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Nursing Informatics Leadership Theory and Practice

Daniel J. Pesut, Ph.D., RN, FAAN

“By the end of this Course, you will be able to…”

• Evaluate effective leadership styles for leadership in nursing informatics in clinical or academic contexts to improve leadership success.

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“By the end of this Course, you will be able to…”

• Evaluate effective leadership styles for leadership in nursing informatics in clinical or academic contexts to improve leadership success.

• Discover core values that support effective nursing informatics leadership in academic and clinical contexts to inform development of a personal leadership mission statement.

• Discover competing values and polarities related to knowledge leadership and management to promote successful leadership collaboration.

• Determine your personal informatics leadership style based on results from the Minnesota Informatics Leadership Inventory to inform successful leadership practice.

• Discuss the value and importance of foresight leadership in nursing informatics to anticipate trends and consequences that are likely to transform the learning health care system

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Evaluate effective leadership styles for leadership in nursing informatics in clinical or academic contexts to improve your leadership success
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Overview: In this module we explore the knowledge complexity archetype and its relationship to leadership. Leadership Scholar Robert Dilts suggests effective leadership involves a mixture of several types of leadership ability. Self-skills have to do with how the leader deploys themselves in situations. Relational skills have to do with the ability to understand, communicate and motivate other people. Strategic thinking skills are necessary to define a desired state with specific goals and objectives. Finally, systemic thinking skills are used to define not only the problem space of a situation or challenge but also the desired state and how to organize the teams and people in the system to achieve that desired state. Leadership requires mastery of self, communication, relationships, and mastery of the system. In this module several leadership styles are introduced, and you are invited to reflect on the ones that you most appreciate. Leaders must navigate and negotiate different levels of perspective as they turn visions into action. The Dilts Logical Levels of Leading and Learning conceptual model is a useful leadership framework to structure your thinking about leadership challenges. The model suggests the best leaders align environments, behaviors, capabilities, values and beliefs, identity, mission and visions to create a world to which people want to belong.
Discover core values that support effective nursing informatics leadership in academic and clinical contexts to inform development of a personal leadership mission statement, and development plan
Remember from the last module one of the logical levels of learning and leading was related to values and beliefs. One’s values and beliefs support one’s identity, purpose and mission and provide motivations to lead. Leadership scholar Richard Barrett has developed an evolutionary leadership model built on values and suggests becoming conscious of one’s values supports personal and professional development as people change and grow evolving from self-interest, to personal transformation and beyond to serve the common good. Values are linked with needs and motivations. As one’s needs are satisfied one evolves in terms of awareness, development, and focus. In this module you will have an opportunity to learn about Barrett’s seven levels model and complete a personal values assessment (PVA). You will be invited to reflect on how your personal values influence your leadership style. You will have the change to contemplate what values you want to strengthen and develop. Gaining insight into your needs and motivations will help you craft intentional leadership development plans. Using your values to create a personal leadership mission statement will help clarify your contributions to a group or organization and provide direction for professional development in the future.
Discover competing values and polarities related to knowledge leadership and management to promote successful leadership collaboration
Recall from earlier modules, leadership is about alignment of vision, mission, purpose, people and processes. Successful organizations and leaders find ways to manage competing values and polarities. Some people in the organization like to create, others compete, some prefer control and some prefer collaboration. Managing competing values promotes creativity and innovation as well as the positive aspects of control and competition. Preferences and perspectives associated with these competing values create polarity dynamics. Polarities are interdependent pairs of values or alternative points of view that seem contrary, yet need each other over time to achieved desired outcomes. Uncovering and managing the missing logic in a polarity dynamic which results from a clash of competing values is an essential informatics leadership skill. Developing an awareness and skills in polarity management will contribute to your leadership success and give you tools to enhance your flexibility and requisite leadership behaviors. The law of requisite variety suggests the agent with the most flexibility in a system will control the system. Mastering competing values and polarity management will support the development of your requisite variety leadership practices.
Reflect on results from the Minnesota Nursing Informatics Leadership Inventory (MNLI) to inform successful leadership development and practice
In this module you can review and reflect on your Minnesota Nursing Informatics Leadership Inventory (MNLI) results. You will also hear nursing informatics leaders speak to the requisite variety of leadership practices that support leadership success. How will the advice they share influence your thinking, feeling, and commitments to leadership action? With insights gained, you will have the chance to revise your personal leadership mission statement. What values guide your work? How does the way you lead influence the systems of care where you work? How do you communicate your leadership style to your peers and colleagues? How do your reflections influence in your thoughts, feelings and future plans for action? How will you develop the requisite leadership behaviors and practices to support your success?
Discuss the value and importance of foresight leadership in nursing informatics to anticipate trends and consequences that are likely to transform the learning health care system
Nursing foresight is the ability and act of forecasting what will be needed in the future in light of emergent health care trends that have consequences for population and planetary health, as well as the profession’s purpose, definition, professional scope, and standards of practice. Foresight leadership in nursing requires the development of future literacy skills. Futures literacy invites people to create and share stories about the future to inform current practice and realities. Nurses who bridge innovations across contexts must become time-conscious, future literate, and enact requisite variety leadership practices. This requires insight about self and others’ orientations toward time, appreciation for the value of innovation and design thinking and attention to active monitoring of industry trends, forecasts and disruptions. Foresight leadership is a function of discerning logical consequences of trends and developing vision based scenarios using futures thinking tools, techniques and methods. Nursing informatics leaders must stimulate strategic conversations about espoused visions looking backwards from the future. Foresight leadership helps people and organizations anticipate and create the future rather than react to emerging futures. Nursing informatics leaders are in a position to create a legacy and position organizations for success, through intentional use of foresight leadership knowledge, principles, practices and strategies.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Suitable for nursing professionals who want to enhance their leadership abilities in clinical or academic settings
Introduces various leadership styles and provides opportunities for self-reflection and development
Emphasizes the importance of values and provides tools for developing a personal leadership mission statement and development plan
Covers competing values and polarities in leadership, providing strategies for managing them in collaboration
Utilizes the Minnesota Nursing Informatics Leadership Inventory (MNLI) to provide insights into personal leadership style and development areas
Promotes foresight leadership skills for anticipating healthcare trends and shaping the future of nursing informatics

