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How to Write Great Web Content - Better Search Rankings!

Andrew Williams

Actual reviews by students of this course:

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Actual reviews by students of this course:

"After the historical introduction of SEO this has turned into a goldmine of information. I was basically stuck on new content ideas for my niche that I promote. But after seeing all of the components of new content ideas from the ranking websites, I no longer have headaches. I know where to go and this information is priceless for me."

"This is a great course for bloggers and for people who are wantint to rank with great content published on their blog. It's difficult to find a course that describes the writing methods and tools so in depth like this one. Many good recommendations in this and a good way of looking at writting. Be better, write better than the competition, don't just copy the same article. Analyze and plan your own post but make it better, more personal, more technical or whatever way but make it different. I honestly think this is a good investment for those who want to stand out with their great and original content."

"As always the good doctor under promises and over delivers,comprehensive and easy to understand course i wish i would have had this information 10 years ago."

"Author gets right to the practical without a lot of fluff. Course moves quickly and is a constant waterfall of info that you can, and want, to use right away. Author knows his stuff and appreciate the recommendations on resources to help. Recommend it highly."

"I wanted to take this course because I want to see what else Andy knows about creating great content. Andy always overdelivers on his courses. His voice is easy to understand. And if you do what Andy says about writing content you will have a successful website. Mine is. Most of my content is on the first page of Google. That's because of Andy's teaching."

Do you own a website? Are you having trouble ranking your content in Google? Has your site been penalized by Google?

With so much bad or outdated information around on the internet, is it any wonder that website owners are struggling to rank their content in Google?

This course is aimed at anyone that owns a website, needs to get content ranked in Google, or just wants to better understand the types of content that Google want to rank. Taught by an SEO with over a decade of experience, you'll learn the strategies that I've been using since 2005, to consistently rank my content without ever having to worry about the next Google update.

The course will begin with a little history lesson, looking at how we used to write web content and why things changed with the introduction of Panda and Penguin. I'll describe the main Google algorithm updates you need to know about, and why Google introduced them. We'll then go through the important guidelines when it comes to creating content - and these guidelines come from Google.

With a solid understanding of what Google wants, we'll then look at a number of ways you can come up with innovative, exciting content ideas that you know, even before you create them, will be popular with your visitors.

Armed with lots of content ideas, we'll then look at a number of different types of content/media you can use to entertain and inform your visitors. We'll discuss the importance of "niche vocabulary". Not only will I prove to you that this is vital to ranking in Google, but you will learn how to find niche vocabulary for any piece of content you want to write. Take the practical exercises to see how easy it is to gather appropriate niche vocabulary.

I'll introduce you to the term "link bait" and why you need to create some for your website. We'll talk about "share bait" too - which is the foundation of visitor retention and sharing of your content on social media channels.

With all the theory covered, it's then time to get busy and write your first piece of content. I'll take you through every step, from title and description, to headlines and themed content. We'll look at a few important on-page factors you need to get right, but to make sure, I'll give you an checklist to use to evaluate your own content.

This course covers everything you need to know about writing the type of content that Google rewards with top rankings.

With the majority of lectures being video, you can watch over-my-shoulder as I teach you the secrets to creating the type of content that your visitors will love, share and rave about.

By the end of the course you will be creating content for your site that visitors want to share and webmasters want to link to. You will be creating the type of content that will propel your site to new levels of traffic, click-through rates and profitability.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Understand the type of content that google wants to ranks in the top 10.
  • Analyze their own content and work out how to make it better
  • Understand the term "niche vocabulary", why it is important for any content, and how to find the correct niche vocabulary for any content.
  • Know where to go to get advice from google on exactly what google want, and what they don't want.
  • Come up with endless ideas for great web content.
  • Know what link bait is and why it is important.
  • Understand the different types of content that are available to them.
  • Create well optimized content for any website.
  • Have a basic checklist of seo as they create their content.
  • Have a quality checklist they can use to make sure their content is up to scratch.


Let's introduce the instructor and the course content

Please watch this video first to make sure you get the most out of this (and other) Udemy courses.

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This lecture introduces the course and the instructor.

Many of Google's updates over the years have been to close loopholes employed by webmasters that allowed them to rank poor quality content at the top of the results pages. This lecture looks at some of the Google updates designed to combat the "spammers".

It used to be easy to rank on Google. Stuff the keyword you wanted to rank in a number of different places on your page, and build a few backlinks using the exact phrase. and you were in the top 10. Things are different now. This lecture looks at how we used to rank pages.

