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Tracy Jennings

الهدف من هذه الدورة التدريبية تعليمك المبادئ البسيطة التي يستخدمها المديرون الخبراء من أجل تحسين أداء الموظفين وتحفيزهم. ولن تضطر إلى تجنب إخبار الموظفين "الحقيقة" مرة أخرى بعد الآن، لأن الأساليب السبعة التي سوف نقوم بتعليمك إياها لن تجعل الموظفين خائفين أو يتخذون وضعًا دفاعيًا. كمدير، أو كشخص يرغب في أن يكون مديرًا، سوف تتعلم كذلك على وجه الخصوص ماهية الملاحظات، وكيف يتم تقييم الملاحظات السلبية بشكل أكبر من تلك الإيجابية، وكيف يمكن أن تؤثر الملاحظات الإيجابية بشكل فائق على السلوكيات مثل الإبداع والعمل الجماعي.‏

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الهدف من هذه الدورة التدريبية تعليمك المبادئ البسيطة التي يستخدمها المديرون الخبراء من أجل تحسين أداء الموظفين وتحفيزهم. ولن تضطر إلى تجنب إخبار الموظفين "الحقيقة" مرة أخرى بعد الآن، لأن الأساليب السبعة التي سوف نقوم بتعليمك إياها لن تجعل الموظفين خائفين أو يتخذون وضعًا دفاعيًا. كمدير، أو كشخص يرغب في أن يكون مديرًا، سوف تتعلم كذلك على وجه الخصوص ماهية الملاحظات، وكيف يتم تقييم الملاحظات السلبية بشكل أكبر من تلك الإيجابية، وكيف يمكن أن تؤثر الملاحظات الإيجابية بشكل فائق على السلوكيات مثل الإبداع والعمل الجماعي.‏

إن إعطاء الملاحظات مهارة تتطور مع مرور الوقت. إننا نمنحك عملية يمكنك استخدامها لتحسين مهارات الملاحظات لديك وإعطاء تلك الملاحظات بكل ثقة. سوف تجد أن هناك أساس علمي للعديد من المشاهدات والبديهيات حيال تقديم الملاحظات، مثل صعوبة إعطاء الملاحظات بشكل صحيح وكره الناس لإعطاء الملاحظات وغير ذلك الكثير. وسوف يكون من المطمئن أن تعرف كيف تتغلب على تلك الصعوبات. نتمنى أن تستمتع بوقتك وأنت تتطور إلى مدير أفضل!

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مقدمة حول إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة والملاحظات الإيجابية
إن الهدف من هذه الدورة التدريبية منحك الثقة لإعطاء الملاحظات السلبية والإيجابية على حد سواء بشكل ناجح وعدم التأثير بالسلب على كرامة الشخص الذي يتلقى الملاحظات. لتعزيز الدوافع لديك، في الأسبوع الأول، نقوم بتوضيح الامتيازات المحددة لإتقان مهارات الملاحظات مع توفير نماذج للأشخاص الذين تغير مستقبلهم المهني بسبب الملاحظات التي يتم إعطاؤها في وقتها. كما نناقش كذلك الملاحظات الإيجابية والتوقعات، والتي تعد بمثابة أداة فعالة لمساعدة الأشخاص على التعلم في مكان العمل. سوف تكون قادرًا على تحديد كلا النوعين، ومعرفة كيف يساعدا على تحسين أداء الموظف. سوف تتعلم كيف يمكن إعطاء الملاحظات الإيجابية في العديد من المواقف، كما تقدر قوة الملاحظات الإيجابية فيما يتعلق بتحسين إبداعية الموظف ومهارات العمل الجماعي لديه. نتمنى أن تتمكن من استخدام هذه المعارف الجديدة بشكل فوري.‏
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الملاحظات السلبية: استخدامها بكل حذر
تعد الملاحظات السلبية أداة تعليمية متخصصة. نحن جميعنا نعلم أن تلقي الملاحظات السلبية يمنحنا شعورًا بالتعرض للعقاب. هدفنا هذا الأسبوع يتمثل في فهم السبب وراء منح ذلك لنا شعورًا بالتعرض للعقاب، لمادا نتردد لاستخدامها، ومتى يمكن استخدامه بشكل فعال بدون وقوع تبعات سلبية. سوف نتمكن من تحديد مواقف معينة تحصل فيها الملاحظات السلبية على قيمة أكبر من الملاحظات الإيجابية وكما سنتعرف على أسلوب يمكن أن يساعد على التغلب على بعض التأثيرات الجانبية الضارة للملاحظات السلبية. يمكن أن تكون أكثر ثقةً بأنك تستخدم ذلك النوع من الملاحظات بشكل مناسب في العمل.‏
مهارات الملاحظات الأساسية السبعة - الجزء الأول
اعتمادًا على عملك في أول أسبوعين، يمكنك الآن وصف الملاحظات السلبية والإيجابية وتقدير قوة هذه الأدوات فيما يتعلق بتغيير السلوكيات. في خلال الأسبوعين القادمين، سوف نتخذ خطوات نحو بناء مهارات الملاحظات من خلال تعليمك سبع مهارات خاصة يمكنك استخدامها عند إعطاء الملاحظات الاحترافية. ومع نهاية هذين الأسبوعين، سوف تعرف كيف تقوم بإعطاء الملاحظات المتعلقة بالعمل والتي تكون فعالة فيما يخص تغيير سلوكيات الموظف مع الحفاظ على كرامته في نفس الوقت.‏
مهارات الملاحظات الأساسية السبعة - الجزء الثاني
في هذا الأسبوع، سوف نتابع بناء معرفتك بمهارات الملاحظات الأساسية السبعة.‏
إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة: تحويل معارفك إلى تغيير بعيد المدى
أنت الآن تعرف أساسيات الملاحظات الإيجابية والسلبية والمهارات اللازمة لتوفير كلا النوعين من الملاحظات. في هذه الوحدة، نبدأ بوصف المواقف التي لن "تصل" فيها ملاحظاتك إلى الموظف العامل معك، مهما كنت ماهرًا. يمكن أن تكون هذه المواقف مثبطة، ونحن نقوم بإبرازها حتى يمكنك إدراك الحالات التي لا تؤتي فيها الملاحظات الخاصة بك الثمار المرجوة منها. ثم سنقوم بعد ذلك بوصف عملية لتمكينك من متابعة التدرب على المهارات الجديدة لديك وتحسينها. إن التغيير الفعلي يحتاج إلى الوقت، إلا أن الرحلة تستحق ذلك.‏
موارد مفيدة في الفصل

