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Beerend P. Hierck, PHD., Marco De Ruiter, PhD, Paul Gobée, MD, Bas Boekestijn, MD, Daniël Jansma, MSc, and Friso Jansen

In this anatomy course you will explore the organs involved in our food digestion and discover the common causes of abdominal and pelvic pain. The latest graphics and animations will help you to find new insights and understanding of this part of the body, that has been the focus of anatomical research for centuries and presently arouses renewed scientific interest.

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In this anatomy course you will explore the organs involved in our food digestion and discover the common causes of abdominal and pelvic pain. The latest graphics and animations will help you to find new insights and understanding of this part of the body, that has been the focus of anatomical research for centuries and presently arouses renewed scientific interest.

You will explore the 3D anatomy of the organs from a basic level, providing thorough anatomical understanding, to its advanced application in surgical procedures. This course will challenge you to discover and help you to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis in all its aspects, ranging from its embryological underpinnings, via digital microscopy to gross topography and its clinical applications.

The course is unique in that it continuously connects basic anatomical knowledge from the lab with its medical applications and current diagnostic techniques. You’ll get the chance to discuss anatomical and clinical problems with peers and experts in forum discussions and you will receive guidance in exploring the wealth of anatomical information that has been gathered over the centuries. Follow us on an exciting journey through the abdomen and pelvis where you digest your food but also where new life starts!

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What's inside


This course is about Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis. Before you dive into the content however, we invite you to read this introduction so you can improve your study success. We hope you enjoy learning in this course.
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Mapping the abdomen and pelvis
Welcome to the first week of the course. Have you ever wondered what lies inside your abdomen? Do you know where the spleen or appendix is situated? Would you like to know how the physician looks at it and get the basics of a physical examination of the abdomen? Do you want to understand how all these structures can be seen on scans or X-rays? During this week you will get a better understanding of these things. We also lay the foundation for the following weeks of the course, like basic things to know about vascularization, the nervous system, embryology, and the wonderful membrane holding all these structures together: the peritoneum.
Trip into the gut
After the first introduction of the abdomen with all its organs, this week we will focus at some microscopy and the first stages of gut development in the embryo. The gut starts as a simple straight tube which differentiates further into a internalized tract with specialized sections, each with its own function. You will learn how the esophagus transports your food, while its lower sphincter prevents food from returning - even if you're upside down! Then you will focus on how the stomach drenches all food in an extremely acid pool, attacking ingested bacteria and starting the digestion. That same acid would also damage the duodenum, so protective action is required. You will follow the digestion further down the tract, with its extensive folds and specialized cells and end up with more and more solid bowel contents when water is extracted in the colon. In order to demonstrate some functions further, we also have to dive into the world of microscopy. Join us on this trip into the gut with all its ingenious structural specializations along the way!
The gut and its 'suppliers and purchasers'
We discussed some microscopy before and the embryonic origin of the initial gut tube and how it differentiates into specialized sections for digestion. We will now focus on the question why the bowels are not arranged symmetrically left and right, like in the rest of our body, but are closely encircling and crossing over each other. With a unique 3D animation you will learn about the rotation of the gut during development. This key concept will help you to understand the anatomical relationships of the gut with its suppliers and purchasers. The gut cannot do it alone; it needs additional organs which supply digestive chemicals such as enzymes and bile and organs that process the absorbed food further. Both the gut and these organs also need a blood supply. You will learn where their blood vessels are situated. Also, the less prominent, but very important 'sewage' system, the lymphatics, will be dealt with. In the gut area, the lymphatics are specialized in transporting fats that are absorbed from the food! Lymphatic vessels also keep an eye on pathological invaders. Unfortunately they may also spread tumor cells. In short, this week's module is for everyone who is interested in the collaboration between the abdominal organs and the gut.
Knowing your peritoneal relationships
You have already learned that the bowels are not arranged symmetrically left and right. The rotation processes of the gut and its suppliers have important consequences for the peritoneal coverings of the gut and the abdominal wall. It determines why some structures lie easily accessible in the abdomen and others are more hidden away. In this week you will get a grip on difficult concepts as 'intraperitoneal' and 'retroperitoneal'. It is also a starter week about abdominal surgery. You will also learn a secret: The best way to mobilize the abdominal and pelvic organs is to separate what got adhered when the patient was just an embryo! Please feel free to dive into these embryonic matters and enjoy all the twists and turns!
Protecting the internal organs
The abdominal body wall and the pelvis are the topics of this week. What happens if you push hard to pass a stool, or in reverse, how do you prevent unwantedly passing a stool when you sneeze or cough hard? It may not seem the most attractive area of the body, but the rectum and anus hold many intricacies and even nowadays new things are discovered! Weak areas in the body wall are a frequent cause of problems, for instance they can lead to inguinal hernias. You will learn about their complicated anatomy. And finally, we will dive deep in the pelvis and learn about its hidden gems: the internal genitals.
The course comes to an end with this last topic: Pain in my belly! Probably all of us have experienced abdominal pains and have witnessed its many different forms. Sometimes it can just be a slight discomfort, or it can come in waves of agony. The aches can develop gradually over several days, or strike suddenly as severe abdominal pain. In many cases the patient cannot easily locate the pain. Even shoulder pain can be caused by something going on in the abdomen! Abdominal pain is one of the most frequent reasons to seek medical attention. However, diagnosing the cause of the pain can be very difficult. Many different diseases may cause abdominal pain. Many of those do not require immediate treatment, yet others are life-threatening. The challenge is to correctly identify those dangerous cases that require prompt surgical intervention. You will learn the anatomical basis of pain and how to apply this knowledge in the diagnostic process. We will wrap up with an overview of several abdominal diseases that might all present themselves with pain.
Concluding the MOOC

