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كيف نفكر؟ وما الذي يجعل بعض الأشخاص أو المؤسسات تنجح أكثر من غيرها؟ هل سألت نفسك يوماً هذا السؤال الغريب؟ الحقيقة أننا جميعاً نفكر بطرق مختلفة، ما يميّز أحدنا عن الآخر هو القدرة على تأمل وإعادة النظر في التجارب والمواقف التي يمر بها في حياته - سواء أكانت كبيرة أم صغيرة - بعين ناقدة ومتسائلة دائماً عن كيفية التعلم منها لتحقيق تحسين وتطوير مستمرين في حياته، وهذا ما يُطلق عليه التفكير التأملي (Reflective Thinking).

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كيف نفكر؟ وما الذي يجعل بعض الأشخاص أو المؤسسات تنجح أكثر من غيرها؟ هل سألت نفسك يوماً هذا السؤال الغريب؟ الحقيقة أننا جميعاً نفكر بطرق مختلفة، ما يميّز أحدنا عن الآخر هو القدرة على تأمل وإعادة النظر في التجارب والمواقف التي يمر بها في حياته - سواء أكانت كبيرة أم صغيرة - بعين ناقدة ومتسائلة دائماً عن كيفية التعلم منها لتحقيق تحسين وتطوير مستمرين في حياته، وهذا ما يُطلق عليه التفكير التأملي (Reflective Thinking).

هذه الدورة هي دورة تمهيدية؛ فهي تلقي الضوء على أساسيات الموضوع بشكل عام بهدف التعريف به وبمحاوره الأساسية التي يجب الإلمام بها.

إذا كنت من المهتمين بفهم مهارات التفكير التأملي، أو كان مجال عملك يتطلب توظيف ذلك في سياق عملك، فهذه الدورة ستكون مثالية لإغناء خبرتك وتطوير مهاراتك بشكل فعال ومؤثر.

حيث ستزودك هذه الدورة باطلاع واسع ودقيق على مجموعة من المحاور المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع، مثل: فهم العوامل التي يجب مراعاتها عند كتابة تأملاتنا لتحقيق أفضل النتائج، استعراض عدد من النماذج التي توضح مراحل عملية التفكير التأملي، تعريفَ التفكير التأملي ومكوناته الرئيسية ومهاراته الأساسية.

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مهارات التفكير التأملي
ستزودك هذه الدورة باطلاع واسع ودقيق على مجموعة من المحاور المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع، مثل: فهم العوامل التي يجب مراعاتها عند كتابة تأملاتنا لتحقيق أفضل النتائج، استعراض عدد من النماذج التي توضح مراحل عملية التفكير التأملي، تعريفَ التفكير التأملي ومكوناته الرئيسية ومهاراته الأساسية.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores reflective thinking, a valuable problem-solving technique
Provides a foundational understanding of reflective thinking principles and practices

