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Inclusive Leadership

Working with Equality and Diversity

Robin Hills

As a leader you are responsible for generating trust, building authentic relationships and effective teams.  It is vital that you lead by example and inspire excellence in others.

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As a leader you are responsible for generating trust, building authentic relationships and effective teams.  It is vital that you lead by example and inspire excellence in others.

This course will help you to develop and apply your skills as an inclusive leader. You will learn more about working with equality and diversity to include all types of people to confidently engage with you as a leader.

Leadership is about influencing others through personal attributes and behaviours, underpinned by emotional intelligence, to achieve prescribed outcomes.

Inclusive Leadership is about treating people and groups fairly based on their unique characteristics, rather than acting on biases derived from stereotypes.   

It is also about personalising individuals, understanding and valuing the uniqueness and differences of others while at the same time including them as members of the organisation, networks and work groups.   

Inclusive Leadership is about utilising the thinking of diverse groups for smarter ideas, solutions and decision making.  Inclusive leadership has the potential to provide different approaches and ways of working that move the organisation forward.  

Equality and Diversity refers to the fair treatment and respect of all individuals, no matter their personal circumstances. Knowledge of equality and diversity helps you and your team to operate appropriately within an equal and diverse workforce. The course analyses how you behave at work, and how it may affect those around you.  It addresses unacceptable behaviour, such as stereotyping and discrimination as well as how to deal with inappropriate or offensive behaviour. 

This course will help you to develop and apply your skills as an inclusive leader. You will learn about the psychology of equality and diversity to grow your team and your organisation, enhance their performance and improve your personal satisfaction.  Critical thinking to work in an emotionally intelligent manner forms a major component of the skills of an Inclusive Leader to overcome unconscious bias.  This is covered in detail within the course.

As an Inclusive Leader it is important to consider the communication between people who have differences.  These include age, nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

Cross cultural communication is an important leadership topic as we develop teams and build relationships with people across the world.  Many of these people are from different cultures and backgrounds from our own.

Cross cultural communication refers to your efforts as a leader to exchange information, negotiate and mediate differences based on national culture through communication.  It is understanding how people belonging to different cultures engage with each other and respectfully modifying your communication style to make allowances for this.

The course covers how different types of cultures impact upon individuals' needs.  It also covers how you can use cross-cultural communication as an inclusive leader with people from a variety of different backgrounds and cultures.

By taking this course, you will be able to

  •  Determine what equality, diversity and inclusion means for inclusive leadership 

  •  Discover the impact of bias and unconscious bias in equality and diversity

  •  Demonstrate the attributes of an emotionally intelligent, inclusive leader through critical thinking

  • Describe how to inspire and foster respect through your work with equality and diversity

  • Recognise ways to effectively communicate across various cultures

  • Analyse the impact of cultural factors on communication between individuals from different cultures

  •  Explore your ability to incorporate an inclusive approach into all that you say and do as a leader

The course gives you practical tools and actions to begin leading inclusively with immediate effect. You will strengthen your relationships with others, build your awareness of unconscious bias, develop your critical thinking skills, and become a senior advocate for inclusive workplace cultures.  You can expect to see the results of a more inclusive culture, both internally and externally, very quickly.

There is a practical activity in the course that invites you to assess your inclusive leadership traits.  It requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. By completing this activity fully, you will be able to examine your inclusive leadership traits and recognise what you need to do to grow and develop as an inclusive leader.   I am here to help and guide you.

This course is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding how work to more effectively with others as a leader. It compliments other courses that explore emotional intelligence in more depth.

You'll receive all the information that you need and will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away.

The course is for you if you want to develop as an inclusive leader to improve the way that you interact with other people, the way that you make decisions and the way that you manage performance.

The course material makes up a one to two day workshop so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour's training. It forms part of our advanced emotional intelligence course endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management.

The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.  Feedback is always welcome. 

As the focus of this course is on inclusivity, it is important that it is as inclusive as possible so all course elements are designed for accessibility. 

  • The course has been designed for everyone to encourage human diversity

  • Expectations are set with clear learning outcomes

  • The course content recognises diversity and acknowledges barriers to inclusion

  • There is sufficient contrast using colours and textures, and optimum font sizes are used throughout the course

  • All documents are supplied in PDF format that can be read using assistive technologies

  • All the captions have been checked for errors and so are grammatically correct (as far as possible)

The course has been a Udemy highly rated course and is featured in the Udemy for Business catalogue.  A few people are instructed to take the course under duress by their organisation.  Some of these learners have been known to leave low ratings without comments - not the behaviour expected of appreciative, inclusive leaders.   Watch the preview lecture on The Inclusive Leader and Feedback.  Constructive feedback is always welcome as I want to made this course the best that it can be.