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores the science behind feedback delivery which explains why some methodologies succeed and why others fail
Suits managers and leaders who want to improve employee performance and engagement
Develops seven essential feedback skills essential to successful feedback delivery
Can be integrated into existing leadership practices or used as a starting point for developing new leadership practices

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Reviews summary

Positive feedback course

This course teaches you to use seven strategies to provide constructive feedback that will make employees feel supported and motivated instead of defensive. You will also learn the difference between positive and negative feedback and how to use each one effectively. The course is based on scientific research and includes many examples to help you apply the concepts to your own workplace. 
The course also emphasizes the importance of being specific and timely when giving feedback.
"I learned the importance of being specific and timely when giving feedback."
"The course taught me how to provide feedback that is specific to the employee's behavior."
"I am now more confident in my ability to give feedback that is timely."
The course emphasizes the importance of being clear and concise when giving feedback.
"I learned the importance of being clear and concise when giving feedback."
"The course taught me how to avoid using jargon and technical language."
"I am now more confident in my ability to give feedback that is easy to understand."
The course teaches you seven specific skills that you can use to give effective feedback.
"I learned seven specific skills that I can use to give effective feedback."
"The course taught me how to use these skills to improve my own feedback."
"I am now more confident in my ability to give feedback to others."
Negative feedback can be difficult to give, but it is essential for helping employees improve their performance. This course teaches you how to provide negative feedback in a way that is constructive and not damaging to the employee's self-esteem.
"I learned how to give negative feedback in a way that is constructive and not damaging to the employee's self-esteem."
"The course taught me how to use negative feedback to help employees identify and correct their mistakes."
"I am now more confident in giving negative feedback to my employees."
Positive feedback is a powerful tool for improving employee performance and motivation.
"I learned how to use positive feedback to motivate employees and improve their performance."
"The course taught me how to provide positive feedback that is specific, timely, and sincere."
"I am now more confident in giving positive feedback to my employees."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة with these activities:
Seek a mentor to provide feedback and guidance
Identify a mentor who can provide personalized feedback and support you in developing your feedback skills.
Browse courses on Mentorship
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  • Identify potential mentors within your network or professional community
  • Reach out to your chosen mentor and express your interest in their guidance
  • Establish clear expectations and goals for the mentoring relationship
  • Regularly engage with your mentor for feedback and advice
Engage in peer feedback sessions
Engage in regular feedback sessions with peers to provide and receive valuable insights on your work.
Browse courses on Peer Feedback
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  • Find a peer or group of peers to provide feedback
  • Establish clear goals and expectations for the feedback sessions
  • Provide feedback to each other, focusing on strengths and areas for improvement
  • Reflect on the feedback received and make adjustments as needed
Attend a workshop on feedback techniques
Participate in a workshop to learn about various feedback techniques and best practices.
Browse courses on Feedback Techniques
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  • Identify and research relevant workshops
  • Attend the workshop and actively participate in the activities
  • Apply the techniques learned in your own feedback practices
Six other activities
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Analyze a series of feedback examples
Practice analyzing feedback to improve your ability to provide effective feedback in various situations.
Browse courses on Feedback Techniques
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  • Gather a collection of feedback examples from different sources.
  • Review each example, identifying the type of feedback given
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of each feedback example
  • Summarize your findings and share them with a colleague or mentor
Develop a feedback template
Create a template to help you provide consistent and structured feedback, ensuring clarity and effectiveness.
Browse courses on Feedback Techniques
Show steps
  • Identify the key elements of effective feedback
  • Design a template that includes these elements
  • Test the template by providing feedback to a colleague or mentor
  • Refine the template based on feedback
Follow tutorials on advanced feedback techniques
Explore online tutorials that provide step-by-step guidance on implementing specific feedback techniques.
Browse courses on Feedback Techniques
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  • Identify and select tutorials that align with your learning goals
  • Follow the instructions and practice the techniques
  • Incorporate the techniques into your feedback practices
  • Seek feedback on your progress and make adjustments as needed
Implement a feedback system for a team or organization
Work on a project to develop and implement a comprehensive feedback system that meets the specific needs of your team or organization.
Show steps
  • Define the goals and objectives of the feedback system
  • Identify the stakeholders and their feedback needs
  • Design and implement the feedback system
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the system
Compile a resource library on feedback techniques
Create a comprehensive library of resources, including articles, books, and videos, on feedback techniques for easy reference.
Browse courses on Feedback Techniques
Show steps
  • Conduct research to identify relevant resources
  • Organize and categorize the resources
  • Develop a system for accessing and sharing the resources
  • Share the resource library with your colleagues or community
Participate in feedback-related challenges or competitions
Join challenges or competitions that require you to demonstrate your feedback skills, providing opportunities to learn and grow.
Show steps
  • Identify and select relevant challenges or competitions
  • Develop strategies and prepare for the tasks
  • Participate in the challenge or competition
  • Reflect on your performance and identify areas for improvement

