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Todd McLeod

This training provides you everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel.

From the fundamentals, to the most advanced features, after taking this online class you will be able to use Microsoft Excel at an expert level.

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This training provides you everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel.

From the fundamentals, to the most advanced features, after taking this online class you will be able to use Microsoft Excel at an expert level.

You can learn Microsoft Excel easily and quickly if it is taught correctly. Developed by a Microsoft Certified Master Instructor, this course provides comprehensive coverage on Microsoft Excel. A university professor with over twenty years of experience teaching individuals of all ability levels "how to use" Microsoft Excel, Todd McLeod has designed, refined, and perfected this course to make it easy for you to master Microsoft Excel.

In only five hours of videos, provided to you in 80 separate video lectures so that no one online video is too long, you will learn all of the following about Microsoft Excel:

  • Learn how to navigate around Excel

  • Learn how to enter and edit data in Excel

  • Learn how to adjust the way data and information are displayed in Excel

  • Learn how to write formulas quickly and easily with the point-and-click method

  • Learn how to use relative, absolute, and mixed references in Excel

  • Learn how to create powerful calculations with Excel functions

  • Learn how to visually represent your data with charts and graphs in Excel

  • Learn how to use Excel data tools like sorting, subtotaling, and filtering

  • Learn how to "freeze columns and rows" with freeze panes in Excel

  • Learn how to remove duplicates from data in Excel

  • Learn how to "transpose data" - switching the columns and rows in Excel

  • Learn how to use Excel to leverage data with Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts

  • Learn how to format worksheets in Excel for impact and appeal

  • Learn how to automate Excel tasks with time-saving macros

  • Learn how to integrate Microsoft Excel with Microsoft Word

  • Learn how to use passwords in Excel to protect your work in multiple scenarios

  • Learn tips and tricks about Excel, as well as Excel secrets and shortcuts

  • Learn how to use printing and sharing in Excel

  • how to harvest data from the web

  • how to create online forms which allow you to gather data from individuals

  • Download all of the Excel project files that are used in the videos

This class is guaranteed to teach you Microsoft Excel.

Described as “fun” and “amazing” and “life changing,” Todd McLeod’s Excel training will forever transform the way you work with numbers. Try this course for yourself and see how quickly and easily you too can learn Microsoft Excel. 

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Learn microsoft excel fast: excel formulas and functions, excel shortcuts and tips, excel charts and graphs, excel for beginners & intermediate users
  • Taught by a best-selling udemy author, microsoft certified educator, microsoft office specialist expert, & tenured college professor
  • Conditional formatting in excel, excel date functions and formatting, excel templates, excel for data management
  • Data analysis in excel, pivot tables in excel, excel for data visualization, excel data validation, excel macros
  • Excel for business analysis, excel for finance and accounting, excel for sales and marketing
  • Excel for budgeting and forecasting, excel for project management, excel for inventory management
  • Excel functions: sum, vlookup, xlookup, if, count, average, concatenate, max, min, round, and more
  • Excel documentation: learn how to read excel's documentation so that you are empowered to find answers
  • Hands-on exercises with solutions, over 400,000 students taught, lifetime course access
  • 100% satisfaction guaranteed, learn at your own pace, this course is tested and proven


Welcome to Microsoft Excel in 6 Hours - You are going to learn Excel quickly and easily!
  • Learning pace

    • quick pace

      • succinct

      • to the point

    • if needed

      • slow me down

      • rewatch

  • Course files

    • in the next lecture

      • all of the files used in the course

      • no video

  • This is your course

    • learn what you need to learn

    • use it in the way that is best for you

    • quizzes and hands-on exercises are optional

  • Be an adventurer

    • spirit of exploration

    • don't fear computers - you can't break them

      • fear ignorance

  • Practice

    • practice leads to progress

      • drop by drop …

      • persistently patiently …

      • every day I take consistent action …

      • grit …

Read more

Any file, or files, that I use in a video can be found in the "COURSE CONTENT" panel of the video in which those files are used. You can also access ALL of the files used in the course by going here to this lecture - the "COURSE FILES" lecture here in the "GETTING STARTED" section.

  • If you try to download more than one file at a time, your web browser might ask you if you want to "download multiple files from this website." Click "yes" to download the files.

  • These are the files used in the course. Come back to this lecture when you need a file. You can download files from here!

Here is how you get your Microsoft Excel certificate of completion.

