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Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos

Rosa Porqueras, Félix Lugo, Lola Ojeda, Santiago Dexeus, and Montserrat Manubens

¿Alguna ves te has preguntado si las pastillas anticonceptivas engordan, producen cancer o infertilidad, por cuanto tiempo se pueden tomar y como actúan? o eres de las personas que quiere saber si existen otros métodos anticonceptivos hormonales que se adapten a ti, o si tu eres una buena candidata para usar el DIU hormonal.

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¿Alguna ves te has preguntado si las pastillas anticonceptivas engordan, producen cancer o infertilidad, por cuanto tiempo se pueden tomar y como actúan? o eres de las personas que quiere saber si existen otros métodos anticonceptivos hormonales que se adapten a ti, o si tu eres una buena candidata para usar el DIU hormonal.

Este curso da respuesta a muchas preguntas, dudas e inquietudes frecuentes y está dirigido a cualquier persona interesado por los métodos anticonceptivos hormonales, los cuales sin duda alguna han evolucionado para bien durante las últimas décadas consiguiendo métodos anticonceptivos de muy bajas dosis, altamente efectivos con muchos beneficios adicionales entre ellos la prevención de cáncer de Ovario y de endometrio, y por si fuera poco con muy pocas contraindicaciones, pudiendo ser usados por la gran mayoría de mujeres.

Este curso está pensado para poder ser completado por cualquier persona sin importar su conocimiento sobre el tema, puesto que las presentaciones son amenas, en un lenguaje muy didáctico y sencillo adaptado al público en general, sin perder el rigor académico de los profesores doctores que lo imparten.

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What's inside


Descripción y puesta al día de la evolución y grandes avances que se han conseguido en los métodos anticonceptivos hormonales a lo largo de estas últimas 6 décadas.
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Los Adolescentes es uno de los grupos etarios más vulnerables a la hora de presentar un Embarazo NO deseado, ya que puede afectarse de forma importante tanto su desarrollo personal como su relación en pareja y dentro de la sociedad afectando sus estudios, trabajos y la búsqueda de su identidad global. Por esto la importancia de este módulo cuyo contenido busca facilitar la prevención eficaz de una gestación no deseada.
Un embarazo en la Perimenopausia que llega en un momento inoportuno o cuando NO se espera, conlleva en la mayoría de los casos ciertas dificultades, sin embargo existe la creencia generalizada de que a estas edades es imposible quedar embarazada, nada as lejos de la realidad. Este módulo trata sobre este tema y proporciona el conocimiento básico para responder las dudas y desmitificar falsas creencias sobre la Perimenopausia , Anticoncepción Hormonal y Embarazo.
La paciente con diagnóstico de Cáncer puede necesitar como cualquier otra paciente de un Asesoramiento Contraceptivo correcto, adecuado y oportuno, que le permita decidir de la mejor manera sobre su futuro gestacional.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Engloba la experiencia de médicos doctores como Rosa Porqueras, Félix Lugo, Lola Ojeda, Santiago Dexeus, Montserrat Manubens
Ideal para todo interesado en métodos anticonceptivos hormonales
Explica en profundidad la evolución de los últimos 60 años en métodos anticonceptivos hormonales
Presenta información sobre la anticoncepción en la adolescencia, la perimenopausia y en pacientes con cáncer ginecológico
Con un lenguaje didáctico y sencillo que lo hace accesible al público en general
No se requieren conocimientos previos sobre el tema

