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How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber

Tom Weber

In this live memory training workshop you will learn how to remember names, presentations, speeches, lists and more. Everything vital to you and your business and your life - all in the comfort of your home.

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In this live memory training workshop you will learn how to remember names, presentations, speeches, lists and more. Everything vital to you and your business and your life - all in the comfort of your home.

The course includes memory training exercises, tests, evaluations, and Tom's invaluable guidance - all broken down into easy, implementable steps.

Join us today and start changing your life.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Recall your shopping list
  • Recall your to-do list
  • Recall your presentations
  • Recall foreign languages
  • Recall names of people you meet
  • Recall important dates



Your Memory Training Instructor, Tom Weber, explains what you will need to get yourself ready for the Memory Training Workshop. You will want to print your workbook, found in the PDF link on the side.and prepare to have fun.

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You answer one of the most valuable questions: “What do you want to gain from this class?” Knowing your own WHY is essential before you begin learning any new skill.

Teachability is the measurement of your ability to learn and apply any new skill. Learning the equation will allow you to increase your overall teachability in life and for your workshop.

The Ground Rules are easy to follow and are designed to maximize your learning and enjoyment of the workshop. Watching this video gets you ready to launch into the actual training.

Before you can begin learning actual memory techniques we must establish your Baseline. Finding your memory’s Baseline allows you to track your actual progress throughout the workshop. It also gives you experiential information about how your brain “likes” to operate.

Figuring out how many correct answers you got is a key indicator of where you are starting from and this is not a Pass/Fail score. Whatever your score is...you WIN because you are here and it is going to improve.

At this point in the workshop we are explaining what your score actually tells us. You will learn about the Rule of Seven, how your short-term memory really works, primacy/recency, and basic study tips that help you save time.

You are now beginning to understand your own potential and how powerful your memory can be, if only you knew how to train it. In this video you will experience how your Baseline score doesn’t limit you or predict what you are capable of accomplishing. After watching this, you will be fully ready to begin learning some actual memory techniques.

Memory Training Exercises

Where should we start teaching? At the beginning, of course! In this video you will begin to learn how Basic Association works. Basic Association is the most primitive memory technique and gets us mentally prepared to learn even more advanced techniques coming up.

In this video we learn the second half of the Unicorn List and continue learning the Do’s and Don’ts of Basic Association. We also explore what happens when there isn’t a natural “automatic” association that can be used.

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in using memory techniques is just like the old carpenter saying “Measure twice, and cut once.” Learning how to do a Mental Pre-Test is essential in getting high scores throughout the remainder of this workshop and in using your techniques in the real world. You also get to Test out your Basic Association technique. Good luck!

Stress affects your memory more than any other factor in your life and in this video Tom explains how stress may have affected your test score. You also get to see the answers to the test and determine your new score. Congrats! You are improving! (even if you don’t feel like it yet)

Tom takes Basic Association to the next level and you experience just how quickly your brain can start absorbing information. This technique is quirky, funny, and effective and that becomes obvious with this exercise.

Now let’s see how well the technique worked for you. Tom talks through the technique and explains where you might use this technique in the Real World IF you choose to apply it. Chain of Visualization is not for everyone but we are still learning.

At this point in the workshop there is normally one overriding question in most people’s minds, “Why?”. In this video, Tom addresses this question with a great analogy from the Karate Kid, that shows us that everything is happening for a good reason.

The Mental File Folder System

You are now ready for the Ultimate Memory Technique, the Mental File Folder System. This is the system that we will use throughout the rest of the workshop. Tom will explain how your brain truly likes to operate and how to harness that power.

Now that you understand the Mental File Folder System it is time to create your first Filing System. For many students, their Body Files are their favorite Filing System, and nearly everyone uses their Body Files for the rest of their life.

You now have a Filing System, so let’s use it! In this video, Tom starts walking you down the path of how to use your Body Files by teaching you a Shopping List. We know that most of you didn’t attend the class with the intention of remembering to buy the milk, but it serves as an easy starting point.

In this video, Tom, continues showing you the Do's and Don'ts of Gluing Images to your Body Files. At this point, you are starting to experience how this will apply in other areas of your life beyond Shopping Lists.

Back in the studio, Tom shares with you the most commonly asked questions and the solutions. Many students are asking things like: “What happens if my list changes?”, “Will remembering this list screw up my next list?”, “How do I enter things into my Long-term memory?” and much more.