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Well received nursing informatics course

According to students, this Nursing Informatics course is well received and learners say the course gives them a very good overview of nursing informatics. Students found the course to be excellent and thought the course content was fantastic.
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"excellent course"
The course description does not mention how to get a certification..
There were some problems with video links.
"Some of the links to the videos /inventories did not work however.."
The course has a lot of reading assignments.
"Um pouco extenso e cansativo o curso por leituras longas e repetidas dos cursos anteriores mas bom."

Career center

Learners who complete Nursing Informatics Leadership Theory and Practice will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Chief Nursing Informatics Officer
Chief Nursing Informatics Officers lead the coordination of technology infrastructure and data in healthcare organizations. By taking this course, you can learn nursing informatics leadership theory and practice to improve your leadership success, discover core values that support effective nursing informatics leadership, and learn how to identify and manage competing values.
Nurse Executive
Nurse Executives plan, direct, coordinate, and evaluate nursing services and patient care. With the help of this course, you may gain a competitive advantage in this role with your knowledge of systematic thinking skills to define the problem space of a situation, as well as designing successful teams to achieve the desired outcome.
Health Informatics Manager
Health Informatics Managers lead the planning, development, and implementation of health information systems. This course will help you learn how to navigate and negotiate different levels of perspective as you turn visions into action. The Dilts Logical Levels of Leading and Learning model is a useful leadership framework to structure your thinking about leadership challenges.
Nursing Research Scientist
Nursing Research Scientists study nursing practice and patient care to improve patient outcomes. By taking this course, you may gain a competitive advantage by discovering the value and importance of foresight leadership in nursing informatics to anticipate trends and consequences that are likely to transform the learning health care system.
Nursing Education Specialist
Nursing Education Specialists develop and implement educational programs for nurses. This course may be useful because it will help you learn how to define a desired state with specific goals and objectives necessary to outline a curriculum.
Nurse Administrator
Nurse Administrators plan, direct, and coordinate patient care delivery in a variety of healthcare settings. By taking this course, you may gain a competitive advantage by reflecting on results from the Minnesota Nursing Informatics Leadership Inventory (MNLI) to inform successful leadership development and practice.
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Clinical Nurse Specialists provide advanced nursing care to patients with complex health conditions. This course may be useful because it will help you learn how to become conscious of your values, which supports personal and professional development as people change and grow.
Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Practitioners provide primary and specialty care to patients across the lifespan. By taking this course, you may gain a competitive advantage by understanding how to use foresight leadership knowledge, principles, practices, and strategies to stimulate strategic conversations about espoused visions.
Public Health Nurse
Public Health Nurses work to improve the health of communities. This course may be useful because it will help you learn how to manage competing values and polarities. Some people in the organization like to create, others compete, some prefer control and some prefer collaboration. Managing competing values promotes creativity and innovation.
Research Nurse
Research Nurses assist in the design, implementation, and management of research studies. By taking this course, you may gain a competitive advantage through the development of future literacy skills for insight about self and others’ orientations toward time.
School Nurse
School Nurses provide health care to students in schools. This course may be useful because it will help you learn how to communicate your leadership style to your peers and colleagues. How do your reflections influence in your thoughts, feelings and future plans for action?
Nurse Case Manager
Nurse Case Managers coordinate care for patients with complex health conditions. By taking this course, you may gain a competitive advantage by learning how to uncover and manage the missing logic in a polarity dynamic which results from a clash of competing values.
Nurse Anesthetist
Nurse Anesthetists administer anesthesia to patients during surgery and other procedures. This course may be useful because it will help you learn how to develop an awareness and skills in polarity management will contribute to your leadership success and give you tools to enhance your flexibility and requisite leadership behaviors.
Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner
Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners provide primary and specialty care to patients across the lifespan. By taking this course, you may gain a competitive advantage by learning how to align environments, behaviors, capabilities, values and beliefs, identity, mission and visions to create a world to which people want to belong.
Family Nurse Practitioner
Family Nurse Practitioners provide primary care to patients of all ages. This course may be useful because it will help you learn how to determine your personal informatics leadership style based on results from the Minnesota Informatics Leadership Inventory to inform successful leadership practice.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Nursing Informatics Leadership Theory and Practice.
This textbook provides an overview of nursing informatics, including its history, theory, and practice. It valuable resource for students, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who want to learn more about this field.
Provides a vision for the future of nursing. It valuable resource for nursing leaders and policymakers who are interested in shaping the future of the profession.
Provides a comprehensive overview of nursing leadership and management. It valuable resource for nurses who want to develop their leadership skills.
Provides a framework for understanding why successful companies fail. It valuable resource for nursing leaders who are interested in leading innovation in their organizations.
Provides a comprehensive overview of leadership and nursing care management. It valuable resource for nurses who want to develop their leadership skills.
Provides a comprehensive overview of nursing research. It valuable resource for students, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who want to learn more about this field.
Provides a comprehensive overview of nursing informatics. It valuable resource for students, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who want to learn more about this field.
Provides an overview of the competency-based education movement in nursing and healthcare. It valuable resource for nursing educators, administrators, and policymakers who are interested in learning more about this approach to education.
Provides an introduction to health informatics. It valuable resource for students, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who want to learn more about this field.


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