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Provides a basic foundation in anatomy for beginners
Covers key topics in anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis
Offers a detailed understanding of the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis

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Reviews summary

Fascinating beginner anatomy

Learners say this course is great for beginners who want to get a clear picture of human anatomy. While those with more medical background may want a greater challenge, most will appreciate the helpful and interesting cadaver views and thorough explanations.
Engaging cadaver views with clear explanations.
"Fascinating cadaver views gives you a very clear idea of what inside us!!"
Great resource for beginners getting into human anatomy.
"All the radiology is too much for a beginner/ lay person. "


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; a journey from basis to clinic. with these activities:
Review embryological underpinnings
Reviewing the embryological underpinnings of the abdomen and pelvis will provide a strong foundation for understanding the complex anatomy of this region.
Browse courses on Embryology
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  • Read through the Embryological Basics chapter in the course materials.
  • Watch the videos and animations on embryological development in the course.
  • Take notes on the key concepts and processes involved in the embryonic development of the abdomen and pelvis.
Create a collection of resources on abdominal and pelvic anatomy
Creating a collection of resources on abdominal and pelvic anatomy will provide you with a valuable resource for future reference.
Show steps
  • Search for resources on abdominal and pelvic anatomy.
  • Organize the resources into a collection.
  • Share your collection with other students or colleagues.
Find a mentor who can provide guidance on a topic in abdominal or pelvic anatomy
Finding a mentor who can provide guidance on a topic in abdominal or pelvic anatomy will help you to learn more about the topic and to develop your professional network.
Show steps
  • Identify a topic in abdominal or pelvic anatomy that you are interested in.
  • Search for potential mentors who have expertise in the topic.
  • Contact the mentors and ask if they are willing to mentor you.
Six other activities
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Follow online tutorials on abdominal and pelvic anatomy
Following online tutorials on abdominal and pelvic anatomy will provide you with additional opportunities to learn and reinforce the material covered in the course.
Browse courses on Abdominal Anatomy
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  • Search for online tutorials on abdominal and pelvic anatomy.
  • Choose a tutorial that covers the topic you are interested in.
  • Follow the tutorial and take notes on the key concepts.
Participate in a study group with other students
Participating in a study group with other students will provide you with opportunities to discuss the material, ask questions, and get help with difficult concepts.
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  • Find a study group to join.
  • Attend study group meetings regularly.
  • Participate in discussions and ask questions.
Practice identifying abdominal and pelvic structures on images
Practicing identifying abdominal and pelvic structures on images will improve your ability to recognize these structures in real-world clinical settings.
Browse courses on Abdominal Anatomy
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  • Find a set of images of abdominal and pelvic structures.
  • Label the structures on the images.
  • Check your answers against a key.
Mentor a fellow student who is struggling with the material
Mentoring a fellow student who is struggling with the material will help you to reinforce your own understanding and to develop your communication skills.
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  • Identify a student who is struggling with the material.
  • Offer to help the student.
  • Meet with the student regularly to review the material and answer their questions.
Create a 3D model of the abdominal and pelvic organs
Creating a 3D model of the abdominal and pelvic organs will help you visualize and understand the spatial relationships of these structures.
Show steps
  • Use a 3D modeling software to create a model of the abdominal and pelvic organs.
  • Label the organs and their major anatomical features.
  • Use your model to study the relationships between the organs and to identify the major blood vessels and nerves that supply them.
Create a video presentation on a topic in abdominal or pelvic anatomy
Creating a video presentation on a topic in abdominal or pelvic anatomy will help you to synthesize your knowledge and to develop your communication skills.
Show steps
  • Choose a topic for your video presentation.
  • Research your topic and gather information.
  • Create a storyboard for your video presentation.
  • Record your video presentation.
  • Edit your video presentation.