Webmaster Guidelines

Google Webmaster Guidelines are very important and you should read, digest and learn. This tutorial shows you how to access them.

This lecture covers the more important design and content guidelines that we need to be aware of.

This tutorial looks at three simple technical guidelines you need to be aware of.

In terms of writing content, the quality guidelines provide us with the most useful information. This lecture covers the important quality guidelines that we will be basing our own content on.

We've seen a lot of guidelines, but there are two I want you to remember, as these two will keep you on the straight and narrow, and out of trouble with Google.

Finding Content Ideas

Good content will keep visitors coming back for more. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to come up with content ideas, and this section of the course will cover some of them.

If you are ever stuck for content ideas, check out your competitors. What are they writing about? Can you borrow their ideas to create your own unique content?

Rss feeds are useful tools for spying on content creators. This tutorial shows you how to setup a feed reader, for never ending content ideas.

We can use "footprints" at Google to identify popular topics in our niche. In this lecture, I'll go through some of the more important footprints that you can use.

Forums are places people go to discuss the topics that are of interest to them. There are many niche-specific forums, and these make ideal places to meet other enthusiasts, and find out what content would be of interest to them.

There are a number of Q&A sites where visitors can ask questions and get answers. By checking out relevany questions on these sites, you can come up with real questions you can answer on your own website.

Keyword research is usually my last resort when looking for content ideas, but Google Keyword Planner does have a nice feature that can often help with ideas.

Types of Web Content

This introductory lecture will summarize the types of content you can put on your site, all of which we'll cover in more detail in this section of the coruse.

Link bait is a very important concept, not only in terms of providing your visitors with engaging content, but also in helping your content rank higher in the search engines.

Articles are the most popular form of web content.

PDFs offer us an alternative way of getting our content in front of people.

A picture tells a thousand words.... Make use of images in your own web content to break up blocks of text, tell part of a story, or just as link bait.

With Google owning Youtube, video is another great medium to use on web sites.

Frequently asked questions (Q&As) make great content for visitors.

Don't underestimate the value of sound files to your visitors. People love to listen to stuff while driving, walking etc.

I love top 10 lists because done correctly, they offer a great chance of going viral. It's one of the easier ways of creating share bait.

Glossaries and resource pages can be a great addition to a lot of websites. Not only are they helpful to visitors, but they can also atract links and shares.

Tutorials are great content for any site. Build up a resource of tutorials in your niche, and you have a useful resource that will get shared and linked to.

Niche Vocabulary

It's time to look at the core concept of creating great content that the search engines love. All content that you want Google to take notice of should follow this concept.

To make sure you understand the previous lecture, here is a short exercise for you to carry out yourself.

We are going to be looking at how you can find niche vocabulary for any topic or keyword you want to rank for. But first, let me just prove to you just how important niche vocabulary is to Google.

Before we start looking at ways of identifying specific theme words and phrases, I need to get one very important point across. This tutorial covers this important point.

Although popular with other webmasters and SEOs (Search Engine Optimizers), the Keyword Planner is not a method I would use to come up with related words and phrases, and this tutorial will tell you why..

In this tutorial, I want to show you a method that guarantees you'll find the most relevant theme words and phrases for your content. This method uses 100% free tools.

It's time to practice what you just learnt.

In this tutorial, I want to show you the software tool that I use to help create my own themed content. This tool is not necessary at all, it's just a lot faster and can save you time. I would recommend EVERYONE initially finds theme words and phrases using the previous method. Learn the system first...

I've seen some people using Google Autocomplete, or Ubersuggest to gather theme words. They really don't work, but they are useful for content creators.

Let's Write

An introduction to this section of the course.

For each piece of content we create, we have 10 competitors - the top 10 results in Google. How are you going to make your content better than those other 10? This video looks at the first way your content will be better, and offers ideas to add even more value for the visitor.

We are going to look at the Meta Description and filename at the same time as we look at the title. Reasons for this will become obvious.

In the previous lecture, we used the SEOmofo tool to craft a title, description, etc. This PDF includes a link to this free resource.

What about the Meta Keyword tag I hear you ask?

Headlines have an important SEO role, but are also vital to get right for your visitors.

You worked hard finding the niche vocabulary for your content, now it's time to write. Let's go over the basics of theming your content.

Let me show you my article, and how the niche vocabulary is used naturally. We'll check the theme with a paid software tool in this video, and I'll show you how to use a free text editor to check the theme in the next video.

