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Google Career Certificates and Galina Ryabova

Neste curso – com uma combinação de palestras em vídeo, demonstrações e atividades práticas – você conhecerá os principais componentes de um sistema operacional e verá como executar tarefas críticas, como gerenciamento de software e usuários, e configuração de hardware. Vamos terminar com um exemplo de como esse conteúdo pode acabar surgindo em uma entrevista.

Até o fim deste curso, você conseguirá:

● navegar pelos sistemas de arquivos do Windows e do Linux usando uma interface gráfica do usuário e um interpretador de linha de comando.

● configurar usuários, grupos e permissões de acesso a contas.

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Neste curso – com uma combinação de palestras em vídeo, demonstrações e atividades práticas – você conhecerá os principais componentes de um sistema operacional e verá como executar tarefas críticas, como gerenciamento de software e usuários, e configuração de hardware. Vamos terminar com um exemplo de como esse conteúdo pode acabar surgindo em uma entrevista.

Até o fim deste curso, você conseguirá:

● navegar pelos sistemas de arquivos do Windows e do Linux usando uma interface gráfica do usuário e um interpretador de linha de comando.

● configurar usuários, grupos e permissões de acesso a contas.

● instalar, configurar e remover softwares dos sistemas operacionais Windows e Linux.

● configurar partições de disco e sistemas de arquivos.

● entender como os processos do sistema funcionam e aprender a gerenciá-los.

● trabalhar com registros do sistema e ferramentas de conexão remota.

● utilizar o conhecimento do sistema operacional para solucionar problemas comuns a um especialista em suporte de TI.

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What's inside


Navegando no sistema
Olá! Este é o curso de sistemas operacionais da Certificação Profissional em Suporte de TI! Na primeira semana do curso, veremos os fundamentos dos sistemas operacionais (SO) Windows e Linux. Vamos entender como os diretórios/pastas e arquivos funcionam no Windows e no Linux. Você também conhecerá formas práticas de manipular arquivos e diretórios/pastas na interface gráfica do usuário (GUI) do Windows, na interface de linha de comando (CLI) do Windows e no Shell do Linux. Ao fim deste módulo, você vai interagir com arquivos e diretórios/pastas e realizar operações básicas de manipulação de texto nos sistemas operacionais Windows e Linux.
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Usuários e permissões
Na segunda semana do curso, vamos aprender a configurar usuários e permissões nos sistemas operacionais Windows e Linux. Como especialista em suporte de TI, é importante que você saiba como conceder permissões específicas a usuários e grupos tanto no Windows quanto no Linux. Ao fim deste módulo, você saberá adicionar, modificar e remover usuários de um computador e de arquivos e pastas específicos usando a GUI e a CLI do Windows e o shell do Linux.
Gerenciamento de pacotes e softwares
Na terceira semana do curso, vamos estudar o gerenciamento de pacotes e softwares nos sistemas operacionais Windows e Linux. É importante saber como a instalação de pacotes funciona e como os dispositivos e drivers são gerenciados nesses sistemas operacionais. Também vamos ver diferentes métodos de empacotamento e compactação de arquivos. Ao fim deste módulo, você saberá criar, atualizar e remover software usando a GUI do Windows, a CLI do Windows e o shell do Linux.
Sistemas de arquivo
Na quarta semana do curso, vamos ver sobre como os sistemas de arquivo funcionam nos sistemas operacionais Windows e Linux. Vamos estudar os tipos de sistema de arquivos e por que são diferentes em determinados sistemas operacionais. Falaremos sobre particionamento de disco e memória virtual e por que são ferramentas tão importantes para o especialista em suporte de TI. Além disso, veremos formas de montar, desmontar e corrigir sistemas de arquivo e mensurar o uso de discos. Ao fim deste módulo, você vai particionar e formatar uma unidade de disco no Windows e no Linux por conta própria.
Gerenciamento de processos
Na quinta semana do curso, estudaremos o gerenciamento de processos. Como especialista em suporte de TI, é importante usar as ferramentas do sistema para ler e entender os status de processo das máquinas. Veremos formas de iniciar e encerrar um processo no Windows e no Linux. Além disso, aplicaremos ferramentas de resolução de problemas para corrigir erros de processos e recursos. Ao fim deste módulo, você usará os comandos do Windows e do Linux para fazer uma manutenção de processo na prática.
Sistemas operacionais na prática
Parabéns, você chegou à última semana do curso! Nesta última semana, abordaremos alguns dos aspectos práticos dos sistemas operacionais que você usará o tempo todo trabalhando em suporte de TI. Vamos falar sobre acesso remoto e como solucionar problemas de um computador fisicamente distante. Vamos conhecer detalhes de ferramentas de virtualização para gerenciar e remover instâncias virtuais, usar logs para monitoramento do sistema e mostrar algumas técnicas para instalar sistemas operacionais. Ao fim deste módulo, você aplicará todo o conhecimento adquirido no curso para depurar alguns problemas nos sistemas Windows e Linux. Boa sorte!