Career center

Learners who complete Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; a journey from basis to clinic. will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Gastroenterologists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system, including the abdomen and pelvis. This course can help gastroenterologists to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment. The course covers topics such as the mapping of the abdomen and pelvis, the structure and function of the gut, and the peritoneal relationships of the abdominal organs.
Radiologists are medical doctors who use imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs to diagnose and treat medical conditions. They may specialize in a particular area of the body, such as the abdomen and pelvis. This course can help radiologists to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment. The course covers topics such as the mapping of the abdomen and pelvis, the structure and function of the gut, and the peritoneal relationships of the abdominal organs.
Ultrasound Technologist
Ultrasound technologists are healthcare professionals who use ultrasound imaging to diagnose and treat medical conditions. They may specialize in a particular area of the body, such as the abdomen and pelvis. This course can help ultrasound technologists to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for accurate image acquisition and interpretation.
Surgeons are medical doctors who perform operations on the body to treat diseases and injuries. They may specialize in a particular area of the body, such as the abdomen and pelvis. This course can help surgeons to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for safe and effective surgery. The course covers topics such as the mapping of the abdomen and pelvis, the structure and function of the gut, and the peritoneal relationships of the abdominal organs.
Radiologic Technologist
Radiologic technologists are healthcare professionals who use imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs to diagnose and treat medical conditions. They may specialize in a particular area of the body, such as the abdomen and pelvis. This course can help radiologic technologists to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for accurate image acquisition and interpretation.
Nuclear Medicine Technologist
Nuclear medicine technologists are healthcare professionals who use radioactive substances to diagnose and treat medical conditions. They may specialize in a particular area of the body, such as the abdomen and pelvis. This course can help nuclear medicine technologists to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for accurate image acquisition and interpretation.
Physician Assistant
Physician assistants are healthcare professionals who work under the supervision of a physician. They can perform a variety of tasks, including diagnosing and treating medical conditions, prescribing medications, and assisting with surgery. This course can help physician assistants to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment. The course covers topics such as the mapping of the abdomen and pelvis, the structure and function of the gut, and the peritoneal relationships of the abdominal organs.
Medical Physicist
Medical physicists are healthcare professionals who use physics principles to develop and use medical imaging and treatment technologies. They may specialize in a particular area of medicine, such as radiology or radiation therapy. This course can help medical physicists to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for developing and using safe and effective medical technologies.
Radiation Therapist
Radiation therapists are healthcare professionals who use radiation to treat cancer. They may specialize in a particular area of the body, such as the abdomen and pelvis. This course can help radiation therapists to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for accurate treatment planning and delivery.
Nurses provide care to patients in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. They can perform a variety of tasks, including monitoring vital signs, administering medications, and providing wound care. This course can help nurses to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for providing safe and effective care. The course covers topics such as the mapping of the abdomen and pelvis, the structure and function of the gut, and the peritoneal relationships of the abdominal organs.
Biomedical Engineer
Biomedical engineers are engineers who design and develop medical devices and technologies. They may specialize in a particular area of medicine, such as radiology or surgery. This course can help biomedical engineers to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for designing and developing safe and effective medical devices and technologies.
Medical Assistant
Medical assistants are healthcare professionals who work under the supervision of a physician or other healthcare provider. They can perform a variety of tasks, including taking vital signs, preparing patients for exams, and assisting with medical procedures. This course can help medical assistants to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for providing safe and effective care. The course covers topics such as the mapping of the abdomen and pelvis, the structure and function of the gut, and the peritoneal relationships of the abdominal organs.
Medical Writer
Medical writers are writers who specialize in writing about medical topics. They may write for a variety of audiences, including patients, healthcare professionals, and the general public. This course can help medical writers to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for writing accurate and informative medical content.
Science Teacher
Science teachers teach science to students in a variety of settings, including schools, museums, and science centers. This course can help science teachers to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for teaching students about the human body.
Forensic Scientist
Forensic scientists apply scientific methods to investigate crimes. They may specialize in a particular area, such as DNA analysis or fingerprint analysis. This course can help forensic scientists to understand the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, which is essential for accurately interpreting evidence.

Reading list

We've selected 15 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; a journey from basis to clinic. .
This atlas provides a comprehensive collection of high-quality illustrations of human anatomy. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
This atlas provides a comprehensive collection of high-quality illustrations of human anatomy. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
This atlas provides a detailed overview of human anatomy, with a focus on cross-sectional images. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
This textbook provides a detailed overview of human anatomy and physiology. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
This textbook provides a detailed overview of human biology. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
This textbook comprehensive reference on human embryology, covering all stages of development from fertilization to birth. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of human anatomy, with a focus on topographical and functional aspects. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
This textbook provides a detailed overview of human anatomy and physiology. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
This textbook provides a detailed overview of human anatomy and physiology. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
This textbook provides a detailed overview of human anatomy. It valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.


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