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László Bognár

Start to learn Statistics in a way where the use of a statistical software is in the center. Data analysis sessions are used to initiate you not only into solving problems with a software but also making the concepts of Statistics clear with using the capabilities of a high performance statistical software package in visualizing the hidden structures and tendencies in your datasets.

Get the skills of visualizing your data structure with the most appropriate tools of Descriptive Statistics.

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Start to learn Statistics in a way where the use of a statistical software is in the center. Data analysis sessions are used to initiate you not only into solving problems with a software but also making the concepts of Statistics clear with using the capabilities of a high performance statistical software package in visualizing the hidden structures and tendencies in your datasets.

Get the skills of visualizing your data structure with the most appropriate tools of Descriptive Statistics.

Learn from animated video lessons about the process of manipulating data, visualizing the central tendencies, the spread of your data or the relationships between variables.

  • Graphical methods for summarizing qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Dot plots, Individual value plot, Box-plots, Stem-and-leaf plots, Histograms.
  • Numerical descriptive statistics for quantitative variables.
  • Mean, Median, Mode.
  • Graphical and numerical methods for investigating relationships between variables.
  • Correlation, Regression.

Simulate random data, calculate probabilities, and construct graphs of different distributions.

  • Discrete distributions: Binomial, Hypergeometric, Poisson etc.
  • Continuous distributions: Normal, Exponential, Student-t, Chi square etc.

Learn how to generate random data to simulate repeated sampling to study different sample statistics.

  • Large and small sample cases with known or unknown variances.
  • Simulation of confidence intervals for population mean or population proportions.

Get the skills of conducting hypothesis tests and constructing confidence intervals.

  • One-, two- and multiple sample situations.
  • Tests for population means, population proportions, or population variances.
  • Checking the validity of the assumptions.
  • Z-tests, t-tests, ANOVA.
  • Randomized design.

This course is comprehensive and covers the introductory chapters of both the Descriptive and Inferential Statistics.

  • 48 video lectures.
  • 5 hours video.
  • Lecture Notes with 745 slides (not downloadable)
  • Test Yourself Questions and Answers with 79 slides.

Enjoy the benefit of the well-structured, short and yet comprehensive video lectures.

In these lectures all things happen inside a software driven analysis.

All in one place, within the same video lesson, gaining computer skills, getting theoretical background, and mainly getting the ability to interpret the outputs properly.

These lessons are specially prepared with intensive screen animations, concise and yet comprehensive, well-structured explanations. If you like you can turn on subtitles to support the comprehension.

The verification of the assumptions for a test, the basic theoretical background or even the formulas applied in a procedure appear in these video tutorials at the right instances of the analysis. The outputs are explained in a detailed manner in such an order that enables you to make the appropriate conclusions.

Learn in a way when you watch the video and do the same simultaneously in your own Minitab.

Watching a video, pausing it and doing the same steps simultaneously in your own Minitab is the best way of getting experience and practice in data manipulation. Repeating the sessions with different sample data develops your skill to solve statistical problems with a software.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Use wide palette of descriptive statistics tools to visualize the structure of your dataset. get the skills of choosing the appropriate graphical technic or the numerical descriptive measures to explore the tendencies or phenomena hidden in your data.
  • Understand the role and the objectives of inferential statistics when you have only a smaller or larger sample of data and your aim is to infer about the whole population of data related to different business tendencies, production quality questions or even scientific phenomena to be explored.
  • Get the skill of analyzing data with the minitab software and get the master of one, two or multiple samples estimation problems and hypothesis tests. use the analysis of variance (anova) method to wide range of real life situations.
  • Learn how to interpret the outputs of a software driven data analysis.
  • Learn the way of using a statistical software not only for analyzing data but for making rather complex statistical concepts clear.
  • Get ready to go further and take the course of “statistical methods for quality improvement” about statistical process control, analysis of experiments and capability analysis, which are the core chapters of six sigma statistics applied worldwide in manufacturing and service sectors.


