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Rachel Sheldon

في هذه الدورة التدريبية، ستتعلم كيفية إنشاء إستراتيجية مبيعات واردة ناجحة من خلال التواصل مع العملاء المحتملين الواعدين واكتسابهم. بعد تعلم أساسيات المبيعات الواردة ومسيرة المشتري، سوف تتعلم كيفية تطوير شخصية المشتري الخاصة بك وكذلك العثور على المشترين النشطين وتحديد أولوياتهم. سوف تكتشف كيفية الوصول إلى هؤلاء العملاء المحتملين من خلال إنشاء واستخدام تسلسل حملات التوعية. بعد ذلك، ستستخدم أطر التأهيل لتعريف وتحديد التفاصيل الخاصة بالعملاء المحتملين، بما في ذلك التحديات، الأهداف، الخطط؛ الجدول الزمني والنتائج والآثار؛ الميزانية والسلطة. سوف تتوج هذه الدورة التدريبية بتطبيق معارفك ومهاراتك الجديدة لتصميم عرض تقديمي مخصص للمبيعات ومشروع متعدد الخطوات لتطوير إستراتيجية مبيعات واردة.

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في هذه الدورة التدريبية، ستتعلم كيفية إنشاء إستراتيجية مبيعات واردة ناجحة من خلال التواصل مع العملاء المحتملين الواعدين واكتسابهم. بعد تعلم أساسيات المبيعات الواردة ومسيرة المشتري، سوف تتعلم كيفية تطوير شخصية المشتري الخاصة بك وكذلك العثور على المشترين النشطين وتحديد أولوياتهم. سوف تكتشف كيفية الوصول إلى هؤلاء العملاء المحتملين من خلال إنشاء واستخدام تسلسل حملات التوعية. بعد ذلك، ستستخدم أطر التأهيل لتعريف وتحديد التفاصيل الخاصة بالعملاء المحتملين، بما في ذلك التحديات، الأهداف، الخطط؛ الجدول الزمني والنتائج والآثار؛ الميزانية والسلطة. سوف تتوج هذه الدورة التدريبية بتطبيق معارفك ومهاراتك الجديدة لتصميم عرض تقديمي مخصص للمبيعات ومشروع متعدد الخطوات لتطوير إستراتيجية مبيعات واردة.

عند انتهاء هذه الدورة، ستكون قادرًا على:

• وصف أهمية المبيعات الواردة • تطوير إستراتيجية مبيعات واردة • إنشاء ملف تعريف العميل المثالي الخاص بك • تعريف العملاء المحتملين الداخليين وترتيب أولوياتهم • كيفية تطبيق البيع الإجتماعي • إثراء العملاء المحتملين • التواصل مع العملاء المحتملين • التواصل مع العملاء المحتملين عبر الهاتف أو البريد الإلكتروني • استخدام الأحداث المحفزة والاتصالات المشتركة للاتصال بالعملاء المحتملين • القيام بأنشطة في مجال التوعية • استخدام التكنولوجيا لأتمتة مجالات معينة من التوعية • التعرف على التحديات والأهداف والخطط الخاصة بالعميل المحتمل • فهم الجدول الزمني والعواقب والآثار الخاصة بالعميل المحتمل • وضع لمحة عامة عن ميزانية وسلطة العميل المحتمل • إنشاء عرض تقديمي مخصص للمبيعات

وخلال هذه الدورة التدريبية، ستكمل التمارين التي تسمح لك بتطبيق المهارات التي تعلمتها بطريقة عملية، مثل إنشاء ملف تعريف العميل، وكتابة رسائل البريد الإلكتروني إلى العملاء المحتملين، وطرح الأفكار في قائمة الأسئلة لمكالمة المبيعات، وإنشاء عرض تقديمي للمبيعات. ستقوم بتجميع أعمالك وإرسالها كمشروع في نهاية الدورة التدريبية.