This quiz will help reinforce everything you are learning!

This section will quickly teach you the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel - relative references, absolute references, formulas, functions, charts, and the format cell dialog box.
  • Spreadsheets

    • allow us to work with numbers. Spreadsheets are like customizable calculators. Spreadsheets also allow us to organize and manage data.

      • MS Word allows us to work with words.

      • MS Excel allows us to work with numbers & data.

    • Dan Bricklin - father of spreadsheets (1979)

  • examples of spreadsheets

    • MS Excel

      • web based

      • computer based

    • Google sheets

  • MS Excel

    • Microsoft 365

      • formerly called "Office 365"

      • formerly called "Microsoft Office …"

        • history of releases

(source: wikipedia)

  • With Microsoft 365, versions are released continuously.


    • runs on the web; 'software as a service'; use a web browser to access it


    • install it on your computer

    • more functionality than than the web based version

  • purchasing

    • costco

    • amazon

    • microsoft

    • student pricing

  • installing desktop excel

  • =

    • all formulas start with the '=' sign

  • point and click method

  • formula ribbon

    • show formulas

  • trace precedents

    • formulas / trace precedents

      • remove arrows

  • shortcuts

    • switch between open applications

      • alt+tab

    • show formulas

      • ctrl + `

    • zoom in / out of spreadsheet

      • ctrl + scroll wheel

  • relative

  • ab$olute

  • mixed

  • shortcuts

    • undo

      • ctrl + z

    • copy

      • ctrl + c

    • paste

      • ctrl + v

Using relative and absolute references in a gradebook with a curve.

When you create a chart, what you select is crucially important. Generally speaking, you will want to select

  • data, without totals

  • column headers

  • row headers

Sometimes that means selecting non-contiguous regions. To do that

  • ctrl + click-&-drag

If you don't like the way a chart looks when you create it, try selecting different data and creating the chart again.

  • sum & average

How to use the format cells dialog box. This will allow you to change the formatting type on the values displayed in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

This quiz will reinforce everything you are learning about Microsoft Excel.

These hands-on exercises will help you reinforce everything you are learning. By doing these hands-on exercises, you will learn faster and remember what you learn for longer. Enjoy!
  • Relative references

    • Write a formula which adds up B4:B7. Use relative references in your formula. Use the autofill handle to copy that formula across B8:M8

  • Absolute references

    • Write a formula which calculates the tax. Use an absolute reference. Use autofill to copy the formula over as applicable.

  • Mixed references

    • Write a formula to fill in each table. Use mixed references.

  • chart

    • create a column chart with just LA, NY, and Tokyo.

These are the fundamentals of using Microsoft Excel. The course thoroughly goes through these fundamentals of Microsoft Excel.

This provides an introduction to MS Excel functions!

  • Workbook, worksheets, cells

    • Every Excel file is known as a workbook.

      • Each workbook has worksheets.

    • Spreadsheets are made up of columns and rows.

      • The intersection of a column and row is a cell.

        • The active cell has a BOX around it.

        • Each cell has a cell address

          • column row, eg, B2

        • range

          • a selection of 2+ cells

          • colon notation

          • B9:F9

        • names

          • named cell & named ranges

    • columns & rows

      • inserting & deleting


    • naming it

    • changing its color


    • to enter data into a cell, click on the cell and start typing

      • you can edit data in a cell by

        • double-clicking the cell

        • or up in the formula bar

      • cells overflow if there is no data in the adjacent cell

        • #######

        • shows that there is data in that cell

          • widen the column to see it

        • double-click the divider to perfectly adjust

    • you can make columns wider

    • you can make rows taller

  • Other


      • showing / hiding

    • VIEW / SHOW

      • gridlines

      • headings

      • formula bar


      • normal

      • page break preview

      • page layout


      • print

        • gridlines

        • headings


      • average

      • count

      • sum

While using Excel, your mouse pointer will change depending upon the context. Paying attention to the way your mouse pointer looks, and knowing what the different looking mouse pointers mean, will help you use Excel more effectively.

  • Mouse pointer will change depending upon context

  • Pay attention to the way the mouse pointer looks

  • context sensitive menu

  • example

    • copy → paste → transpose

  • autosave

    • microsoft: what is AutoSave?

