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Peter Struck

Myths are traditional stories that have endured over a long time. Some of them have to do with events of great importance, such as the founding of a nation. Others tell the stories of great heroes and heroines and their exploits and courage in the face of adversity. Still others are simple tales about otherwise unremarkable people who get into trouble or do some great deed. What are we to make of all these tales, and why do people seem to like to hear them? This course will focus on the myths of ancient Greece and Rome, as a way of exploring the nature of myth and the function it plays for individuals, societies, and nations. We will also pay some attention to the way the Greeks and Romans themselves understood their own myths. Are myths subtle codes that contain some universal truth? Are they a window on the deep recesses of a particular culture? Are they a set of blinders that all of us wear, though we do not realize it? Or are they just entertaining stories that people like to tell over and over? This course will investigate these questions through a variety of topics, including the creation of the universe, the relationship between gods and mortals, human nature, religion, the family, sex, love, madness, and death.

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Myths are traditional stories that have endured over a long time. Some of them have to do with events of great importance, such as the founding of a nation. Others tell the stories of great heroes and heroines and their exploits and courage in the face of adversity. Still others are simple tales about otherwise unremarkable people who get into trouble or do some great deed. What are we to make of all these tales, and why do people seem to like to hear them? This course will focus on the myths of ancient Greece and Rome, as a way of exploring the nature of myth and the function it plays for individuals, societies, and nations. We will also pay some attention to the way the Greeks and Romans themselves understood their own myths. Are myths subtle codes that contain some universal truth? Are they a window on the deep recesses of a particular culture? Are they a set of blinders that all of us wear, though we do not realize it? Or are they just entertaining stories that people like to tell over and over? This course will investigate these questions through a variety of topics, including the creation of the universe, the relationship between gods and mortals, human nature, religion, the family, sex, love, madness, and death.



• Week 1: Introduction

Welcome to Greek and Roman Mythology! This first week we’ll introduce the class, paying attention to how the course itself works. We’ll also begin to think about the topic at hand: myth! How can we begin to define "myth"? How does myth work? What have ancient and modern theorists, philosophers, and other thinkers had to say about myth? This week we’ll also begin our foray into Homer’s world, with an eye to how we can best approach epic poetry.

Readings: No texts this week, but it would be a good idea to get started on next week's reading to get ahead of the game.

Video Lectures: 1.1-1.7

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

• Week 2: Becoming a Hero

In week 2, we begin our intensive study of myth through Homer’s epic poem, the Odyssey. This core text not only gives us an exciting story to appreciate on its own merits but also offers us a kind of laboratory where we can investigate myth using different theoretical approaches. This week we focus on the young Telemachus’ tour as he begins to come of age; we also accompany his father Odysseus as he journeys homeward after the Trojan War. Along the way, we’ll examine questions of heroism, relationships between gods and mortals, family dynamics, and the Homeric values of hospitality and resourcefulness.

Readings: Homer, Odyssey, books 1-8

Video Lectures: 2.1-2.10

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

• Week 3: Adventures Out and Back

This week we’ll follow the exciting peregrinations of Odysseus, "man of twists and turns," over sea and land. The hero’s journeys abroad and as he re-enters his homeland are fraught with perils. This portion of the Odyssey features unforgettable monsters and exotic witches; we also follow Odysseus into the Underworld, where he meets shades of comrades and relatives. Here we encounter some of the best-known stories to survive from all of ancient myth.

Readings: Homer, Odyssey, books 9-16

Video Lectures: 3.1-3.10

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

• Week 4: Identity and Signs

As he makes his way closer and closer to re-taking his place on Ithaca and with his family, a disguised Odysseus must use all his resources to regain his kingdom. We’ll see many examples of reunion as Odysseus carefully begins to reveal his identity to various members of his household—his servants, his dog, his son, and finally, his wife Penelope—while also scheming against those who have usurped his place.

Readings: Homer, Odyssey, books 17-24

Video Lectures: 4.1-4.8

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

• Week 5: Gods and Humans

We will take a close look at the most authoritative story on the origin of the cosmos from Greek antiquity: Hesiod’s Theogony. Hesiod was generally considered the only poet who could rival Homer. The Theogony, or "birth of the gods," tells of an older order of gods, before Zeus, who were driven by powerful passions—and strange appetites! This poem presents the beginning of the world as a time of fierce struggle and violence as the universe begins to take shape, and order, out of chaos.

