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Leila Gharani

Creating an impressive, interactive Microsoft Excel Dashboard from scratch is not easy.

I used to stare at my empty sheet and wonder where do I even start?

You need a structured process in place to go from idea to outcome in a smooth way.

You'll find out all about it in the course. We setup two fully functioning dashboards from scratch.

This course doesn't just teach you a set of functions and features, but how you can use them together to create impressive reports.

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Creating an impressive, interactive Microsoft Excel Dashboard from scratch is not easy.

I used to stare at my empty sheet and wonder where do I even start?

You need a structured process in place to go from idea to outcome in a smooth way.

You'll find out all about it in the course. We setup two fully functioning dashboards from scratch.

This course doesn't just teach you a set of functions and features, but how you can use them together to create impressive reports.

It teaches you how to approach a new Dashboard project and how to structure your work so maintaining the dashboard becomes very easy not just for yourself but for anyone else.

Note: Course recently updated to include the You can download that version if you have Office 365 and see how you can use I have been working in excel for a number of years and I am amazed at the number of simple tips I have learnt in such a short time. Fantastic." Carl Postians

"I learned something new and very useful in the first 10 minutes...awesome. " Nancy Bowens

What you learn

This course teaches you to create well-designed Excel dashboards so you and your colleagues can see trends and make quick decisions informed by data.

This Microsoft Excel Dashboard course comes with templates, tools and checklists that can be applied directly to your Excel reports.   

  • Excel dashboard & Report templates   

  • Checklists and design guidelines   

  • Excel workbook to follow along

What differentiates this course from the other Microsoft Excel Dashboard courses?

It includes:

  1. The entire process from idea to delivery - every single step without skipping key points.

  2. Tried-and-trusted techniques that are not only applicable to Excel dashboards but any Excel report.

  3. Includes Excel templates, tools and checklists that you can use for your own Excel reports.

  4. Relevant and up-to-date with industry needs right now, as it’s based on feedback and suggestions from finance professionals. 

  5. Lots of ideas and inspiration to help you come up with own report design

Complex topics are taught in a simple way by an instructor with 17 years of experience.

The course is designed to have an even balance between talking head and screen-cast.

Content is clearly organised so more advanced learners can jump in at any point and follow along with the relevant project file.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • How to approach an excel dashboard project from idea to delivery
  • How to add interactivity to your excel reports - no vba required
  • Impress management with reports that make the decision-making process faster
  • Clever use of excel core functionality for responsive spreadsheets
  • Learn how to create a professional kpi dashboard from scratch
  • Create impressive, non-standard excel charts using smart techniques
  • Build pivot table-based dashboards for easy interactivity
  • Use powerful visual techniques so your content has more effect


A Foundation in Dashboards

This lecture introduces you to the topics covered in this online Excel Dashboard course - make sure you watch it to see if the course is for you.

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I provide a brief summary of the structure of this online Excel report and dashboard course. Depending on your needs right now and how you'd like to learn, you could either jump in when I create the Excel KPI dashboard or the Regional (pivot slicer) dashboard from scratch or you can take the course from beginning to end. 

You can download the main course files here - you will find a demo workbook where you can follow along with me when I cover the formulas required for dashboards, Excel Form Controls and advanced Excel charting techniques. You can also download the files from the source data section when I demonstrate different raw data sources and also the final KPI dashboard and Regional (Slicer/ Pivot table) dashboards.

Course Outline for Quick Reference

What exactly is a dashboard? Find out in this lecture.

Based on my experience as project manager, I take you through the checklist of questions you need answered, when you start a new Excel report or Excel dashboard project. Don't forget to download the PDF document for this lecture.

Dashboards - Before You Start

Once you've gone through the checklist, these are the first steps you need to take to start with your new Excel report or Excel dashboard project. Downloadable PDF is included.

Use the Vector Elements (graphics) included in this sample Excel file, to create mock-ups (layouts) for your Excel dashboard projects.

In this lecture I share with you my favorite Excel keyboard shortcuts when I design reports and dashboards in Excel.

Use these 4 time-saving Excel tips to start quicker and work faster. It makes creating reports and dashboards in Excel much easier.

