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Develop your Self Awareness with Emotional Intelligence

Robin Hills

Making sense of who you are in the world involves a good level of self-awareness; knowing your values and how your strengths and weaknesses can support you or limit you in your life.

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Making sense of who you are in the world involves a good level of self-awareness; knowing your values and how your strengths and weaknesses can support you or limit you in your life.

How you manage yourself - your thoughts and your feelings - depends upon how you well you understand your emotions, how control them and how use them as you make your way through life.

Understanding your self-awareness is one of the ways that you use your emotional intelligence.  The course covers the awareness part of how you manage your inner world of being. 

This course is a stand alone course for anyone interested in understanding themselves better and determining their core purpose, vocation or destiny in life.  It forms part of a comprehensive course that explores emotional intelligence in more depth. 

Emotions are not about being soft and fluffy, they are vital in help you to make hard, direct management decisions. Managing your emotions well can mean managing your life with more influence and impact. 

In this course, we will explore the way that you manage your emotions and how this drives your self-confidence, your beliefs about yourself, and how you work with your life goals. 

Within the course, you will discover how the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) can be used to develop your self-awareness.  Personality preferences are investigated, discussed, and correlated with various leadership situations involving people. Additional, specific study methodologies and assessment techniques are shared so that you can build upon this, if you are interested in taking this further.

Your behavioural preferences linked to the MBTI are explored to determine your personality type.  This will give you more self-awareness, a better understanding of yourself and others and will help you to make sense of who you are in the world.

You'll receive all the information that you need and will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away.

The course is made up of a series of lectures and contains downloadable resources. There are quizzes and a series of interactive practical activities that involve some engagement with other people and some reflection.

The course material makes up a one to two day workshop so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour's training.  It forms part of our advanced emotional intelligence course endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management.

PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activities that make up a fundamental part of the course.  Self-awareness cannot be developed through watching a few video lectures.  The course requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others.  I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.

The course has been a Udemy highly rated course and is featured in the Udemy for Business catalogue.  A few people are instructed to take the course under duress by their organisation.  Some of these learners have been known to leave low ratings without comments  - not the behaviour expected of someone engaged in exploring emotional intelligence.  Watch the preview lecture on The Challenges of Self-Awareness and emotional Intelligence.  This may give an explanation for this behaviour.

There are SEVEN practical activities included within the course that are designed to help you to develop your self-awareness.  All the activities require you do some work outside of the course.

These are:

  • Reflecting about this Emotional Intelligence Course

  • Assess your Self Perception

  • Working with your Values

  • Emotions and their Management

  • Determine your Behavioural Preferences

  • Defining your Life Goals

  • Learning Review

The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.

The course contains a series of Lightbulb Moments resource cards, which have been created to provide you with handy reminders of key points around topics covered within the course.

All PDFs can be completed online and are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant.

All videos are High Definition recorded in 1080p.

All videos have grammatically correct English captions.

Latest update - February 2024

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Develop your understanding of who you are; what your core purpose is, what your values are and what limits your success
  • Identify how to manage your emotions and feelings more effectively to have the impact that you need
  • Recognise the way that your regulate and control your emotions
  • Assess and evaluate your behavioral preferences to become more self-aware
  • Develop an understanding of the value of the myers briggs type indicator (mbti) and its application in self-awareness
  • Explore ways to grow and enhance your emotional intelligence


Introduction to this Self-Awareness Course

An introduction to this course about self-awareness and making sense of who you are in the world.

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This video gives details about this course on the Udemy platform and ways to get the most from it by using your emotional intelligence.

To make the course more fun, there are details of a specific practical activity - a competition - that will help you to work towards completing the course. Look for the letters that make up the word UDEMY that are hidden in some of the lectures to win a valuable prize. (No, it's not free access or a discount code for another course!)

Before we start the course, here is a practical activity that encourages you to think about why you are taking the course and what you want to get from it.

Emotional intelligence forms an important part of how we manage ourselves in the world and in our interactions with other people. This course is part of a series of similar courses to give a more in-depth understanding of what emotional intelligence is and how it can be applied.

This lecture gives an overview of the course on self-awareness giving details about the course structure and how this links to the course goals and learning objectives.

In this lecture, we'll look at what self-awareness is, the aspects of self-awareness and how you can develop it.  We'll, also. look at how self-awareness relates to emotional intelligence.

Becoming more self-aware and getting insights into their levels of emotional intelligence can be very challenging for some people. Often they react by getting defensive, apportioning blame and criticising others. This video explores some of the challenges when working with others resistant to developing their self-awareness and their emotional intelligence.

