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Be entrepreneurial in Cultural Industries in the digital age

Florence Botello

À travers son fil pédagogique riche d’interviews d'experts et de cours d'enseignants, le MOOC Entreprendre dans les industries culturelles à l'ère du numérique proposé par l'École d'affaires publiques de SciencesPo et le Ministère de la Culture, invite à découvrir les clés de l'entrepreunariat culturel à l'aune du monde numérique. Suivre la chaîne de valeur de l’entreprise culturelle conduit à aborder successivement la présentation du secteur des industries culturelles (IC) dans ses grandes lignes, les caractéristiques des publics et les tendances de consommation. La question de la création des contenus sera abordée aussi sous l’angle de ses enjeux économiques et financiers. Toute structuration d'entreprise requiert une organisation propre aux entreprises dites des industries culturelles. Les thèmes de la promotion, la diffusion et la distribution des biens culturels seront également une des clés de voûtes de la vision globale de l'entreprise culturelle dans ce monde numérisé. Ce cours est composé de cours donné par des enseignants et de témoignages d'experts.

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À travers son fil pédagogique riche d’interviews d'experts et de cours d'enseignants, le MOOC Entreprendre dans les industries culturelles à l'ère du numérique proposé par l'École d'affaires publiques de SciencesPo et le Ministère de la Culture, invite à découvrir les clés de l'entrepreunariat culturel à l'aune du monde numérique. Suivre la chaîne de valeur de l’entreprise culturelle conduit à aborder successivement la présentation du secteur des industries culturelles (IC) dans ses grandes lignes, les caractéristiques des publics et les tendances de consommation. La question de la création des contenus sera abordée aussi sous l’angle de ses enjeux économiques et financiers. Toute structuration d'entreprise requiert une organisation propre aux entreprises dites des industries culturelles. Les thèmes de la promotion, la diffusion et la distribution des biens culturels seront également une des clés de voûtes de la vision globale de l'entreprise culturelle dans ce monde numérisé. Ce cours est composé de cours donné par des enseignants et de témoignages d'experts.


Emma Archer, Maître de conférences à Sciences Po en Affaires publiques et à la Sorbonne

Karen Autret, Directrice du SPIIL, dialogue avec Amélie de Ronseray

Jean-Christophe Baillie, Fondateur de Novaquark 

Tonjé Bakang, Fondateur d'AFROSTREAM et Part-Time director chez The Family 

Alexander Barclay, Digital policy and innovation pour l’Etat de Genève 

Laurence Barone, Directrice adjointe chez Relais Culture Europe

Valérie-Laure Bénabou, Professeure de droit à l’Université Aix-Marseille 

Lorenzo Benedetti, Fondateur du Studio Bagel

Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Membre du collège de l'ARCEP

Françoise Benhamou, Professeure d’économie Université Paris 13

Frédéric Bereyziat, DGA Unifrance

Laurent Bizot, Fondateur de No Format!

Christian Bombrun, Vice président Marketing, Entertainment and Digital Services chez Orange

Stéphane Bossuet, Directeur de ARTENREEL

Adeline Braescu-Kerlan, Responsable Incubateur des politiques publiques à Sciences Po

Pascal Brunet, Directeur chez Relais Culture Europe

Dominique Cardon, Medialab, Sciences Po

Marion Carré, Fondatrice de Ask Mona

Vincent Carry, Créateur de Arty Farty 

Camille Caubrière, Co-fondatrice de Guestviews 

Clothilde Chalot, Co-fondatrice de NoMadMusic

Philippe Chantepie, Inspecteur général au ministère de la Culture

Jean-Baptiste Clais, Conservateur au Musée du Louvre, enseignant MI Affaires publiques à Sciences Po ,

Olivier Cohen, Directeur des Editions l'Olivier

Rachel Cordier, Directeur de AGEC-Culture

Nicolas Colin, Directeur The Family 

Coline Debayle, CEO d’ARTIPS 

Romain Delaume, interview écrite pour le Projet d'Artagnans

Anaïs Del Bono, Co-auteure de Le financement participatif culturel 

Lisa Doby, CCI

Alizée Doumerc, Co-fondatrice de Guestviews 

Florent Dumont, Directeur des études et du marketing antenne de FTV

Emmanuel Durand, Maître de conférence à Sciences Po - fondateur du parcours innovation sociale à Scoiencespo 