How should you setup your Excel spreadsheet report? What's the optimal method of organizing your report and calculations? How should the data flow? In this lecture I share with you the optimal method for creating Excel dashboards and reports and how to organize your tabs for best results.

Report Design Principles

What makes a good Excel report? How you design and present the information makes a big difference in how readable your reports are. Find out what makes a good report layout in this lecture.

Color plays an important role when creating Excel reports. How do you pick your colors? which color combinations work well together? Watch this lecture to find out.

How do you come up with a color scheme for your Excel reports? How can you find the RGB code in Excel? All covered here as well as a sample color palette you can download for own use.

These concrete design tips help you create better Excel reports - faster.

In this video, I show you how to set your own default theme in Excel so that every time you create a new workbook, the theme colors that are used are the ones set by you and NOT the Microsoft Office Default theme. Unfortunately setting your own default theme in Excel is not as easy as in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint where you can just tick mark - "set as default theme". In Excel you have to follow a few steps which I show in the video.

Test your knowledge on the topics learnt in the design section.

Dashboard Source Data & Formats

The source data for your dashboard could come from different systems. This lecture provides you with a quick overview of what to expect in this section and how you can prepare for different source systems.

One possible source is to have the data in an Excel spreadsheet. The data could be in separate tabs - it could be in an Excel table or it could be in an Excel Pivot table. It could be in a tabular format or a non-tabular format. What do I mean by tabular and how do you handle cases where data is non-tabular? Find out in this tutorial.

One possible source for the raw data of your Excel dashboard is Microsoft Access. In this lecture I show you how to import data from Ms. Access to Excel - either as an Excel Table or as a Pivot Table. I also show you how to optimize the connection properties so that when the data is changed in Access, the updated information is available in Excel.

CSV files (data file or text files) are easily extracted from most systems. It's tempting to open the files directly in Excel and then copy and paste the data in your Excel dashboard report. But doing this, is a manual process which you have to repeat every single time. A better way would be to set up an open connection to the CSV file so that every time the file is replaced or appended, you just have to refresh your data set in Excel and have the latest data available. No copy and pasting necessary. Find out how in this lecture.

Another common source of data is third party BI tools. Most come with an Excel-addin which enable you to connect and retrieve data from them. In a lot of cases the data sets retrieved don't come in a tabular format.

Dashboard Formula Toolbox

This lecture provides an overview of the formulas covered in this section. These are Excel formulas that help you handle any situation (whether tabular or not) to transform your data and prepare it the way you need for your reports. You can download the Demo Excel workbook and follow along with me.

INDEX MATCH is my most used formula when I create Excel reports. This lecture takes you through the basics of the INDEX and then the MATCH formula and how these two formulas work well together. This formula combination is not just for dashboards but for any type of analysis you need to do where you have large data sets.

Make sure you understand the basics of INDEX MATCH before moving to more advanced (actually real life) cases. Real business cases are often more complex and that's when you need to use this version of Index Match.

the INDEX formula is so versatile. This video shows INDEX from another angle to give you a better idea of all that Index is capable of doing.

Realistic Case: Index for Dependent Drop-down Lists in Excel

SUMIFS is a great formula, not to just to sum by different criteria but also to grab data out of data tables by criteria. COUNTIFS, does a count based on different criteria and AVERAGEIFS calculates the average based on single or multiple criteria. Watch this lecture to find out more about the potential of these great formulas.

LARGE and SMALL Excel formulas are great for dashboards and any reports that require ranking.

Sometimes you might need indexes in Excel, especially when you're creating ranking reports. Watch this lecture to see how the ROW and COLUMN formulas would be of use here.

When you create ranking reports in Excel, you need to be sure that you have unique ranks - even if two categories get the same rank and have an identical number, you still need to create a unique rank so you can organize them one after the other. Watch this lecture to find out how the ROW function could help you with that.

CHOOSE function can really simplify long IF formulas. It's a great function to know and have on hand, especially if you use form controls in Excel.

Excel's TEXT function is great to use when creating Excel reports and you'd like to combine numbers with text and still keep the number formatting. Find out how it works and what you need to watch out for when using this function in your Excel reports.