Lessons are being continually upgraded and rerecorded to improve the overall quality and new activities have been added to enhance your learner experience.  This ensures the course remains current and relevant.  

All PDFs can be completed online and are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant.

All videos are High Definition recorded in 1080p.

All videos have grammatically correct English captions.

Latest update - April 2024

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Identify how working with equality, diversity and inclusion can lead to better outcomes within the organisations that you work with
  • Develop the 6 key traits of inclusive leaders
  • Discover how unconscious bias works and how to work with others with bias
  • Interpret how thinking works; how it can help and hinder you as an inclusive leader
  • Explore the best ways to give and receive feedback
  • Recognise ways to effectively communicate across various cultures
  • Analyse the impact of cultural factors on communication between individuals from different cultures
  • Differentiate your leadership capabilities through inclusion and the application of emotional intelligence


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Your Personal View

Introduction to this course on equality, diversity and inclusion.

This video gives details about this course on the Udemy platform and ways to get the most from it by using your emotional intelligence.

To make the course more fun, there are details of a specific practical activity - a competition - that will help you to work towards completing the course. Look for the letters that make up the word UDEMY that are hidden in some of the lectures to win a valuable prize. (No, it's not free access or a discount code for another course!)

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This lecture looks at the course objectives and what can be learnt through inclusive leadership.

Before we start the course, here is a practical activity that encourages you to think about why you are taking the course and what you want to get from it.

This lecture introduces the skill and capability of working with feedback as an inclusive leader highlighting some of the challenges that this can present.

Defining what equality and diversity mean.

This lecture looks at the dimensions of diversity.  

The primary dimensions are those that you have no control over.  

The secondary dimensions are those that you can chose to share.

The area of neurodiversity has become very popular as a consideration in equality and diversity recently.  Neurodiversity covers the primary dimension associated with mental characteristics.  This lecture investigates these mental characteristics to give you a better understanding of neurodiversity in the workplace..

This lecture looks at how you build up a picture of the world through your senses and how these create your reality.

This video investigates how our conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds work and how this has an impact on the way that we and our biases.

This lecture looks at biases that are unconscious and so are those biases that you have no awareness of.

A look at ways that unconscious bias can be assessed and measured.

This video explores unconscious bias in more depth through some examples that you may not even have considered.  It also explores ways that you can work with and modify unconscious behaviour.

If you are unaware of your unconscious biases, how can you work with them?

This practical activity gets you to make a choice in a social situation. From this choice, you can to explore the reasons behind the choice underpinned by your unconscious biases reflecting upon how these impact upon other decisions that you make.

Quiz to Test your Knowledge of Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity Quiz
Inclusive Leadership

This lecture introduces the concept of inclusive leadership.

Is the Platinum Rule the overriding rule that we should all live our lives by?

A brief look at unacceptable behaviour and unaccepting behaviour.

This lecture covers effective and respectful ways to give people feedback about their behaviour.

This lecture covers the best way to respond to feedback that you receive about your behaviour.

Self-awareness is a fundamental part of emotional intelligence and good leadership.  This lesson looks at self-awareness as a leadership capability - its advantages and disadvantages.

This lecture looks at what being an inclusive leader is all about.

This lecture investigates the principles of ethical leadership and how these can influence you as an inclusive leader.

This lecture gives details about the six traits shown by all inclusive leaders.

There are four key inclusive leadership behaviours - Empowerment, Accountability, Courage and Humility.  Together they build trust in your capacity as an inclusive leader.

Curiosity involves keeping your mind open to other's views and perspectives.  It is fundamental to being an inclusive leader who embraces diversity.

This lecture gives a range of hints and tips to give you strategies to become a more inclusive leader in work.  These are also covered in the accompanying downloadable booklet "Strategies for Inclusive Leaders" along with a range of hints and tips to give you strategies outside of work.

Building upon the strategies for inclusive leaders, this lecture gives special consideration to working towards neurodiversity inclusivity. 

Microaggression is a term used for commonplace verbal, behavioural or environmental comments, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward stigmatised or culturally marginalised groups.  This video investigates some of the more common forms of microaggressions in the workplace.

This lecture looks at the competencies shown by inclusive leaders.

Practical Activity - Assessing your Inclusive Leadership Traits

This practical activity asks you to review six statements looking at the traits of inclusive leaders and to rate yourself between 1 and 10 according to how your work with and demonstrate each trait.

Following this, you should get someone else to rate you - a friend, a colleague or a manager.

Compare and contrast the scores and using this information you can create an action plan to help you to develop further as an inclusive leader.