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Parece ser ideal para profissionais de suporte de TI que desejam aprimorar seus conhecimentos e habilidades em administração de sistemas operacionais
Explora os principais elementos de sistemas operacionais, como gerenciamento de software e usuários, além da configuração de hardware
Aborda conceitos fundamentais de sistemas operacionais Windows e Linux, como gerenciamento de arquivos e permissões
Oferece uma compreensão abrangente do gerenciamento de processos e sistemas de arquivos, o que é crucial para profissionais de suporte de TI
Inclui atividades práticas, como manipulação de arquivos e configuração de usuários, reforçando o aprendizado
Exige conhecimentos prévios em sistemas operacionais para aproveitar totalmente o conteúdo

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Reviews summary

Sistemas operacionais para usuários avançados

Este curso, com 95% de avaliações de 4 e 5 estrelas, foi avaliado como bem recebido pelos alunos. Os alunos relataram que ele é abrangente, envolve muitos aspectos do suporte do sistema operacional e é ensinado por um instrutor competente. Ele também é altamente prático, com laboratórios para aplicação prática do conhecimento.
Professora simpática, dedicada e clara.
"A instrutora...demonstrou competência, dedicação e simpatia."
"Ela soube transmitir os conteúdos de forma clara, dinâmica e motivadora."
Laboratórios para aplicar o conhecimento.
"Os Labs sem dúvidas ajudam muito simulando situações reais."
"Ambiente de linha de comando ainda vai exigir muita persistência e práticas."
Abordagem ampla de tópicos de suporte de SO.
"Curso bastante abrangente, envolvendo diversos aspectos relacionados a suporte em sistemas operacionais."
"Além de todos os conhecimentos relacionados a TI, aproveitei o curso para treinar meu inglês"
Alguns laboratórios eram difíceis ou lentos.
"Estou atribuindo uma estrela apenas... O laboratório... apresenta problemas para envio das atividades realizadas na VM."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Sistemas Operacionais e Você: Tornando-se um Usuário Avançado with these activities:
Assist peers in online forums or study groups
Enhance your understanding and reinforce concepts by helping others, while fostering a supportive learning community.
Show steps
  • Identify online forums or study groups related to operating systems.
  • Actively participate in discussions, providing assistance to peers.
  • Offer guidance on topics covered in the course, such as system administration, user management, and troubleshooting.
Mentor a new student in this course
This activity will provide you with an opportunity to reinforce your knowledge of the course material while also helping others to learn.
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  • Identify a new student in the course who could benefit from your help
  • Offer your assistance and schedule regular meetings to provide support
  • Review course material, answer questions, and provide guidance to the student
Review CompTIA A+ 220-1001 Certification Course
This course builds upon topics covered in the CompTIA A+ 220-1001 Certification. Reviewing the topics in that course will benefit you as you begin this course.
Browse courses on CompTIA A+
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  • Review the course syllabus and objectives
  • Read through the course materials
  • Take practice quizzes and exams
Seven other activities
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Show all ten activities
Explore Linux installation and maintenance guides
Strengthen your understanding of Linux installation and maintenance through hands-on tutorials.
Browse courses on Operating Systems
Show steps
  • Identify reputable sources for Linux installation and maintenance tutorials.
  • Follow step-by-step guides to install Linux on a virtual machine or spare computer.
  • Practice configuring and customizing your Linux system.
  • Troubleshoot common Linux installation and maintenance issues.
Practice using the command prompt to navigate the Windows file system
This course covers using the command prompt to navigate the Windows file system. Practicing these skills will help you master this topic.
Browse courses on Windows File System
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  • Open the command prompt
  • Use the cd command to change directories
  • Use the dir command to list the files and folders in a directory
  • Use the copy command to copy files from one directory to another
  • Use the move command to move files from one directory to another
Practice managing user permissions using command line
Solidify your skills in managing user permissions using the command line, a crucial aspect of system administration.
Browse courses on User Permissions
Show steps
  • Review the syntax and usage of commands like 'useradd', 'usermod', and 'passwd'.
  • Create and modify user accounts, set passwords, and adjust permissions using the command line.
  • Explore advanced techniques for managing user groups and file permissions.
Configure a virtual machine with different operating systems
Gain practical experience by setting up a virtual environment with multiple operating systems, mimicking real-world IT scenarios.
Browse courses on Virtualization
Show steps
  • Choose a virtualization software and install it on your computer.
  • Create virtual machines and install different operating systems like Windows, Linux, or macOS.
  • Configure network settings, storage, and other resources for each virtual machine.
  • Manage and monitor the virtual machines, ensuring smooth operation.
Create a presentation on the different types of Linux distributions
This course covers the different types of Linux distributions. Creating a presentation on this topic will help you learn about the different options available and how to choose the right one for your needs.
Browse courses on Linux Distributions
Show steps
  • Research the different types of Linux distributions
  • Create a presentation that includes information on the features, benefits, and drawbacks of each distribution
  • Present your presentation to a group of peers or colleagues
Volunteer at a local computer repair shop
This course covers troubleshooting and repairing computer hardware and software. Volunteering at a computer repair shop will give you hands-on experience with these tasks.
Show steps
  • Contact a local computer repair shop and inquire about volunteer opportunities
  • Attend a training session to learn about the shop's policies and procedures
  • Work with experienced technicians to troubleshoot and repair computers
Contribute to an open-source project related to operating systems
This course covers the fundamentals of operating systems. Contributing to an open-source project will give you practical experience with these concepts.
Browse courses on Operating Systems
Show steps
  • Find an open-source project that you are interested in contributing to
  • Read the project documentation and familiarize yourself with the codebase
  • Make a contribution to the project, such as fixing a bug or adding a new feature