We find Tom back in the Live Workshop and he is explaining your Knowledge Bank, which is where you store information for the long-term with instant access. It will amaze you that it is so easy to enter anything into your Knowledge Bank if you know how to do it.

Most students understand the idea that if you put good food into your body that you will feel better but many don’t know exactly what those foods are or they can’t seem to remember to buy them at the store. Not only does Tom share his expertise of the best brain foods, he also explains “Why” they work, and teaches you how to remember which foods to get the next time you are shopping.

Now, that you know how the Mental File Folder System works and you’ve practiced with the shopping list it is time to get more Real World applications. Tom begins to teach us a simple To-Do List and the basic Do’s and Don’ts of a list of this type.

You are really “getting” how this works for a To-Do List, and so is the rest of the group. In this video, Tom starts to have the group give ideas of To-Do items and then you get to start coming up with your own ideas for “Images”. This is a powerful step in your development.

Before you Test your To-Do List Tom leads you through a mental pre-test and then he uses the group to explain why the system works...even when it doesn’t work. Then he walks you through more examples of Do’s & Don’ts of File-Image-Glue.

It is time for your second Filing System. Tom is going to lead you and the group around the meeting room to create Files and then you will begin Gluing Images to those Files. You will want to pay extra attention to this video because Tom is going to use it for one of the coolest most important applications of all.

It is time for your second Filing System. Tom is going to lead you and the group around the meeting room to create Files and then you will begin Gluing Images to those Files. You will want to pay extra attention to this video because Tom is going to use it for one of the coolest most important applications of all.

Real World Applications

In Part 2, you will be Gluing the second half of the Room List onto the Room Files and getting more practice on the Right way to glue images. Understanding the right way to have the Image interact with the File is essential for Glue and for real world application.

One of the most sought after skills in the professional world is the ability to give a presentation without using any notes. In this video, Tom shows you how you can use the Mental File Folder System to remember your speeches, whether they are in front of one person or a big group.

This video will blow you away. You've learned the Room List and can probably recite every Image that was Glued around the room, but now you can see how to actually use it for giving speeches without using any notes. AND this is a great talk about the Keys to Success.

Many of our clients professional careers have changed for the better by learning this skill. Tom shares a couple real world stories on how others have used FIG to give presentations and what that has done for their careers and self-esteem.

Half-Way There!

The first half of the workshop is wrapping up in this video and here Tom walks you through a review of all of the lists you've learned so far. A huge Bonus is that Tom also shows you how quickly you can learn something as complicated as the Solution to the Quadratic Equation, and you will be able to see where you could apply that technique in your own life.

To begin the second half of the workshop it is always a good idea to do a quick review of what you've learned so far. Tom also shares stories from the Grandmasters of Memory that will help you have even more confidence in your ability.

To begin the second half of the workshop it is always a good idea to do a quick review of what you've learned so far. This review also gets your brain fresh to take on the second half's lessons about how to take File-Image-Glue into the real world.

In the first half of the workshop you learned how to use your Body Files for recalling your To-Do List. What if you knew the 6 best things to do every day to keep your brain feeling fresh and sharp. Tom walks you through those 6 best to-do's and you will be able to learn them in literally no-time.

Everyone has some numbers in their life that they would like to be better at remembering. When you learned in the first half how to remember the Quadratic Equation you saw that you can use the Unicorn List. This video has Tom walking you through how to apply the Unicorn List to phone numbers, PIN numbers, serial codes, parking spots, and a lot more.

Second Half Start - Let's do this!

Tom refers to this as the set up for Day 2 during the video, but for you watching it is the same as set up for the second half of the workshop. Watching this will let you know what you are in for in the second half and what you can expect to take away.

How do you recall abstract concepts if your brain thinks in Images? There are two main methods for turning abstract concepts into Images and in this video Tom walks you through Method #1 and discusses the Trigger Concept.

Now that you understand Method #1 for turning abstract concepts into Images you are ready for more complex strategies. Method #2 for turning abstracts into Images is the next evolution above Method #1. Tom shows you how doing this is super helpful and fun.

At this point in using Method #2 for turning abstracts into Images you have learned how to do it with many examples and you've probably started wondering how to use it in examples when there are no smaller bite sized pieces and no more ideas for Images are coming to you. Phonetic sounds are a tool that can help take Method #2 to entirely new level.

