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مهارات العمل الجماعي

التواصل الفعّال في مجموعات

Matthew A. Koschmann, PhD

العمل والتواصل الجماعي الفعّال ضروريان لنجاحك المهني والشخصي. ستتعلم، في هذه الدورة التدريبية، ما يلي: اتخاذ قرارات أفضل، وكيف تكون أكثر إبداعًا وابتكارًا، وإدارة التعارض والعمل مع أعضاء المجموعة صعبي المراس، والتفاوض للحصول على النتائج المفضلة، وتحسين التواصل الجماعي في البيئات الافتراضية، وتطوير فهم شامل أفضل للتفاعل البشري، والعمل بشكل أكثر فعالية كفريق. هدفنا هو مساعدتك على فهم هذه الديناميكيات المهمة للتواصل الجماعي ومعرفة كيفية وضعها موضع التنفيذ لتحسين عملك الجماعي بشكل عام.

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الوحدة 1
تتعلق الوحدة 1 بالتواصل. ولكن ليس المفهوم الشائع أو مفاهيم التواصل المسلّم بها التي قد تتوقعها. وبدلاً من ذلك، سنعيد التفكير في التواصل ونتحدى بعض الحكمة التقليدية حول التواصل الشائع في مجتمعنا. وسنقارن ونتباين بين نظريات أو نماذج مختلفة من التواصل، ونرى ما إذا كان بوسعنا تطوير فهم أكثر تعقيدًا للتواصل لفهم التعقيدات التي ينطوي عليها التفاعل بين البشر في مجموعات اليوم. وسنستكشف أيضًا بعض القوى الخفية للتواصل الجماعي، مثل السياق، والأنظمة والمؤسسات، والتصميم. تلك هي كل الأشياء "الحاضرة" في أي موقف جماعي، تؤثر على كيفية تفاعلنا مع بعضنا البعض، ولكن من السهل أن نفتقدها إذا لم ننظر إليها. فنحن نريد أن نتوسع في مجال رؤيتنا، حتى يتسنى لنا أن نتحدث عن هذا، لذا فنحن لدينا فهم أكثر اكتمالاً لما يحدث في أي موقف جماعي.
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الوحدة 2
تركز الوحدة 2 على تنمية المجموعات واتخاذ القرارات. سننظر إلى كيفية اجتماع المجموعات من خلال التنشئة الاجتماعية، وكيف تعمل على تطوير القواعد، وكيف تنشأ الأدوار. وسنقارن ونباين بين النماذج المختلفة التي تشرح هذه العمليات. وسندرس الفخاخ المختلفة لاتخاذ القرار والتي قد تقع ضمن الجماعات، في حين نعمل أيضًا على تطوير ممارسات أفضل لاتخاذ قرارات جماعية جيدة. وسنستكشف كيف قد تكون المجموعات أكثر إبداعًا وابتكارًا في عملية اتخاذ القرار.
الوحدة 3
تتمحور الوحدة 3 حول الصراع، والاختلاف، والتنوع. سنتعلم كيف يمكن للمجموعات أن تحارب بشكل جيد وكيف يمكنك اختيار الكلمات المناسبة في نزاع...بالإضافة إلى كيفية التفاوض مع الآخرين عندما تصبح الأمور صعبة. كما سنستكشف سبب أهمية الاختلاف والتنوع بالنسبة إلى التواصل الجماعي، ومدى أهمية فهم مفهوم الهوية بالنسبة لمشاركتنا في المجموعات. وسنولي اهتمامًا خاصًا للتواصل ونوع الجنس، أحد أهم جوانب الاختلاف والتنوع التي يتعين على المجموعات فهمها.
الوحدة 4
تغطي الوحدة 4 التواصل الجماعي والتكنولوجيا...جانبًا متزايد الانتشار من المشهد الحديث لعمل المجموعات الذي يجب أن نفهمه. سنلقي نظرة على مفهوم العمل الافتراضي وكيفية استخدام المجموعات للتكنولوجيا، فضلاً عن النماذج والنظريات المختلفة لوظائف الوسائط ومعالجة المعلومات. سنتناول العديد من القضايا العملية والمفاهيمية التي يتعين علينا وضعها في اعتبارنا دائمًا عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتكنولوجيا والتواصل الجماعي، وسنستكشف بعض الأفكار الأكثر تطورًا حول التكنولوجيا والعمل الجماعي من خلال النظرية المذهلة التي تدور حول العلاقات الاجتماعية.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
تقييم شامل للتواصل الجماعي في البيئات المهنية والشخصية
يدرس ممارسات صنع القرار الجماعي الفعال والقيادة
يوفر أساسًا متينًا لتطوير مهارات التواصل الجماعي وإدارة الصراع
يستكشف دور التكنولوجيا في التواصل الجماعي
مناسب للمهنيين الذين يسعون لتحسين فعالية التواصل الجماعي
ويستفيد الأفراد الذين يتطلعون إلى تحسين مهارات التواصل الخاصة بهم