N function is a very simple function and can be use for "other" purposes. Find out for what, in this video.

GetPivotData is a great Excel function when you want to extract your data from your pivot table in a dynamic way. It is independent of the cell position. The only requirement is that the value you want to extract is "visible" in your pivot table. Why would you want to extract data from a pivot table in a dynamic way? Find out more in this lecture.

INDIRECT function can be a bit confusing at first but it's a great way to get dynamic ranges. In this lecture I show you how this works and later when we create the Slicer based regional dashboard we use this to a lookup on images. 

INDIRECT function is volatile - CHOOSE and name managers are alternative ways to get dynamic ranges and they are not volatile. Find out how they can work together in this lecture.

Form Controls for Interactive Excel Dashboards
Introduction to Form Controls - Active X vs. Form Controls

Learn how to use Excel's Combo Box Form control here.

Check boxes are great for allowing the user to select different options. Find out how check boxes work in Excel in this lecture.

The spin button, changes the value in the cell by clicking the up and down arrows. Find out how you can Excel's spin button form control in this lecture.

When you want to restrict the options available to the user to just one option, you can use Excel's Option Button form control. Find out what you need to do if you are using more than one option button groups in your reports and how you need to configure the option button form control in Excel.

List Box is another interactive form control that allows the user to pick an item from a list. Find out to configure the form control list box in this lecture.

Use Excel's scroll bar from control to scroll through a graph or an Excel table. Find out which function works best here and how you can configure the Scroll bar form control.

Bonus: Dependent Combo Boxes (2nd list automatically resets)
Advanced Excel Chart Techniques
Chart Overview & When to Use Which Excel Graph
Excel Chart Basics (for those who need to get familiar with basic features)

This lecture shows you an important technique I often use, when improving the readability of Excel charts.

This is another technique often used to design better Excel graphs. These techniques will equip you to create non-standard Excel charts which not just impressive but also quick to read.

The error bar technique is one I often use when I can't get the effect I want in a chart using the standard chart options. It's meant for statistical analysis, but error bars can do so much more for business reports. Find out how it works here and later we use this technique to create a non-standard chart for the KPI dashboard. 

This video shows you how to create dynamic chart ranges - i.e. "From - To" Charts. This means the user selects from which category or date they want to view the data, and to which category / date, and the chart only visualizes the values for the categories in between. This means the chart needs to work with dynamic ranges which change in size.

Info-graphics in Excel: Non-standard but Impressive Bar Chart
Dynamic Excel Map Chart with Drop-down
*** KPI Excel Dashboard ***

In this lecture you can see an overview of the finished KPI dashboard in Excel - this will give you a good idea of what we're setting out to achieve in the next few sections. 


In this lecture I share with you my version of the dashboard mock-up / wireframe and how I start with drawing it out on a piece of paper and then how I bring it in Excel (using Excel shapes to draw out each section of the dashboard).

In this lecture we start with a new blank Excel spreadsheet and start to setup our Excel file to build the dashboard on. We setup our QAT (Quick Acces Toolbar) and also define the color palette for the dashboard.

Here we take a look at the raw data and their format. The raw data is non-tabular which means we need to dig through our formula toolbox to find just the right ones to be able to prepare the data for the dashboard. This makes it all the more fun!

Now we start to setup the calculation sheet - here we will prepare the data for the dashboard. Organization is key for this tab - we need to break down the sheet to different sections where we do the calculations for each part of the dashboard. We can limit formatting here to some color coding but we don't need to worry about any extensive formatting here since the purpose of this tab is for data preparation only.

Here you can download the draft Excel KPI dashboard which includes only the part we have completed in this section. Download this if you haven't followed this section but want to jump in and work together on the next section.

KPI Dashboard - Scrolling Table & Bars

In this lecture we setup a combo box to be able to select the division. 

Here we setup the calculations required to grab the respective apps that belong to each of the divisions which are selected from the combo box. We need to dig inside our formula toolbox and use a version of the INDEX MATCH formula. 

In this lecture we add another level of complexity to our dashboard by adding a scroll bar so we can scroll through our table on the dashboard page. This scroll bar, will depend on the calculations we did in the previous lecture - we just need to write smart formulas on the dashboard page to get the scrolling effect.