Career center

Learners who complete Sistemas Operacionais e Você: Tornando-se um Usuário Avançado will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Network Administrator
Network Administrators are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of computer networks, including hardware, software, and security. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, configure disk partitions, and monitor logs.
Systems Administrator
Systems Administrators are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of computer systems, including hardware, software, and security. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, configure disk partitions, and monitor logs.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of databases, including hardware, software, and security. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, configure disk partitions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage databases.
IT Support Specialist
IT Support Specialists provide technical assistance to computer users, both in person and remotely. This role does not typically require an advanced degree, but applicants with a bachelor's degree may have an advantage. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations and how to work with files and directories, manage users and groups, install software, and configure hardware.
Cloud Architect
Cloud Architects design, build, and maintain cloud computing solutions. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage cloud computing environments.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, and maintain software applications. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to develop and debug software applications.
Web Developer
Web Developers design, develop, and maintain websites and web applications. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage web servers.
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmers design, develop, and maintain computer programs. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to develop and debug computer programs.
Information Security Analyst
Information Security Analysts protect computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage security systems.
Artificial Intelligence Engineer
Artificial Intelligence Engineers design, develop, and maintain artificial intelligence systems. This role typically requires a master's degree or PhD in computer science, artificial intelligence, or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage artificial intelligence tools and environments.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers build and maintain machine learning models. This role typically requires a master's degree or PhD in computer science, statistics, or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage machine learning tools and environments.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineers bridge the gap between software development and operations. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage DevOps tools and environments.
Security Engineer
Security Engineers protect computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage security systems.
Systems Analyst
Systems Analysts design, develop, and maintain computer systems. This role typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage systems analysis tools and environments.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to solve business problems and gain insights. This role typically requires a master's degree or PhD in computer science, statistics, or a related field. This course may be useful to advance in the career, as it teaches the fundamentals of systems operations on both Windows and Linux, including how to install and configure software, manage users and permissions, and monitor logs. Additionally, this course covers the basics of command line interfaces, which are often used to manage data science tools and environments.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Sistemas Operacionais e Você: Tornando-se um Usuário Avançado.
Explains the concepts and algorithms that form the foundation of operating systems. It good resource for understanding the foundational concepts of operating systems.
Provides a modern взгляд on operating systems. It covers the latest developments in the field and good resource for understanding the current state of the art.
Comprehensive guide to the internals of the Windows operating system. It good resource for understanding how Windows works.
Provides a comprehensive overview of embedded operating systems. It good resource for understanding the design and implementation of embedded operating systems.
Provides a comprehensive overview of operating systems. It good resource for understanding the foundational concepts of operating systems.


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