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in مهارات التفكير التأملي | Reflective Thinking Skills with these activities:
مشاهدة مقاطع فيديو تعليمية
تتيح مقاطع الفيديو التعليمية فرصة التعلم من خبراء في المجال وتوضيح المفاهيم الصعبة.
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  • ابحث عن مقاطع فيديو تعليمية حول أساسيات التفكير التأملي.
  • شاهد مقاطع الفيديو بعناية ودوّن الملاحظات الرئيسية.
  • قم بمراجعة الملاحظات الخاصة بك لاحقًا لتعزيز التعلم.
مناقشة الأفكار والخبرات مع الأقران
تتيح مناقشة الأفكار والخبرات مع الأقران تبادل وجهات النظر والتعلم من خبرات الآخرين.
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  • شكل مجموعة صغيرة للدراسة والمناقشة.
  • حدد موضوعًا للنقاش ذي الصلة بمفاهيم التفكير التأملي.
  • شارك أفكارك وخبراتك مع المجموعة.
  • استمع إلى وجهات نظر الآخرين وناقشها.
  • خلص إلى النقاط الرئيسية للنقاش.
إنشاء ملخص مفهوم للتفكير التأملي
يساعد إنشاء ملخص مفهوم لتجميع المعلومات وتنظيمها في هيكل محدد لتعزيز الفهم.
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  • راجع مواد الدورة وحدد النقاط الرئيسية لمفهوم التفكير التأملي.
  • رتب النقاط الرئيسية في مخطط منطقي.
  • اكتب ملخصًا موجزًا يغطي النقاط الرئيسية.
  • راجع ملخصك وحرره لوضوح ودقة.
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ممارسة حل أمثلة وتمارين التفكير التأملي
توفر ممارسة حل الأمثلة والتمارين فرصة لتطبيق مفاهيم التفكير التأملي في سياقات مختلفة.
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  • اجمع مجموعة من الأمثلة والتمارين حول مهارات التفكير التأملي.
  • حاول حل الأمثلة والتمارين دون الرجوع إلى الملاحظات.
  • راجع إجاباتك وقارنها بالإجابات النموذجية.
  • قم بتحليل حلولك وابحث عن مجالات التحسين.
ช่วย الآخرين في فهم التفكير التأملي
يساعد إرشاد الآخرين على تحسين الفهم من خلال شرح المفاهيم والتوجيه.
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  • حدد شخصًا أو مجموعة بحاجة إلى المساعدة في فهم التفكير التأملي.
  • استعرض مفاهيم التفكير التأملي وأجب عن الأسئلة.
  • قدم أمثلة توضح كيفية تطبيق التفكير التأملي في الحياة الواقعية.
  • قدم الدعم والتشجيع للمتعلمين الآخرين.
حضور ورشة عمل أو تدريب حول التفكير التأملي
تتيح ورش العمل والتدريبات فرصًا للتعلم المعمق وتلقي التوجيه من الخبراء.
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  • ابحث عن ورش عمل أو تدريبات حول التفكير التأملي.
  • سجل في ورشة العمل أو التدريب.
  • حضر ورشة العمل أو التدريب بانتظام.
  • شارك بنشاط في الأنشطة والتمارين.
  • ضع في اعتبارك ما تعلمته وقم بتطبيقه في حياتك.