In the previous tutorial, we looked at the article and checked the theme with Web Content Studio. However, you can check the theme with a free text editor, and in this video I'll show you how.

As you saw when we were looking at Google updates, the above the fold content on your page is important.

Help the Skimmers

Grammar and spelling are important, though more for your visitors than the search engines. Let me explain why.

When your content is ready to be posted to your site, do a final check on the quality. In this lecture, I'll give you a quick checklist of the important points to consider.

We want people to share our content on their own social media channels, so make it easy for them.

Useful resources as you move forward.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Provides a strong foundation for beginners in creating content for their website that will rank well on Google
Taught by Andrew Williams, who has over a decade of experience in SEO and has consistently ranked his content without worrying about Google updates
Develops a solid understanding of what Google wants in terms of content creation, based on Google's guidelines
Provides numerous practical exercises to help learners apply the concepts and techniques taught in the course
It is unclear if the course requires learners to come in with any prior knowledge or experience in SEO or content creation
While the course covers a wide range of topics related to content creation for SEO, it may not go into enough depth on each topic for learners who are looking to develop a comprehensive understanding of SEO

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Reviews summary

Detailed explanations

According to students, this course offers in-depth explanations about each topic covered. However, some learners found the content to be dry and required them to look up additional information. Despite this, many students still expressed their appreciation for the course and the instructor's efforts.
Students expressed gratitude for the instructor's efforts.
"I appreciate the course and the teacher."
Provides thorough explanations of topics.
"The teacher does a good job at putting a lot of detail into each section."
May require students to independently research some concepts.
"I had to look up a lot of things that I thought would be included - for instance, what is a title tag, what is a backlink, what is a footprint?"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in How to Write Great Web Content - Better Search Rankings! with these activities:
Review and Organize Course Materials
Organize and review relevant materials to establish a solid foundation and prepare for upcoming course content.
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  • Gather materials from the syllabus, readings, and other sources.
  • Create a designated folder or notebook for organizing materials.
  • Review materials to familiarize yourself with key concepts.
  • Take notes or highlight important points.
  • Identify areas where you may need additional support or clarification.
Google Keyword Planner: Research
Review the basic principles of Google Keyword Planner to reinforce foundational knowledge of keyword research.
Browse courses on Keyword Research
Show steps
  • Log in or create a Google Ads account.
  • Click on the 'Tools' tab in the upper right corner.
  • Select 'Keyword Planner' from the dropdown menu.
  • Enter a seed keyword or phrase related to your topic.
  • Analyze the search volume, competition, and other metrics for relevant keywords.
Review Basic HTML and CSS
Revisit foundational concepts of HTML and CSS to strengthen your understanding of web content creation.
Browse courses on HTML
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  • Read through tutorials or reference materials.
  • Practice writing basic HTML and CSS code.
  • Create a simple web page to test your understanding.
  • Review and improve the code based on best practices.
  • Explore additional resources for further learning.
Five other activities
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Moz Academy's Beginner's Guide to Link Building
Enhance your understanding of link building techniques and strategies through the comprehensive guidance of Moz Academy.
Browse courses on Link Building
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  • Create a free Moz Academy account or log in.
  • Enroll in the 'Beginner's Guide to Link Building' course.
  • Complete all video lessons and quizzes.
  • Implement the strategies and techniques you learn.
  • Analyze your results and refine your approach.
Join a Content Creation Study Group
Engage with fellow students to discuss content creation strategies, exchange ideas, and provide constructive feedback.
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  • Identify interested classmates or peers.
  • Establish a regular meeting schedule.
  • Take turns presenting content ideas or drafts.
  • Provide constructive criticism and feedback.
  • Collaborate on content creation projects.
Craft a Content Marketing Plan
Develop a comprehensive content marketing plan to enhance the effectiveness of your content strategy.
Browse courses on Content Strategy
Show steps
  • Define your target audience and goals.
  • Research and identify relevant content topics.
  • Create a content calendar and schedule.
  • Develop high-quality content in various formats.
  • Promote your content through multiple channels.
Read 'On Writing Well' by William Zinsser
Delve into the principles of clear and effective writing to enhance the quality of your content creation.
View Extraordinary Lives on Amazon
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  • Purchase or borrow a copy of the book.
  • Read through the book at a steady pace.
  • Take notes or highlight key concepts.
  • Reflect on the lessons and apply them to your writing.
  • Revisit the book as needed for reference and reinforcement.
Attend an Industry Conference
Attend industry conferences to connect with professionals, learn about emerging trends, and stay up-to-date on best practices.
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  • Identify relevant industry conferences.
  • Register and purchase tickets.
  • Attend presentations and workshops.
  • Network with attendees and speakers.
  • Follow up with potential collaborators or mentors.