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Reviews summary

Effective teamwork skills

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and practices of effective teamwork. Students will learn how to communicate effectively, make better decisions, resolve conflicts, and work together more productively in groups. The course is well-organized and engaging, with a variety of learning activities and resources including videos, readings, and discussion forums. The instructor is knowledgeable and supportive, and provides timely feedback. Overall, this course is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their teamwork skills.
Instructor is knowledgeable, supportive, and provides timely feedback.
"The instructor is knowledgeable and supportive, and provides timely feedback."
Covers the impact of technology on teamwork and how to use technology effectively in group settings.
"We will look at the concept of virtual work and how groups use technology, as well as different models and theories of media functions and information processing."
Offers practical advice on how to resolve conflicts and negotiate effectively.
"We will learn how groups can fight well and how you can choose the right words in a dispute..."
Provides strategies for making better decisions as a team.
"We will also study different models that explain these processes."
Teaches effective communication techniques for groups.
"We will rethink communication and challenge some of the conventional wisdom around communication common in our society."


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Career center

Learners who complete مهارات العمل الجماعي: التواصل الفعّال في مجموعات will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Consultants provide advice and guidance to businesses and organizations on a variety of topics, including strategy, operations, and human resources. This course may be useful for consultants, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and problem solving. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for consultants, who need to be able to work effectively with a variety of clients and provide them with sound advice.
Software Engineer
Software engineers design, develop, and implement software applications. This course may be useful for software engineers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and software development. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for software engineers, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and develop software applications.
Product Manager
Product managers oversee the development and launch of new products or services. This course may be useful for product managers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and product development. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for product managers, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and bring new products to market.
Data Scientist
Data scientists collect, analyze, and interpret data to extract insights and develop solutions to business problems. This course may be useful for data scientists, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and data analysis. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for data scientists, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and analyze data to solve business problems.
Systems Analyst
Systems analysts design, develop, and implement computer systems. This course may be useful for systems analysts, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and systems analysis. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for systems analysts, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and design and implement computer systems.
Project Manager
Project managers oversee the planning, execution, and completion of projects. This course may be useful for project managers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and leadership. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for project managers, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and lead projects to successful completion.
UX Designer
UX designers design and develop user interfaces for websites and applications. This course may be useful for UX designers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and user experience design. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for UX designers, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and design user interfaces that are both usable and enjoyable.
Business Analyst
Business analysts identify and analyze business needs and develop solutions to improve business processes. This course may be useful for business analysts, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and problem solving. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for business analysts, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and analyze business needs.
Human Resources Manager
Human resources managers oversee a company's human resources department, which is responsible for recruiting, hiring, training, and developing employees. This course may be useful for human resources managers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and conflict resolution. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for human resources managers, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and manage a variety of human resources issues.
Instructional Designer
Instructional designers design and develop training programs and materials. This course may be useful for instructional designers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and instructional design. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for instructional designers, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and design and develop training programs that are both effective and engaging.
Market Researcher
Market researchers study market trends and customer behavior to develop marketing strategies. This course may be useful for market researchers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and research. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for market researchers, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and conduct market research studies.
Training and Development Manager
Training and development managers oversee a company's training and development programs, which are designed to help employees develop their skills and knowledge. This course may be useful for training and development managers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and instructional design. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for training and development managers, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and design and deliver training programs.
Public relations manager
Public relations managers manage a company's public image and reputation. This course may be useful for public relations managers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and crisis management. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for public relations managers, who need to be able to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and manage a company's reputation.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers develop and execute marketing campaigns that promote a company's products or services. This course may be useful for marketing managers, as it can help them develop their skills in communication, teamwork, and leadership. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for marketing managers, who need to be able to work effectively with a team of colleagues and lead marketing initiatives.
Communications Manager
Communications managers lead initiatives to enhance relationships with a company's stakeholders, including customers, employees, vendors, partners, shareholders, and the community. This course may be useful for communications managers, as it can help them develop their skills in effective communication and teamwork. The course covers topics such as building consensus, problem solving, managing conflict, and fostering diversity. These skills are essential for communications managers, who need to be able to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and build relationships with key stakeholders.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in مهارات العمل الجماعي: التواصل الفعّال في مجموعات.
Approaches the topic of group dynamics from a psychological perspective. It explores the different factors that affect group behavior, such as leadership, conflict, and decision-making. It would be a useful addition to the course, providing a deeper understanding of the dynamics that shape group behavior.
Provides a framework for having difficult conversations in a constructive and productive way. It would be a useful resource for anyone who wants to improve their ability to navigate difficult conversations, whether in the workplace or in personal relationships.
Fable that illustrates the five dysfunctions that can prevent a team from being successful: absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results. It would be a useful resource for anyone who wants to improve their team leadership skills.
Explores the culture of successful groups, such as sports teams, businesses, and families. It would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to create a more positive and productive group culture.
Classic self-help book that provides a framework for personal and professional success. It would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their productivity and effectiveness.
Explores the strengths and challenges of introversion. It would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to better understand and appreciate the introverts in their lives.
Memoir about one woman's year-long experiment in happiness. It would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their own happiness and well-being.


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