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Cuidados y procedimientos generales en la atención del recién nacido

Pablo Gálvez Ortega

En este curso los alumnos podrán identificar conceptos esenciales de la atención del recién nacido sano y de alto riesgo, sus clasificaciones y los cuidados pertinentes para la atención de los mismos. Reconocerán insumos y elementos necesarios para permitir una atención de alta calidad y reducir los riesgos que conlleva la atención neonatal, además de estrategias y habilidades, que les permitan desempeñarse posteriormente con estos pacientes en las áreas de la reanimación neonatal, alimentación y cuidados de la piel.

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Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Enseña los conceptos básicos en el cuidado de recién nacidos sanos y de alto riesgo
Proporciona pautas para la atención de alta calidad y la reducción de riesgos neonatales
Desarrolla estrategias y habilidades esenciales para el manejo de pacientes neonatales
Aborda temas específicos como reanimación neonatal, alimentación y cuidado de la piel
Está diseñado para profesionales de la salud que trabajan con recién nacidos
Ofrece información esencial para brindar atención integral a recién nacidos

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Reviews summary

Atención al recién nacido: fundamentos prácticos

Este curso profundiza en los cuidados y procedimientos esenciales para la atención de recién nacidos, con un enfoque en sus clasificaciones y las necesidades específicas del bebé prematuro. El contenido cumple con los más altos estándares de salud neonatal, brindando a los estudiantes una base sólida para brindar una atención de alta calidad. Los conceptos se transmiten a través de presentaciones de expertos, material de lectura integral y evaluaciones regulares, lo que garantiza un aprendizaje efectivo.
El curso podría beneficiarse de actualizaciones periódicas para garantizar que la información sea la más actualizada.
"excelente curso solo que como es del 2016 deberia actualizarse al 2023"
Cuenta con profesores calificados que comparten sus conocimientos y experiencia en el cuidado neonatal.
"Excelente, nada más que agregar, todo de forma clara y concisa."
"Un excelente curso, profesores y lecturas complementarias excelentes!"
Proporciona materiales de lectura completos para complementar las presentaciones de video, lo que permite una comprensión más profunda.
"Buenas metodologías, conocimientos para reforzar lo ya aprendido"
"Muy buen curso, 100% recomendable para todos los profesionales "
"muy buena teoria y apuntes, ademas de metodologia de aprendizaje"
Reconoce las necesidades especiales de los recién nacidos prematuros y aborda las estrategias y habilidades necesarias para su cuidado.
"sus clasificaciones y los cuidados pertinentes para la atención de los mismos. Reconocerán insumos y elementos necesarios para permitir una atención de alta calidad y reducir los riesgos que conlleva la atención neonatal, además de estrategias y habilidades, que les permitan desempeñarse posteriormente con estos pacientes en las áreas de la reanimación neonatal, alimentación y cuidados de la piel."
Proporciona una visión integral de la atención neonatal, cubriendo conceptos cruciales como clasificaciones, insumos necesarios y procedimientos iniciales.
"En este curso los alumnos podrán identificar conceptos esenciales de la atención del recién nacido sano y de alto riesgo, sus clasificaciones y los cuidados pertinentes para la atención de los mismos."
Aunque el curso proporciona una base teórica sólida, no incluye componentes prácticos, lo que puede ser una limitación para algunos estudiantes.