هذه الدورة التدريبية مخصصة لأي شخص مهتم ببدء حياته المهنية في المبيعات - سواء أكنت تعمل على تغيير مهنتك وتسعى للحصول على وظيفية لأول مرة، أو ترغب في شحذ المهارات الخاصة بك في وظيفتك الحالية كمندوب مبيعات. لا يتطلب الأمر أي معارف أساسية أو خبرات كي تبدأ في ذلك.

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مقدمة إلى المبيعات الواردة
في الأسبوع الأول، سوف تتعرف على المبيعات الواردة وأهمية وجود إستراتيجية مبيعات واردة. سوف تتعلم أيضًا كيفية تحديد وتقييم رحلة المشتري لتحسين إستراتيجية المبيعات الخاصة بك.
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تحديد: العثور على المشترين النشطين وتصنيفهم
ستلقي هذا الأسبوع نظرة متعمقة على المرحلة الأولى من المبيعات الواردة. سوف تتعلم كيفية إنشاء نموذج يمثل شخصية المشتري لعميلك المحتمل. سوف تتعلم أيضًا كيفية تحديد المشترين النشطين وتصنيفهم وتحديد أولويات هؤلاء العملاء المحتملين. ستكمل التمرين "إنشاء ملف تعريف العميل المثالي الخاص بك"، وهو الجزء الأول من المشروع الذي ستسلمه في نهاية هذه الدورة التدريبية.
التواصل: التواصل مع العملاء المحتملين
في الأسبوع الثالث، سوف تركز على المرحلة الثانية من إستراتيجية المبيعات الواردة، ألا وهي التواصل. سوف تستكشف طريقة لتحديد نقاط الاتصال المختلفة مع العملاء المحتملين لتحقيق المبيعات الواردة وكيفية إنشاء سلاسل للاتصال بهم. وستتعرَّف أيضًا على كيفية استخدام التكنولوجيا للمساعدة في عملية التواصل الخاصة بك. ستكمل الجزء الثاني من مشروعك النهائي، وهو التواصل مع العملاء المحتملين عبر البريد الإلكتروني.
الاستكشاف: استخدام أطر عمل التأهيل لتحويل العملاء المحتملين إلى فرص قيّمة
في هذا الأسبوع ستحتاج إلى مزيد من التعمق في مرحلة الاستكشاف الخاصة بالمبيعات الواردة. سوف تتعلم كيفية استخدام أطر العمل المستخدمة في عملية تأهيل العميل لتحديد التحديات التي تواجه العميل المحتمل ومعرفة أهدافه ورغباته التي يريد أن يحققها وكذلك جدوله الزمني والمزيد لمعرفة ما إذا كان منتجك مناسبًا له أم لا. ستتعلم كيفية استخدام أطر العمل المستخدمة في عملية تأهيل العميل هذه لتحفيز العميل المحتمل على اتخاذ إجراء في عملية البيع. ستكمل أيضًا التمرين الثالث لمشروعك النهائي، أطر العمل المستخدمة في عملية تأهيل العميل لتحويل العميل المحتمل إلى عميل فعلي.
تقديم المشورة: إنشاء عرض تقديمي مخصص للمبيعات
في الأسبوع الأخير ستستكشف المرحلة الأخيرة من إستراتيجية المبيعات الواردة، هي تقديم النصح والمشورة. سوف تتعلم كيفية إنشاء عرض مبيعات مخصص يحفز المشتري ويساعده على تحقيق أهدافه. ستنهي الأسبوع بإكمال مشروعك النهائي، الذي يتكون من التدريبات التي قمت بها خلال الأسابيع السابقة بالإضافة إلى إنشاء نموذج لعرض مبيعات مخصص.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Taught by R. Sheldon, who is recognized for their work in building curriculum for the modern workforce
Useful for personal growth and development
Teaches industry standard practices for improving sales
Teaches learners how to use technology to help their sales process
Covers lead generation and refining through the use of frameworks and sequences
Builds a strong foundation for beginners who have little to no experience with sales