Quiz to Test your Knowledge of Inclusive Leadership
Inclusive Leadership Quiz
Leadership and Cross Cultural Communication

Cross cultural communication is a field of study that investigates how people from different cultural backgrounds communicate in similar and different ways amongst themselves and how they endeavour to communicate across cultures.

Learning some of the basics about culture and some of the language of communication in different countries is important.

An inclusive leader needs to demand mutual acceptance and understanding from everybody.

The Trompenaar and Hampden-Turner Cultural Model is a model of national culture differences is a framework for cross-cultural communication applied to general business and management.

Universalism is the belief that ideas and practices can be applied everywhere without modification, while particularism is the belief that circumstances dictate how ideas and practices should be applied.

Individualism refers to people regarding themselves as individuals, while communitarianism refers to people regarding themselves as part of a group.

A specific culture is one in which individuals have a large public space they readily share with others and small private space guard closely and share with only close friends and associates.  A diffuse culture is one in which public space and private space are similar in size and individuals guard their public space carefully, because entry into public space affords entry into private space as well.

A neutral culture is a culture in which emotions are held in check whereas an emotional culture is a culture in which emotions are expressed openly and naturally.

In an achievement culture, people are accorded status based on how well they perform their functions. In an ascription culture, status is based on who or what a person is.

A sequential time culture is the one in which the people like events to happen in a chronological order.  Synchronous time cultures see specific time periods as interwoven periods.

In inner directed cultures, people believe in controlling outcomes and have a dominant attitude toward environment. In outer directed cultures, people believe in letting things take their own course and have a more flexible attitude, characterised by a willingness to compromise and maintain harmony with nature.

Here are some final thoughts and further considerations as an inclusive leader around cross cultural communication.

Thinking about Thinking

This video explores how thinking works, what it means and considers some valuable examples of critical thinking.

Critical thinking is critical in diversity.  This lecture explains why.

This lecture defines critical thinking.

Critical thinking is critical in emotional intelligence.  This lecture explains why.

This lecture investigates some of the flaws that the brain has around thinking.

This lecture covers the two thinking systems as defined by psychologist Daniel Kahneman.

This video explores how we process information using the two thinking systems.

A look at some ways to improve critical thinking skills.

This lecture explores important values of inclusive leadership and how to develop habits and attitudes that overcome bias.

The lecture also covers critical questions that will help.

Further thoughts about thinking and further thoughts about inclusive leadership.

Practical Activity - An Exercise in Critical Thinking

This is a practical activity to test your critical thinking skills through a series of fun questions.

Conclusion to this Course on Inclusive Leadership

This is a practical activity to conclude the course.  It requires you to consider your goals and objectives for taking the course that you set for yourself at the beginning of the course.

You can easily build this activity into your team meetings to build and enhance your reputation as a leader. 

Using this well, will help you to develop the emotional intelligence of your team.

A few concluding thoughts around the course and around equality, diversion and inclusion.

Free stuff and a special offer on my other emotional intelligence courses.

This video will help you if you are having issues accessing your Certificate of Completion.

Bonus Lecture

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops leadership skills and knowledge with a focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion, which are key qualities of leaders
Taught by Robin Hills, who has experience in leadership and management
Relevant to managers and HR professionals or those who want to advance their careers in these fields
Emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness as core leadership traits
Provides hands-on practical activities to help learners apply the concepts of inclusive leadership
Requires learners to think critically and apply their learning in assignments, which may not be suitable for all learners

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Coming soon We're preparing activities for Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity. These are activities you can do either before, during, or after a course.

