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Maven Analytics and Chris Dutton

Excel Pivot Tables are an absolutely essential tool for anyone working in data analytics or business intelligence.

Pivot Tables allow you to quickly explore and analyze raw data in Excel, revealing powerful insights and trends otherwise buried in the noise. In other words, they give you answers.

Whether you're exploring product sales, analyzing which marketing tactics drove the strongest conversion rates, or wondering how condo prices have trended over the past 10 years, Excel Pivot Tables provide fast, accurate and intuitive solutions to even the most complicated data analytics questions.

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Excel Pivot Tables are an absolutely essential tool for anyone working in data analytics or business intelligence.

Pivot Tables allow you to quickly explore and analyze raw data in Excel, revealing powerful insights and trends otherwise buried in the noise. In other words, they give you answers.

Whether you're exploring product sales, analyzing which marketing tactics drove the strongest conversion rates, or wondering how condo prices have trended over the past 10 years, Excel Pivot Tables provide fast, accurate and intuitive solutions to even the most complicated data analytics questions.

This course gives you a deep, 100% comprehensive understanding of Excel Pivot Tables and Excel Pivot Charts. I'll show you when, why, and how to use Excel Pivot Tables, introduce advanced sorting, filtering, and calculation tools, and guide you through interactive, hands-on demos and Excel exercises every step of the way.

We'll start by covering everything you need to know to get up and running with Excel Pivot Tables, including:

  • Raw data structure in Excel

  • Pivot Table layouts & styles

  • Design & formatting options

  • Sorting, filtering, & grouping tools

  • Calculated fields, items & values

  • Pivot Charts, slicers & timelines

  • Interactive Excel dashboards

We'll then explore and analyze Excel datasets from a number of real-world case studies, including:

  • San Diego burrito ratings

  • Shark attack records from 1900-2016

  • Facebook Post data from Spartan Race

  • Major League Baseball team statistics

  • San Francisco employee salaries

  • Daily stock market data

  • IMDb movie ratings

  • Apple Store mobile app ratings

  • Wine ratings and descriptions

Whether you're looking for a quick Excel Pivot Table primer, trying to diversify your MS Excel skill set, or hoping to step up your analytics or business intelligence game in a major way, you've come to the right place.

In today's increasingly data-driven world, analytics skills are in short supply and incredibly high demand, and those with the ability to transform data into insight are leading the charge. Enroll today and start your journey to becoming an Excel analytics pro.

See you there.

-Chris (Founder, Maven Analytics)

Looking for our full course library? Search "Maven Analytics" to browse our full collection of Excel, Power BI, SQL, Tableau, Python, Alteryx & Machine Learning courses.

Hear why this is one of the TOP-RATED Excel courses on Udemy, and the #1 Excel Pivot Table course:

"This is a great Excel course. You can feel confident putting these skills on your resume, and the lectures are in-depth and easy to follow. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to not just LEARN Excel Pivot Tables, but become a true Pivot Table EXPERT"

-Monique C.

"Chris provides clear, detailed explanations and shows how to use Excel Pivot Tables to extract hidden details and facts using raw, real-life data sets in Excel. The quizzes and homework reinforce the lessons and the course layout makes it easy to go back to sections that need revision. This course is exactly what I was looking for to master Excel Pivot Tables. Thanks, Chris. "

-Paul M.

"One of the very best Excel classes I've taken - great instructor, awesome production, very comprehensive and exceptionally useful. I have added other Excel and Pivot Table courses from Chris & Maven Analytics and look forward to viewing them as well."

-Ernie A.

*NOTE: Full course includes downloadable resources and Excel project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Most lectures compatible with Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 or Office 365.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Take your data analysis & eda skills from zero to pro with excel pivot tables
  • Learn how to use pivot tables and pivot charts to streamline and simplify your workflow in excel
  • Master unique pivot table tips, tools and case studies that you won't find in any other course
  • Explore fun, interactive, and highly effective lessons from a best-selling ms excel instructor
  • Get lifetime access to project files, quizzes, homework exercises, and 1-on-1 expert support
  • Test your skills with 10 real-world pivot table case studies (weather, shark attacks, wine tastings, burrito ratings, and more!)