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in المبيعات الواردة with these activities:
Review lecture notes and course materials
As this course is delivered online, it is important to become acquainted with the online environment.
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  • View the course syllabus.
  • Review the online course platform.
Review Communication Skills
Brush up on fundamental communication techniques to ensure effective interactions with prospects and clients.
Browse courses on Communication Skills
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  • Review principles of active listening, empathy, and nonverbal communication.
  • Practice active listening exercises with a partner.
  • Analyze your own communication style and identify areas for improvement.
  • Seek feedback on your communication skills from a trusted source.
  • Attend a workshop or training session to enhance your communication abilities.
Attend Industry Conferences and Webinars
Expand your professional network, stay abreast of industry trends, and learn from sales experts.
Browse courses on Networking
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  • Identify relevant industry events and webinars.
  • Register and prepare for active participation.
  • Engage with speakers, attendees, and exhibitors.
  • Follow up with valuable connections.
  • Share insights and key takeaways with your team.
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Join a Sales Study Group
Connect with fellow sales professionals to exchange experiences, share insights, and support each other's growth.
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  • Reach out to colleagues or industry contacts.
  • Form a study group with a diverse range of perspectives.
  • Set regular meeting times and agendas.
  • Prepare discussion topics and case studies.
  • Engage in active listening, knowledge sharing, and constructive feedback.
Build a Sales Toolbox
Create a collection of valuable resources to support your sales efforts, including templates, scripts, and research materials.
Browse courses on Prospecting
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  • Identify your target market and research their needs.
  • Explore online resources, industry publications, and best practices.
  • Gather relevant templates, scripts, and case studies.
  • Organize your materials into a central location, such as a digital folder or cloud-based platform.
  • Review and update your toolbox regularly to keep it current and effective.
Complete online tutorials on sales techniques
Become familiar and comfortable using various sales techniques.
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  • Research online tutorials on sales techniques.
  • Choose 2-3 tutorials to complete.
Role-Play Sales Pitches
Engage in role-playing exercises to refine your sales presentation skills and develop confidence in handling objections.
Browse courses on Sales Techniques
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  • Identify common sales scenarios and objections.
  • Prepare tailored responses and value propositions.
  • Practice role-playing with colleagues or a mentor.
  • Record and review your role-plays to identify areas for improvement.
  • Seek feedback from your practice partner or mentor.
Participate in a study group with classmates
Reinforce concepts and share perspectives with peers to support your learning journey.
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  • Form a study group with 2-3 classmates.
  • Meet regularly to discuss course material
Explore Advanced Sales Techniques
Enhance your sales toolkit by learning advanced techniques for prospecting, qualifying leads, closing deals, and managing customer relationships.
Browse courses on Sales Strategies
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  • Identify areas where you want to improve your sales skills.
  • Research and select reputable online courses or tutorials.
  • Follow the tutorials diligently, completing all assignments and exercises.
  • Apply the techniques you learn to real-life sales situations.
  • Seek feedback from your colleagues or a mentor to refine your approach.
Practice role-playing sales scenarios
Develop confidence and enhance your ability to apply sales techniques.
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  • Identify different sales scenarios.
  • Role-play scenarios with classmates or colleagues.
Contribute to Open-Source Sales Tools
Enhance your technical skills and make a meaningful contribution to the sales community by participating in open-source projects.
Browse courses on Sales Tools
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  • Identify open-source sales tools that align with your interests and skills.
  • Review the project documentation and codebase.
  • Contribute bug fixes, feature enhancements, or documentation improvements.
  • Collaborate with other developers and maintain the open-source project.
  • Share your contributions with your team and the broader sales community.
Volunteer at a non-profit organization
Practice sales techniques and gain hands-on experience in a real-world setting.
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  • Research non-profit organizations that align with your interests.
  • Contact the organization and inquire about volunteering opportunities.
  • Attend volunteer training and participate in sales-related activities.
Develop a Sales Playbook
Create a comprehensive guide that outlines your sales process, best practices, and strategies for closing deals and exceeding targets.
Browse courses on Sales Strategy
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  • Gather input from your team and analyze your existing sales process.
  • Develop a step-by-step framework for prospecting, qualifying, and closing leads.
  • Include best practices for handling objections, negotiating contracts, and managing customer relationships.
  • Proofread and edit the playbook carefully to ensure clarity and accuracy.
Develop a sales pitch for a product or service
Apply the principles of sales and marketing to create a compelling sales pitch.
Show steps
  • Choose a product or service that you are familiar with.
  • Research the target audience for your sales pitch.
  • Develop a sales pitch that highlights the benefits and value of the product or service.