Introduction to the Course
Introduction and Data Files to Download
Before you jump into the stream of video lessons here it is a short general overview of the field of Statistics.
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Statistics, Data and Statistical Thinking
Managing Data in a Minitab Worksheet
Getting Started with Minitab
Summarizing Cases, Row Statistics
Summarizing Columns, Using Session Commands
Coding Data
Ranking and Sorting of Data
Standardizing Data
Creating Subsets of Worksheet
Combining Data using the Stack Option
Separating Data using the Unstack Option
Qualitative Data
Describing Qualitative Data

From the lecture:

"In this tutorial we will begin the process of analyzing data by learning how Minitab can be used to explore and summarize data for a single variable, numerically.

First, we deal with qualitative variables. In this demonstration we use the Infants worksheet where the data are part of a research where we have been conducting a study of the factors that appeared to be associated with a new mother's decision to breastfeed her infant or not. 68 low income pregnant women who attended a clinic affiliated with a group are the subjects.

Our task is to summarize the data collected on these women and their new born children. "

From the lecture:

"If we want to graphically represent the percentage associated with the category, we have two ways to do this: the bar chart and the pie chart. Now, let's begin with the bar chart. "

Creating Pie Charts
Test Yourself - Questions
Test Yourself - Answers
Quantitative Data
Numerical Measures of Central Tendency
Numerical Measures of Variability
Using the Mean and Standard Deviation to Describe Data
Numerical Measures of Relative Standing

From the lecture:

"Now we will use Minitab to find numerical summaries for quantitative variables.

We are going to start by looking at descriptive statistics for the time the pregnant women spent with a nutritionist before their childbirth, before their delivery."

Graphical Methods for Describing Quantitative Data

From the lecture:

"Minitab offers a number of graphs designed to display quantitative data.

In this section we will examine histograms."

From the lecture:

"Stem-and-Leaf Display of quantitative data enables us to see the actual data while retaining much of the same features of a histogram.

It is an example of a character graph. The numbers in the centre column represents the stems or left most digits of the data values. The column on the right contains the leaves because Minitab records a leaf unit of one. Each leaf represents the one's digit of a data value, and each stem represents the ten's digit of the data value. "

From the lecture:

"Now we will look at a dot plot and an individual value representation of data. "

" The scattering of the points allows for each point on the display to represent exact values. "

Methods for Detecting Outliers: Box Plots and z-scores

From the lecture:

"A boxplot provides us with rather skeletal view of our data set. "

"A boxplot uses five numbers to describe a set of data. The maximum value, the 3rd Quartile, the Median, the 1st Quartile and the minimum value. Collectively these five numbers are known of the 5-number summary of the data set.

Minitab constructs a rectangle, a box between the 1st and the 3rd Quartiles and displays a horizontal line at the location of the Median. This box encloses the middle half of the data. The Whiskers that extend either direction indicate the non-outlying data. If there no outlier values, the whiskers extend to the smallest and the largest values in the data set."

Distorting the Truth with Descriptive Techniques
Descriptive Statistics - Data Analysis for Comparing Groups

From the lecture:

"In this tutorial we will construct tables to compare groups based upon two qualitative variables.

We will examine the smoking status of 68 pregnant women who participated in a clinical study. Their data are recorded in the Infants data file. First, investigate the relationship between smoking status and ethnicity because both of these variables are qualitative. We explore the relationship between them by obtaining a two-way table of counts called a Contingency Table. Sometimes this table is called a Cross Tabulation Table. "

From the lecture:

"Here we will construct bar charts to represent relationship between two categorical variables. We will use one of the variables as a so-called cluster or grouping variable.

We will use the file Infants, and we will construct two bar charts between the variables Smoke and Ethnic, and we define Ethnic as a Cluster Variable."

From the lecture:

"Minitab allows us to compare subgroups of quantitative variables by showing different graphs separately for each subgroup.

As an illustration we will use the data in the BallPark data worksheet. Here, in this worksheet the data relate to the 30 Major League baseball teams."

From the lecture:

"We can get summary statistics for several quantitative variables simultaneously and in this way we can compare subgroups using numerical descriptive measures.

Now, we use the BallPark data again."

From the lecture:

"The Bar Chart command can be used to produce many kinds of displays of Summary Statistics.

