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The Science of Beer

Sander Breevaart, Florence Scherer, Nico van der Veen, Esther Kunst, and The science of beer

Have you ever taken a sip of beer and wondered why it tastes a certain way or what effect the alcohol has on your body?

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Have you ever taken a sip of beer and wondered why it tastes a certain way or what effect the alcohol has on your body?

In this course, you will learn all about beer, including how it's made, the raw materials used, it's supply chain, how it's marketed and the effect of beer consumption on your body.

After this course, tasting a beer will be an entirely new sensation: you will enjoy it even more since you will better understand what's inside your drink. Not to mention, to be a responsible drinker it is important to know what effects beer has on your health. You will gain a natural view on this, allowing you to form your own well-grounded opinion.

The MOOC The Science of Beer is developed by students of Wageningen University & Research in honour of the 100 year anniversary of the university. The students have received guidance from professors and experts in the field of food production, health risks, marketing, logistics and sustainable supply chains to ensure a high-quality learning experience for everyone. In this MOOC your teachers will truly be your peers!

So, are you interested in the science behind your beer? Register for this course now!

What you'll learn

  • Identify the steps involved in the supply chain of beer
  • Explain the effect of each step in beer production
  • Design a production process for different beer styles
  • Describe the characteristics and cultivation of the main raw materials
  • Name the main historical events related to beer
  • Explain how marketers try to influence consumer behaviour.
  • Describe the pathway of beer through the human body
  • Look at the health effects related to beer consumption

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Identify the steps involved in the supply chain of beer
  • Explain the effect of each step in beer production
  • Design a production process for different beer styles
  • Describe the characteristics and cultivation of the main raw materials
  • Name the main historical events related to beer
  • Explain how marketers try to influence consumer behaviour.
  • Describe the pathway of beer through the human body
  • Look at the health effects related to beer consumption


Module 1: Production of Beer In this two-week module you will learn everything about the production process of beer. You will explore different beer styles, be confronted with quality issues and make choices on beer logistics. **
Module 2: Raw materials of beer and cultivation practices You will deepen your understanding on the raw materials of beer. You will find out how their cultivation and the environment influence each other.
Module 3: Marketing of beer and cultural effects You will explore how beers are marketed. After thismodule you will see through the marketing tricks that marketers use, and have knowledge of its impact on the image and culture of beer. Module 4: Consumption of beer and health effects ** In this week you will follow the pathway that beer takes after it is consumed. You will form your own opinion on responsible drinking, by comparing both positive and negative effects on the human health.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches about beer production, marketing, health, raw materials, and historical events
Instructors are students of Wageningen University & Research, providing a unique perspective
Explores beer supply chain, cultivation practices, and marketing strategies
Looks at beer consumption and its effects on human health, fostering informed decision-making
Requires knowledge of biology, chemistry, and food science for full comprehension
May not provide sufficient depth for those seeking advanced knowledge in brewing or health sciences

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Beer studies examined

According to students, the Science of Beer is a well-received course with engaging assignments and knowledgeable instructors. They say the course is highly recommended, especially for those interested in the brewing process.
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"I like this course a lot!"
"It is so much fun to learn more about beer..."
"Highly recommended!"