Career center

Learners who complete المبيعات الواردة will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Sales Representative
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Sales. It provides a foundation in the basics of inbound sales, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a sales presentation and close a deal. These skills are essential for success in sales, and this course can help you develop them.
Marketing Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Marketing. It provides a foundation in the basics of inbound marketing, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a marketing campaign and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in marketing, and this course can help you develop them.
Business Development Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Business Development. It provides a foundation in the basics of business development, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a business development plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in business development, and this course can help you develop them.
Account Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Account Management. It provides a foundation in the basics of account management, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create an account management plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in account management, and this course can help you develop them.
Customer Success Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Customer Success. It provides a foundation in the basics of customer success, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a customer success plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in customer success, and this course can help you develop them.
Sales Operations Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Sales Operations. It provides a foundation in the basics of sales operations, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a sales operations plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in sales operations, and this course can help you develop them.
Marketing Operations Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Marketing Operations. It provides a foundation in the basics of marketing operations, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a marketing operations plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in marketing operations, and this course can help you develop them.
Product Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Product Management. It provides a foundation in the basics of product management, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a product roadmap and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in product management, and this course can help you develop them.
Project Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Project Management. It provides a foundation in the basics of project management, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a project plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in project management, and this course can help you develop them.
Operations Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Operations Management. It provides a foundation in the basics of operations management, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create an operations plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in operations management, and this course can help you develop them.
Supply Chain Manager
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Supply Chain Management. It provides a foundation in the basics of supply chain management, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a supply chain plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in supply chain management, and this course can help you develop them.
Financial Analyst
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Financial Analysis. It provides a foundation in the basics of financial analysis, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a financial plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in financial analysis, and this course can help you develop them.
Business Analyst
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Business Analysis. It provides a foundation in the basics of business analysis, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a business analysis plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in business analysis, and this course can help you develop them.
Data Analyst
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Data Analysis. It provides a foundation in the basics of data analysis, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a data analysis plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in data analysis, and this course can help you develop them.
Software Engineer
This course may be useful for someone looking to enter the field of Software Engineering. It provides a foundation in the basics of software engineering, including lead generation, qualification, and nurturing. The course also covers how to create a software development plan and measure its success. These skills are essential for success in software engineering, and this course can help you develop them.

Reading list

We've selected 14 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in المبيعات الواردة.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the sales process from lead generation to close. It is particularly useful for readers who are new to sales or who are looking to improve their sales skills.
Provides insights into the mindset and behaviors of successful salespeople. It is particularly useful for readers who are looking to develop their sales skills and close more deals.
Provides a framework for asking questions that uncover a customer's needs and pain points. It is particularly useful for readers who are looking to improve their questioning skills and close more deals.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the sales process, from prospecting to closing. It is particularly useful for readers who are looking for a one-stop resource for all things sales.
Provides a framework for escaping the traditional 9-to-5 job and creating a more fulfilling life. It is particularly useful for readers who are looking to start their own business or who are looking for ways to work more efficiently.
Provides insights into how to start and run a successful business. It is particularly useful for readers who are looking for practical advice on how to build a business from the ground up.
Provides a framework for building a successful startup company. It is particularly useful for readers who are looking for practical advice on how to validate their business ideas and build a sustainable business.
Provides insights into how to build a successful startup company. It is particularly useful for readers who are looking for a philosophical approach to building a business.
Provides insights into the challenges of selling technology products to mainstream customers. It is particularly useful for readers who are looking for advice on how to bridge the gap between early adopters and mainstream customers.
Provides a framework for developing a good strategy. It is particularly useful for readers who are looking for advice on how to develop a strategy that is clear, concise, and actionable.


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