Louis Fleuret, French Tech 

Pascal Foy, Responsable mission d’entreprises chez Audiens 

Gilles Freissinier, Arte

Isabelle Giordano, Journaliste

David Godevais, Conseiller Culture à la Mairie de Paris 

Emily Gonneau, Fondatrice de Nüagency et Unicum 

Eric Hainaut, Expert comptable chez Com’Com 

Steven Hearn, Président de Scintillo

Xavier Lardoux, Directeur du Centre National du Cinéma 

Luc de Larminat, Directeur d'Opale

Guillaume Leblanc, DG de SNEP

Laurence Le Ny, VP Start up Content chez Orange

Carole Le Rendu, Professeure associée en MRH à Audencia 

Laure Leroy, directrice des Editions Zulma

Nicolas Lesur, Président de Unilend

Jean-Christophe Levassor, Directeur de La Condition Publique 

Sébastien Loubry, Business Development and Communication director du fonds d'investissement Axa Strategic Venture

Thierry Mandon, Directeur général de Rollin Publications

André Manoukian, Fondateur de Muzeek

Guillaume Maréchal, Co-auteur de Le financement participatif culturel 

Marion Mazauric, Fondatrice de la maison d’édition Au diable vauvert 

David Michel, CEO et Founder de Cottonwood et Marathon Media

Pascal Nègre, Fondateur de #NP, Ex-directeur d’Universal

Julien Neuville, Fondateur de Nouvelles Ecoutes

Eric Petrotto, CEO de DOOD et 1DLab

Jacqueline Pacaud, Commission Européenne 

Wladimir Pandolfo, Senior Warner Music et professeur à Sciences Po Paris

Nicolas Parpex, Senior Investment Director à Bpifrance Investissement

Bruno Patino, Directeur éditorial d'ARTE et directeur de l'école de journalisme de Sciences Po

Catherine Peyrot, Responsable de plateforme incubation chez LINCC 

Guillaume Pfister, Directeur Marketing France Deezer

Guillaume Proust, Expert comptable et commissaire aux comptes à la Compagnie Fiduciaire 

Bruno Racine, ex président de la BNF

Amélie de Ronseray, Directrice du développement et des partenariats de Artips

Pauline Rouer, Enseignante à Sciences Po Paris

Alexandre Rovetto, Entrepreneur

Cecilie de Saint Venant, Directrice de la communication, de la marque et du mécénat CHAMBORD

Eric Scherer, Directeur de l'innovation de France Télévisions

Valérie Senghor, ex-directrice du développement et de l'innovation au Centquatre

Christine Sinapi, Directrice académique et du développement pédagogique à Burgundy School of Business

Romain Slitine, Maître de conférence et fondateur du parcours Innovation Sociale à Sciencespo 

Alain Sussfeld, DG de UGC

François Taddei, Directeur du CRI

Julie Zerbib, INPI


Ce MOOC est un cours qui s’adresse à un public large. Il traite des questions et enjeux liés à l'entrepreneuriat culturel à l'ère du numérique, il ne nécessite aucun prérequis


Séance 0 - Appréhender les contours des industries culturelles

Séance 1 - Cerner les grands enjeux économiques des IC et le potentiel entrepreunarial

Séance 2 - Observer les mutations des consommations culturelles

Séance 3 - Saisir la reconfiguration des contenus et de la création

Séance 4 - Penser le modèle de son entreprise

Séance 5 - Actionner les bons leviers de financements

Séance 6 - Promouvoir, diffuser, distribuer les biens culturels aux publics

Séance 7 - De l'entrepreneur au dirigeant d'entreprise : la boîte à outils de l'entrepreneuriat culturel


Un section QCM est proposée en fin de Mooc.