Readings: Hesiod, Theogony *(the Works and Days is NOT required for the course)*

Video Lectures: 5.1-5.9

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

• Week 6: Ritual and Religion

This week’s readings give us a chance to look closely at Greek religion in its various guises. Myth, of course, forms one important aspect of religion, but so does ritual. How ancient myths and rituals interact teaches us a lot about both of these powerful cultural forms. We will read two of the greatest hymns to Olympian deities that tell up-close-and-personal stories about the gods while providing intricate descriptions of the rituals they like us humans to perform.

Readings: Homeric Hymn to Apollo; Homeric Hymn to Demeter (there are two hymns to each that survive, only the LONGER Hymn to Apollo and the LONGER Hymn to Demeter are required for the course)

Video Lectures: 6.1-6.7

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

• Week 7: Justice

What counts as a just action, and what counts as an unjust one? Who gets to decide? These are trickier questions than some will have us think. This unit looks at one of the most famously thorny issues of justice in all of the ancient world. In Aeschylus’ Oresteia—the only surviving example of tragedy in its original trilogy form—we hear the story of Agamemnon’s return home after the Trojan War. Unlike Odysseus’ eventual joyful reunion with his wife and children, this hero is betrayed by those he considered closest to him. This family's cycle of revenge, of which this story is but one episode, carries questions of justice and competing loyalties well beyond Agamemnon’s immediate family, eventually ending up on the Athenian Acropolis itself.

Readings: Aeschylus, Agamemnon; Aeschylus, Eumenides

Video Lectures: 7.1-7.10

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

• Week 8: Unstable Selves

This week we encounter two famous tragedies, both set at Thebes, that center on questions of guilt and identity: Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and Eurpides’ Bacchae. Oedipus is confident that he can escape the unthinkable fate that was foretold by the Delphic oracle; we watch as he eventually realizes the horror of what he has done. With Odysseus, we saw how a great hero can re-build his identity after struggles, while Oedipus shows us how our identities can dissolve before our very eyes. The myth of Oedipus is one of transgressions—intentional and unintentional—and about the limits of human knowledge. In Euripides’ Bacchae, the identity of gods and mortals is under scrutiny. Here, Dionysus, the god of wine and of tragedy, and also madness, appears as a character on stage. Through the dissolution of Pentheus, we see the terrible consequences that can occur when a god’s divinity is not properly acknowledged.

Readings: Sophocles, Oedipus Rex; Euripides, Bacchae

Video Lectures: 8.1-8.9

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

• Week 9: The Roman Hero, Remade

Moving ahead several centuries, we jump into a different part of the Mediterranean to let the Romans give us their take on myth. Although many poets tried to rewrite Homer for their own times, no one succeeded quite like Vergil. His epic poem, the Aeneid, chronicles a powerful re-building of a culture that both identifies with and defines itself against previously told myths. In contrast to the scarcity of information about Homer, we know a great deal about Vergil’s life and historical context, allowing us insight into myth-making in action.

Readings: Vergil, Aeneid, books 1-5

Video Lectures: 9.1-9.10

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

• Week 10: Roman Myth and Ovid's Metamorphoses

Our consideration of Vergil’s tale closes with his trip to the underworld in book 6. Next, we turn to a more playful Roman poet, Ovid, whose genius is apparent in nearly every kind of register. Profound, witty, and satiric all at once, Ovid’s powerful re-tellings of many ancient myths became the versions that are most familiar to us today. Finally, through the lens of the Romans and others who "remythologize," we wrap up the course with a retrospective look at myth.

Readings: Vergil, Aeneid, book 6; Ovid, Metamorphoses, books 3, 12, and 13.

Video Lectures: 10.1-10.9.

Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.



There are no required texts for the course, however, Professor Struck will make reference to the following texts in the lecture:

• Greek Tragedies, Volume 1, David Grene and Richmond Lattimore, trans. (Chicago)

• Greek Tragedies, Volume 3, David Grene and Richmond Lattimore , trans. (Chicago)

• Hesiod, Theogony and Works and Days, M. L. West, trans. (Oxford)

• Homeric Hymns, Sarah Ruden, trans. (Hackett)

• Homer, The Odyssey, Robert Fagles, trans. (Penguin)

• Virgil, The Aeneid, Robert Fitzgerald, trans. (Vintage)

• Ovid, Metamorphoses, David Raeburn, trans. (Penguin)

These translations are a pleasure to work with, whereas many of the translations freely available on the internet are not. If you do not want to purchase them, they should also be available at many libraries. Again, these texts are not required, but they are helpful.