This lesson looks at the skill of giving and receiving feedback.  This is a fundamental skill needed for anyone wishing to become more self-aware.  It helps you to clarify your thoughts and to help others to understand your needs and interests.  

This lecture is a more in-depth look at self-awareness and the benefits that come from being more self-aware.

Assess your self perception and how others view your capability.

How perceptive are you about yourself?

Assess your self perception and how others view your capability through this practical activity.

If you are going to get the best out of this course, it is important that you complete this practical activity!

(I know that it is very easy to ignore this but you will not develop your understanding of your Self-Perception from just watching the video lectures!)

Feel better about yourself through improving the way that you regard yourself.

Your self-confidence is affected by how you think and feel about yourself - your self-regard. This lecture sets out the learning outcomes for this part of the course.

Examples that illustrate some of the behavioural characteristics of Self-Regard in practice.

What does a good level of self-confidence mean? This lecture gives some insights into good levels of self-regard.

Your sense of self-worth and what you think about yourself shapes how you act and react, how others treat you, and what kind of people show up in your life.

This quiz will give you some insights into your self-esteem.

Your beliefs about yourself can limit what you do and the results you get. This lecture looks at self limiting beliefs.

This lecture introduces the Johari window that helps you to think about what is known to you and others and what is not to you and others.

What are values and how are they involved in how you express yourself? This lecture gives an overview of your values underpinning your Self-Regard.

The review of this series of lectures on Self-Regard.

Assess your strengths and weaknesses by considering your values and get some feedback from others on their views.

This practical activity is very important in boosting your self confidence.  It enables you to assess your values and guides you around how these can lead to your strengths and your weaknesses.

The practical activity will help you to confidently determine and present your strengths and weaknesses.  This will be useful to you if you are seeking a promotion at work and if you are going for a job interview.

It is important that you complete practical activity, if you are going to get a better understanding of what your strengths and weaknesses are.  This is a standard question that is asked at every interview - either directly or indirectly.

(I know that it is very easy to ignore this but you will not develop your understanding of your values from just watching the video lectures!)

Understand more about your self awareness through your emotions and their management.

The learning outcomes for this part of the course on how you become more aware of your emotions and how to manage them more effectively through self-awareness.

Examples that illustrate some of the behavioural characteristics of Emotional Self-Awareness (or lack of) in practice.

Watch this one minute observation test to get an insight into emotional responses.

A series of posters covering the basic human emotions and how they are expressed on the face.

A look at emotional states, traits, moods and styles and find out more about what it means to be unable to identify and describe emotions in yourself.

You maybe confused about the terms emotions and feelings and how the two seem to be readily interchanged. This lesson helps to give a distinction between the two.

A look at the seven basic human emotions and how they are expressed on the face.

This lecture looks at the structure of the brain with a simple, but practical overview. It looks at where emotions are generated.

The biological purpose for emotions, how they develop and the reason why we experience them.

How emotions are viewed and how this has changed over time.

This lecture looks how you can start noticing your emotions so that you are in a position to begin managing them more effectively.

How you manage and handle your emotions depends upon a number of factors.  People fall into three distinctive styles for attending to and dealing with their emotions.  This lecture covers handling emotions by looking at the three distinctive styles.   

This lecture explores ways that you can master your emotions.

This lecture gives guidance about how you can become detached from your emotions in various circumstance.

A quick overview of this part of the course that covers emotional self-awareness. 

Assess how you work with various emotions that you experience and a look at alternative emotions.

The practical exercise that accompanies part of the course is looking at your emotional self-awareness. It gives you the chance to determine what triggers certain emotions in you, how and where you feel these emotions and some alternative ways of managing them.

If you are going to get a better understanding of the impact that various emotions have upon you, it is important that you complete this practical activity!  

(I know that it is very easy to ignore this activity but you will not develop your understanding of how emotions impact upon you and your reality from just watching the video lectures!)

The complete set of Lightbulb Moments cards looking at understanding emotions.

Determine through self awareness your strengths and natural tendencies. This section looks at behavioural preferences identified by Carl Jung.

An overview of this part of the course that is designed to give you more self-awareness around your behavioural preferences and how these impact upon your behaviour.

This exercise is an integral part of the course. 

It is important that you download and print off the booklet prior to watching the next series of video lectures.  This will help you as you work through this module. 