Emma Archer, Alexander Barclay, Françoise Benhamou, Anaïs Del Bono, Florence Botello, Adeline Braescu-Kerlan, Guillaume Pfister, Amélie de Ronseray, Thomas Scaramuzza, Charlotte Khouri, Pôle Audiovisuel Sciences Po


Conditions d’utilisation du contenu du cours

Droits réservés

Licence restrictive : la production relève de la propriété intellectuelle de son auteur et ne peut donc pas être réutilisée.

Conditions d’utilisation des contenus produits par les participants

Droits réservés

Licence restrictive : la production relève de la propriété intellectuelle de son auteur et ne peut donc pas être réutilisée.


Ministère de la Culture | Ecole d'affaires publiques de SciencesPo Paris

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What's inside


INTRODUCTION - Understanding the contours of cultural industries
Identify the major economic issues of CI and entrepreneurial potential
Observe the changes in cultural consumption
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Capture the reconfiguration of content and creation
Promote, disseminate, distribute cultural property to the public
From entrepreneur to enterprise director : the toolbox

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explored through educational lectures and interviews from industry professionals, this course introduces the key aspects of entrepreneurship in the cultural sphere in this digital age
Provides overviews of all major components of cultural industries
Covers essential skills needed to plan, organize, and structure a cultural business model
Builds a foundational understanding of content reconfiguration in this era of technological advancement
Discusses essential marketing strategies for audience engagement and product distribution in the art industry
Taught by experts in the cultural industries, such as Alexander Barclay from the State of Geneva and Laurence Barone from Relais Culture Europe, ensuring learners will be exposed to the latest insights and best practices

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Reviews summary

Comprehensive guide for cultural entrepreneurs

With a high average rating of 3.9 out of 5, this online course is widely considered to be a good resource for learning about entrepreneurship in the cultural industries in the digital age. While some students have expressed concerns about occasional technical issues, overall reviews emphasize the course's valuable insights, engaging speakers, and comprehensive coverage of the topic. It's worth noting that the course is heavily focused on the French context, which may limit its relevance for some students.
Covers a broad spectrum of subjects related to creative industries.
"A lot (and perhapds too many) testimonials from professionals ..."
"A real 360° overview on a subject which is quite seldom."
Exceptional lineup of experts and practitioners sharing their experiences.
"It enhances the knowledge."
"Very nicely done, very interesting, an extraordinary variety of speakers and interviews."
Occasional video issues hinder the learning experience.
"Certaines videos bloquent et il est impossible de les voir dans leur intégralité."
Primarily focused on the French context, limiting its applicability for some.
"I would have appreciated more theory ... in the current form the course is very France-focused"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Be entrepreneurial in Cultural Industries in the digital age with these activities:
Read Wikipedia article on Cultural industries
Gain a foundational understanding of the cultural industries landscape.
Browse courses on Cultural Industries
Show steps
  • Visit Wikipedia and search for "cultural industries"
  • Read through the article, paying attention to the definition, scope, and key characteristics of cultural industries.
  • Make notes on the main points and concepts discussed in the article.
Create a resource guide for cultural entrepreneurs
Develop a comprehensive resource guide that can provide valuable information and support to cultural entrepreneurs.
Show steps
  • Identify and gather relevant resources, such as articles, books, websites, and organizations.
  • Organize the resources into a logical and user-friendly format.
  • Write an introduction and conclusion to provide context and guidance.
  • Share your resource guide with other cultural entrepreneurs.
Network with professionals in the cultural industries
Expand your professional network and connect with professionals who can provide valuable insights and advice.
Show steps
  • Attend industry events such as conferences, workshops, and exhibitions.
  • Join online communities and forums related to the cultural industries.
  • Reach out to professionals in your field and request informational interviews.
Two other activities
Expand to see all activities and additional details
Show all five activities
Organize a peer support group for cultural entrepreneurs
Create a supportive environment for sharing experiences, ideas, and resources with fellow cultural entrepreneurs.
Show steps
  • Identify potential members for your peer support group.
  • Set up regular meetings to discuss challenges and opportunities.
  • Invite guest speakers to share their expertise.
  • Create a private online forum for members to connect and collaborate.
Mentor a young professional in the cultural industries
Share your knowledge and experience with a young professional who is just starting out in the cultural industries.
Show steps
  • Identify a mentee who is passionate about the cultural industries.
  • Meet with your mentee regularly to provide guidance and support.
  • Share your experiences and insights about the cultural industries.
  • Help your mentee to develop their professional skills and network.