Phonetic twins really begin to make sense during this video (if they haven't already). Towards the end of the workshop is when we fully dive into learning and recalling names but in this video you begin to get a taste of what is coming down the road. To turn names into Images you will eventually be using Method #1 & #2 and Phonetics and here Tom shows you three specific examples of how to use Phonetic twins.

Learning Foreign Languages and Minimizing Stress

Towards the end of the workshop is when we fully dive into learning and recalling names but in this video you begin to get a taste of what is coming down the road. To turn names into Images you will eventually be using Method #1 & #2 and Phonetics and here Tom shows you many examples of different names. You and the group actually get to come up with the Name as Tom gives you the Image.

Foreign Languages are another example of an Abstract Concept that if you want to recall the translations you will need to have created Images. If you don't know what the word means you won't be able to use Method #1 so this video is great examples of using Method #2. Watching this will explain how you can learn any foreign language by using File-Image-Glue.

Why does this technique work so well and why isn't this taught in schools? Those two answers are related and in this video Tom explains what the Grandmasters have to say about both of those questions. The answer will also give all of your Glue a great boost, when you understand the lowest common denominator of your brain.

Do you routinely lose your keys, wallet, purse, glasses, etc.? In this video, Tom shows you how to use File-Image-Glue to never misplace your important items ever again, and it literally will only take you a split second of awareness to do this technique.

The final Filing System that you will learn during the workshop is the House Files. Learning what makes your House Files strong is the catalyst for having an amazing experience when Tom leads the House Files Exercise. Take the time to watch this video so that your House Files are created the right way.

You should now have your House Files created with a strong foundation, and in this video Tom leads you through exercises that help embed those Files into your Mind's Eye and eliminate the white noise of other “stuff” in your house.

Stress is the biggest killer of your memory and in this video, Tom, explains a very simple way to reduce the stress you feel. Most people do not know how to “properly” breath in a way to engage their entire respiratory system, watching this will teach you how.

Knowing all of your House Files in order is the foundation to start from, and knowing them at the speed of light is the next evolution. Tom leads you through an exercise to build speed during this video where your House Files become unconscious.

Are you ready to leave the nest? You are! All of your File-Image-Glue practice has lead to this point, where you get to try doing every aspect of the system by yourself. Whatever your results are, it is a good thing, because the most important factor in this video is you finally understanding Glue. Tom will ask “Who understand Glue better?” and everyone will raise their hand...including you.

Taking the exercises from the classroom and moving them to the real world is what Tom does well, and here he is helping you connect the dots. After students finish the House Files Exercise they normally feel like they are really “getting” it, but often they don't realize just how far they have come during the workshop. Prepare to be amazed at what you can now accomplish with these skills.

Remembering Names

Everyone who learns anything goes through these Four Stages of Learning at some point in their life. Tom is showing you how it has applied throughout your life and specifically how it has applied during this workshop. This is also the video to watch if you want to take your Memory Training to the Mastery level.

There are two key factors in when it comes to creating or building strong relationships. One is that everyone’s favorite subject is themselves and two, is that the #1 thing people want you to remember about them is their name. We have come to the section in the workshop where we learn how to use File-Image-Glue with people’s names.

There are two key factors in when it comes to creating or building strong relationships. One is that everyone's favorite subject is themselves and two, is that the #1 thing people want you to remember about them is their name. We have come to the section in the workshop where we learn how to use File-Image-Glue with people's names.

Creating Images for everyone's name becomes easier and easier with this video. Tom walks you through real world examples and the entire class begins to see the lightbulbs above their heads lighting up.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches a range of memory improvement techniques that can be applied across many areas of life
Suitable for beginners with no prior memory training experience
Provides opportunities for learners to practice and test their understanding throughout the course
Emphasizes the importance of reducing stress for optimal memory performance
May require learners to dedicate significant time and effort to fully grasp the concepts and techniques

