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Social Media Marketing

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Manage Your Social Strategies

In a 2018 survey of businesses, Buffer found that only 29% had effective social media marketing programs. A recent survey of consumers by Tomoson found 92% of consumers trust recommendations from other people over brand content, 70% found consumer reviews to be their second most trusted source, 47% read blogs developed by influencers and experts to discover new trends and new ideas and 35% used blogs to discover new products and services. Also, 20% of women who used social considered products promoted by bloggers they knew. Today, businesses and consumers use social media to make their purchase decisions. Created in 2014, this Specialization is updated every quarter to ensure you are receiving the most up-to-date training. The Social Media Marketing Specialization is designed to achieve two objectives. It gives you the social analytics tools, and training to help you become an influencer on social media. The course also gives you the knowledge and resources to build a complete social media marketing strategy – from consumer insights to final justification metrics. In each course, you will also receive special toolkits with timely information & when you pay for the Capstone, you receive a market planning toolkit. Each of the individual courses can be audited for free. To see more, visit each course: 1-What is Social?, 2-The Importance of Listening, 3-Engagement & Nurture Marketing Strategies, 4-Content, Advertising & Social IMC, 5-The Business of Social.

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From Northwestern University via Coursera
Hours 91
Instructor Randy Hlavac
Language English
Subjects Business Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Social Media Analyst 3 $24k

Social Media/ Blogger $33k

Social Media Host $33k

Social Media Adviser $35k

Mobile & Social Media $36k

Social Media Expert $41k

Media & Social Planner $44k

Social Media Researcher $45k

Associate Social Media $54k

Social Media Evangelist $75k

Digital Social Media $90k

Social Media SME $154k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


What is Social?

The “What Is Social?" MOOC is for business owners, executives, and marketing professionals who want to significantly improve their abilities to grow their social strategy using...

Coursera | Northwestern University



The Importance of Listening

In this second MOOC in the Social Marketing Specialization - "The Importance of Listening" - you will go deep into the Big Data of social and gain a more complete picture of what...

Coursera | Northwestern University



Engagement & Nurture Marketing Strategies

In this third course in the Social Marketing Specialization - "The Engagement & Nurture Marketing Strategies" - you will learn two of the most effective social strategies used by...

Coursera | Northwestern University



Content, Advertising & Social IMC (You were viewing this course)

Want your content to go viral? Who doesn't! It takes a thoughtful, integrated approach to make content that stands out in our increasingly oversaturated world. In this fourth...

Coursera | Northwestern University



The Business of Social

In a 2014 study of CEOs and CMOs, IBM found 63% wanted social strategies which generate business metrics while only 20% of businesses worldwide actually have them. This means...

Coursera | Northwestern University



Social Marketing Capstone Project

Your markets are on social and you need to be there. However, your social strategy needs to be based on the business metrics which define your success. This final Capstone Project...

Coursera | Northwestern University




Northwestern University

From Northwestern University via Coursera
Hours 91
Instructor Randy Hlavac
Language English
Subjects Business Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Social Media Analyst 3 $24k

Social Media/ Blogger $33k

Social Media Host $33k

Social Media Adviser $35k

Mobile & Social Media $36k

Social Media Expert $41k

Media & Social Planner $44k

Social Media Researcher $45k

Associate Social Media $54k

Social Media Evangelist $75k

Digital Social Media $90k

Social Media SME $154k

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