Career center

Learners who complete How to Write Great Web Content - Better Search Rankings! will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Web Content Writer
Web Content Writers are responsible for planning, writing, and editing online content, including website pages, blog posts, articles, and social media updates. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Web Content Writer by teaching you how to write engaging and informative content that ranks well in search engines. You will also learn how to use different types of media, such as images and videos, to create visually appealing content.
Content Marketing Manager
Content Marketing Managers are responsible for developing and executing content marketing campaigns that promote a company's products or services. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Content Marketing Manager by teaching you how to create high-quality content that attracts and engages your target audience. You will also learn how to use social media and other online channels to distribute your content.
SEO Specialist
SEO Specialists are responsible for optimizing websites and online content to improve their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful SEO Specialist by teaching you how to conduct keyword research, build backlinks, and optimize your website for search engines. You will also learn how to track your results and make adjustments to your strategy as needed.
Digital Marketing Manager
Digital Marketing Managers are responsible for planning and executing digital marketing campaigns across a variety of channels, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and email marketing. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Digital Marketing Manager by teaching you how to create and manage digital marketing campaigns that reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.
Social Media Manager
Social Media Managers are responsible for developing and executing social media strategies that promote a company's products or services. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Social Media Manager by teaching you how to create and manage social media campaigns that reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.
Public relations manager
Public Relations Managers are responsible for managing a company's public image and reputation. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Public Relations Manager by teaching you how to write press releases, manage media relations, and develop public relations campaigns.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers are responsible for developing and executing marketing plans that promote a company's products or services. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Marketing Manager by teaching you how to conduct market research, develop marketing campaigns, and manage your marketing budget.
Sales Manager
Sales Managers are responsible for leading and managing sales teams. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Sales Manager by teaching you how to motivate and manage your team, develop sales strategies, and close deals.
Account Manager
Account Managers are responsible for managing relationships with existing customers. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Account Manager by teaching you how to build relationships with customers, resolve customer issues, and grow your customer base.
Customer Service Manager
Customer Service Managers are responsible for managing customer service teams. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Customer Service Manager by teaching you how to manage your team, resolve customer issues, and improve customer satisfaction.
Project Manager
Project Managers are responsible for planning, executing, and closing projects. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Project Manager by teaching you how to manage your team, track your progress, and deliver projects on time and within budget.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts are responsible for analyzing business processes and developing solutions to improve efficiency and effectiveness. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Business Analyst by teaching you how to gather and analyze data, develop solutions, and communicate your findings to stakeholders.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to help businesses make better decisions. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Data Analyst by teaching you how to use data analysis tools and techniques to extract insights from data.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications. This course may not be directly related to software engineering, but it can help you develop some of the skills you need to be successful in this field, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and attention to detail.
Web Developer
Web Developers are responsible for designing and developing websites. This course may not be directly related to web development, but it can help you develop some of the skills you need to be successful in this field, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in How to Write Great Web Content - Better Search Rankings!.
Provides a comprehensive overview of SEO, including how to optimize your website for search engines, build backlinks, and track your results. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about SEO or improve their SEO skills.
Provides a comprehensive overview of content strategy, including how to develop a content strategy, create high-quality content, and measure the success of your content marketing efforts. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about content strategy or improve their content marketing skills.
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of link building, including how to build high-quality backlinks and how to avoid getting penalized by search engines. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about link building or improve their link building skills.
Provides a comprehensive overview of copywriting, including how to write effective headlines, body copy, and calls to action. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about copywriting or improve their copywriting skills.
Provides a comprehensive overview of social media, including how to use social media to market your business and build relationships with customers. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about social media or improve their social media skills.
This classic book provides essential advice on writing clear and concise prose. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills, regardless of their level of experience.
Provides a basic overview of social media marketing, including how to use social media to market your business and build relationships with customers. It valuable resource for beginners who want to learn more about social media marketing.
Provides a basic overview of SEO, including how to optimize your website for search engines and build backlinks. It valuable resource for beginners who want to learn more about SEO.
This guide provides a basic overview of SEO, including how to optimize your website for search engines and build backlinks. It valuable resource for beginners who want to learn more about SEO.


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