Career center

Learners who complete مهارات التفكير التأملي | Reflective Thinking Skills will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Instructional Designer
Instructional Designers create and design educational programs and materials. They design, develop, and implement instructional and educational materials, using their skills in curriculum development and teaching methods. This course is an excellent choice for those looking to begin careers as Instructional Designers, as it helps build a foundation in teaching, curriculum design, and curriculum evaluation.
Teachers plan and implement curriculum, as well as instruct students in a specific subject. They use their expertise in education and their subject area to help students learn and develop. This course can help Teachers develop reflective practices that will help improve student engagement and learning outcomes.
Professors research and teach at colleges and universities. They must be able to effectively communicate their research findings while also teaching courses to undergraduate and graduate students. This course can help Professors gather information from students, stakeholders, and other sources and use that information to refine their teaching and research practices.
Instructional Coach
Instructional Coaches work with teachers and other educators to help improve teaching practices and increase student achievement. They work closely with teachers, observing them in the classroom and providing feedback and support. This course would be helpful for those seeking careers as Instructional Coaches as it teaches skills in curriculum design, research, and evaluation.
Learning and Development Consultant
Learning and Development Consultants need expertise in both business and education. They must understand the goals and objectives of organizations as well as teaching and development methods. This course can help prepare future Learning and Development Consultants by teaching them how to evaluate the needs of an organization and develop solutions to meet those needs through reflective thinking and evaluation.
Curriculum Developer
Curriculum Developers are responsible for all aspects of curriculum design for a course or program. This course teaches skills in curriculum design, research, and evaluation. This course would be valuable for those looking to pivot to Curriculum Development as it prepares them to gather feedback and evaluate the effectiveness of a program.
Educational Technologist
Educational Technologists use their knowledge of technology and education to integrate new technologies into learning environments. They work with teachers, instructional designers, and other educators to develop and implement effective technology-based learning solutions. This course would be useful for those who aspire to become Educational Technologists as it emphasizes evaluation and iteration for technology integration.
Dean of Students
Deans of Students help students adjust to campus life, provide support services, and manage student conduct. They must be able to communicate effectively with students, faculty, and staff. This course would be helpful for those who wish to become Deans of Students as it provides essential communication, evaluation, and management skills.
Program Manager
Program Managers oversee all aspects of a program, including planning, implementation, and evaluation. They use their skills in project management, budgeting, and interpersonal communication to ensure that programs are run efficiently and effectively. This course will be helpful for those who wish to pivot to Program Management, as it teaches essential evaluation and research skills.
Educational Consultant
Educational Consultants offer advice and guidance on educational policy, teaching methods, and educational programs. They work with schools, businesses, and other organizations to improve educational outcomes. This course is useful for Educational Consultants because it builds research, evaluation, and curriculum design skills.
Training and Development Manager
Training and Development Managers manage training programs for their organizations. They use their expertise in teaching and communication to evaluate and implement new improvements that enhance employee efficiency. This course in Reflective Thinking Skills offers a route for Managers to gather, reflect upon, and use feedback from employees and stakeholders to improve their initiatives and teaching methods. This course may be useful for those looking to pivot careers into becoming Training and Development Managers.
Educational Researcher
Educational Researchers investigate problems related to education and teaching, using research to collect and analyze data on education systems, methodologies, and content. This course would be useful as a foundation for Educational Researchers, as it helps build skills in research design and evaluation.
Instructional Technology Specialist
Instructional Technology Specialists use their understanding of teaching and technology to integrate new technologies into learning. They can work in schools, corporations, and other educational settings to help create successful and engaging learning environments. This course would be helpful for those seeking careers as Instructional Technology Specialists, as it emphasizes evaluation and iteration on technology integration.
Education Policy Analyst
Education Policy Analysts research, analyze, and develop education policies. They work with policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders to improve educational outcomes. This course would be useful as a foundation for Education Policy Analysts, as it helps build skills in research design and evaluation.
School Principal
School Principals manage elementary, middle, or high schools. They oversee all aspects of their school's educational programs, including curriculum development and instructional practices. This course may be helpful for those who aspire to become School Principals as it teaches research and evaluation skills that can be applied to administrative tasks.

Reading list

We've selected 17 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in مهارات التفكير التأملي | Reflective Thinking Skills.
Provides a detailed overview of reflective practice. Many consider it one of the foundational texts on the topic. It includes plenty of examples, enhancing understanding. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to develop their reflective practice skills.
Provides a comprehensive overview of reflective practices for teachers. It includes practical guidance on how to reflect on teaching experiences, identify areas for improvement, and develop professional growth plans.
Provides a comprehensive guide to critical thinking. It includes chapters on the nature of critical thinking, the skills of critical thinking, and the application of critical thinking to real-world problems.
Provides a guide to building a successful startup. Thiel argues that the key to success is to find a unique and valuable way to solve a problem.
Provides a framework for teaching thinking skills in the classroom. Marzano identifies six key thinking skills that are essential for student success, and he provides practical strategies for teaching these skills.
Provides a framework for personal and professional success. Covey argues that there are seven habits that highly effective people have in common.
Provides a guide to building a successful startup. Ries argues that the key to success is to iterate quickly and learn from your mistakes.
Explores the concept of mindset, which is the belief that we have about our own abilities. Dweck argues that a fixed mindset can lead to failure, while a growth mindset can lead to success.
Explores the science of habits and how they can be changed. Duhigg argues that habits are powerful forces in our lives, and that understanding how they work can help us to make positive changes.
Provides a guide to escaping the traditional 9-to-5 job and living a more fulfilling life. Ferriss argues that it is possible to work less and earn more by automating your income and outsourcing your tasks.
Provides a comprehensive overview of logic and critical reasoning. It useful resource for readers who want to improve their logical reasoning skills. It is not specifically focused on reflective practice.
Provides a philosophical exploration of thinking and being. It valuable resource for readers who want to learn more about the nature of thinking and its relationship to existence. It is not specifically focused on reflective practice.


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