Now that we have the scrolling in place, we add conditionally formatted data bars (that looks like a bar chart actually) to be able to see the deviation of actual values to previous year values.

Here we cover another conditional formatting method to get up and down arrows that show the deviations of actual values to budget. We don't use Excel's default conditional formatting symbols, but we bring in our own set of symbols here. 

Now we just need to format the scrolling table so it fits well on our Excel dashboard page.

KPI Dashboard - Dynamic Headers

In this lecture we setup the calculations required to create conditional comments for the header of our Excel KPI report.

Using shapes and text boxes in Excel, we bring over the result of the calculations to the header of our Excel  dashboard and arrange them for optimal presentation.

KPI Dashboard - Top/Bottom KPI Based on Selection

In this lecture we start with the calculations we need to be able to setup a graph that shows the top 6 / bottom 6 categories that are over / under budget respectively. This part has two form controls that control the graph so we have to start slow and simple to make sure we don't over complicate things.

Once we have setup the basic calculations, we add a list box so the user can pick between different KPI's for the graph.

Now we add the option button so the user can pick between top or bottom 6 categories. 

We finally have all the necessary calculations and now we setup the non-standard Excel charts that compares actual values to budget values per KPI - it is also a sorted graph based on the top or bottom 6 selection. The error bar technique works great here.

Now that everything is setup and working, we bring it all over to the dashboard page. A few things you need to watch out for when you do this - all covered here.

KPI Dashboard - Scrolling Line Chart with Check Boxes

To get the calculations for our monthly profit line chart we need a more complex index and match formula to extract the data in a dynamic way from our raw data table. 

Once we have the calculations setup, we create our scroll-able line chart so we can scroll through each category. We notice some problems (such as a crashing line for actual values) which we will amend in the next lectures.

This trick is great for any line charts you create in Excel. If you want to avoid data points from being plotted (i.e. avoid the crash of the line to zero), you need to apply this technique.

In this lecture we add check boxes so we can  toggle each of the line series on and off - i.e. visible and invisible. Find out how we do this in this lecture.

When you create line series charts in Excel, it's best to show the label for each of series at the end of the line. Find out how to do this - especially for a line that gets longer as new data is added - In this lecture I show you a trick for just that.

Finalize Profit Comparison Section on Dashboard
KPI Dashboard - Final Touches
Restrict Excel Dashboard Area and Format for Printing
Excel Dashboard Protection, Hyperlinks and Final Touches
Download Excel Dashboard till here - Final
*** Regional (Pivot / Slicer) Excel Dashboard ***

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches Excel dashboard creation and usage, which is relevant to data visualization and presentation
Develops design principles for dashboards and reports in Excel, which are essential skills for effective visualization and communication
Covers a range of advanced Excel chart techniques, including creating non-standard charts and using dynamic ranges, which can enhance data visualization and analysis capabilities
Provides interactive elements such as combo boxes, check boxes, and scroll bars, which allow users to interact with the dashboard and explore data dynamically
Emphasizes data preparation and formula techniques for extracting and transforming data from various sources, which is essential for efficient dashboard creation
Taught by Leila Gharani, who has 17 years of experience in the field and is recognized for her expertise in Excel dashboard design