To explore this capability, we use the BallPark data worksheet. Here, the data relate to the 30 Major League baseball teams."

Descriptive Statisitcs - Relationships Between Two Quantitative Variables
Bivariate Relationships

From the lecture:

"Generally, the best way to begin an exploration of the relationship between the quantitative variables is to construct a co-called scatterplot. This is a two-dimensional graph in which each value is represented by a single dot."

Adding a Grouping Variable to a Scatterplot

From the lecture:

"A marginal plot combines the features of a scatterplot with some of the one variable graphs. It means that we can examine the relationship between two variables while also viewing the distribution of each variable, all on the same graph."

From the lecture:

"The covariance and the correlation coefficient are numerical measures of the strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables. "

"A positive covariance suggests that high values for one variable tend to be associated with high values for the other. However, because the value for the covariance depends on the units associated with the two variables, it is difficult to determine the exact strength of the relationship from this value.

Pearson's Correlation Coefficient or simply the Correlation Coefficient measures the strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables in a way that it does not depend on the units of the two variables. It is usually designated by small or lower case "r", and always lies between -1 and +1. In fact, "r" is the covariance divided the product of the standard deviations of the variables. "

From the lecture:

"While Correlation Coefficient measures the strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables, the Regression Line or Least-Squares Line summarizes the form of this relationship."

Events, Probability, and Sample Spaces
Unions and Intersections
Complementary Events
Conditional Probability
The Additive Rule and Mutually Exclusive Events
The Multiplicative Rule and Independent Events
Bayes's Rule
Random Variables and Probability Distributions
Two Types of Random Variables
Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables
The Binomial Distributions
Other Discrete Distributions: Geometric, Poisson and Hypergeometric

From trhe lecture:

"Binomial Distribution comes up when we repeat the so-called Trial more times in succession.

A Trial is the most basic type of a Random Experiment when the experiment has only two outcomes, usually called Success and Failure, and while repeating this trial more times, the probability of getting success or failure remains unchanged.

So, Binomial Distribution is specified by two parameters, "n", small "n", the number of trials and "p", small "p", the probability of success on each trial. The Number of Success can be 0, 1, 2, and so on, up to "n".

As an example, find out the probability of getting 3 successes when p is 1/6 and n is equal to 10. "

From the lecture:

"Poission Distribution arises when we count the number of Occurrences of an Event relatively infrequently. This distribution is completely specified by just one parameter by the Mean of the number of occurrences.

For example, if we know that in a city there are, on average, 6 accidents per weekend, then we can calculate the probability there will be, say, 5, 10 or 20 accidents next week, or no accidents at all. "

Probability Distributions for Continuous Random Variables
The Normal Distribution
Descriptive Methods for Assessing Normality
Other Continuous Distributions: Uniform and Exponential

From the lecture:

"In this section we will use some of the Minitab's capabilities related to calculating and graphing, plotting probabilities of random events. let's assume, for example, that the heights of people in a group has normal distribution with mean µ is equal 170 centimeters, and with standard deviation σ is equal 10 centimeters.

Now, calculate probabilities of events related to the random experiment when we select 1 person randomly from this group. "

From the lecture:

"In inferential statistics we often need to determine certain values of a random variable called as critical values which refer to a predefined probability. The chance to get a larger or alternatively smaller value as an outcome of the experiment than the critical value is equal to this predefined probability.

Let's assume, for example, that the heights of people in a group is normally distributed with Mean 170 centimeters and with Standard Deviation, σ, is equal 10 centimeters. Now, let's determine that distinct value of heights called Right Tail Critical Value, for which it's true that the probability of randomly selecting one such person from this group, who is taller than this value, is equal, let's say, 10%. "

Random Data - Sampling Distributions
The Concept of Sampling Distributions
Properties of Sampling Distributions: Unbiasedness and Minimum Variance

From the lecture:

"The family of normal distributions, sometimes we call them Bell-Shaped Curves, plays a central role in Statistics. In this section we will generate a sample from a Normal Distribution and check the Normality of this sample.

First, simulate the selection of a random sample of heights of people using the Mean Value, µ, which is equal to 170 centimeters, and Standard Deviation, σ, whics is equal to 10 centimeters."