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Reviews summary

The memory method course

learners say this course leverages FIG, a simple but effective memory tool, to improve name recall, list memorization, and complex idea retention across all age groups. Students give video format, humor, and streamlined learning as pros, while some complain of course length and scenarios not always applicable outside the U.S.
The course is presented in a video format, which some students found engaging and humorous. The instructor, Tom Weber, is praised for his clear and effective teaching style.
"Tom is so good at transmitting the rules and tips to get stronger at memory, that i didn't even realize i was Learning things, and yet i really succeeded in praticing them. thnaks so much. Pierre (France)"
"this is one of the best courses I've ever taken, it is loaded with so much value than just a memory course. Please do yourself a favor and get this course you'll be so glad you did, Thank you Tom Weber!"
"The course is easy to follow. I listened to most of it at the gym. I was able to participate in the activities while working out. This information is helpful for all age ranges in any situation!"
The FIG method has practical applications in everyday life and can be used by people of all ages to improve memory for various tasks, such as remembering shopping lists or studying for exams.
"I really enjoyed the course. I think some examples for University students such as law students or medical students who have to deal with information overload would be helpful"
"Excellent Course!!! Learnt so may techniques from Tom, Sincere thanks to Tom Weber for teaching these wonderful techniques, I would recommend this course to all the groups. Enjoyed the learning!!"
"This course helped me, a 54 year old who has CRS (Can't Remember S***) remember her full page shopping list (which her husband so helpfully left at home. Thank you for making me look so good!"
This course teaches the FIG method which involves visualizing images, and linking them to body parts or room locations to improve memory. This method is effective for recalling lists, names, and complex ideas.
"Tom Weber is a great presenter and the course is laid out in a very methodical and logical fashion. Print out the workbook, follow along, and you'll be amazed at what you can learn and remember."
"especially funny and easy to follow through the seminar and workbook. I would definitely recommend this for anyone that is trying to learn tip to sharpen your memory!"
"As Tom said: "It's magic" Its exactly as described: Learn how to remember names, dates, presentations, speeches and anything else that holds importance in your life!"
Some students found that the examples used in the course were too focused on U.S. culture and may not be as applicable to learners from other countries.
"The course is quite USA centric, using terms and associations not always found in other countries. eg Dime & 2 pronged Outlet and to a lesser degree Baseball & Hockey stick."
"I would give it a 5 stars but would have wished to have more of a 'here's what you do at home' as part of the course. Enjoyed the way of remembering names and it is working."
"This course and the way Tom interacts and delivers is extraordinary. I learnt and would recommend others to take it if you want to utilize your memory rather allowing it to die."
Some students found the course to be too long, while others appreciated the in-depth coverage of the material.
"good topic, good presenter, effective teaching...videos for the 2nd day are mis labelled and keeps start-stopping, so im taking 1.5 stars off what otherwise would have been my favorite udemy course so far."
"Fire the guy that keeps walking in front of the instructor (LOL). It's very slow getting into the content. Once things start, it is very interesting and moves at a good pace. Great to do the testing and see the improvement."
"so far so good, I'm half way through the course and still wondering how will it help in remembering science lectures such as body anatomy, math and so on. would be great to have a course specifically for that!! thank you."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber with these activities:
Attend a Memory Training Workshop
Engage with experts and fellow learners in a live setting to enhance your memory skills.
Browse courses on Memory Techniques
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  • Find a memory training workshop
  • Attend the workshop
  • Take notes and ask questions
  • Apply the techniques you learn to your own memory training
Read Moonwalking with Einstein
Gain insights into the science of memory and learn additional techniques to improve your recall.
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  • Read the book and take notes
  • Apply the techniques described in the book to your own memory training
Watch Memory Training Videos
Supplement your learning by watching videos that demonstrate memory techniques in action.
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  • Find videos on memory training techniques
  • Watch the videos and take notes
  • Apply the techniques you learn to your own memory training
Five other activities
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Join a Memory Training Study Group
Collaborate with other students to improve your memory skills through discussions and practice.
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  • Find a study group or create your own
  • Set regular meeting times
  • Discuss memory techniques and share tips
  • Practice memory exercises together
Practice Memory Techniques
Practice the memory techniques taught in the course to improve your recall.
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  • Review the Memory Techniques
  • Create a set of flashcards
  • Practice recalling information from the flashcards
Create a Memory Palace
Build a mental palace to enhance your ability to store and retrieve information.
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  • Choose a familiar building or place
  • Create a mental map of the place
  • Associate information with specific locations in the map
  • Practice recalling information by mentally navigating the palace
Design a Memory Training Plan
Create a personalized plan to enhance your memory skills and track your progress.
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  • Identify your memory goals
  • Research different memory techniques
  • Choose the techniques that best suit your learning style
  • Develop a practice schedule
  • Track your progress and make adjustments as needed
Contribute to an Open-Source Memory Training Project
Enhance your skills and contribute to the memory training community by contributing to open-source projects.
Browse courses on Memory Techniques
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  • Find an open-source memory training project
  • Identify a way to contribute
  • Make your contribution