    • microsoft "cloud"

      • aka, servers

      • aka, computers

    • consumer retention & switching costs

  • autorecover

    • Help protect your files in case of a crash

    • Help protect your files in case of a crash

  • task manager

    • ctrl + alt + del

  • xlsx file extension

    • how to see file extensions

  • associate "xlsx" files with Excel

    • right click → open with → always open with

  • Create a new excel spreadsheet. Do the following:

    • create a new worksheet

      • name it “Happy items”

      • give the worksheet tab a color

      • move the worksheet tab to the front of the tabs

    • starting in cell B2

      • list five items that make you happy

      • one item in each cell: B2, B3, B4, B5, B6

    • edit the entry in cell B3

      • use the double-click method

    • edit the entry in cell B4

      • use the formula bar

To use Excel well, you have to know how to use Excel functions. In this section, we will gain a solid foundation in using functions in Excel.

These functions allow you to find the max value in a series of numbers, and find the min value in a series of numbers.

You can generate random numbers using rand and randbetween.

The concat & textjoin functions allow you to join text together.

The concat & textjoin documentation.

  • Use the following functions in the spreadsheet:

    • sum

    • average

    • max

    • min

    • count

    • counta

    • countif

    • roundup

    • rounddown

In this section, we will learn how to use the most popular functions in Microsoft Excel!

An introduction to popular Excel functions.

Search help for "Excel functions (by category)" then choose "our 10 most popular functions"

  • SUM function

    • add the values in cells.

  • IF function

    • return one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false.

  • LOOKUP function

    • AVOID using this one!

  • VLOOKUP function

    • Use this function when you need to find things in a table or a range by row. For example, look up an employee's last name by her employee number, or find her phone number by looking up her last name (just like a telephone book).

  • MATCH function


  • The XMATCH function searches for a specified item in an array or range of cells, and then returns the item's relative position.

  • CHOOSE function

    • select one of up to 254 values based on an index number.

    • example: if value1 through value7 are the days of the week, CHOOSE returns one of the days when a number between 1 and 7 is used as index_num.

    • interesting examples in documentation of combining functions

  • DATE function

    • take three separate values and combine them to form a date.

      • example, you might have a worksheet that contains dates in a format that Excel does not recognize, such as YYYYMMDD.

  • DAYS function

    • Returns the number of days between two dates.

  • FIND, FINDB functions

    • FIND and FINDB locate one text string within a second text string. They return the number of the starting position of the first text string from the first character of the second text string.

  • INDEX function

    • Use this function to return a value from within a range / table / array.


    • not VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP

Use the XLOOKUP function to find things in a table or range by row. For example, look up the price of an automotive part by the part number, or find an employee name based on their employee ID. With XLOOKUP, you can look in one column for a search term and return a result from the same row in another column, regardless of which side the return column is on.

  • Note: XLOOKUP is not available in Excel 2016 and Excel 2019, however, you may come across a situation of using a workbook in Excel 2016 or Excel 2019 with the XLOOKUP function in it created by someone else using a newer version of Excel.

  • The XLOOKUP function searches a range or an array, and then returns the item corresponding to the first match it finds. If no match exists, then XLOOKUP can return the closest (approximate) match.

  • =XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

This is the payment PMT function.

These are the payment PMT and IPMT functions.

This is the FV future value function.

This is the FV function used for retirement amortization.

These are the IF and IFERROR functions used for dynamic amortization.

The if function allows you to make a decision based upon the value in a cell.

  • use XLOOKUP to determine the ice cream choice for each person

    • use the "exact match" to choose the ice cream

  • use CONDITIONAL FORMATTING to format the fill color anytime strawberry is chosen

Formatting determines the impact of your spreadsheets. When you understand how to format spreadsheets well, you understand how to more effectively achieve your desired goals.

Formatting your worksheets is important.

  • content and form

    • It is not only what you say that matters (the content) but also how you say it (the form). When studied, the greatest impact upon others isn’t the content, but the form. The 7 38 55 study from UCLA says that what impacts people in public speaking is:

      • 7% the content

      • 38% how it’s said

      • 55% body language

    • This is true in public speaking, this is true in art, this is true in job interviews, and this is true in your Excel spreadsheets. Take your content and give it good form (make it look good).

table & convert to range

In graphic design, font determines feeling. There are two broad categories of fonts: serif and sans-serif. A serif font has feet; a sans-serif font does not. For text on computer screens, sans-serif is the most popular and, perhaps by consensus, best choice. You can find the most popular fonts in the world on Google Fonts. Once the fonts are installed on your computer, you can use them in your spreadsheets. Take-aways:

