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Learning R through Sports, or Learning Sports through R



CodeMash 2020 | Learning R through Sports, or Learning Sports through R | Mike Roznik

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CodeMash 2020 | Learning R through Sports, or Learning Sports through R | Mike Roznik

Big data has been a buzzword for years, but it’s only recently been hitting the world of professional sports. How do sports teams use big data? With R! Join Mike Roznik to learn what kind of data sports teams look for and how they present it. Along the way, you'll look at real world examples of R code interpreting, calculating, and presenting sports data. You’ll receive an overview of the cool things you can do with R and learn about many places you can start using it with available data sets or your own.

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Learning R through Sports, or Learning Sports through R

Good to know

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Teaches data analysis with R, which is standard in many industries
Examines sports data, which is highly relevant to those in the sports industry, fans of sports, or analytics
Develops proficiency with R, which is a core skill for data analysts and statisticians
Taught by Mike Roznik, who is recognized for his expertise in data science and sports analytics
Emphasizes practical applications, making the course relevant to those looking to use data science in their work
Provides an overview of R programming, making it suitable for beginners

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Career center

Learners who complete Learning R through Sports, or Learning Sports through R: CodeMash will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Scientist
Professionals working in Data Science research and analyze large, complex datasets in order to answer questions. Data Scientists in sports use the information they find to make predictions, identify trends, and provide insights to sports organizations and athletes. This course in R programming can be a stepping stone towards a career in Data Science. The concepts taught in this course, such as data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, are all part of a Data Scientist's daily responsibilities.
Statisticians use their knowledge of statistical models to collect, analyze, and interpret data in a variety of fields. In sports, Statisticians concentrate primarily on analyzing athletic performance, and use their findings to improve performance and predict future outcomes. The R code interpreting, calculating, and presentation skills taught in this course will help a Statistician to enhance their ability to effectively analyze athletic data.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts study data to find patterns, trends, and opportunities for businesses to improve operations and make better decisions. Sports organizations hire Business Analysts to evaluate financial performance, predict ticket sales, forecast player performance, and find areas for improvement. The data interpreting, calculating, and presentation skills taught in this R programming course are all essential to the success of a Business Analyst in sports.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts study historical and current financial data in order to make recommendations for their clients. They provide financial guidance, evaluate investment opportunities, and forecast financial performance. In sports, Financial Analysts may be employed to analyze the financial impact of a new stadium, or the expected return on investment for a new player acquisition. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, are commonly used by Financial Analysts in the sports industry.
Sportswriters cover sports events, interview athletes and coaches, and write articles for newspapers, magazines, and websites. They rely on data and statistics to support their writing and provide insights into the performance of athletes and teams. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, will help a Sportswriter to more effectively analyze and present sports data in their writing.
Recruiters work to find and hire qualified candidates for open positions within an organization. Sports organizations hire Recruiters to find and hire the best athletes and coaches. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, can help Recruiters to more effectively analyze and present data on athletes and coaches, which can help them to make better hiring decisions.
Coaches work with athletes and teams to develop and improve their skills and performance. They analyze data and statistics to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and develop training programs. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, can help a Coach to more effectively analyze and present data on athlete performance, which can help them to make better decisions about training and development.
Analysts use data to solve problems and make decisions. They may work in a variety of industries, including sports. In sports, Analysts may work for teams, leagues, or media companies. They use data to analyze player performance, team performance, and fan behavior. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, can help an Analyst to more effectively analyze and present sports data, which can help them to make better decisions.
Teachers work with students to help them learn and grow. They may teach a variety of subjects, including sports. In sports, Teachers may work in schools, colleges, or sports academies. They use data and statistics to track student progress, identify areas for improvement, and develop lesson plans. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, can help a Teacher to more effectively analyze and present data on student performance, which can help them to make better decisions about teaching and instruction.
Journalists gather, analyze, and report on news and current events. They may work for newspapers, magazines, websites, or television and radio stations. In sports, Journalists cover sporting events, interview athletes and coaches, and write articles and stories about sports. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, can help a Journalist to more effectively analyze and present sports data in their writing and reporting.
Librarians help people find and use information. They may work in a variety of settings, including schools, public libraries, and corporate libraries. In sports, Librarians may work for sports teams, leagues, or media companies. They may help athletes, coaches, and other staff members find and use information to improve performance and make better decisions. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, can help a Librarian to more effectively analyze and present sports data, which can help them to better serve their patrons.
Consultants provide expert advice and guidance to organizations. They may work in a variety of industries, including sports. In sports, Consultants may work for teams, leagues, or media companies. They may provide advice on a variety of topics, such as player performance, team performance, and fan behavior. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, can help a Consultant to more effectively analyze and present sports data, which can help them to provide better advice to their clients.
Researchers conduct studies to collect and analyze data. They may work in a variety of fields, including sports. In sports, Researchers may work for universities, sports organizations, or government agencies. They may conduct studies on a variety of topics, such as athlete performance, team performance, and fan behavior. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, can help a Researcher to more effectively analyze and present sports data, which can help them to conduct better research.
Marketers develop and execute marketing campaigns to promote products and services. They may work in a variety of industries, including sports. In sports, Marketers may work for teams, leagues, or media companies. They may develop and execute marketing campaigns to promote tickets, merchandise, and other products and services. The R programming skills taught in this course, including data interpretation, calculation, and presentation, can help a Marketer to more effectively analyze and present sports data, which can help them to develop and execute more effective marketing campaigns.

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