Getting Started
Course Structure & Outline
READ ME: Important Notes for New Students
DOWNLOAD: Course Resources
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In this lecture I'll introduce you to the IMDb Movie Database, which we'll be working with through the first several sections of the course.

In this lecture, I'll outline some key assumptions and expectations to keep in mind before diving in.

Excel Pivot Table 101

Learn how PivotTables are used, and why they are one of the most powerful and versatile tools for analyzing and exploring raw data in Excel.

A Pivot Table is only as strong as the data behind it. Let's take a few minutes to talk about some key DO's and DON'Ts of preparing raw data for analysis using Excel Pivot Tables.

In this lecture we'll explore a few different ways to easily insert PivotTables in Excel.

IMPORTANT: Add to Data Model

When you analyze data with a PivotTable, think of yourself as a pilot and the Field List as your cockpit. In this lecture, we'll learn how to use the field list to slice, dice, and filter our data in Excel with ease.

KNOWLEDGE CHECK: Manipulating the Pivot Table Field List

In this lecture, we'll review some of the tools available in the Excel PivotTable "Analyze" and "Design" tabs, including slicers and timelines, calculated fields, PivotCharts and table styles.

Learn how to clear, select, move and copy Excel PivotTables using options from the "Analyze" tab.

Learn how easy it is to refresh and update PivotTables as your source data changes, and understand the difference between changes made within or outside of your Excel source data range.

Learn how to use Excel tables or column-only PivotTable source references to deal with data that consistently grows over time.

In this lecture I'll explain the purpose of Excel's PivotTable cache, describe how it can be used to reduce file sizes by storing data in memory, and demonstrate how to revive source data from cache using the "show details" option.

For those looking to dig a bit deeper, this lecture demonstrates how PivotTable values are actually calculated and displayed based on your table layout.

QUIZ: Excel Pivot Table 101
HOMEWORK: Excel Pivot Table 101
Formatting Data with Pivot Tables

In this lecture, we'll discuss a few different ways to customize number formats in Excel PivotTables (dates, currency, percentages, etc.)

Learn how to adjust your PivotTable settings to apply a default value to blank cells.

There are several options when it comes to Excel PivotTable report layouts, and a number of ways to customize the look and feel. In this lecture, we'll review these options and discuss the pros and cons of each.

PivotTables can be an incredibly useful tool for creating brand new tables from existing source data in Excel, whether you want to aggregate your data at a different level of granularity, eliminate certain fields, or add new calculated metrics. This lecture demonstrates how this can be done using specific table layouts and design tools.

In this lecture, we'll learn how to change and customize labels and headers in Excel pivots.

In this lecture, we'll demonstrate how to use Excel's conditional formatting tools (like color scales and icon sets) to visualize patterns in your data and draw attention to notable trends within your PivotTable.

In this lecture I'll show you how to hide text to prevent it from overlapping with data bars, using a custom Excel formatting rule.

In this lecture I'll show you how to change the scope of your conditional formatting rules to customize how they react to changes in your Excel PivotTable layout.

QUIZ: Excel Pivot Table Formatting
HOMEWORK: Excel Pivot Table Formatting
Sorting, Filtering & Grouping Data with Pivot Tables

In this lecture, we'll review basic Excel PivotTable sorting options, including manual, alphabetical and value-based sorting.

In this lecture, we'll explore cases where sorting may give unexpected results due to Excel's deafult "custom lists".

Label filters allow you to include or exclude items using text-based criteria (i.e. begins with, ends with, contains, does not contain, etc). This lecture demonstrates several ways to use these label filters in your Excel PivotTable views.

Wildcards allow you to create more complex and flexible label filters within Excel PivotTables. In this lecture we'll practice using two variations of these wilcards: the asterisk (*) and question mark (?). 

Value filters allow you to include or exclude items using numerical or value-based criteria (i.e. greater than, less than, equal to, etc). This lecture demonstrates several ways to use these value filters in your Excel PivotTable views.