  • use a sans-serif font

  • use Google Fonts to get the most popular fonts


Font is feeling

  • home ribbon

  • format cells dialog box (fcdb)

  • things we've already seen

  • paste

    • keep source formatting

    • match destination formatting

    • paste special

      • many options

        • transpose

        • paste as values

  • format painter

  • clear formats

    • clear all

    • clear formats

    • clear contents

    • clear comments and notes

    • clear hyperlinks


  • use conditional formatting to zebra stripe rows

  • add a picture

  • format the picture

  • format the heading

    • merge and center the heading

    • use a nice font for the heading

  • use freeze panes

    • view / freeze panes

Charts and Graphs in Microsoft Excel allow you to visually represent your data. Excel charts make it easier to understand your data.

Visually representing data: The representation of data influences the perception of data. Here we once again come back to content and form: It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. Great examples of data representation:

  • Gapminder - https://www.gapminder.org/tools/

  • Aaron Koblin - http://www.aaronkoblin.com/

Examples of different charts we can create:

  • pie

  • parts of a whole

  • line

    • data changing over time

  • column

    • comparing quantities

  • bar

    • like column but horizontal

  • stacked column

    • like a pie chart and a column chart combined

  • stacked bar

    • like stacked column but horizontal

    • two different charts convey different impressions

  • trendlines

    • trends over time

  • sparklines

    • small charts that occupy a single cell

  • combo charts

    • multiple charts in one chart

  • scatter

    • scattered dots of data

When you create a chart, what you select is crucially important.

  • If you don't like the way a chart looks when you create it, try selecting different data and creating the chart again.

  • spirit of adventure and exploration

Sometimes that means selecting non-contiguous regions. To do that

  • ctrl + click-&-drag

You can also switch the representation of the data on the x / y axis:

  • right click a chart

    • select data

      • switch row / column

        • changes the way data is displayed

When formatting charts, embrace a spirit of exploration and experimentation. Pay attention to what you are left-clicking and right-clicking. Look at the options available. Explore and experiment until you get the look you want.

  • click a chart

    • paintbrush to the right

      • change look

    • plus ( + ) to the right

      • show/hide different aspects of the chart

  • click part of a chart

    • delete it by pressing delete

Use a trendline to show the general trend of some data. You can use trendlines with some charts. To insert a trendline, first click on your chart, then go to:

Combo charts allow you to combine two charts. Creating a combo chart requires a few steps:

  • create a chart with one column of data

  • copy/paste a second column of data onto the chart

  • select the chart, then change the chart type to a combo chart

You can create a secondary axis so that data of different scales can still be graphed together.

  • consider including an axis title so that others can easily interpret the data.

Sparklines are small charts that occupy a single cell.

  • sparklines

    • Add sparklines for the data.

  • combo charts

    • Create two combo charts:

      • one

        • unemployment

        • presidential approval

      • two

        • consumer confidence

        • presidential approval

  • switching row / column

    • switch the representation of the data on the x / y axis:

Knowing how to work with data is an essential skill in Microsoft Excel. In this section, we will learn how to work with data in Excel.

Download data from gapminder as a "csv" file, then open it in Excel and save it as an Excel "xlsx" workbook.

Copy data from wikipedia and paste it into Excel so that it doesn't have any of the formatting from the web.

Sample data that is automatically generated.

Let's further explore working with data in Microsoft Excel! In this section you will learn useful skills like sorting data, freezing columns and rows, filtering data, and removing duplicates.

How to sort data in Microsoft Excel

How to hold the top header in place in Microsoft Excel - Freeze Panes

You can remove duplicate data using the “remove duplicates” tool from the data ribbon.

  • download the spreadsheet used in this video then remove the duplicates.

  • try changing the data in one row of a duplicate, then “remove duplicates” in such a way that this row with changed data is not removed.

Filter allows us to filter our data by criteria we specify. When we filter data, we tell Excel to only show certain data based upon certain criteria.

  • remove duplicates

    • Remove duplicates from your contact list of friends.

Pivot tables are a powerful feature of Microsoft Excel. Pivot tables allow us to "pivot" our view on our data and see our data in different ways.

A pivot table allows you to pivot your view on your data.

  • pivot tables to turn data into information.