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Reviews summary

Visually effective excel dashboards

This course teaches learners how to create visually stunning and informative dashboards in Microsoft Excel. It is designed for individuals who have a basic understanding of Excel and want to enhance their data visualization skills. The course is led by Leila Gharani, an Excel MVP and renowned expert in data visualization. She guides learners through a step-by-step process of creating two comprehensive dashboards from scratch. Throughout the course, learners will discover a range of advanced Excel techniques and functions. They will learn how to use formulas, charts, pivot tables, and other features to present data in a clear and concise manner. The course also emphasizes the importance of design principles and visual storytelling in creating effective dashboards. Feedback from students who have taken the course has been overwhelmingly positive. They praise Leila's teaching style, the comprehensiveness of the course content, and the practical skills they have gained. Many students have reported using the techniques they learned in the course to create impressive dashboards for their own work and projects. Here is a summary of the key points mentioned in the reviews: * **High-quality instruction:** Leila Gharani is an experienced instructor who is passionate about teaching Excel. Her clear and engaging delivery makes the course easy to follow and understand. * **Comprehensive content:** The course covers a wide range of topics, including advanced formulas, charting techniques, and dashboard design principles. It provides a solid foundation for creating visually effective dashboards. * **Practical skills:** The course emphasizes hands-on learning. Students will gain practical skills in creating and customizing dashboards, which they can apply to their own work. * **Positive impact:** Students have reported using the techniques they learned in the course to create impressive dashboards for their own work and projects. They have found the course to be a valuable investment in their professional development. Overall, this course is highly recommended for anyone who wants to improve their data visualization skills and create visually effective Excel dashboards.
learners say their dashboards were largely positive and "engaging assignments"
"This course takes you on the journey of Building Dashboards with a lot of building blocks in the initial lessons to make it easy to understand as we go to the advanced topics, all this with a comfortable pace. Thank you for creating such a great course."
Learners praise the wide range of formulas and functions covered in the course.
"Very good so far. Although I was already experienced in the basic use of most of the functions I have been inspired on the ways in which thee are used. The sections on charts were of particular interest and I am very impressed on the tuition in this specific area."
Many learners highlight the importance of design principles and visual storytelling in creating effective dashboards.
"This is an excellent course for anyone who wants to improve their data visualization skills. Packed full of interesting ways to manipulate various tools and formulas, explained in a clear, concise fashion with excellent follow along examples."
Students report feeling more confident in their ability to create dashboards after taking the course.
"I really have a pleasant and useful time following the course. Instructor Leila Gharani is doing a great job teaching new and enhanced techniques in preparing great dashboards reports in Excel. The explanations are detailed, logical and with meaningful examples."
Leila Gharani is consistently praised for her expertise, teaching style, and ability to explain complex topics in a clear and engaging manner.
"To know Excel formulas is one thing, the interpretation and visualization of the data is next level. As we say “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Thank you for the course, I found the instructor’s knowledge and style of presentation very good. Thank you Mrs Leila Gharani."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Visually Effective Excel Dashboards with these activities:
Practice using Different Excel Formulas
Solve real-world problems using excel formulas to solidify your understanding and improve your skill of working with data.
Browse courses on Excel Formulas
Show steps
  • Identify a problem that can be solved using Excel formulas.
  • Choose the appropriate formulas and functions to solve the problem.
  • Apply the formulas to the data.
Find a mentor to help you with Excel dashboarding
Learn from experienced professionals by finding a mentor who can guide you in your Excel dashboarding journey.
Show steps
  • Reach out to your network and ask for recommendations for potential mentors.
  • Attend industry events and meetups to connect with professionals in the field.
Practice dashboard interactivity
Improve your ability to interact with dashboards by practicing with different types of interactive elements.
Browse courses on Interactive Dashboards
Show steps
  • Download the demo Excel workbook provided in the course.
  • Follow along with the video tutorial on how to use the different interactive elements in the dashboard.
  • Experiment with the interactive elements on your own to see how they work.
One other activity
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Show all four activities
Create a dashboard prototype
Solidify your understanding of dashboard design and data visualization by creating your own dashboard prototype.
Browse courses on Dashboard Design
Show steps
  • Choose a dataset that you are interested in.
  • Design the layout of your dashboard, including the different charts and graphs you want to use.
  • Create the dashboard using Excel.