Career center

Learners who complete How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Memory Coach
Individuals who work as Memory Coaches typically teach techniques that help others improve their memory. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" can teach you the secrets of how to build a strong memory, which you may then use to improve your students' memory skills. The course also contains exercises to help you get used to applying these techniques.You'll also be able to use the course's information to build your own reputation as an expert memory coach in your community.
Educators are responsible for teaching students of all ages, in a range of subjects. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" can help you develop the skills you need to effectively teach others how to improve their memory. The course also contains memory exercises that can be used as a basis for homework assignments.
Therapists help people improve their mental health and well-being. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" provides training in memory improvement techniques that can be very effective in helping people who are struggling with memory issues. The course may also be useful for therapists who want to learn more about memory and how it works.
Professors teach and conduct research at colleges and universities. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" may be useful for professors who want to learn more about memory and how it works. The course can also help professors develop more effective teaching methods that might help improve their students' memory skills.
Public Speaker
Public speakers give speeches to audiences of all sizes. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" can help public speakers develop the skills they need to memorize their speeches and deliver them with confidence.
Consultants provide advice and guidance to businesses and organizations. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" provides training in memory improvement techniques that can help consultants to better retain and recall information, which would allow them to provide more effective advice to their clients.
Writers create written content for a variety of purposes, including books, articles, and website content. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" can help writers develop the skills they need to remember and organize their ideas, which can lead to more effective writing.
Researchers conduct studies to gather and analyze data. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" may be useful for researchers who want to learn more about memory and how it works. The course can also help researchers develop more effective research methods that might help improve their ability to gather and retain information.
Paralegals assist lawyers with a variety of tasks, including legal research and document preparation. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" can help paralegals develop the skills they need to quickly and easily memorize legal information, which can lead to greater efficiency and accuracy in their work.
Analysts collect, analyze, and interpret data to help businesses and organizations make informed decisions. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" can help analysts develop the skills they need to quickly and easily memorize data, which can lead to greater efficiency and accuracy in their work.
Project Manager
Project managers plan, organize, and execute projects. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" can help project managers develop the skills they need to memorize important project details, such as timelines, budgets, and milestones. This can lead to greater efficiency and accuracy in their work.
Administrators provide administrative support to businesses and organizations. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" can help administrators develop the skills they need to quickly and accurately memorize and manage important files and information.
Executives are responsible for making decisions and leading organizations. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" may be useful for executives who want to learn more about memory and how it works. The course can also help executives develop more effective leadership skills, such as the ability to remember and recall important information during meetings and presentations.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers develop and execute marketing campaigns. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" may be useful for marketing managers who want to learn more about memory and how it works. The course can also help marketing managers develop more effective marketing campaigns, such as the ability to remember and recall important campaign details.
Doctors diagnose and treat illnesses and diseases. The course "How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" may be useful for doctors who want to learn more about memory and how it works. The course can also help doctors develop more effective patient care skills, such as the ability to remember and recall important patient information.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber.
Provides a comprehensive overview of memory techniques, including many of the techniques taught in the course. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about memory and how to improve their own.
Provides a research-based overview of the science of learning. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about how people learn and how to improve their own learning.
Provides a week-by-week guide to developing a better memory. It includes exercises and tips that can help anyone improve their memory skills.
Provides a simple and easy-to-follow guide to improving your memory. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn some basic memory techniques that they can use in their everyday lives.
Provides a comprehensive overview of memory techniques, including many of the techniques taught in the course. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about memory and how to improve their own.
Provides a comprehensive overview of memory techniques, including many of the techniques taught in the course. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about memory and how to improve their own.
Provides a historical overview of memory techniques, from the ancient Greeks to the present day. It great resource for anyone who is interested in the history of memory and how memory techniques have been used throughout history.
Comprehensive overview of the science of memory and cognition. It great resource for anyone who is interested in the latest research on memory and how it works.
Classic work on the science of memory. It great resource for anyone who is interested in the history of memory research.
Provides a comprehensive overview of cognitive neuroscience, including a chapter on memory. It great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the biology of memory.


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