  • recommended pivot tables (we saw this earlier in the course)

  • pivot table analyze ribbon

    • show field list

  • drag fields between areas

Let's practice creating pivot tables in Excel with more examples!

A slicer is a visual interface for filtering data in a table. We can use slicers to visually filter our data. Slicers can also be applied to regular tables.

  • pivot table analyze / insert slicer (salesperson, manufacturer, region, customer)

  • pivot table analyze / insert timeline (salesperson, manufacturer, region, customer)

  • Table data and slicers

    • insert / slicer (data needs to be a table to work)

    • create table and convert to range

We can build charts based upon pivot tables. When we do this, the chart is connected to the pivot table. The chart is known as a pivot chart. When the pivot table is refreshed, the chart will be refreshed.

Create pivot tables

These are useful skills to know about Microsoft Excel: printing your worksheet, protecting and locking your worksheets, and linking your worksheets to other applications.

To print well in Excel, the first and most important thing you need to know is how to look at what is going to be printed. To do this, we can use the following

  • VIEW ribbon

    • page break preview

    • page layout

  • PAGE LAYOUT ribbon

  • Page setup dialogue box

  • Print preview

    • CTRL + P

  • print to file

  • FILE LEVEL (file / info)

    • Protect an excel file

      • password needed to open

    • Read only

      • you can make changes, you just can't save


    • Protect a workbook structure

    • prevents viewing hidden worksheets, adding, moving, deleting, or hiding worksheets, and renaming worksheets


    • Control how users work within worksheets. Specify exactly what users can do within a sheet


      • STEP 2: protect sheet with password

        • notice the checkbox:

          • "protect worksheet and contents of locked cells"

Object linking and embedding allows you to either LINK or EMBED content from excel into ms word. When content is linked the content in word updates when the source data in excel updates.

Macros in Excel allow you to automate your work. Macros allow you to work more efficiently and effectively.
  • Macros allow you to automate your work

    • If you have a process that you repeat over and over, you can “record” that process and then assign that process to a shortcut key or an icon.

  • on the view ribbon

    • view > macros

  • when you record a macro

    • every action must be precise

      • think about what you're going to do before you hit record

    • use "ctrl + shift"

  • saving a workbook with macros

    • "save as macro enabled workbook"

    • xlsm

  • create a macro that says "Great work in the course!" every time you press

    • "ctrl + shift + g"

Congratulations on reaching the end of the course! Great work!

You have done great work - the greatest work. You have taken steps to create a better life for yourself, and for others. As an individual improves their own life, they improve the world. The skills you are acquiring are some of the most valuable skills demanded today: knowing how to use Excel. Great job.

  • education has the power to transform lives

    • transform your own life

    • transform the lives of others

Bonus lecture

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops knowledge and skills in using Microsoft Excel, which are in high demand across numerous fields and industries
Taught by Todd McLeod, a Microsoft Certified Master Instructor and tenured college professor with over 20 years of experience
Covers a wide range of Excel topics, from the fundamentals to advanced features
Provides hands-on exercises with solutions to reinforce learning and ensure understanding
Geared towards learners of all levels, from beginners to intermediate users

Save this course

Save Microsoft Excel 2024 - From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours to your list so you can find it easily later:

Reviews summary

Learn microsoft excel fasttrack: from beginner to expert in 6 hours

This course aims to equip learners with comprehensive Microsoft Excel skills within 6 hours, guiding them from beginner to expert level. According to student reviews, the course excels in the following areas: * **Comprehensive coverage:** The course covers a wide range of Excel functionalities, from basic to advanced concepts. * **Clear and engaging instruction:** Instructor Todd McLeod presents the material in a straightforward and entertaining manner, making it easy for learners to follow along. * **Practical exercises:** Quizzes and downloadable practice files reinforce learning and allow students to apply their newly acquired skills. * **Pace:** The course is structured to accommodate different learning speeds, with options for pausing and reviewing as needed. * **Value for money:** Learners generally feel that the course offers excellent value for its price. While the course is highly praised, some areas for improvement have been noted by reviewers: * **Repetition:** Occasionally, certain concepts are repeated multiple times, leading to redundancy for learners who already have some knowledge of Excel. * **Lack of advanced features:** The course may not be suitable for learners seeking in-depth knowledge of advanced Excel features such as macros or data analysis. * **Instructor's mannerisms:** Some learners found the instructor's quirks and humor distracting or unprofessional. * **Quizzes:** Some quizzes are criticized for being trivia-based and not testing actual Excel proficiency. * **Video quality:** The videos are recorded in the instructor's home, which may not be the most professional setting for some learners. Overall, learners say this course is an effective resource for gaining a solid foundation in Microsoft Excel. It is particularly well-suited for beginners or those seeking a refresher on the software's core functionalities. However, learners with more advanced needs or preferences for a more formal learning environment may need to explore alternative options.
It would help if you went just a little bit slower "speaking not as fast". Other than that, I'm very impressed with this course and find myself not intimidated by excel..:-)I am absolutely unfamiliar with excel, but in a few short lessons, I am confident that I will learn everything I need to know and I feel this course is a bargain.
"I am absolutely unfamiliar with excel, but in a few short lessons, I am confident that I will learn everything I need to know and I feel this course is a bargain."
This course was just what I needed - which was an enjoyable and approachable overview of excel. While I don't feel like an expert, I do feel more confident in my understanding of excel's functions and capabilities, and I now look forward to taking more intermediate and advanced courses.
"This course was just what I needed - which was an enjoyable and approachable overview of excel."
This is a pretty good course overall, goes over a lot of topics with good examples in an informative way. I do think an option with homework should be given to further motivate people to actually go into excel and utilize some of the things they learned but this course was certainly helpful.
"This is a pretty good course overall, goes over a lot of topics with good examples in an informative way."
I bought this for $14, and for that it's definitely worth it. I would recommend for people who have very limited Excel experience like myself. That being said, you learn enough tools to go quite far with the program. While all of this information is googlable, the course has a nice structure for those not sure where to start.
"I bought this for $14, and for that it's definitely worth it."
"I would recommend for people who have very limited Excel experience like myself."
If you are a begginer or intermediate in excel, you will definitely appreciate this course. Todd goes through most of Excel´s options, and does it in a very relaxed and pleasing way. You can see from the instructor that he really enjoys teaching and is good at it. Great job Todd!
"He assumes the students know words that they may not know."
"He also talks about random things that bear no relevance to the class."
I really enjoy Todd's course. It is very instructiv, a lot of useful information and a very entertaining presention, perfect example and with the example files you can do exactly what he is showing in the videos ! If there would be 10 stars he deserve them ! Best wishes Michael Witsch from Luxembourg
"It is very instructiv, a lot of useful information and a very entertaining presention, perfect example and with the example files you can do exactly what he is showing in the videos !"
The quizzes often seem unrelated to the course material and don't fully test my knowledge of the material. i wish there was more fill in the blank instead of just multiple choice. more function practice would be awesome. overall good course, todd is very clear and easy to listen to
"The quizzes often seem unrelated to the course material and don't fully test my knowledge of the material."
"i wish there was more fill in the blank instead of just multiple choice."
"more function practice would be awesome."
some information in the course where useful. I thought the course was covering all formulas by category: Logical, Text, Lookup and reference, Financial and Math, with clear example. the Audio wasn't great at all. better to find another course. Unfortunately is too late to get the refund. thanks anyway.
"some information in the course where useful."
"the Audio wasn't great at all."
I attended live Excel classes many years ago. I found working on an Excel sheet along with the instructor was more helpful than quizzes. Downloading a document with definitions is ok but not very helpful. Also, some of the downloadable documents are not downloading correctly and simply show program text.
"I found working on an Excel sheet along with the instructor was more helpful than quizzes."
"Downloading a document with definitions is ok but not very helpful."
"Also, some of the downloadable documents are not downloading correctly and simply show program text."
This course covers a lot of ground, but it seems to do so in such a random way. And by just watching the video, you don't retain much. I think that it's a good overview of what Excel is capable of, but there needs to be more where you actually work hands on with the data to show that you in fact know how to use excel.