Sampling from a Column

From the lecture:

" In this tutorial we will simulate the process of sampling when we take more than one sample from the same population at a time. Suppose, we want to simulate an experiment when we take a random sample of 20 men, and measure their systolic blood pressure.

Use 3 different Samples, and compare the data measured in the different samples. We know that for the population of males systolic blood pressure is approximately normally distributed with Mean 130 and Standard Deviation of 20 millimeters of Mercury. "

From the lecture:

"In this tutorial we will see a useful technique for Simulation Studies. This technique is good to study the variation of different Sample Statistics even in the case when the theoretical approach is quite complex."

The Sampling Distribution of a Sample Mean and the Central Limit Theorem
Distribution of the Sample Mean. Known and Unknown Variance.
The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Proportion and Sample Variance
Distribution of the Sample Proportions. Large and Small Sample.
Distribution of Sample Variances. Normal Population. Large and Small Sample.
Inferences From One Sample - Estimation with Confidence Intervals
Identifying and Estimating the Target Parameter
Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Normal (z) Statistic
Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Student’s t-Statistic
Large-Sample Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion
Confidence Interval for a Population Variance
Finite Population Correction for Simple Random Sample
Simulation of Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Normal Population
Simulation of Confidence Intervals for the Mean. Unknown Variance
Determining the Sample Size

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Examines Statistical Sampling by way of Simulated Experiments
Develops essential problem-solving skills in the Minitab Software
Course covers tools, techniques, and concepts for both Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Statistical methods taught are highly applicable in business and scientific research
Prepares learners for advanced Statistics courses

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Foundation of Statistics with Minitab with these activities:
Review Basic Statistics
By reviewing the basics of statistics, students will be better prepared to understand the more advanced concepts covered in this course.
Browse courses on Statistics
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  • Review your class notes from previous statistics courses.
  • Read articles and blog posts about basic statistics.
  • Take practice quizzes and tests.
Practice Solving Statistical Problems
Solving statistical problems will help students develop their critical thinking skills and their ability to apply statistical concepts to real-world problems.
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  • Find practice problems online or in textbooks.
  • Work through the problems step-by-step.
  • Check your answers against the provided solutions.
Create a Statistical Analysis Report
Creating a statistical analysis report will help students learn how to communicate their findings in a clear and concise way.
Browse courses on Statistics
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  • Choose a dataset to analyze.
  • Conduct a statistical analysis of the data.
  • Write a report that summarizes your findings.
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Career center

