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Alicia Herrero Debón

En este curso se recordará lo que es una ecuación con una única incógnita y cómo solucionarla. A partir de ahí se tratarán:

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En este curso se recordará lo que es una ecuación con una única incógnita y cómo solucionarla. A partir de ahí se tratarán:

  • Los sistemas de ecuaciones lineales. Cómo se definen, cómo se clasifican y cómo se resuelven utilizando el método de Gauss
  • El concepto de matriz y las operaciones entre matrices
  • El cálculo de matrices inversas mediante el método de Gauss y el de los adjuntos
  • Una introducción a las ecuaciones matriciales
  • El determinante de una matriz cuadrada y su cálculo
  • El rango de una matriz
  • La expresión matricial de un sistema de ecuaciones lineales y la regla de Cramer

What you'll learn

En este curso:

  • Conocerás los sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y su resolución
  • Introduciremos el concepto de matriz
  • Aprenderemos cómo realizar operaciones con matrices, cómo calcular matrices inversas y determinantes de matrices cuadradas

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Conocerás los sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y su resolución
  • Introduciremos el concepto de matriz
  • Aprenderemos cómo realizar operaciones con matrices, cómo calcular matrices inversas y determinantes de matrices cuadradas

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Los sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y matrices son conceptos matemáticos esenciales en diversos campos como la ingeniería, la física y las finanzas
El método de Gauss es un enfoque sistemático para resolver sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y determinar sus soluciones
Los determinantes juegan un papel crucial en la identificación de la naturaleza de las matrices, como su invertibilidad o singularidad
El concepto de rango de una matriz proporciona información valiosa sobre el número de ecuaciones linealmente independientes en un sistema
Este curso se enfoca en fortalecer las bases de álgebra lineal para estudiantes de nivel principiante o intermedio
El curso brinda una introducción a las ecuaciones matriciales, ampliando la comprensión de los sistemas de ecuaciones
El material del curso es relevante para estudiantes de ingeniería, ciencias y otras disciplinas que utilizan matemáticas

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Reviews summary

Curso fácil y completo de álgebra

En general, este curso de Álgebra es bien recibido por los estudiantes y se considera fácil de entender. Los estudiantes aprecian la claridad de las explicaciones y los ejercicios prácticos que les ayudan a aprender. Sin embargo, algunos estudiantes han encontrado que la presentadora carece de carisma y que sus clases son algo aburridas.
Explicaciones claras
"Muy buen curso, ... pedagogico centrado analitico"
Ejercicios útiles
"Doing the exercises is even more simple to make you learn."
"... muy completo ... con ejemplos ejercicios"
Fácil de entender
"It's been so easy to learn some things about this context."
"Muy buen curso, ... bueno adecuado actualizado facil"
Falta de carisma
"A mi parecer la presentadora no es la indicada para este tipo de cursos, ya que carece de carisma"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Bases Matemáticas: Álgebra with these activities:
Elaborar un resumen de las operaciones con matrices
Mejorará la comprensión de las operaciones con matrices, facilitando la comprensión de temas posteriores del curso.
Browse courses on Matrices
Show steps
  • Describir la suma y resta de matrices
  • Explicar la multiplicación de matrices por escalares y otras matrices
  • Definir la matriz adjunta y la matriz inversa
Show all one activities

Career center

Learners who complete Bases Matemáticas: Álgebra will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Quantitative Analyst
Quantitative analysts build and use models to analyze financial data and make informed decisions. They rely on mathematics, including algebra, and econometrics to perform their jobs.
Data Analyst
Data analysts work with large sets of data, and use their knowledge of math and algebra to analyze that data. They often also use specialized software to perform their duties.
Statisticians use their understanding of mathematics, including algebra, to collect, review, analyze, and present data. They use this information to help organizations understand and solve problems.
Financial Planner
Financial planners help clients manage their finances, plan for retirement, and reach their financial goals. They use their knowledge of mathematics and algebra to analyze data and make recommendations based on the client's circumstances.
Economists analyze economic data and trends, and use this information to make predictions and recommendations to governments and businesses. They use econometrics and mathematics, including algebra, to complete their work.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations research analysts use mathematics to analyze and solve problems that arise in the running of various kinds of organizations.
Financial Analyst
Financial analysts use data and mathematical concepts such as algebra to assess investments and make recommendations.
Underwriters assess risk for insurance companies. They need to review and analyze many different kinds of data, and use mathematics and algebra to make decisions on insurance coverage and premiums.
Market Researcher
Market researchers use mathematics and knowledge of algebra to analyze data about their customers, their clients, and the market in general.
Teachers at all levels, but especially at the high school and college levels, can benefit from this course as it will help them build a foundation in algebra so that they can effectively teach the subject.
Business Analyst
Business analysts help organizations operate more efficiently by analyzing data and recommending improvements. They use mathematics and algebra to complete their work.
Risk Manager
Risk managers work to identify, mitigate, and assess risks that may impact organizations of all kinds. They analyze data and make decisions using mathematics, including algebra.
Actuaries use statistics to assess risk so that insurance companies can appropriately plan for paying claims. They need a strong background in algebra and related fields, which this course provides.
Software Engineer
Software engineers apply computer science principles to build, test, and maintain software. They use mathematics, including algebra, to write and maintain code.
Operations Manager
Operations managers plan, direct, and oversee the operations of organizations. They need to be able to analyze data and solve problems, which this course in algebra may help with.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Bases Matemáticas: Álgebra.
Provides a comprehensive and rigorous introduction to linear algebra, with a focus on theory and applications in mathematics and other fields.
Provides a comprehensive and rigorous introduction to matrix analysis, with a focus on theory and applications in mathematics and other fields.
Widely used and respected linear algebra textbook that provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject. It covers the core concepts of linear algebra, as well as applications in diverse fields.
Este libro proporciona una introducción accesible al álgebra lineal, con un enfoque en aplicaciones en matemáticas, ciencias e ingeniería.
Provides a clear and concise introduction to linear algebra, with a focus on applications in science, engineering, and economics.
Classic introduction to linear algebra that is widely used in universities. It provides a clear and concise presentation of the fundamental concepts.
Este libro es una introducción clásica al álgebra lineal que se utiliza ampliamente en las universidades. Proporciona una presentación clara y concisa de los conceptos fundamentales.


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