"This course covers a lot of ground, but it seems to do so in such a random way."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Microsoft Excel 2024 - From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours with these activities:
Test drive the Excel program
You will get familiar with the user interface and Excel's basic functionality by exploring Excel on your own.
Browse courses on Excel Fundamentals
Show steps
  • Open a blank Excel workbook.
  • Navigate the Excel interface and locate the different menus, toolbars, and workspaces.
  • Create a simple spreadsheet with sample data.
  • Apply basic formatting to cells, such as changing font, color, and alignment.
  • Use basic Excel functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT.
Practice data entry and formatting
You will gain proficiency in data entry and formatting by completing repetitive exercises.
Browse courses on Data Entry
Show steps
  • Create a new Excel workbook and enter a large dataset.
  • Apply different formatting options to the data, such as number formats, text wrapping, and conditional formatting.
  • Use Excel's data validation tools to ensure data accuracy.
  • Sort and filter the data to organize it effectively.
  • Create charts and graphs to visualize the data.
Review the fundamentals of Excel, including cell referencing and formula basics
Refreshing your knowledge of Excel's basics will strengthen your foundation and make learning more complex concepts easier.
Browse courses on Excel Fundamentals
Show steps
  • Go through online tutorials or videos on cell referencing and formulas
  • Create a new Excel workbook and practice basic operations
  • Refer to the Excel help documentation for specific details
11 other activities
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Watch Excel tutorial videos
Expand your knowledge of Excel by watching tutorial videos.
Browse courses on Excel Basics
Show steps
  • Find a series of tutorial videos that cover the topics you want to learn.
  • Watch the videos and take notes on the key concepts.
  • Practice using the techniques you learned in the videos.
Practice SUMIF in Excel
Practice the SUMIF function will improve your ability to extract specific data from a spreadsheet.
Show steps
  • Create a sample dataset with various values
  • Apply the SUMIF function to extract data based on specific criteria
  • Use the formula bar to check the formula and ensure accuracy
Solve Excel coding problems
Reinforce your understanding of Excel formulas and functions by solving coding problems.
Browse courses on Excel Formulas
Show steps
  • Find a set of Excel coding problems to solve.
  • Read through the problems and understand the requirements.
  • Start solving the problems using Excel formulas and functions.
Create a budget using Excel templates
You will learn how to use Excel templates to create a budget and track your expenses effectively.
Show steps
  • Download an Excel budget template from Microsoft Office or other reputable sources.
  • Open the template in Excel and familiarize yourself with the pre-defined categories and formulas.
  • Customize the template according to your specific budgeting needs.
  • Input your income and expenses into the template.
  • Analyze your budget and make adjustments as needed.
Practice using VLOOKUP in Excel
Practicing VLOOKUP will strengthen your ability to retrieve data from a table based on specific criteria, which is a valuable skill for data analysis and management.
Browse courses on VLookup
Show steps
  • Create two tables with related data
  • Apply the VLOOKUP function to retrieve data from one table based on a matching value in the other table
  • Check the retrieved data for accuracy
Analyze data using Excel pivot tables
Deepen your understanding of Excel's data analysis capabilities by working with pivot tables.
Show steps
  • Import data into an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Create a pivot table based on the data.
  • Use the pivot table to analyze the data and identify trends.
  • Create charts and graphs to visualize the data.
Follow online tutorials on advanced Excel functions, such as INDEX and MATCH
Engaging with tutorials on advanced functions will expand your toolkit and enhance your data manipulation abilities.
Browse courses on Advanced Excel Functions
Show steps
  • Search for tutorials on INDEX and MATCH functions
  • Follow the instructions in the tutorials to learn how to use these functions
  • Practice using these functions in your own Excel spreadsheets
Learn about Excel macros
Increase your Excel proficiency by exploring the power of macros.
Browse courses on Excel Macros
Show steps
  • Find tutorials or online courses that teach you about Excel macros.
  • Follow the tutorials and practice writing your own macros.
  • Use macros to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your Excel workflow.
Create a step-by-step guide on using PivotTables in Excel
Creating a guide on PivotTables will reinforce your understanding of how to summarize and analyze data effectively.
Browse courses on PivotTables
Show steps
  • Gather sample data and create a PivotTable
  • Experiment with different field arrangements and calculations
  • Write clear and concise instructions for each step
  • Proofread and revise the guide for clarity and accuracy
Develop a data visualization dashboard
You will demonstrate your understanding of data visualization by creating an interactive dashboard in Excel.
Browse courses on Data Visualization
Show steps
  • Gather the necessary data and prepare it for visualization.
  • Choose appropriate charts and graphs to represent the data effectively.
  • Create a dashboard layout that is visually appealing and easy to navigate.
  • Add interactive elements, such as slicers and filters, to allow users to explore the data.
  • Present your dashboard to others and explain the insights you gained from the data.
Create an Excel workbook template
Enhance your Excel skills by creating a customized workbook template.
Show steps
  • Determine the purpose of your workbook template.
  • Design the layout and structure of your template.
  • Add formulas and functions to automate calculations.
  • Format your template for visual appeal and clarity.
  • Save and share your template with others.

