a master storyteller.
Provides a step-by-step guide to developing a story's structure and characters. It is useful for anyone who wants to learn how to write compelling stories.
Analyzes the presentation style of Steve Jobs and provides insights into how to create compelling and engaging presentations.
Provides a framework for understanding why successful companies fail and how to avoid the innovator's dilemma. It is useful for anyone who wants to learn how to create and sustain innovation.
Provides a practical guide to building a successful startup using the lean methodology. It is useful for anyone who wants to learn how to launch and grow a new business.
Provides a framework for understanding the challenges of marketing and selling new products to mainstream customers. It is useful for anyone who wants to learn how to successfully launch a new product.
Challenges the extrovert ideal and provides insights into the power of introversion. It is useful for anyone who wants to learn how to embrace their introversion and use their strengths to succeed.


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