Career center

Learners who complete The Science of Beer will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Brewmasters oversee the brewing process, ensuring that beer meets quality standards. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of beer production, from原料 selection to fermentation and packaging. By learning about the science behind beer, you will gain valuable knowledge to succeed as a Brewmaster. The course covers topics such as beer styles, quality control, and production logistics, equipping you with the skills to manage a brewery efficiently.
Food Scientist
Food Scientists develop and improve food products, ensuring their safety and quality. This course offers insights into the science of beer, including the characteristics and cultivation of raw materials, the production process, and the impact of beer consumption on health. This knowledge is essential for Food Scientists working in the beverage industry, enabling them to develop innovative and safe beer products.
Quality Control Manager
Quality Control Managers ensure that products meet quality standards. In the beer industry, this role involves monitoring the production process, conducting tests, and implementing quality control measures. This course provides a deep understanding of beer production and quality issues, enabling you to effectively manage quality control in a brewery.
Production Manager
Production Managers oversee production processes, ensuring efficiency and productivity. This course covers the production of beer in detail, including logistics,原料 management, and quality control. By gaining knowledge in these areas, you will be well-equipped to manage beer production operations and optimize efficiency in a brewery.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers develop and execute marketing strategies to promote products and services. This course provides insights into beer marketing, including consumer behavior and market segmentation. Understanding these concepts will help you develop effective marketing campaigns for beer products, increasing brand awareness and sales.
Logistics Manager
Logistics Managers plan and execute the movement of goods and materials. This course covers the supply chain of beer, including原料 sourcing, transportation, and distribution. By gaining knowledge in logistics, you will be able to optimize the movement of beer products, reducing costs and ensuring timely delivery to consumers.
Sales Representative
Sales Representatives promote and sell products and services. This course provides knowledge about beer, its production, and its marketing. By understanding these aspects, you will be able to effectively communicate the value of beer products to customers, drive sales, and build relationships with clients in the beer industry.
Bartenders prepare and serve alcoholic beverages. This course offers a comprehensive understanding of beer, including its styles, flavors, and production. By gaining knowledge in these areas, you will be able to provide excellent service to customers, make informed recommendations, and enhance the overall drinking experience.
Sommeliers are wine experts who provide guidance on wine selection and pairings. This course may be helpful for Sommeliers who wish to expand their knowledge to beer. By understanding beer production, styles, and flavors, you will be able to offer informed recommendations to customers, enhance their dining experience, and establish yourself as a knowledgeable beverage expert.
Food and Beverage Manager
Food and Beverage Managers oversee the operation of food and beverage establishments. This course provides insights into beer production, marketing, and consumption. By gaining knowledge in these areas, you will be able to make informed decisions about beer selection, pricing, and promotion, ultimately improving the profitability and customer satisfaction of your establishment.
Nutritionists provide guidance on nutrition and healthy eating. This course may be helpful for Nutritionists who wish to gain knowledge about the health effects of beer consumption. By understanding the pathway of beer through the body and its impact on health, you will be able to provide informed advice to clients, helping them make responsible choices and maintain a balanced diet.
Health Educator
Health Educators promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles. This course may be helpful for Health Educators who wish to gain knowledge about the health effects of beer consumption. By understanding the pathway of beer through the body and its impact on health, you will be able to develop effective educational programs, raise awareness about responsible drinking, and empower individuals to make informed choices.
Bartender Trainer
Bartender Trainers teach bartenders the skills and knowledge necessary to provide excellent service. This course offers a comprehensive understanding of beer, including its styles, flavors, and production. By gaining knowledge in these areas, you will be able to effectively train bartenders to prepare and serve beer, enhance the customer experience, and maintain high standards in the bar industry.
Brewery Tour Guide
Brewery Tour Guides lead tours of breweries, providing information about the beer production process and the history of beer. This course offers a comprehensive understanding of beer production, including the原料 used, the fermentation process, and the different styles of beer. By gaining knowledge in these areas, you will be able to engage visitors, answer their questions, and provide a memorable and informative brewery tour experience.
Craft Beer Reviewer
Craft Beer Reviewers evaluate and write about craft beers. This course may be helpful for Craft Beer Reviewers who wish to gain a deeper understanding of beer production and styles. By learning about the science behind beer, you will be able to better appreciate the nuances of different beers, develop a more refined palate, and provide informed reviews that guide beer enthusiasts in their exploration of the craft beer world.

Reading list

We've selected 13 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Science of Beer.
This definitive text provides comprehensive, practical coverage of beer production from raw material preparation to packaging and quality control. It useful reference tool for brewing industry professionals and also provides background knowledge for this course.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the science behind beer quality. It covers a wide range of topics, including raw materials, brewing processes, and sensory evaluation.
- Provides historical context for the development and consumption of beer around the world - Useful background reading for understanding the cultural and economic significance of beer
This comprehensive encyclopedia covers all aspects of beer, from history and culture to brewing methods and beer styles. It is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning more about beer.
This beautifully illustrated book takes a global look at the world of beer. It features profiles of over 500 beers from around the world, as well as information on brewing traditions and beer styles.
This comprehensive guide to beer is packed with information on beer styles, brewing methods, and beer history. It great resource for both beer enthusiasts and professionals.
This classic book must-have for anyone interested in homebrewing. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to brew beer, as well as recipes for a variety of beer styles.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the malting process. It covers topics such as barley cultivation, malting methods, and malt quality.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the world of hops. It covers topics such as hop varieties, hop cultivation, and hop processing.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the role of water in brewing. It covers topics such as water chemistry, water treatment, and the impact of water on beer quality.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the physiology of beer. It covers topics such as the role of yeast in fermentation, the formation of beer flavors, and the impact of beer on human health.
Provides recipes and instructions for brewing a variety of classic beer styles. It great resource for anyone interested in expanding their homebrewing repertoire.


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