Career center

Learners who complete Microsoft Excel 2024 - From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Analyst
Excel is one of the most popular tools used by data analysts. This course will teach you how to use Excel to clean, analyze, and visualize data. These skills are in high demand in the job market, and will give you a competitive advantage when applying for data analyst positions. Data analysts typically need a bachelor's degree in a quantitative field, such as mathematics, statistics, or computer science.
Financial Analyst
Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that is used by financial analysts to perform financial modeling, data analysis, and forecasting. This course will help you build a strong foundation in Excel, which will give you a competitive advantage in the job market. Financial analysts typically need a master's degree in finance or a related field.
Excel is a valuable tool for accountants, who use it to track financial transactions, create financial statements, and perform audits. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Accountants typically need a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field.
Business Analyst
Excel is a key tool for business analysts, who use it to analyze data, create reports, and develop presentations. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Business analysts typically need a bachelor's degree in business or a related field.
Financial Planner
Excel is a key tool for financial planners, who use it to create financial plans, manage investments, and provide financial advice. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Financial planners typically need a bachelor's degree in finance or a related field.
Excel is a valuable tool for auditors, who use it to perform financial audits, review financial statements, and provide assurance services. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Auditors typically need a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field.
Tax Accountant
Excel is a key tool for tax accountants, who use it to prepare tax returns, calculate taxes, and provide tax advice. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Tax accountants typically need a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field.
Project Manager
Excel is a valuable tool for project managers, who use it to track progress, manage budgets, and create schedules. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Project managers typically need a bachelor's degree in project management or a related field.
Management Consultant
Excel is a valuable tool for management consultants, who use it to analyze data, solve problems, and make recommendations. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Management consultants typically need a master's degree in business administration or a related field.
Operations Manager
Excel is a key tool for operations managers, who use it to track inventory, manage supply chains, and optimize processes. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Operations managers typically need a bachelor's degree in business or a related field.
Marketing Manager
Excel is a valuable tool for marketing managers, who use it to track campaign performance, manage budgets, and create presentations. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Marketing managers typically need a bachelor's degree in marketing or a related field.
Sales Manager
Excel is a key tool for sales managers, who use it to track sales performance, manage territories, and create presentations. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Sales managers typically need a bachelor's degree in business or a related field.
Data Scientist
Excel is a useful tool for data scientists, who use it to clean, analyze, and visualize data. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Data scientists typically need a master's degree in data science or a related field.
Web Developer
Excel is a useful tool for web developers, who use it to track projects, manage budgets, and create documentation. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Web developers typically need a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field.
Software Engineer
Excel is a useful tool for software engineers, who use it to track bugs, manage projects, and create documentation. This course will teach you how to use Excel to perform these tasks effectively. Software engineers typically need a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field.

Featured in The Course Notes

This course is mentioned in our blog, The Course Notes. Read two articles that feature Microsoft Excel 2024 - From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours:

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Microsoft Excel 2024 - From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours.
Comprehensive guide to advanced Microsoft Excel techniques. It covers all the most important techniques, and it provides detailed instructions on how to use them. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel.
Comprehensive guide to Microsoft Excel 2019. It covers all the features of the software, from basic to advanced. The book is written in a clear and concise style, and it is packed with helpful tips and tricks. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel.
Comprehensive guide to the functions and formulas in Microsoft Excel. It covers all the most important functions, and it provides detailed instructions on how to use them. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel.
Comprehensive guide to macros and VBA in Microsoft Excel. It covers all the most important techniques, and it provides detailed instructions on how to use them. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel.
Comprehensive guide to Power Query and Power BI in Microsoft Excel. It covers all the most important techniques, and it provides detailed instructions on how to use them. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel.
Comprehensive guide to using Microsoft Excel for business analysis. It covers all the most important techniques, and it provides detailed instructions on how to use them. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel.
Comprehensive guide to using Microsoft Excel for marketing. It covers all the most important techniques, and it provides detailed instructions on how to use them. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel.
Comprehensive guide to using Microsoft Excel for project management. It covers all the most important techniques, and it provides detailed instructions on how to use them. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel.
Quick reference guide to Microsoft Excel 2019. It covers the most important features of the software, and it is organized in a way that makes it easy to find the information you need. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Excel.


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