Career center

Learners who complete Visually Effective Excel Dashboards will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Financial Analyst
Visually engaging and easily understandable dashboards allow financial analysts to convey complex financial data to stakeholders, clients, and executives in a digestible manner. This course, which covers the core principles of dashboard design as well as how to use Excel's advanced features to build effective dashboards, can be very useful for someone in this role.
Data Analyst
Data analysts are also responsible for creating visuals to help present their findings and recommendations. Taking this course may be useful for data analysts looking to improve their dashboard design skills, especially with a focus on data visualization and interactivity, using Excel.
Management Consultant
This course can be helpful to management consultants as well, as building visually appealing and informative dashboards is a useful skill for presenting data and insights to clients, both verbally and in written reports.
Business Analyst
This course may be helpful to business analysts, particularly those that focus on data analysis and visualization. Business analysts who are adept at designing visually effective and interactive Excel dashboards can help drive decision-making and improve business outcomes.
Marketing Manager
Dashboards are valuable to marketing managers in a variety of ways, from tracking marketing campaigns to summarizing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measuring return on investment (ROI) on marketing activities. This course provides a strong foundation in dashboard design and will help marketing managers create more effective and engaging dashboards for a variety of stakeholders and purposes.
Product Manager
This course may be helpful for product managers as well, as visually effective Excel dashboards can be used to track key metrics, monitor progress, and make data-based decisions throughout the product development process.
Operations Manager
Operations managers can leverage visually effective dashboards to monitor and improve operational efficiency, productivity, and performance. This course can provide operations managers with the skills needed to design dashboards that help identify and address bottlenecks, track KPIs, and make informed decisions.
Sales Manager
Sales managers can improve their decision-making, forecast accuracy, and team performance through the use of visually effective sales dashboards. This course can help sales managers build interactive dashboards that track key sales metrics, monitor sales performance, and identify opportunities for improvement.
Project Manager
Project managers who are adept at creating visual and interactive dashboards can provide stakeholders with real-time insights into project progress, resource allocation, and potential risks. This course covers the principles of effective dashboard design and provides hands-on training in using Excel to create visually engaging dashboards for project management.
Financial Planner
This course may be useful for financial planners, as it can help them create powerful dashboards that include charts, graphs, and interactive elements that can assist in visualizing client data.
Data Scientist
Dashboards can be very useful for data scientists in communicating the results of their data analysis and modeling to both technical and non-technical audiences. This course covers the fundamentals of dashboard design and provides hands-on training using Excel.
Business Intelligence Analyst
Excel is a popular tool for business intelligence (BI) analysts, and this course can help them to create more visually effective and interactive dashboards that can be used to analyze data, identify trends, and make informed decisions.
Information Systems Manager
This course can help information systems managers to create dashboards that provide insights into the performance of their IT systems and infrastructure. These dashboards can be used to monitor system health, identify potential issues, and make informed decisions about IT resource allocation.
IT Manager
An IT manager responsible for overseeing the design, implementation, and maintenance of IT systems can benefit from the knowledge gained in this course. Dashboards can be used to track key IT metrics, monitor system performance, and identify potential issues before they become major problems.
Software Engineer
Software engineers who work on data-intensive applications can benefit from taking this course. By learning how to design and build visually effective dashboards, software engineers can improve the usability and functionality of their applications.

Featured in The Course Notes

This course is mentioned in our blog, The Course Notes. Read one article that features Visually Effective Excel Dashboards:

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Visually Effective Excel Dashboards.
Provides a step-by-step guide to creating Excel dashboards and reports, covering topics such as data visualization, data analysis, and dashboard design. It includes numerous examples and exercises, making it a valuable resource for learners of all levels.
This in-depth guide covers all the advanced features and functions of Excel 2019, including data analysis, data visualization, and automation. It provides detailed explanations and real-world examples, making it a valuable resource for experienced Excel users who want to take their skills to the next level.
Provides a comprehensive guide to Excel programming, covering all the different types of VBA macros and their uses. It includes detailed instructions and clear explanations, making it a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel programming.
Provides a comprehensive guide to Excel PivotTables and PivotCharts, covering all the different features and functions of these powerful data analysis tools. It includes detailed instructions and clear explanations, making it a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel PivotTables and PivotCharts.
Provides a comprehensive guide to Excel VBA, covering all the different types of VBA macros and their uses. It includes detailed instructions and clear explanations, making it a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel VBA.
Provides a comprehensive guide to Excel Power Pivot and Power BI, covering all the different features and functions of these powerful data analysis tools. It includes detailed instructions and clear explanations, making it a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel Power Pivot and Power BI.
This popular book provides a comprehensive introduction to Excel, covering all the basic concepts and features. It includes step-by-step instructions and clear explanations, making it a great resource for beginners who want to learn the basics of Excel.


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