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What's inside


Welcome to Greek and Roman Mythology! This first week we’ll introduce the class, paying attention to how the course itself works. We’ll also begin to think about the topic at hand: myth! How can we begin to define "myth"? How does myth work? What have ancient and modern theorists, philosophers, and other thinkers had to say about myth? This week we’ll also begin our foray into Homer’s world, with an eye to how we can best approach epic poetry. Readings: No texts this week, but it would be a good idea to get started on next week's reading to get ahead of the game. Video Lectures: 1.1-1.7 Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.
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Becoming a Hero
In week 2, we begin our intensive study of myth through Homer’s epic poem, the Odyssey. This core text not only gives us an exciting story to appreciate on its own merits but also offers us a kind of laboratory where we can investigate myth using different theoretical approaches. This week we focus on the young Telemachus’ tour as he begins to come of age; we also accompany his father Odysseus as he journeys homeward after the Trojan War. Along the way, we’ll examine questions of heroism, relationships between gods and mortals, family dynamics, and the Homeric values of hospitality and resourcefulness. Readings: Homer, Odyssey, books 1-8. Video Lectures: 2.1-2.10. Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.
Adventures Out and Back
This week we’ll follow the exciting peregrinations of Odysseus, "man of twists and turns," over sea and land. The hero’s journeys abroad and as he re-enters his homeland are fraught with perils. This portion of the Odyssey features unforgettable monsters and exotic witches; we also follow Odysseus into the Underworld, where he meets shades of comrades and relatives. Here we encounter some of the best-known stories to survive from all of ancient myth. Readings: Homer, Odyssey, books 9-16. Video Lectures: 3.1-3.10. Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.
Identity and Signs
As he makes his way closer and closer to re-taking his place on Ithaca and with his family, a disguised Odysseus must use all his resources to regain his kingdom. We’ll see many examples of reunion as Odysseus carefully begins to reveal his identity to various members of his household—his servants, his dog, his son, and finally, his wife Penelope—while also scheming against those who have usurped his place. Readings: Homer, Odyssey, books 17-24. Video Lectures: 4.1-4.8. Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.
Gods and Humans
We will take a close look at the most authoritative story on the origin of the cosmos from Greek antiquity: Hesiod’s Theogony. Hesiod was generally considered the only poet who could rival Homer. The Theogony, or "birth of the gods," tells of an older order of gods, before Zeus, who were driven by powerful passions—and strange appetites! This poem presents the beginning of the world as a time of fierce struggle and violence as the universe begins to take shape, and order, out of chaos. Readings: Hesiod, Theogony *(the Works and Days is NOT required for the course)*. Video Lectures: 5.1-5.9. Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.
Ritual and Religion
This week’s readings give us a chance to look closely at Greek religion in its various guises. Myth, of course, forms one important aspect of religion, but so does ritual. How ancient myths and rituals interact teaches us a lot about both of these powerful cultural forms. We will read two of the greatest hymns to Olympian deities that tell up-close-and-personal stories about the gods while providing intricate descriptions of the rituals they like us humans to perform. Readings: Homeric Hymn to Apollo; Homeric Hymn to Demeter (there are two hymns to each that survive, only the LONGER Hymn to Apollo and the LONGER Hymn to Demeter are required for the course). Video Lectures: 6.1-6.7. Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.