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Reviews summary

Anticoncepción hormonal simplificada para todos

Los estudiantes describen este curso como "excelente" y "muy informativo". Dicen que es completo y fácil de entender, incluso para quienes no son profesionales médicos. El curso cubre una amplia gama de temas relacionados con la anticoncepción hormonal, desde los conceptos básicos hasta temas más avanzados. Los estudiantes encuentran que los materiales son claros y concisos, y aprecian la inclusión de recursos adicionales como lecturas y materiales de referencia. En general, los estudiantes recomiendan encarecidamente este curso a cualquier persona interesada en aprender más sobre anticoncepción hormonal.
El curso presenta las perspectivas de médicos e investigadores expertos en el campo.
"Excelente curso para personas que no son del área de salud ya que tiene una introducción muy completa y para aquellos del sector es un curso complementario ya que abarca patologías frecuentes en la consulta y te ayuda a responder un adecuado tratamiento."
El curso cubre una amplia gama de temas relacionados con la anticoncepción hormonal.
"Un curso muy interesante sobre las generalidades del uso de anticonceptivos. Fue muy informativo y fácilmente entendible. Felicidades, me gustó mucho."
"El curso cumple con el objetivo, enseñar los tipos de anticonceptivos hormonales, sus funciones e implementación según las características de la persona."
"Buen curso, con lectura complementaria que facilita la comprensión de los videos."
El curso está diseñado para ser accesible para personas con todos los niveles de conocimiento previo.
"Excelente curso para eliminar mitos y estigmas sobre la anticoncepción"
"Es un buen curso, aunque quizás sea un tanto básico para los médicos, es útil para recordar algunos términos y aprender sobre la realidad epidemiológica en España."
"El curso se encuentra muy bien estructurado, logré aprender bastante en lo que respecta a métodos de planificación..."
El curso brinda información integral sobre anticoncepción hormonal, abarcando temas avanzados.
"Excelente curso. Muy completo y con información muy pertinente."
"Excelente curso, aborda todos los temas necesarios para un medico general."
"Muy completo y entendible, con una gran cantidad de material! 100% recomendado"
Algunos estudiantes encuentran que las preguntas del cuestionario son confusas o difíciles de entender.
"las evaluaciones eran muy confusas, y muchas veces las preguntas no estaban completas, por lo que no se comprendía lo que se quería preguntar"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos with these activities:
Review ovaries hormones
This activity will prepare you to understand the role of ovaries hormones in hormonal contraception, and could make it easier for you to understand the finer nuances of the course.
Browse courses on Hormones
Show steps
  • Make a list of the different ovarian hormones you can recall.
  • Use a textbook or website to fill in any gaps in your knowledge of ovarian hormones.
  • Be sure you can describe the role of each of these hormones.
Seeking Mentorship
Finding mentors who can share their expertise and provide guidance can significantly enhance your learning journey.
Show steps
  • Identify individuals in the field of hormonal contraception or reproductive health who you admire and respect.
  • Reach out and introduce yourself, expressing your interest in their mentorship.
  • Be specific about what you hope to gain from the mentorship.
  • Follow up regularly and actively engage in your mentorship.
Reviewing Basic Biology
Revisiting the basics of biology can provide a solid foundation for understanding the mechanisms of hormonal contraception.
Show steps
  • Review your notes or textbooks on basic biology concepts related to the reproductive system.
  • Focus on topics such as the menstrual cycle, hormones, and the anatomy of the reproductive organs.
  • Complete practice questions or quizzes to test your understanding.
Five other activities
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Reviewing Contraceptive Methods
Regular practice with contraceptive-related questions will help cement your knowledge of the varying methods discussed during the lectures.
Show steps
  • Attempt the practice questions provided at the end of each module.
  • Go through the feedback and explanations for each question thoroughly.
  • Repeat practice questions at regular intervals.
Group Discussion
Engaging in discussions with peers will provide you with diverse perspectives, challenge your understanding, and enhance your overall learning experience.
Show steps
  • Find a study partner or form a small group with other learners.
  • Choose a specific topic related to hormonal contraception to discuss.
  • Prepare for the discussion by reviewing the relevant course materials.
  • Actively participate in the discussion, sharing your thoughts and listening to others.
Creating a Visual Aid
Creating visual aids allows for better retention of information and can help you identify any areas where you may need further clarification.
Show steps
  • Choose a specific topic related to hormonal contraception that you would like to focus on.
  • Gather relevant information from the course materials and external sources.
  • Organize the information in a visually appealing manner, such as a diagram, infographic, or presentation.
  • Present your visual aid to others and gather feedback.
Developing an Educational Brochure
Creating an educational brochure will allow you to synthesize your knowledge, effectively communicate key information, and potentially benefit others seeking information about hormonal contraception.
Show steps
  • Determine the target audience and purpose of your brochure.
  • Research and gather comprehensive information on hormonal contraception.
  • Organize and present the information in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner.
  • Proofread and edit your brochure carefully.
Literature Review
Conducting a literature review will provide you with in-depth knowledge and allow you to critically evaluate the latest research findings in the field of hormonal contraception.
Show steps
  • Identify a specific topic or question related to hormonal contraception that you want to explore.
  • Search for and gather relevant research articles from credible sources.
  • Critically analyze the articles, evaluating their methodology, results, and conclusions.
  • Synthesize the findings and write a comprehensive literature review.

