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Dr Peter J Mitchell
هل ترغب في الحصول على وظيفة؟ هل هي الوظيفة الأولى أم أنك تريد وظيفة أفضل؟ هل هي وظيفة أحلامك؟ هذه الدورة التدريبية مصممة من أجلك إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على وظيفة في أي بلد ناطق باللغة الإنجليزية (أو في أي شركة تستخدم اللغة الإنجليزية). لقد قررتُ، بعد قضاء ما...
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هل ترغب في الحصول على وظيفة؟ هل هي الوظيفة الأولى أم أنك تريد وظيفة أفضل؟ هل هي وظيفة أحلامك؟ هذه الدورة التدريبية مصممة من أجلك إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على وظيفة في أي بلد ناطق باللغة الإنجليزية (أو في أي شركة تستخدم اللغة الإنجليزية). لقد قررتُ، بعد قضاء ما يزيد عن 10 سنوات في مساعدة الناس في مختلف البلدان أن يقع عليهم الاختيار للوظيفة التي يحلمون بها، أن أدخل في شراكة مع Coursera لتيسير تحقيق النجاح المهني للجمهور على مستوى العالم. بعد إتمام هذه الدورة التدريبية، ستعرف كيف تكون مميزًا وبارزًا وسط جمع كبير من الناس، وكيف تعطي انطباعًا أول رائعًا وكيف تبرز جوانب قوتك. وستتعلم خطوة بخطوة ما يلي: . كيفية العثور على الوظيفة الأمثل لك. . كيفية كتابة سيرة ذاتية مخصصة للوظيفة الشاغرة التي تحلم بها. . كيفية صياغة خطاب تعريفي يفتح سبيلًا للتواصل. . كيفية الإعداد إستراتيجيًا لمقابلة وظيفية ناجحة. ولكن هذا ليس كل شيء. يسرني أن أجيب على كل ما لديكم من أسئلة. يُرجى عدم التردد في التواصل معي من خلال طرح أي أسئلة في منتديات المناقشة. وسأحرص على الإجابة على 95% من الأسئلة خلال 24 ساعة. الأمثلة والإستراتيجيات التي أتبادلها معكم في هذه الدورة التدريبية قد أسهمت بالفعل في مساعدة الكثير من الناس في إيجاد الوظيفة التي يحلمون بها في كبرى الشركات في مختلف أنحاء العالم. "لقد مكّنتني مساعدة الدكتور/ بيتر جيه ميتشل في كتابة سيرتي الذاتية أن أركز على أصحاب العمل البارزين ويسّرت عملية تقديم طلب الوظيفة. فهو شخص على درجة فائقة من الاحتراف والمهنية ويهتم بعملائه ويكون متاحًا دائمًا لتقديم النصائح المهمة والدعم. لذا، فإنني أوصي بخدماته للغاية، وحتى في الوقت الحالي وبعد أن أصبحت صاحب عمل فإنني أستعين به ليقدم لي المشورة." سيمون، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Expopromoter/Biletum، شنغهاي، الصين "لقد استعنتُ بخدمات الدكتور/ ميتشل مرات عديدة، وفي كل مرة كانت النتيجة تستوفي توقعاتي بدقة بل وتفوقها أيضًا. فهو شخص على درجة موثقة من المهنية والاحتراف، وينصت دومًا لاحتياجاتك ويحولها بدقة إلى نتيجة. ويسعدني دائمًا أن أعمل معه." إيجور، استشاري أول، PwC "بكل حماس، أوصي بخدمات الدكتور/ بيتر ميتشل والاشتراك في دورته المقدمة على الإنترنت والمصممة لمساعدة المرشحين الدوليين على كتابة السير الذاتية وخطابات التعريف والنصوص الأخرى المرتبطة بالعمل باللغة الإنجليزية. وإنني منبهر بما يتميز به الدكتور/ بيتر من استجابة سريعة وتواصل إيجابي ومحترم. والدكتور/ بيتر دائمًا على استعداد لأن يقضي الوقت في مناقشة مشكلات اللغة والاستجابة للأسئلة. ويولي اهتمامًا بالتفاصيل لكل نص يُقدَّم له، ما يجعل خدماته فريدة جدًا." لي، مدير مدرسة دولية، السويد يسرني أن أساعدك في رحلتك نحو تحقيق النجاح المهني. بادر بالتسجيل اليوم لتنعم بحياتك غدًا!\n\nبيتر جيه. ميتشل
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Helps learners build and optimize a resume and cover letter, which are essential documents in an international job search
Develops skills and knowledge necessary for thriving in job interviews, which are critical to securing the desired job
Designed for international job seekers seeking employment in English-speaking countries, ensuring relevance to the target audience
Facilitates job search, resume writing, and interview preparation specifically for international candidates
Delivered by Dr. Peter J. Mitchell, a certified professional resume writer with over a decade of experience in career coaching

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Review English grammar and syntax
Develop a stronger understanding of English grammar and syntax to improve writing and interview skills.