Learn how to adjust Excel PivotTable settings to allow you to apply multiple filters (label + value) to the same field. 

Grouping options allow you to combine or aggregate data however you choose. In this lecture we'll walk through some of Excel's most common automatic and manual grouping techniques.

In this demonstration we'll show how daily data can be automatically grouped in Excel to summarize data by month, quarter, year, etc.

In this lecture, we'll practice using Excel slicers and timelines to add visual filtering tools to a PivotTable. 

If you need to generate multiple copies of a PivotTable view with different filter settings (i.e. a view of product sales for each region or country), the "Report Filter Pages" option is a lifesaver. In this lecture, we'll see how this tool can be used to instantly break out multiple views into their own Excel worksheets.

QUIZ: Sorting, Filtering & Grouping Data with Excel Pivot Tables
HOMEWORK: Sorting, Filtering & Grouping Data with Excel Pivot Tables
Enriching Data with Pivot Table Calculated Values & Fields

In this lecture, we'll explore different ways to summarize values within Excel PivotTables, including Sum, Count, Average, Max, Min and more.

In this demo, we'll talk about the difference between "Sum Of" and "Count of", and why Excel PivotTables sometimes default to counting values instead of summing them.

One of the most powerful PivotTable features is the ability to display values in multiple ways. This lecture introduces some of Excel's most common and powerful options, including % of Column, % of Parent, Difference From, Running Total, and more.

In this lecture, we'll practice using "% of Column" and "% of Row" value calculations in our Excel PivotTable.

In this lecture, we'll practice using "% of Parent" value calculations in our Excel PivotTable.

In this lecture, we'll practice using "Difference From" and "% Difference From" value calculations in our Excel PivotTable.

In this lecture, we'll practice using "Running Total" and "% Running Total" value calculations in our Excel PivotTable.

In this lecture, we'll practice using "Rank" value calculations in our Excel PivotTable.

In this demo, we'll transform PivotTable values into index numbers and explain how the approach can be used as a powerful  analytical tool in Excel.

KNOWLEDGE CHECK: Pivot Table Value Calculations

Calculated fields are one of the most powerful PivotTable tools. In this lecture we'll explore some common ways to create new values and calculations in Excel based on existing PivotTable fields.

In this demo, we'll see why you should always create calculated "rate" metrics in your Excel PivotTable, as opposed to your raw data range.

In this lecture we'll demonstrate how adding a simple "Counting Column" in your raw Excel data can enable powerful PivotTable calculations and analysis tools.

In this lecture we'll explore a second example of using a "Counting Column" in the raw data to enable more complicated calculated fields in Excel.

Calculated items are essentially the text equivalent of calculated fields. In this lecture we'll explore why (and why NOT) to use calculated items in your Excel PivotTables.

In this lecture, we'll demonstrate how to customize the solve order for fields that are part of multiple calculations within an Excel PivotTable.

QUIZ: Enriching Data with Pivot Table Calculated Values & Fields
HOMEWORK: Enriching Data with Pivot Table Calculated Values & Fields
Visualizing Data with Excel Pivot Charts

In this lecture, we'll introduce some of the pros and cons of using Excel Pivot Charts for data analysis.

In this lecture, we'll practice creating an Excel Pivot Chart in the form of a Clustered Column chart.

In this lecture, we'll practice creating an Excel Pivot Chart in the form of a Pie or Donut chart.

In this lecture, we'll practice creating an Excel Pivot Chart in the form of a Clustered Bar chart.

In this lecture, I'll explain how to prevent Excel charts from resizing and distorting when the underlying rows or columns are changed.

Changing Excel Pivot Chart types is incredibly easy. In this lecture, we'll practice modifying our charts using the Pivot Chart Design tools.

In this lecture, we'll practice creating an Excel Pivot Chart in the form of a Stacked Area chart.

In this lecture we'll practice customizes the look and feel of Excel Pivot Charts using layout and style options.

In this lecture I'll demonstrate the pros and cons of moving an Excel Pivot Chart to its own separate worksheet.

In this lecture, we'll practice inserting slicers and timelines and applying them to multiple Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts in Excel.