What counts as a just action, and what counts as an unjust one? Who gets to decide? These are trickier questions than some will have us think. This unit looks at one of the most famously thorny issues of justice in all of the ancient world. In Aeschylus’ Oresteia—the only surviving example of tragedy in its original trilogy form—we hear the story of Agamemnon’s return home after the Trojan War. Unlike Odysseus’ eventual joyful reunion with his wife and children, this hero is betrayed by those he considered closest to him. This family's cycle of revenge, of which this story is but one episode, carries questions of justice and competing loyalties well beyond Agamemnon’s immediate family, eventually ending up on the Athenian Acropolis itself. Readings: Aeschylus, Agamemnon; Aeschylus, Eumenides. Video Lectures: 7.1-7.10. Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.
Unstable Selves
This week we encounter two famous tragedies, both set at Thebes, that center on questions of guilt and identity: Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and Eurpides’ Bacchae. Oedipus is confident that he can escape the unthinkable fate that was foretold by the Delphic oracle; we watch as he eventually realizes the horror of what he has done. With Odysseus, we saw how a great hero can re-build his identity after struggles, while Oedipus shows us how our identities can dissolve before our very eyes. The myth of Oedipus is one of transgressions—intentional and unintentional—and about the limits of human knowledge. In Euripides’ Bacchae, the identity of gods and mortals is under scrutiny. Here, Dionysus, the god of wine and of tragedy, and also madness, appears as a character on stage. Through the dissolution of Pentheus, we see the terrible consequences that can occur when a god’s divinity is not properly acknowledged. Readings: Sophocles, Oedipus Rex; Euripides, Bacchae. Video Lectures: 8.1-8.9. Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.
The Roman Hero, Remade
Moving ahead several centuries, we jump into a different part of the Mediterranean to let the Romans give us their take on myth. Although many poets tried to rewrite Homer for their own times, no one succeeded quite like Vergil. His epic poem, the Aeneid, chronicles a powerful re-building of a culture that both identifies with and defines itself against previously told myths. In contrast to the scarcity of information about Homer, we know a great deal about Vergil’s life and historical context, allowing us insight into myth-making in action. Readings: Vergil, Aeneid, books 1-5. Video Lectures: 9.1-9.10. Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.
Roman Myth and Ovid's Metamorphoses
Our consideration of Vergil’s tale closes with his trip to the underworld in book 6. Next, we turn to a more playful Roman poet, Ovid, whose genius is apparent in nearly every kind of register. Profound, witty, and satiric all at once, Ovid’s powerful re-tellings of many ancient myths became the versions that are most familiar to us today. Finally, through the lens of the Romans and others who "remythologize," we wrap up the course with a retrospective look at myth. Readings: Vergil, Aeneid, book 6; Ovid, Metamorphoses, books 3, 12, and 13. Video Lectures: 10.1-10.9. Quiz: Complete the quiz by the end of the week.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores myths of ancient Greece and Rome, providing a foundation for understanding mythology
Examines the nature of myth and the function it plays for individuals, societies, and nations
Taught by Professor Peter Struck, an experienced instructor in Greek and Roman mythology
Provides comprehensive coverage of Greek and Roman mythology, including creation myths, relationships between gods and mortals, and heroic journeys
Utilizes various theoretical approaches to explore the meaning and significance of myths
Requires completion of quizzes throughout the course to test understanding of the material