Career center

Learners who complete Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Diversity and Inclusion Trainer
Diversity and Inclusion Trainers are responsible for developing and delivering training programs that promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course would provide invaluable knowledge and skills for Diversity and Inclusion Trainers. The course modules cover key concepts such as defining equality, diversity, and inclusion, exploring unconscious bias, and developing inclusive leadership traits, all of which are essential for effective diversity and inclusion training.
Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Diversity and Inclusion Managers are responsible for developing and implementing strategies to promote diversity and inclusion within an organization. As such, the Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course aligns perfectly with their job responsibilities. The course modules cover topics such as defining equality, diversity, and inclusion, exploring unconscious bias, and developing inclusive leadership traits, all of which are crucial for success in this role.
Cross-Cultural Communication Specialist
Cross-Cultural Communication Specialists help organizations communicate effectively across cultural boundaries. A deep understanding of cultural diversity and the ability to effectively bridge cultural gaps are essential for success in this role. The Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course can help Cross-Cultural Communication Specialists develop these skills by providing a comprehensive understanding of cross-cultural communication, unconscious bias, and inclusive leadership strategies.
Diversity and Inclusion Advocate
Diversity and Inclusion Advocates work to promote and advocate for diversity and inclusion in various settings. The Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course can be a valuable resource for Diversity and Inclusion Advocates. The course modules cover topics such as defining equality, diversity, and inclusion, addressing unconscious bias, and developing inclusive leadership traits. This knowledge can help Diversity and Inclusion Advocates develop effective strategies and build strong alliances to promote inclusivity.
Intercultural Communication Consultant
Intercultural Communication Consultants help organizations and individuals navigate cross-cultural interactions and build effective relationships across cultures. The Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course can greatly benefit Intercultural Communication Consultants by providing a deep understanding of cross-cultural communication, the impact of unconscious bias, and the principles of inclusive leadership. The course modules on cultural communication, cultural factors, and inclusive leadership behaviors are directly relevant to the work of Intercultural Communication Consultants.
Educators play a critical role in shaping the minds of future generations and creating inclusive learning environments. The Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course can equip Educators with the knowledge and skills to promote equality and diversity in the classroom. The modules on defining equality, diversity, and inclusion, addressing unconscious bias, and embracing cultural differences will help Educators foster a welcoming and equitable learning environment for all students.
Equity and Inclusion Consultant
Equity and Inclusion Consultants work with organizations to develop and implement policies, programs, and practices that promote equity and inclusion for all employees. The Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course delves into key concepts like unconscious bias, inclusive leadership traits, and communication across cultures. This understanding would be invaluable in an Equity and Inclusion Consultant role.
Diversity Officer
Diversity Officers work to make teams more diverse and inclusive. In a similar way, an Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course helps the learner develop and apply their skills as an inclusive leader. This course can be extremely useful in defining equality, diversity, and inclusion, discovering the impact of bias, demonstrating inclusive leadership traits, and describing how to inspire and foster respect through equality and diversity work.
Nonprofit Executive Director
Nonprofit Executive Directors oversee the operations of nonprofit organizations and lead their teams to achieve their missions. They would find the Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course particularly helpful in refining their leadership and communication skills. The lessons on unconscious bias, inclusive leadership traits, and cultural communication are invaluable for fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment within nonprofit organizations.
Mediators facilitate the resolution of disputes and conflicts. The Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course can be very useful for Mediators as it explores the impact of bias and unconscious bias in equality and diversity, emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, and provides practical strategies for giving and receiving feedback. These skills are essential for Mediators to effectively facilitate constructive dialogue and promote fair outcomes.
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Managers work to ensure that organizations are compliant with employment laws, regulations, and best practices. An Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course helps the learner lead inclusively, develop critical thinking skills, and communicate effectively. These are all essential skills for a Human Resources Manager.
Corporate Trainer
Corporate Trainers are tasked with creating and delivering training that enhances the productivity and capabilities of employees in an organization. An Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course helps the learner develop critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills through the lens of diversity and inclusion. This course may come in handy for Corporate Trainers.
Social Worker
Social Workers provide support services to individuals, families, groups, and communities to help them cope with social, emotional, or economic challenges. An Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course can be very useful for Social Workers as it provides insights into fostering respect through equality and diversity work, effectively communicating across cultures, and analyzing the impact of cultural factors on communication. These skills are essential for Social Workers to promote inclusivity and provide culturally competent care.
Counselors provide support, guidance, and advice to individuals and groups to help them overcome personal, social, or psychological challenges. The Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity course explores the psychology of equality and diversity to help you grow your team and organization, enhance performance, and improve personal satisfaction. This course may help you integrate inclusive leadership into your counseling practice.
Community Outreach Manager
Community Outreach Managers are responsible for creating and managing programs that connect organizations with the communities they serve. Courses like Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity can be useful for Community Outreach Managers who want to learn how to work with equality, diversity, and inclusion to lead more effectively and build stronger relationships with the community.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity.
Provides additional information on cultural dimensions and provides insights on how these dimensions shape different business practices. It good complement to the course material on cultural factors and international communication.
Supplemental material on building on and applying EQ in the workplace. Plenty of situational examples are used to demonstrate the application of EQ in practice.
Explores the neuroscience behind emotional intelligence and provides practical tips for developing your EQ. It valuable resource for leaders who want to improve their self-awareness and build stronger relationships with their teams.
Explores the cultural elements that make some groups more successful than others. It provides insights into team dynamics, collaboration, and communication. A good supplement to this course in understanding the importance of culture in shaping leadership and team performance.
Explores the strengths and challenges of introverts in the workplace. It provides insights into how to create a more inclusive environment for introverts and leverage their unique contributions. A valuable read for leaders looking to build more inclusive teams and maximize the potential of all their employees.


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