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Nützliches Feedback geben (Giving Helpful Feedback)

Tracy Jennings

Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen die einfachen Prinzipien, mit denen Führungskräfte die Leistung ihrer Mitarbeiter verbessern und sie gleichzeitig motivieren. Von jetzt an müssen Sie Situationen, in denen Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern „unangenehme Nachrichten“ überbringen, nicht mehr meiden. Wir zeigen Ihnen sieben Methoden, mit deren Hilfe Ihre Mitarbeiter weder eine Abwehrhaltung einnehmen noch Angst bekommen. Als Führungskraft oder jemand, der gerne eine sein möchte, lernen Sie auch speziell, was Feedback ist und warum negatives Feedback schwerer wiegt als positives Feedback. Außerdem erfahren Sie, wie positives Feedback Eigenschaften wie Kreativität und Teamwork fördert.

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Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen die einfachen Prinzipien, mit denen Führungskräfte die Leistung ihrer Mitarbeiter verbessern und sie gleichzeitig motivieren. Von jetzt an müssen Sie Situationen, in denen Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern „unangenehme Nachrichten“ überbringen, nicht mehr meiden. Wir zeigen Ihnen sieben Methoden, mit deren Hilfe Ihre Mitarbeiter weder eine Abwehrhaltung einnehmen noch Angst bekommen. Als Führungskraft oder jemand, der gerne eine sein möchte, lernen Sie auch speziell, was Feedback ist und warum negatives Feedback schwerer wiegt als positives Feedback. Außerdem erfahren Sie, wie positives Feedback Eigenschaften wie Kreativität und Teamwork fördert.

Feedback zu geben, ist eine Fähigkeit, die sich im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt. Wir geben Ihnen einen Prozess an die Hand, mit dem Sie Ihre Fähigkeit, Feedback zu geben, verbessern und mit Zuversicht umsetzen können. Sie werden sehen, dass es für Ihre Beobachtungen und Ihr Gespür für Feedback eine wissenschaftliche Erklärung gibt. So zum Beispiel, dass es schwierig ist, nützliches Feedback zu geben, und dass Menschen nicht gerne Feedback erhalten usw.

Dies hilft Ihnen dabei zu lernen, diese Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden. Wir hoffen, dass Sie Spaß daran haben, eine bessere Führungskraft zu werden.

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What's inside


Einführung: nützliches und positives Feedback geben
Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, Ihnen die Sicherheit zu geben, sowohl negatives als auch positives Feedback erfolgreich abzugeben und die Feedback erhaltende Person dabei nicht persönlich anzugreifen. Um Ihre Motivation zu steigern, zeigen wir Ihnen in der ersten Woche die spezifischen Vorteile der Beherrschung von Fähigkeiten zum Abgeben von Feedback auf. Außerdem geben wir Ihnen Beispiele von Personen, deren Karriere sich durch zum richtigen Zeitpunkt abgegebenes Feedback verändert hat. Wir sprechen außerdem über positives Feedback und Erwartungen. Diese stellen effektive Werkzeuge dar, die Personen dabei helfen, bei der Arbeit zu lernen. Sie können beides definieren und wissen, wie Sie die Leistung Ihrer Mitarbeiter verbessern. Sie lernen, wie positives Feedback in vielen Situationen vermittelt werden kann und wissen um den Effekt von positivem Feedback, der die Kreativität und Teamfähigkeit der Mitarbeiter steigert. Wir hoffen, dass Sie das neue Wissen sofort anwenden können.
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Negatives Feedback: Mit Bedacht verwenden
Negatives Feedback ist ein spezielles Werkzeug, um jemandem etwas beizubringen. Wir alle wissen, dass negatives Feedback sich oft wie eine Strafe anfühlt. Unser Ziel ist es diese Woche, Ihnen zu zeigen, warum es sich wie eine Strafe anfühlt, warum wir zögern negatives Feedback zu verwenden und wann es dennoch effektiv und ohne negative Konsequenzen verwendet werden kann. Sie werden in der Lage sein, spezifische Situationen zu erkennen, in denen negatives Feedback wichtiger ist als positives Feedback. Außerdem erlernen Sie eine Technik, mit deren Hilfe sich einige der verletzenden Nebeneffekte von negativem Feedback vermeiden lassen. Ausgestattet mit einem klaren Konzept der Vor- und Nachteile von negativem Feedback können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie ihre Fähigkeiten am Arbeitsplatz angemessen anwenden.
Die sieben grundlegenden Fähigkeiten für nützliches Feedback: Teil 1
Basierend auf dem, was Sie in den ersten zwei Wochen gelernt haben, können Sie nun negatives und positives Feedback beschreiben. Außerdem verstehen Sie, wie wichtig Feedback beim Ändern von Verhaltensweisen ist. In den nächsten zwei Wochen machen wir den nächsten Schritt und bauen Ihre Fähigkeiten, nützliches Feedback zu geben, weiter aus, indem wir Ihnen sieben spezifische Fähigkeiten vermitteln. Diese können Sie verwenden, wenn Sie professionelles Feedback geben möchten. Wenn diese zwei Wochen abgeschlossen sind, werden Sie wissen, wie Sie am Arbeitsplatz Feedback geben, das effektiv ist und das Verhalten Ihrer Mitarbeiter verändert, ohne sie persönlich anzugreifen.
Die sieben grundlegenden Fähigkeiten für nützliches Feedback: Teil 2
Diese Woche bauen wir weiter auf Ihrem Wissen über die sieben grundlegenden Fähigkeiten auf, die für hilfreiches Feedback benötigt werden.
Nützliches Feedback geben: Verwandeln Sie Ihr Wissen in langfristige Änderungen
Sie kennen nun die Grundlagen von positivem und negativem Feedback und verfügen über die Fähigkeiten, die für beides notwendig sind. Wir beginnen dieses Modul damit, Situationen zu beschreiben, in denen Ihr Feedback nicht richtig bei Ihrem Mitarbeiter ankommt, egal wie viel Mühe Sie sich geben. Solche Situationen sind sehr entmutigend und wir sprechen sie an, damit Sie herausfinden, warum Ihr Feedback nicht angekommen ist. Wir beschreiben anschließend einen Prozess, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihre neuen Fähigkeiten weiter zu üben und zu verbessern. Wirkliche Veränderungen benötigen Zeit, aber am Ende sind sie den Aufwand wert.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops essential feedback skills for improving employee performance and motivation in any professional setting
Offers a practical and actionable process for providing constructive feedback effectively
Empowers learners to overcome the challenges of giving and receiving feedback
Provides a scientific basis for understanding the complexities of feedback, making it more accessible and applicable
Designed to enhance leadership skills and promote a positive and productive work environment
Taught by instructors with extensive expertise in feedback theory and practice