Career center

Learners who complete Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Obstetrician-Gynecologists provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and beyond. This role typically requires a medical degree and residency training in obstetrics and gynecology. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Obstetrician-Gynecologists stay up-to-date on the latest advances in hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for their patients.
Physician Assistant
Physician Assistants provide medical care to patients under the supervision of a physician. This role typically requires a master's degree in physician assistant studies. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Physician Assistants build a foundation in hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for their patients.
Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Practitioners provide primary care to patients across the lifespan. This role typically requires a master's degree in nursing. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Nurse Practitioners build a foundation in hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for their patients.
Sex Educator
Sex Educators provide information and support to individuals and families about sexual health, contraception, and pregnancy. This role may require a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as public health, health education, or social work. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Sex Educators build a foundation in hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for their clients.
Family Planning Counselor
Family Planning Counselors provide information and support to individuals and families about contraception, pregnancy, and sexual health. This role may require a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as social work, nursing, or public health. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Family Planning Counselors build a foundation in hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for their clients.
Women's Health Nurse Practitioner
Women's Health Nurse Practitioners provide care to women across the lifespan, with a focus on reproductive health. This role typically requires a master's degree in nursing. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Women's Health Nurse Practitioners build a foundation in hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for their patients.
Reproductive Health Specialist
Reproductive Health Specialists provide care to women and men with a variety of reproductive health issues, including contraception, infertility, and sexually transmitted infections. This role may require a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as public health, health education, or nursing. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Reproductive Health Specialists build a foundation in hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for their patients.
Planned Parenthood Educator
Planned Parenthood Educators provide information and support to individuals and families about sexual health, contraception, and pregnancy. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as public health, health education, or social work. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Planned Parenthood Educators build a foundation in hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for their clients.
Public Health Nurse
Public Health Nurses provide care to individuals and families in a variety of settings, including schools, clinics, and community centers. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in nursing. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Public Health Nurses learn more about hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for many of the populations they serve.
Pharmacists dispense medications and provide information about their use to patients. This role typically requires a doctor of pharmacy degree. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Pharmacists learn more about hormonal contraception, which is a common topic of discussion with their patients.
Health Educator
Health Educators develop and implement educational programs and materials to promote health and well-being. This role may require a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as public health, health education, or nursing. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course can help Health Educators learn more about hormonal contraception, which is an important topic for many of the populations they serve.
Midwives provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. This role typically requires a master's degree in midwifery or a related field. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course may be useful for Midwives who want to learn more about hormonal contraception, as this is a common topic of discussion with their patients.
Clinical Researcher
Clinical Researchers design and conduct clinical trials to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new medical treatments. This role typically requires a master's degree or PhD in a relevant field, such as pharmacology, public health, or clinical research. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course may be useful for Clinical Researchers who want to learn more about hormonal contraception, as this is a common topic of study in clinical trials.
School Nurse
School Nurses provide care to students in a school setting. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in nursing. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course may be useful for School Nurses who want to learn more about hormonal contraception, as this is a common topic of discussion with their students.
Social Worker
Social Workers provide support to individuals and families with a variety of social and emotional issues. This role typically requires a master's degree in social work. The Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos course may be useful for Social Workers who want to learn more about hormonal contraception, as this is a common topic of discussion with their clients.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos.
This comprehensive textbook provides an in-depth look at the science and practice of contraception. It covers a wide range of topics, from the history of contraception to the latest advances in contraceptive technology.
Este manual es una guía práctica para el uso de métodos anticonceptivos hormonales. Proporciona información detallada sobre los diferentes tipos de anticonceptivos hormonales, su eficacia y sus efectos secundarios.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of contraception. It covers a wide range of topics, from the history of contraception to the latest advances in contraceptive technology.
This report provides a comprehensive overview of contraception. It covers a wide range of topics, from the history of contraception to the latest advances in contraceptive technology.
Este libro ofrece una visión general completa de los anticonceptivos hormonales, incluyendo sus mecanismos de acción, eficacia y efectos secundarios.
Provides comprehensive information on contraception methods, including hormonal contraception. It covers the different types of hormonal contraceptives, their effectiveness, side effects, and how to choose the best option for you.
Este libro ofrece una perspectiva global sobre la salud reproductiva y la anticoncepción, incluyendo información sobre anticonceptivos hormonales y otros métodos anticonceptivos.
Este libro ofrece una visión general concisa y accesible de los métodos anticonceptivos, incluyendo los anticonceptivos hormonales, para profesionales de la salud y el público en general.
Provides reliable and up-to-date information on various methods of contraception to help young adults make informed decisions.


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