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Reviews summary

Engaging introduction to greek and roman mythology

According to students, this engaging course provides a solid introduction to Greek and Roman Mythology. Learners say that Professor Struck is an animated and knowledgeable instructor, and his enthusiasm shines through his lectures. Lectures are well-structured and present a challenge that students appreciate. Additionally, the quizzes are well-crafted and the essay tasks are worthwhile and fulfilling.
Quizzes are well-crafted and challenging.
"The level of engagement with the texts was more demanding than I would have expected."
"the quizzes challenging and exceptionally well thought through"
The course provides a challenge for students.
"It was definitely overwhelming to see all of the videos. That took me off guard at first."
"But at the same time, that makes it a challenge and I love it for that."
Students appreciate the engaging material.
"I'd gladly take another course with Professor Struck any day."
"He's a very engaging and inspiring lecturer, with a deep knowledge and great enthusiasm for the material."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Greek and Roman Mythology with these activities:
Reviewing Greek mythology basics
Reinforce your existing knowledge of Greek mythology before beginning the course
Browse courses on Greek Mythology
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  • Reread any previous notes or articles on Greek mythology that you have on hand
  • Review key terms, mythological figures, and events in Greek mythology either online or in an encyclopedia
Understanding literary devices in classical literature
Get prepared for the in-depth analysis of texts by understanding literary terminology and conventions
Browse courses on Literary Analysis
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  • Look up literary analysis terms and definitions online or in a textbook
  • Read examples of literary analysis of classical literature online or in a textbook
  • For practice, write a paragraph or two closely analyzing a passage from a classical text
Review of Hesiod's Theogony
Become familiar with the foundational text on Greek mythology and the origin of the gods
View Melania on Amazon
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  • Read the full text of Hesiod's Theogony in a translation you can understand
  • Summarize or outline the main sections or chapters of the poem
Five other activities
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Practicing close reading and analysis techniques
Develop your ability to closely read and analyze ancient Greek and Roman texts
Browse courses on Close Reading
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  • Read a short passage from a classical text and identify its main themes, literary devices, and historical context
  • Write a paragraph or two analyzing the passage you read
Discussion of Homer's Odyssey
Engage with other students by discussing the themes and characters of Homer's epic poem
Browse courses on Homer
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  • Read the assigned sections of Homer's Odyssey
  • Post your thoughts and questions about the reading online in a discussion forum
  • Respond to and discuss the posts of at least two of your classmates
Creating a timeline of Greek and Roman mythology
Solidify your understanding of the relative chronology of mythological events
Browse courses on Greek Mythology
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  • Research the major events and characters in Greek and Roman mythology
  • Create a timeline that visually represents the sequence of these events and characters
  • Label the timeline with dates or time periods as appropriate
Review of Ovid's Metamorphoses
Familiarize yourself with the influential collection of mythological transformations
View Metamorphoses on Amazon
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  • Read the full text of Ovid's Metamorphoses in a translation you can understand
  • Choose a few of the most famous myths and summarize or outline them
Building a collection of online resources on Greek and Roman mythology
Expand on your understanding of mythology by researching relevant online repositories, databases, and web pages.
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  • Research and find online resources such as websites, articles, databases, or digital collections that focus on Greek and Roman mythology
  • Create a list or document that includes the name, link, and a brief description of each resource
  • Organize the list into categories or subtopics, such as gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, myths and legends, or historical context

Career center

Learners who complete Greek and Roman Mythology will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Theology Professor
Theology Professors teach and research the nature of God, the universe, and humanity. They examine religious texts, doctrines, and practices.
Archaeologists study past peoples and cultures by excavating and examining sites and artifacts. They interpret their findings to reconstruct past lifeways and contribute to our understanding of human history.
Comparative Literature Professor
Comparative Literature Professors teach and research literature from different cultures and historical periods. They examine literary themes, styles, and influences.
Religious Studies Professor
Religious Studies Professors teach and research the beliefs and practices of different religions. They examine religious texts, history, and cultural impact.
Anthropologists study the behavior, origin, and development of humans. They examine the cultures, languages, archaeological remains, and physical characteristics of people in various parts of the world.
Museum Educator
Museum Educators develop and deliver educational programs for museums and other cultural institutions. They work with visitors of all ages to promote understanding and appreciation of art, history, and other subjects.
History Teacher
History Teachers educate students about the past by creating lesson plans, teaching classes, grading assignments, and organizing educational activities.
Sociologists study human society and social behavior by examining the interactions between individuals, groups, and institutions. They analyze social structures, norms, and values.
Archivists preserve and manage historical records and documents. They work in libraries, museums, and other institutions to organize, catalog, and make these materials accessible to researchers and the public.
Museum curator
Museum Curators manage and preserve collections of artifacts and specimens for museums, galleries, and other institutions. They conduct research, interpret exhibits, and develop educational programs.
Journalists gather, analyze, and report on news and current events. They write articles, conduct interviews, and produce other content for newspapers, magazines, websites, and other media outlets.
Psychologists study the mind and behavior. They research mental processes, emotions, and social interactions.
Editors review, correct, and improve written content. They work with writers, publishers, and other professionals to ensure that written material is clear, accurate, and effective.
Librarians help people find and access information. They work in libraries, schools, and other institutions to organize and manage collections of books, journals, and other resources.
Writers create written content, such as books, articles, and scripts. They use their imagination, research, and writing skills to inform, entertain, and persuade.

Featured in The Course Notes

This course is mentioned in our blog, The Course Notes. Read one article that features Greek and Roman Mythology:

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Greek and Roman Mythology.
Ovid's rendering of classical myths in verse must for those who wish to delve into the richness of the source material for the course.
The first volume of Campbell's monumental four-part work on mythology, this book focuses on the development of myth in the West.
An exhaustive study of the origins and evolution of religious beliefs and practices, with a particular focus on myth.
Explores the common themes found in myths from around the world, which can help students to understand the universal nature of myth.
A philosophical meditation on the significance of myth in the face of the absurdity of life.


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