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Reviews summary

Informative feedback course in german

According to students, this course in German that teaches learners feedback skills is well-received. Learners say the material is well-explained and informative.


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Nützliches Feedback geben (Giving Helpful Feedback) with these activities:
Watch a tutorial on how to give feedback
Watching a tutorial can help you to learn the basics of giving feedback.
Browse courses on Feedback
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  • Search for a tutorial on how to give feedback
  • Watch the tutorial
  • Take notes on the key points
Attend a workshop on how to give feedback
Attending a workshop on how to give feedback can help you to learn from experts and to improve your skills.
Browse courses on Feedback
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  • Search for a workshop on how to give feedback
  • Register for the workshop
  • Attend the workshop
Read "Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High"
This book will help you understand the dynamics of difficult conversations and provide you with tools for having these conversations more effectively.
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  • Read the book
  • Summarize the key points
  • Identify situations in your work life where you could use the tools from the book
Five other activities
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Practice giving feedback using the STAR method
The STAR method is a structured way of giving feedback that can help you provide specific, timely, actionable, and relevant feedback.
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  • Identify a situation where you gave feedback
  • Break down the feedback using the STAR method
  • Identify areas where you could improve your feedback
Practice giving and receiving feedback with a peer
Practicing giving and receiving feedback with a peer can help you to improve your skills.
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  • Find a peer who is willing to practice giving and receiving feedback
  • Set up a time to meet
  • Give each other feedback on a specific task
Create a feedback plan
Creating a feedback plan can help you to be more consistent and effective in giving feedback.
Browse courses on Feedback
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  • Identify the purpose of the feedback
  • Determine the frequency of feedback
  • Identify the methods of feedback
  • Develop a process for giving feedback
Create a presentation on how to give feedback
Creating a presentation on how to give feedback can help you to consolidate your learning and to share your knowledge with others.
Browse courses on Feedback
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  • Identify the key points of how to give feedback
  • Create a presentation outline
  • Develop the presentation
  • Practice the presentation
Contribute to an open-source project
Contributing to an open-source project can help you to develop your skills in giving and receiving feedback.
Browse courses on Feedback
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  • Find an open-source project to contribute to
  • Read the project documentation
  • Identify an area where you can contribute
  • Make a contribution
  • Get feedback from the project community