In this demo, we'll practice building a dynamic Excel dashboard using Pivot Charts, slicers and timelines.

QUIZ: Visualizing Data with Excel Pivot Charts
HOMEWORK: Visualizing Data with Excel Pivot Charts
Excel Pivot Table Case Studies

In this lecture, I'll introduce the Case Study section of the course and lay out some expectations before we dive in.

DOWNLOAD: Case Study Resources

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll explore U.S. Census Bureau data from the 2012 presidential election, including population and registered voter counts broken down by state and age group.

HOMEWORK: Analyzing U.S. Voter Demographics

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll review salary information for government employees in San Francisco, including employee names and titles as well as base and overtime pay from 2011-2013.

HOMEWORK: Analyzing San Francisco Salary Data

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll explore recorded shark attack records from 1900-2016. Dimensions include the date and location of the attack, victim demographics and activity, shark species, and whether or not the attack was provoked.

HOMEWORK: Exploring Shark Attack Records

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll explore a 3-month sample of US stock market data, including Open, High, Low and Close prices as well as trading volume for 500 individual stocks.

HOMEWORK: Analyzing Stock Market Data

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll take a look at Major League Baseball team statistics from 1995-2015, including games played, wins, losses and post-season results, along with hitting and pitching statistics (R, HR, RBI, ERA, etc).

HOMEWORK: Analyzing Major League Baseball Teams

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll explore customer-submitted burrito ratings from a number of Mexican restaurants in San Diego. Data includes the burrito and restaurant name as well as 0-5 ratings based on tortilla quality, temperature, meat volume, uniformity, synergy, and more.

HOMEWORK: Exploring San Diego Burrito Ratings

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll analyze daily weather conditions for Jan-Dec 2016, including max, min, and mean temperature, wind speed, total precipitation and weather conditions.

HOMEWORK: Tracking Daily Weather Conditions

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll analyze actual post-level Facebook data from Spartan Race. Data includes the date and time of the post, post type and copy, and number of engagements (likes, comments, shares, etc).

HOMEWORK: Analyzing Spartan Race Facebook Posts

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll explore ratings, prices, and common attributes of 7,000+ mobile apps available in the Apple App Store.

HOMEWORK: Analyzing Apple App Store Data

In this Excel PivotTable case study we'll analyze information from 130,000+ wine tastings, including average point ratings, prices, and written reviews.   

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Provides a deep and comprehensive understanding of Excel Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts, essential tools for data analysis and business intelligence
Covers raw data structure, Pivot Table layouts, design options, sorting, filtering, grouping tools, calculated fields, Pivot Charts, slicers, timelines, and interactive Excel dashboards
Explores real-world case studies using datasets like San Diego burrito ratings, shark attack records, and stock market data, providing practical experience
Most lectures are compatible with Excel 2007 and later versions, which may exclude users with older versions of the software
Teaches how to transform data into insight, which is a highly sought-after skill in today's data-driven world, making it valuable for career advancement
Requires access to Microsoft Excel, which may pose a barrier for learners who do not already have a license or subscription to the software