Career center

Learners who complete (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Performance Manager
As a Performance Manager, you will be responsible for creating feedback programs and employee performance reviews. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course will help you succeed in this role. Specifically, the course will equip you with the skills needed to improve the performance of employees and motivate them through effective feedback.
HR Manager
As a HR Manager, you will be responsible for developing and implementing company-wide policies. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course will help you succeed in this role. This course can help you understand how to motivate employees and improve their performance through feedback.
Training and Development Manager
As a Training and Development Manager, you will be responsible for designing and delivering training programs for employees. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course will help you succeed in this role. Specifically, the course will help you provide feedback that leads to lasting behavioral improvements.
Employee Relations Manager
As an Employee Relations Manager, you will be responsible for resolving employee disputes and issues. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course will help you succeed in this role. Specifically, the course will provide you with the necessary skills to provide constructive criticism and resolve conflicts peacefully.
Organizational Development Manager
As an Organizational Development Manager, you will be responsible for creating and implementing organizational change initiatives. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course will help you succeed in this role. This course will help you provide feedback that leads to lasting organizational change.
Management Consultant
As a Management Consultant, you will be responsible for providing advice to organizations on how to improve their performance. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course will help you succeed in this role. Specifically, the course will help you provide effective feedback to clients that leads to improved organizational performance.
Project Manager
As a Project Manager, you will be responsible for planning, executing, and closing projects. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course may be useful to you in this role. This course can help you provide effective feedback to team members that leads to improved project outcomes.
Operations Manager
As an Operations Manager, you will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of an organization. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course may be useful to you in this role. This course can help you provide feedback that improves the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
Sales Manager
As a Sales Manager, you will be responsible for leading and motivating a sales team. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course may be useful to you in this role. This course can help you provide feedback that improves the performance of sales representatives.
Marketing Manager
As a Marketing Manager, you will be responsible for developing and executing marketing campaigns. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course may be useful to you in this role. This course can help you provide feedback that improves the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Human Resources Business Partner
As a Human Resources Business Partner, you will be responsible for providing HR support to a specific business unit. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course may be useful to you in this role. This course can help you provide feedback that improves the performance of the business unit.
Executive Recruiter
As an Executive Recruiter, you will be responsible for identifying and recruiting top talent for organizations. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course may be useful to you in this role. This course can provide you with the skills to give feedback that will help you attract and retain top talent.
Career Counselor
As a Career Counselor, you will be responsible for helping people find and develop their careers. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course may be useful to you in this role. This course can provide you with the basic knowledge needed to help clients provide effective feedback to employers and colleagues.
As a Teacher, you will be responsible for educating students in a variety of subjects. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course may be useful to you in this role. This course can help you provide feedback that improves student learning.
As a Psychologist, you will be responsible for providing mental health services to individuals and families. The skills you learn in the (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة course may be useful to you in this role. This course can help you provide feedback that improves the mental health of clients.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in (Giving Helpful Feedback) إعطاء الملاحظات المفيدة.
Focuses on the recipient's perspective, providing guidance on how to receive feedback effectively. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the intent behind feedback and responding in a constructive manner.
Offers a practical framework for giving and receiving feedback in a way that is both honest and compassionate. It encourages leaders to be open and direct, while also being respectful of the feelings of their employees.
Provides insights into the factors that create high-performing teams. It emphasizes the importance of creating a culture of trust, respect, and feedback.
Provides a simple and effective framework for understanding and overcoming the dysfunctions that can prevent teams from achieving their full potential.
Provides insights into the factors that motivate people to perform at their best. It emphasizes the importance of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
Provides a comprehensive framework for personal and professional development. It emphasizes the importance of principles, habits, and continuous improvement.
Provides a simple and effective framework for giving feedback that is clear, actionable, and motivating.


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