Browse courses on English Grammar
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  • Read articles on grammar and syntax rules
  • Take quizzes and practice exercises
  • Identify common grammar mistakes and work on correcting them
Watch videos and tutorials on job search strategies and interview techniques
Learn from experts and enhance job search and interview skills through guided tutorials.
Browse courses on Job Search Strategies
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  • Identify reputable sources for job search and interview tutorials
  • Watch and take notes on key strategies and techniques
  • Practice implementing the learned strategies in your own job search journey
Complete online coding challenges and practice LeetCode problems
Enhance problem-solving and coding skills through regular practice on platforms like LeetCode.
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  • Choose a coding platform and select problems to solve
  • Work through coding problems and identify efficient solutions
  • Review solutions and learn from mistakes to improve problem-solving approach
Four other activities
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Practice giving mock job interviews
Gain confidence and improve interview performance through simulated practice.
Browse courses on Interview Skills
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  • Prepare common interview questions and answers
  • Conduct mock interviews with friends, family, or a career counselor
  • Record and review mock interviews to identify areas for improvement
Develop a career portfolio to showcase your skills and accomplishments
Create a comprehensive portfolio that highlights your abilities and sets you apart in the job market.
Browse courses on Portfolio Development
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  • Gather samples of your work, including projects, presentations, and writing
  • Select the most relevant and impactful pieces to showcase
  • Create an organized and visually appealing portfolio that effectively presents your skills and experiences
Attend networking events and connect with professionals in your field
Build your professional network and gain insights into potential career opportunities.
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  • Identify and attend industry events, conferences, and meetups
  • Prepare an elevator pitch to introduce yourself and your career goals
  • Actively engage in conversations and exchange contact information with potential connections
Participate in hackathons or coding competitions to test your skills and expand your network
Challenge yourself, collaborate with others, and gain recognition for your technical abilities.
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  • Identify and register for relevant hackathons or coding competitions
  • Prepare and form a team to work on the competition
  • Develop innovative solutions and showcase your skills

Career center

Learners who complete التخطيط المهني: السيرة الذاتية/الخطاب التعريفي ومقابلة العمل will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Career Counselor
This Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course can be incredibly helpful to a Career Counselor. It can provide a framework for assisting clients with developing effective resumes and cover letters, as well as preparing for job interviews. The course covers essential topics like identifying job opportunities, customizing resumes to specific job openings, crafting compelling cover letters, and practicing effective interviewing techniques. By understanding these principles, Career Counselors can enhance their ability to guide clients toward successful career outcomes.
Human Resources Manager
The Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course is a valuable resource for Human Resources Managers. It offers insights into the job application process from both the candidate's and the employer's perspectives. The course covers topics like writing effective job postings, screening resumes and cover letters, conducting interviews, and making hiring decisions. By gaining proficiency in these areas, Human Resources Managers can optimize their recruitment and hiring strategies, leading to the acquisition of top talent.
This Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course is highly relevant to Recruiters. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the job application process, including resume and cover letter writing, interview techniques, and employer expectations. By mastering these skills, Recruiters can enhance their ability to source, attract, and hire qualified candidates. The course's focus on crafting compelling job postings and screening applications can further improve their efficiency and effectiveness in talent acquisition.
Career Coach
For those aspiring to become Career Coaches, the Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course serves as an excellent foundation. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to guide clients through the job search and career development process. The course covers topics like resume writing, cover letter crafting, interview preparation, and career planning strategies. By gaining proficiency in these areas, Career Coaches can effectively support clients in achieving their career goals.
Resume Writer
The Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course is highly beneficial for Resume Writers. It provides a deep understanding of resume writing principles and techniques, enabling individuals to create compelling and effective resumes for their clients. The course covers topics like resume formatting, keyword optimization, and tailoring resumes to specific job openings. By mastering these skills, Resume Writers can produce high-quality resumes that showcase their clients' qualifications and increase their chances of securing interviews.