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Microsoft Excel: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables with these activities:
Review Basic Excel Functions
Reinforce your understanding of fundamental Excel functions like SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, and IF, which are often used within Pivot Table calculations.
Browse courses on Excel Functions
Show steps
  • Practice using basic Excel functions on sample datasets.
  • Review the syntax and application of each function.
Review "Excel Data Analysis For Dummies"
Gain a broader understanding of data analysis techniques in Excel, complementing the specific focus on Pivot Tables in the course.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters related to data analysis and Pivot Tables.
  • Work through the examples provided in the book.
Practice Pivot Table Scenarios with Peers
Solidify your understanding of Pivot Tables by working through practice scenarios with other students, reinforcing concepts and troubleshooting challenges together.
Show steps
  • Form a study group with other students from the course.
  • Share sample datasets and create Pivot Tables to analyze them.
  • Discuss challenges and solutions as a group.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Analyze Sample Datasets with Pivot Tables
Reinforce your Pivot Table skills by repeatedly analyzing different datasets, focusing on applying various features and techniques learned in the course.
Show steps
  • Find publicly available datasets online (e.g., government data portals).
  • Import the data into Excel and create Pivot Tables to analyze it.
  • Experiment with different Pivot Table layouts, filters, and calculations.
Create a Pivot Table Tutorial
Deepen your understanding of Pivot Tables by creating a tutorial that explains key concepts and demonstrates practical applications, reinforcing your knowledge through teaching.
Show steps
  • Choose a specific Pivot Table topic or feature to focus on.
  • Create a step-by-step guide with clear explanations and screenshots.
  • Share your tutorial on a blog, forum, or social media platform.
Analyze Personal Financial Data with Pivot Tables
Apply your Pivot Table skills to analyze your own financial data, gaining practical experience and valuable insights into your spending habits and financial performance.
Show steps
  • Gather your financial data from bank statements, credit card statements, etc.
  • Organize the data in Excel and create Pivot Tables to analyze it.
  • Identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in your finances.
Review "MIsbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics"
Gain a broader understanding of behavioral economics, which can help you interpret data more effectively and identify potential biases in your analysis.
Show steps
  • Read the book and take notes on key concepts.
  • Reflect on how these concepts might apply to your data analysis work.