The booklet will help you to determine your behavioural preferences and your Behavioural Type with more confidence.  From this understanding, you will have a deeper insight into the awareness that you have of yourself and it will help you to understand the behaviours of other people.

This booklet is not interactive.  You will need to print the booklet and work with it manually as you watch the next four videos. 

A look at the behavioural preferences identified by Carl Jung that were further researched and developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs.

This lecture will help you to determine what energises you and how you get your energy. 

(NB  The spelling of "Extraversion" is not the commonly used version but the the version widely used in psychology. Extra is the Latin prefix for outside and extravert, as originally used (and spelled) by Jung, means someone who is turned outward.)

This lecture will help you to determine how you take in information from the outside world.

This lecture will help you to determine how you process information.

This lecture will help you to determine how you orientate yourself in the world.

Assessing your Type and some hints and tips when working with Type.

An overview of this part of the course on behavioural preferences.

This quiz will test your knowledge and understanding of behavioural preferences.

Understand more about your core purpose or vocation in life.

This lecture covers the learning outcomes for this part of the course on Self-Actualization.

Examples that illustrate some of the behavioural characteristics of Self-Actualization in practice.

What is your core purpose or your vocation in life?

This lecture covers setting goals and the importance of written goals.

There are problems with goal setting when goals are either unrealistic or are confused with plans.  This lecture explores goal setting and planning.

This video takes you through the 7 steps that will enable you to create the life of your life focused around your core purpose or vocation.

This lecture looks at how your beliefs help or restrict you.

Visualisation is a very powerful technique used to create a future for yourself based upon what you want.

This video looks at how to work with visualisations to improve performance and confidence and includes a variety of examples.

There is a set of Lightbulb Moments Cards on Visualisation available to download. These will help you as resource cards to remind you to practice your visualisation.

You can rewire your brain.  It takes effort but rewiring your brain will ensure that you take advantage of opportunities in life.

This lecture covers how affirmations can change your beliefs.

An overview and a review of this part of the course with details of the exercise to help you with your Self-Actualization.

Determine your core purpose in your life and set yourself some focused goals.

This practical activity helps you to define your core purpose or vocation in life.  It encourages you to think about precisely what your ideal world or lifestyle will be three years from today.  From this, you will be able to determine what goals you should put in place in a timely manner to achieve those outcomes that you are looking for.

If you are going to get a full understanding of the core purpose of your life, it is important that you complete this practical activity!  

(I know that it is very easy to ignore this but you will not develop your understanding of your core purpose from just watching the video lectures!)

A booklet for you to download that summarises the main points from the course.

This booklet brings together a lot of information presented within the course and provides 10 great tips to help you to improve your self-awareness and your emotional intelligence.

This is a practical activity to conclude this emotional intelligence course.  It requires you to consider your goals and objectives for taking the course that you set for yourself at the beginning of the course.

Free stuff and a special offer on my other emotional intelligence courses.

These Lightbulb Moments resource cards have been created to provide you with handy reminders of key points around topics covered within the course.

This video will help you if you are having issues accessing your Certificate of Completion.

Some free stuff and some special offers.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores emotions and how that management directly impacts life goals, confidence, and beliefs about oneself
Teaches ways to master emotions, making it more likely that you will influence and impact others
Offers opportunities for growth and enhancement of emotional intelligence
Helps learners understand what drives their self-confidence and beliefs about themselves
Provides a unique set of practical activities designed to help learners develop self-awareness
Requires learners to do some reflective thinking and get feedback to do the course

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Coming soon We're preparing activities for Develop your Self Awareness with Emotional Intelligence. These are activities you can do either before, during, or after a course.