Cover Letter Writer
The Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course is highly relevant to Cover Letter Writers. It provides a comprehensive understanding of cover letter writing principles and techniques, enabling individuals to create compelling and effective cover letters for their clients. The course covers topics like cover letter structure, persuasive writing, and tailoring cover letters to specific job openings. By mastering these skills, Cover Letter Writers can produce high-quality cover letters that effectively introduce their clients and increase their chances of securing interviews.
Networking Specialist
The Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course may also be beneficial to Networking Specialists. It provides insights into the importance of networking in career development and offers strategies for building and leveraging professional networks. The course covers topics like identifying networking opportunities, developing a networking plan, and utilizing social media for networking purposes. By gaining proficiency in these areas, Networking Specialists can enhance their ability to connect job seekers with potential employers and support them in their career advancement journey.
Talent Acquisition Specialist
For those interested in Talent Acquisition, the Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course provides a solid foundation. It offers insights into the recruitment and hiring process from an employer's perspective. The course covers topics like job analysis, candidate sourcing, and interview techniques. By gaining proficiency in these areas, Talent Acquisition Specialists can enhance their ability to identify and attract top talent for their organizations.
Outplacement Consultant
The Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course may be helpful to Outplacement Consultants. It provides a framework for assisting clients with career transitions, including resume writing, cover letter crafting, and interview preparation. The course covers topics like identifying job opportunities, customizing resumes to specific job openings, and practicing effective interviewing techniques. By understanding these principles, Outplacement Consultants can enhance their ability to support clients through job loss and career changes.
Diversity and Inclusion Manager
The Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course may be useful for Diversity and Inclusion Managers. It offers insights into the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and provides strategies for promoting an inclusive work environment. The course covers topics like unconscious bias, cultural sensitivity, and inclusive hiring practices. By gaining proficiency in these areas, Diversity and Inclusion Managers can enhance their ability to create a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected.
Education and Career Counselor
The Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course can be beneficial for Education and Career Counselors. It provides a comprehensive overview of the career planning process, including resume writing, cover letter crafting, and interview preparation. The course covers topics like identifying career goals, developing a career plan, and researching job opportunities. By gaining proficiency in these areas, Education and Career Counselors can effectively support students and individuals in making informed career decisions and achieving their career aspirations.
Sales Manager
While not directly related to the field of sales, the Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course may provide valuable insights for Sales Managers. It offers a framework for effectively communicating and presenting oneself, which is essential in sales. The course covers topics like resume writing, cover letter crafting, and interview preparation. By mastering these skills, Sales Managers can enhance their ability to pitch their products or services and build strong relationships with clients.
Marketing Manager
The Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course may provide some useful insights for Marketing Managers. It offers a framework for effectively communicating and presenting oneself, which is essential in marketing. The course covers topics like resume writing, cover letter crafting, and interview preparation. By mastering these skills, Marketing Managers can enhance their ability to promote their products or services and build strong relationships with clients.
Business Development Manager
While not directly related to the field of business development, the Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course may provide some useful insights for Business Development Managers. It offers a framework for effectively communicating and presenting oneself, which is essential in business development. The course covers topics like resume writing, cover letter crafting, and interview preparation. By mastering these skills, Business Development Managers can enhance their ability to pitch their products or services and build strong relationships with clients.
Customer Service Representative
The Career Planning: Resume/Cover Letter and Job Interview course may provide some helpful tips for Customer Service Representatives. It offers a framework for effectively communicating and presenting oneself, which is essential in customer service. The course covers topics like resume writing, cover letter crafting, and interview preparation. By mastering these skills, Customer Service Representatives can enhance their ability to interact with customers and provide excellent service.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in التخطيط المهني: السيرة الذاتية/الخطاب التعريفي ومقابلة العمل.
Classic career guide that has helped millions of people find their dream jobs. It provides a step-by-step process for identifying your skills and interests, and finding a career that good fit for you.
Comprehensive guide to the job search process, from networking to interviewing. It covers everything you need to know to land your dream job.
Provides practical advice on how to find a job, from networking to interviewing.
Provides practical advice on how to write a cover letter that will get you noticed by employers.
Self-help classic that provides practical advice on how to be more effective in all areas of your life, including your career.
Provides a step-by-step guide to creating a career plan that will help you achieve your goals.


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