Career center

Learners who complete Microsoft Excel: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst uses data to identify trends and insights, helping organizations make informed decisions; this course will help a data analyst in their daily tasks. This course is specifically about using Excel Pivot Tables, and a data analyst will find this to be an extremely useful method of exploring data. The course uses real-world case studies, such as shark attack records and employee salaries, this course helps a data analyst identify patterns in any data set. A data analyst will also use the sorting, filtering and grouping tools covered in the course. Using calculated fields, items, and values will also help a data analyst perform complex analysis. Anyone wishing to become a data analyst should take this course.
Business Intelligence Analyst
A Business Intelligence Analyst interprets data to provide insights into business performance and trends. This course on Excel Pivot Tables directly supports this role. A business intelligence analyst needs to be able to quickly explore and analyze data to find trends, which is exactly what Excel Pivot Tables allow. The course covers interactive dashboard creation, which will be key when presenting findings to stakeholders. The course also features case studies that will be similar to real world scenarios faced by a business intelligence analyst: product sales, marketing conversion rates, and pricing trends. This course will help anyone looking to become a Business Intelligence Analyst.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts interpret financial data, develop financial models, and provide recommendations. This course on Excel Pivot Tables can be beneficial for any financial analyst since the course focuses on analyzing data and finding insights. Financial analysts use data to forecast trends and to make key recommendations and Pivot Tables allow for quick exploration of data. The course includes calculated fields and value tools which are crucial for financial analysis. The case studies in the course, such as daily stock market data, and employee salaries, are applicable to any financial analyst. A financial analyst will find this course useful.
Market Research Analyst
A Market Research Analyst studies market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. A market research analyst benefits from this course because of the focus on using pivot tables to analyze large swaths of data. Market research necessarily deals with large data sets that require the kind of slicing, dicing, and filtering that this course focuses on. This is a highly applicable course, as it covers various types of data, some of which are relevant in market research, such as product sales. In addition, the course teaches methods to show trends and insights, which are of particular value to any market research analyst. This course will be particularly useful for anyone looking to be a Market Research Analyst.
Operations Analyst
An Operations Analyst analyzes business processes to find ways to make them more efficient. This course on Excel Pivot Tables directly supports Operations Analysts because of the focus on data analysis. An operations analyst will need to explore and analyze datasets to find inefficiencies. The course covers formatting data with pivot tables, which allows an operations analyst to present data in a clear and useful manner. The case studies, ranging from weather data to baseball statistics, will be relevant to an operations analyst. Operations analysts can use the concepts found in this course to improve processes. Any aspiring operations analyst would want to take this course.
Database Administrator
A Database Administrator is responsible for the performance and security of an organization’s database. While this role often involves more technical skills, this course on Excel specifically covers the analysis of data; this course may be useful. A database administrator will often need to query and analyze data, and the methods discussed in this course will help in this task. Excel, as a tool, can be useful to preview data before it is loaded into a database. The sorting, filtering and grouping tools covered in the course may be beneficial for a database administrator's tasks. A database administrator may find this course helpful.
Project Manager
A Project Manager plans, executes, and closes projects; this course may be useful for any project manager. While project management can be a broad field, the ability to understand data is important for understanding performance, risks, and dependencies. This course teaches the ability to transform data into insight. The course's coverage of interactive Excel dashboards will be useful for any project manager who needs to present data to stakeholders. The case studies in this course may be useful for developing data acumen. This course may be useful for any project manager.
Management Consultant
A Management Consultant provides advice to organizations to improve their performance. This course on Excel Pivot Tables may be useful to assist a management consultant in their daily work. Management consultants often analyze data to identify problems and solutions. This course will help teach how to use pivot tables which are an essential tool for making sense of large data sets. The course covers real-world case studies that provide valuable analysis skills and understanding. This course may be useful for any management consultant.
Research Scientist
A Research Scientist designs and conducts scientific studies, and frequently must analyze data. While this course is not specific to scientific datasets, this course may be useful for any research scientist. This course will be helpful for those who wish to make sense of their own data. The course covers the use of pivot tables to extract meaningful insights from data. The course will be beneficial in exploring patterns and trends via the use of filtering, sorting and grouping. This course may be helpful for any research scientist.
An Actuary uses statistical and mathematical methods to assess financial risk; this course may be useful for an actuary. An actuary will need to analyze trends, for which pivot tables are useful tools. This course also includes real world examples of data analysis. While this course does not include specific actuarial methods, the basic tools are important building blocks. The skills taught in this course can certainly help with the management and analysis of data. This course may be useful for any actuary.
An Auditor reviews and verifies financial records; this course may be useful for an auditor. Auditors will need to analyze financial data and look for errors. The course on pivot tables will help an auditor analyze large datasets quickly. This course includes calculated items and fields, which will help with more complex financial analysis. The focus on formatting data will also be useful to an auditor who needs to create clean and easy-to-understand reports. This course may be helpful for an auditor.
A Statistician collects, analyzes and interprets data, often using complex statistical methods. While this course does not focus on advanced statistical techniques, it may be useful for a Statistician. A statistician can use pivot tables to explore data sets and build a base understanding of a data set. Pivot tables may also help when presenting data to various stakeholders. While this course may be helpful, it does not fully encompass the job of a statistician and should be considered a supplemental skill. A statistician may find this course useful.
Sales Manager
A Sales Manager leads a team of sales representatives and is responsible for meeting sales goals. The ability to analyze sales data is an important element of a sales manager's role, and this course may be useful. The course's focus on identifying trends and insights is important for a sales manager to be able to properly strategize. The course includes interactive dashboard creation which will be useful for presenting results. A sales manager may find this course useful.
Human Resources Specialist
A Human Resources Specialist manages various HR functions like recruitment, compensation, and benefits. HR specialists can benefit from data analysis skills, and this course may be useful to them. HR specialists might use Excel to analyze employee data, track compensation, or evaluate benefits programs. The pivot table skills covered in this course may be beneficial for those tasks. The case studies also provide general analysis skills, which can be valuable. This course may be useful for a Human Resources Specialist.
Supply Chain Analyst
A Supply Chain Analyst analyzes supply chain processes to find opportunities for improvement. This course on Excel Pivot Tables may be beneficial for the daily work of a supply chain analyst. Supply chain analysts often need to analyze data to find bottlenecks, and Excel Pivot Tables are ideally suited for this. This course may be useful as it provides the tools needed to gain insights from data. This course may be helpful to a Supply Chain Analyst.

Featured in The Course Notes

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Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Microsoft Excel: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables.
Provides a comprehensive overview of data analysis techniques in Excel, including a dedicated section on Pivot Tables. It's a great resource for beginners looking to build a solid foundation in Excel data analysis. The book covers a wide range of topics, making it a useful reference throughout the course. It is particularly helpful for understanding the basics of data manipulation and preparation before diving into Pivot Tables.


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