Learners who complete Foundation of Statistics with Minitab will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Analyst
Data Analysts are responsible for collecting, cleaning, and analyzing data to extract meaningful insights. This course can help Data Analysts build a strong foundation in statistical methods and data visualization techniques, which are essential for success in this role. By completing this course, Data Analysts can gain a better understanding of how to use data to make informed decisions and solve business problems.
Statisticians apply mathematical and statistical techniques to collect, analyze, and interpret data. This course can provide Statisticians with a comprehensive understanding of the principles of statistics, including descriptive and inferential statistics. By completing this course, Statisticians can enhance their ability to design and conduct statistical studies, analyze data, and draw valid conclusions.
Market Researcher
Market Researchers gather and analyze data about consumer behavior, market trends, and industry dynamics. This course can help Market Researchers develop the skills needed to conduct surveys, analyze market data, and derive meaningful insights. By completing this course, Market Researchers can enhance their ability to identify market opportunities, develop marketing strategies, and track campaign effectiveness.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts use data and analysis to identify and solve business problems. This course can provide Business Analysts with a solid foundation in statistical methods and data visualization techniques. By completing this course, Business Analysts can gain a better understanding of how to use data to improve business processes, optimize operations, and make informed decisions.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use machine learning, statistical methods, and data visualization techniques to extract insights from data. This course can help Data Scientists build a strong foundation in statistical concepts and data analysis techniques. By completing this course, Data Scientists can enhance their ability to develop and implement predictive models, analyze complex data sets, and solve real-world business problems.
Quantitative Analyst
Quantitative Analysts (Quants) use mathematical and statistical models to analyze financial data and make recommendations. This course can provide Quants with a comprehensive overview of statistical methods and data analysis techniques. By completing this course, Quants can enhance their ability to develop and validate financial models, analyze market data, and make informed investment decisions.
Actuaries use statistical and mathematical techniques to assess and mitigate risk. This course can provide Actuaries with a solid understanding of the principles of probability and statistics. By completing this course, Actuaries can enhance their ability to develop and evaluate insurance products, calculate premiums, and assess financial risk.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Research Analysts use mathematical and statistical techniques to solve complex operational problems. This course can provide Operations Research Analysts with a comprehensive foundation in statistical methods and data analysis techniques. By completing this course, Operations Research Analysts can enhance their ability to develop and implement optimization models, analyze operational data, and improve business processes.
Market Research Analyst
Market Research Analysts conduct market research studies to gather data about consumer behavior, market trends, and industry dynamics. This course can help Market Research Analysts develop the skills needed to design and conduct surveys, analyze market data, and derive meaningful insights. By completing this course, Market Research Analysts can enhance their ability to identify market opportunities and develop effective marketing strategies.
Quality Control Manager
Quality Control Managers develop and implement quality control systems to ensure that products and services meet specified standards. This course can help Quality Control Managers build a strong foundation in statistical methods and data analysis techniques, which are essential for assessing and controlling quality. By completing this course, Quality Control Managers can enhance their ability to analyze quality data, identify quality problems, and develop effective quality improvement measures.
Survey Researcher
Survey Researchers design, conduct, and analyze surveys to collect data about population attitudes, behaviors, and opinions. This course can provide Survey Researchers with a comprehensive foundation in statistical methods and data analysis techniques. By completing this course, Survey Researchers can enhance their ability to develop valid and reliable surveys, collect representative data, and draw valid conclusions about the population under study.
Biostatisticians apply statistical methods to solve problems in the field of medicine and public health. This course can provide Biostatisticians with a solid understanding of the principles of probability and statistics. By completing this course, Biostatisticians can enhance their ability to design and conduct clinical trials, analyze medical data, and derive meaningful insights from health-related data.
Epidemiologists study the distribution and determinants of disease in populations. This course can provide Epidemiologists with a solid understanding of the principles of probability and statistics. By completing this course, Epidemiologists can enhance their ability to design and conduct epidemiological studies, analyze health data, and derive meaningful insights from population-based data.
Data Entry Clerk
Data Entry Clerks input data into computer systems, ensuring its accuracy and completeness. While this course may not directly prepare you for the role of a Data Entry Clerk, it can provide you with a basic understanding of data management and analysis, which can be beneficial in a variety of related roles.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service Representatives provide assistance and support to customers, addressing inquiries and resolving issues. While this course may not directly prepare you for the role of a Customer Service Representative, it can provide you with a basic understanding of data analysis techniques, which can be helpful in analyzing customer feedback and understanding customer needs.

Reading list

We've selected 13 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Foundation of Statistics with Minitab.
An introductory text that emphasizes the use of randomization and simulation to understand statistical concepts. It provides a hands-on approach to learning statistics and is suitable for beginners.
A popular textbook that focuses on the applications of statistics in real-world settings. It provides numerous examples and case studies to illustrate statistical concepts and methods.
A comprehensive textbook that provides a comprehensive overview of statistical concepts and methods. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced students.
A textbook that provides a solid foundation in biostatistics. It covers a wide range of topics, including descriptive statistics, probability, inference, and regression.
A book that provides an overview of the statistical methods used in Six Sigma. It covers a wide range of topics, including descriptive statistics, probability, inference, and regression.
A textbook that focuses on the statistical methods used in data analytics. It covers a wide range of topics, including descriptive statistics, probability, inference, and regression.
A book that provides guidance on how to conduct statistical power analysis. It covers a wide range of topics, including sample size calculation and hypothesis testing.
A book that provides a comprehensive overview of statistical intervals. It covers a wide range of topics, including confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
A textbook that provides a comprehensive overview of statistical learning methods. It covers a wide range of topics, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and feature selection.


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