Career center

Learners who complete Be entrepreneurial in Cultural Industries in the digital age will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Cultural Heritage Manager
Cultural heritage managers are responsible for the preservation and management of cultural heritage sites and artifacts. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to understand the cultural value of heritage and how to manage it effectively.
Film Producer
Film producers are responsible for overseeing the production of films. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to understand the film production process and how to manage a film production team.
Arts Administrator
Arts administrators oversee the finances, programs, and operations of arts organizations, such as museums, theaters, and music venues. In keeping with the course topics of content creation, financing, and distribution, you will learn how organizations create and deliver cultural artifacts to the public.
Museum curator
Museum curators are responsible for the care and display of museum collections. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to understand the museum curation process and how to create engaging museum exhibits.
Digital Marketing Specialist
Digital marketing specialists are responsible for planning and executing digital marketing campaigns. This course will provide you with the skills you need to understand the digital marketing landscape and how to use it to promote cultural products and services.
Social Media Manager
Social media managers are responsible for managing the social media presence of organizations and individuals. This course will provide you with the skills you need to understand the social media landscape and how to use it to promote cultural products and services.
Public Relations Specialist
Public relations specialists are responsible for managing the public image of organizations and individuals. This course will provide you with the skills you need to understand the public relations process and how to use it to promote cultural products and services.
Business Development Manager
Business development managers are responsible for identifying and developing new business opportunities for their organizations. This course will provide you with the skills you need to understand the cultural industries market and develop strategies for growth.
Event Planner
Event planners are responsible for planning and executing events, such as conferences, festivals, and concerts. This course will provide you with the skills you need to understand the event planning process and how to create successful events.
Music Manager
Music managers are responsible for the careers of musicians. This course will provide you with the skills you need to understand the music industry and how to manage the career of a musician.
Cultural Anthropologist
Cultural anthropologists study the customs, beliefs, and practices of different cultures. This course will provide you with a foundation in the study of culture, which will be helpful for working with people from different cultural backgrounds and understanding the cultural context of creative works.
Talent Agent
Talent agents represent actors, musicians, and other performers. This course will provide you with the skills you need to understand the talent agency business and how to negotiate contracts.
Book Editor
Book editors work with authors to develop, revise, and prepare manuscripts for publication. This course will help you understand the process of content creation and the economics of the book publishing industry.
Entertainment Lawyer
Entertainment lawyers provide legal advice to clients in the entertainment industry, such as actors, musicians, and filmmakers. This course will provide you with a foundation in entertainment law, which will be helpful for understanding the legal issues that arise in the cultural industries.
Writers create written content, such as books, articles, and scripts. This course may help you understand the process of content creation and the economics of the publishing industry.

Reading list

We've selected 14 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Be entrepreneurial in Cultural Industries in the digital age.
Is highly relevant to the course and provides students with a solid foundation in the economics of cultural industries.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the creative industries and their role in economic development. It valuable resource for students interested in the business side of cultural industries.
Provides a fascinating exploration of the creative process. It valuable resource for students who want to learn how to be more creative and innovative.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the platform economy, which is increasingly important in the cultural industries.
Provides practical advice on how to build a successful startup. It valuable resource for students who want to learn how to launch their own businesses.
Thought-provoking exploration of the nature of innovation. It valuable resource for students who want to learn how to think differently and create new products and services.
Provides a clear and concise framework for developing good strategy. It valuable resource for students who want to learn how to think strategically.
Provides a fascinating exploration of the cultural differences that can affect business interactions. It valuable resource for students who want to learn how to work effectively in a global environment.


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