Career center

Learners who complete Nützliches Feedback geben (Giving Helpful Feedback) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Giving and receiving feedback is a key part of being a successful Manager. This course can help you develop the skills you need to give helpful and effective feedback, and to create a culture of feedback in your team. You will learn how to provide feedback that is specific, timely, and actionable, and how to deliver feedback in a way that is both supportive and motivating. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as a Manager.
Feedback is essential for student learning, and this course can help you develop the skills you need to give helpful and effective feedback to your students. You will learn how to provide feedback that is specific, timely, and actionable, and how to deliver feedback in a way that is both supportive and motivating. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as a Teacher.
Learning and Development Manager
Giving and receiving feedback is essential for professional growth and development, and this course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Learning and Development Manager. You will learn how to create a culture of feedback in your organization, and how to provide feedback that is constructive and actionable. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as a Learning and Development Manager.
Educational Consultant
Educational Consultants help individuals and organizations improve their educational outcomes. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Educational Consultant. You will learn how to assess educational needs, and how to develop and implement solutions that can improve outcomes. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as an Educational Consultant.
Counselors help people overcome personal and professional challenges, and feedback is an essential part of this role. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Counselor. You will learn how to provide feedback to clients, and how to create a safe and supportive environment for growth. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as a Counselor.
Coaches help people achieve their goals, and feedback is an essential part of this role. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Coach. You will learn how to provide feedback to clients, and how to create a supportive and motivating environment for growth. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as a Coach.
Organizational Development Consultant
Organizational Development Consultants help organizations improve their performance by providing feedback and support. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Organizational Development Consultant. You will learn how to diagnose organizational problems, and how to develop and implement solutions that can improve performance. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as an Organizational Development Consultant.
Trainers help people learn new skills and knowledge, and feedback is an essential part of the training process. This course can help you develop the skills you need to give helpful and effective feedback to your trainees. You will learn how to provide feedback that is specific, timely, and actionable, and how to deliver feedback in a way that is both supportive and motivating. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as a Trainer.
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Managers are responsible for managing the human capital of an organization, and feedback is an essential part of this role. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Human Resources Manager. You will learn how to provide feedback to employees, and how to create a culture of feedback in your organization. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as a Human Resources Manager.
Organizational Psychologist
Organizational Psychologists help organizations improve their performance by understanding and addressing the psychological factors that influence employee behavior. Feedback is an essential part of this role, as it allows Organizational Psychologists to assess employee needs and develop interventions to improve performance. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Organizational Psychologist. You will learn how to provide feedback to employees, and how to create a culture of feedback in your organization. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as an Organizational Psychologist.
Performance Management Specialist
Performance Management Specialists help organizations improve the performance of their employees. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Performance Management Specialist. You will learn how to design and implement performance management systems, and how to provide feedback that is constructive and actionable. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as a Performance Management Specialist.
Mentors help people develop their careers and personal lives, and feedback is an essential part of this role. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Mentor. You will learn how to provide feedback to mentees, and how to create a supportive and encouraging environment for growth. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as a Mentor.
Employee Engagement Specialist
Employee Engagement Specialists help organizations improve the engagement of their employees, and feedback is an essential part of this role. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective Employee Engagement Specialist. You will learn how to gather and interpret feedback from employees, and how to develop and implement strategies to improve engagement. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as an Employee Engagement Specialist.
Instructional Designer
Providing feedback is a key part of the instructional design process, and this course can help you develop the skills you need to give helpful and effective feedback. You will learn how to design feedback that is specific, timely, and actionable, and how to deliver feedback in a way that is both supportive and motivating. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success as an Instructional Designer.
Feedback Analyst
Giving helpful feedback is a skill that can be learned and developed, and this course can help you build a foundation for success as a Feedback Analyst. You will learn how to gather and interpret feedback, and how to provide feedback that is constructive and actionable. This course can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills that are essential for success in this role.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Nützliches Feedback geben (Giving Helpful Feedback).
Offers a refreshing and practical approach to giving and receiving feedback, with a focus on creating a culture of honesty, respect, and accountability in the workplace.
Delves into the psychological and emotional aspects of receiving feedback, and provides strategies for responding to feedback in a constructive and growth-oriented way.
Suitable as additional reading, this book delves into the theoretical underpinnings of feedback and its role in enhancing learning and development, providing a deeper understanding of the principles discussed in the course.
Provides a comprehensive framework for ethical and effective leadership, emphasizing the importance of integrity, empathy, and self-awareness in both giving and receiving feedback.
Provides practical guidance for front-line managers and supervisors on how to provide effective feedback, coach employees, and foster a positive work environment.


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