Career center

Learners who complete Develop your Self Awareness with Emotional Intelligence will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Therapists work with individuals who are struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and addiction. Emotional intelligence is crucial for Therapists as it helps them to create a safe and supportive environment for their clients. This course can provide you with the knowledge and skills that you need to develop your emotional intelligence and build a successful career as a Therapist.
Counselors help clients identify and overcome challenges that they are facing in their lives. As a Counselor, emotional intelligence is a key skill as it allows you to understand and empathize with your clients. This course can help to further develop your emotional intelligence, and can also provide you with valuable tools and techniques that you can use in your work.
Emotional intelligence is a must-have for successful Negotiators. It helps them build trust and rapport, and to understand the needs and interests of all parties involved. This course can provide you with the skills and knowledge that you need to develop your emotional intelligence and become a more effective Negotiator.
Mediators help resolve disputes and conflicts. Emotional intelligence is crucial for Mediators because it allows them to remain neutral and build trust with all parties involved. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge that you need to develop your emotional intelligence and to become a successful Mediator.
Customer Service Manager
Emotional intelligence is important for any manager, but it is especially important in the field of customer service. Customer Service Managers must be able to understand the needs of customers and resolve their issues quickly and effectively. This course can provide you with the skills and knowledge that you need to develop your emotional intelligence and to become a more effective customer service leader.
Social Worker
Social Workers provide support and assistance to individuals, families, and communities who are facing challenges or need help. Strong emotional intelligence is critical for Social Workers as it enables them to effectively understand and support their clients. This course may help you to develop the emotional intelligence and skills that you need to succeed in this role.
As an educator, you play a vital role in the development of young people. Emotional intelligence can help you to connect with your students and to create a positive and supportive learning environment. This course will provide you with tools and strategies for developing your emotional intelligence, which can help you to be a more effective educator.
Human Resources Manager
A key part of being a Human Resources Manager is working with employees to resolve issues and help them to develop their careers. Emotional intelligence is important for Human Resources Managers as it allows them to understand the needs of employees and to create a positive and productive work environment. This course may help you to develop the skills and knowledge that you need to excel in this role.
Team Leader
A key part of being a Team Leader is working with and motivating your team to achieve common goals. Emotional intelligence is important for Team Leaders as it allows them to build strong relationships with their team members and to create a positive and productive work environment. This course may help you to develop the skills and knowledge that you need to excel in this role.
Sales Manager
Sales Managers are responsible for leading and motivating their sales teams. This course can help you to develop the skills and knowledge that you need to be a successful Sales Manager. By improving your emotional intelligence, you can build stronger relationships with your team members and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Project Manager
Emotional intelligence is essential for Project Managers who need to motivate and lead their teams to success. This course can help you to build the emotional intelligence and skills that you need to be an effective Project Manager. By learning how to manage your own emotions and the emotions of others, you can build a more productive and successful team.
Consultants are hired to provide expert advice and guidance to businesses and organizations. Having strong emotional intelligence can help Consultants to build relationships with clients and to effectively understand their needs. This course may help you to develop the skills and knowledge that you need to succeed in this in-demand field.
Recruiters are responsible for finding and hiring top talent for companies. Having strong emotional intelligence can help Recruiters to build relationships with candidates and to effectively assess their skills and experience. The skills you will learn in this course can help you to develop your emotional intelligence, which can help you to succeed in this role.
Life Coach
As a Life Coach, you will be responsible for motivating, encouraging, and helping clients overcome obstacles and achieve improvements in their personal and professional lives. This course on emotional intelligence could be valuable to you in this role as it can help you to better understand your own emotions and the emotions of others. This can help you to build stronger relationships with clients and to more effectively help them achieve their goals.
Entrepreneurs need to have a strong understanding of their own emotions and the emotions of others in order to be successful. This course on emotional intelligence can help you to build the skills you need to succeed in this challenging but rewarding field. By learning how to manage your emotions effectively, you can make better decisions, build stronger relationships, and achieve your goals.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Develop your Self Awareness with Emotional Intelligence.
Provides a comprehensive overview of self-awareness and its importance in personal and professional success. It offers practical exercises and tools to help you develop your self-awareness and use it to achieve your goals.
Explores the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace. It provides insights into how emotional intelligence can help you build strong relationships, manage stress, and achieve your career goals.
Provides a step-by-step guide to developing your emotional intelligence. It offers practical exercises and tools to help you improve your self-awareness, manage your emotions, and build strong relationships.
Provides a different perspective on introversion and its advantages. It challenges the common misconceptions about introverts and provides insights into how they can use their unique strengths to succeed in a world that values extroversion.
Explores the science of motivation and provides insights into what truly motivates people. It challenges the traditional view of motivation and offers a new understanding of how to motivate yourself and others.
Explores the concept of mindset and its impact on success. It provides insights into how our mindset can influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and offers strategies for developing a growth mindset.
Explores the concept of grit and its importance for success. It provides insights into how grit can help us overcome challenges and achieve our goals, and offers strategies for developing grit.
Provides a framework for personal and professional success. It offers practical principles and habits that can help you improve your effectiveness in all areas of your life.
Provides a collection of cognitive biases and fallacies that can cloud our thinking and lead to poor decisions. It offers practical strategies for overcoming these biases and making more rational decisions.
Provides a personal account of one woman's year-long experiment in happiness. It offers insights into what makes us happy and provides practical tips for increasing our happiness.


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