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Cuidados y procedimientos generales en la atención del recién nacido with these activities:
Review neonatal resuscitation guidelines
Prepare for the section on the initial steps of neonatal resuscitation by reviewing the current guidelines.
Show steps
  • Read through the American Heart Association's Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) guidelines.
  • Watch videos of neonatal resuscitation demonstrations.
  • Review the Apgar score and its use in assessing newborn health.
Explore online resources on neonatal nutrition
Expand your knowledge of neonatal nutrition by accessing and reviewing credible online resources.
Show steps
  • Visit websites of reputable organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.
  • Watch educational videos on infant feeding practices and nutritional guidelines.
  • Read articles and research papers on the latest developments in neonatal nutrition.
Sesiones de Estudio Colaborativo sobre Alimentación del Recién Nacido
Participa en sesiones de estudio colaborativo para discutir y aclarar conceptos sobre la alimentación del recién nacido, fortaleciendo tu comprensión.
Show steps
  • Forma un grupo de estudio con compañeros.
  • Selecciona los temas a abordar.
  • Prepara y presenta tus hallazgos al grupo.
Eight other activities
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Practice calculating gestational age and birth weight
Sharpen your clinical skills by practicing calculations related to gestational age and birth weight.
Show steps
  • Use online calculators or apps to practice calculating gestational age based on various parameters.
  • Calculate birth weight using different formulas and compare the results.
  • Analyze the factors that influence gestational age and birth weight.
Participa en un Simulacro de Reanimación Neonatal
Participa en un simulacro de reanimación neonatal para poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos en el curso y mejorar tus habilidades en situaciones de emergencia.
Show steps
  • Revisa los protocolos de reanimación neonatal.
  • Forma parte de un equipo de reanimación simulado.
  • Realiza procedimientos de reanimación según los protocolos establecidos.
Create a study guide for neonatal care
Reinforce your understanding of neonatal care concepts by creating a comprehensive study guide.
Show steps
  • Identify key topics covered in the course syllabus.
  • Gather notes, readings, and other course materials.
  • Organize and summarize the information into a coherent study guide.
  • Include diagrams, charts, and other visuals to enhance comprehension.
Host a study group for neonatal pharmacology
Engage in active learning and collaboration by organizing a study group focused on neonatal pharmacology.
Show steps
  • Gather a group of classmates interested in studying neonatal pharmacology together.
  • Choose a specific topic or area of focus for each session.
  • Take turns leading discussions, presenting information, and facilitating group activities.
Elabora un Mapa Conceptual sobre Cuidados de la Piel del Recién Nacido
Crea un mapa conceptual para organizar y visualizar los conocimientos adquiridos sobre los cuidados de la piel del recién nacido, mejorando tu comprensión y retención.
Show steps
  • Revisa los contenidos sobre cuidados de la piel del recién nacido.
  • Identifica los conceptos principales y sus relaciones.
  • Utiliza un software o una herramienta en línea para crear el mapa conceptual.
Attend a workshop on neonatal skin care
Deepen your understanding of neonatal skin care practices by attending a specialized workshop.
Show steps
  • Research and identify relevant workshops offered by hospitals or professional organizations.
  • Register for the workshop and participate actively.
  • Take notes, ask questions, and engage with the instructors and fellow attendees.
Offer guidance to fellow students or junior colleagues
Enhance your understanding of the material while supporting others by providing mentorship.
Show steps
  • Identify opportunities to assist classmates or junior colleagues who may be struggling with the course material.
  • Provide clear explanations, answer questions, and offer study tips.
  • Create a supportive and collaborative learning environment.
Develop a plan for implementing new protocols in a neonatal care unit
Apply your knowledge of neonatal care by creating a plan to improve practices in a real-world setting.
Show steps
  • Identify a specific area for improvement in a neonatal care unit.
  • Research best practices and evidence-based guidelines.
  • Develop a detailed plan outlining the proposed changes, implementation strategies, and expected outcomes.
  • Present your plan to relevant stakeholders for feedback and approval.

Career center

Learners who complete Cuidados y procedimientos generales en la atención del recién nacido will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse
Neonatal Intensive Care Nurses are responsible for monitoring and attending to ill or premature newborns who require specialized care. The skills and knowledge you will gain in this course, including the principles of newborn resuscitation and newborn skin care, will be of great value should you wish to pursue a career as a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse. This course may also be of use in providing you with background information for advanced degrees you will need to pursue for this profession.
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Neonatal Nurse Practitioners are registered nurses with advanced training who provide care to newborns in various settings. This course provides a solid foundation for entry into this profession by providing you with knowledge about the classification and care of newborns, as well as the principles of newborn resuscitation and nutrition.
Neonatal Physician Assistant
Neonatal Physician Assistants work under the supervision of neonatologists to provide care to newborns in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices. The knowledge and principles you will learn in this course, including those on newborn nutrition and skin care, will be valuable to you if you pursue a career as a Neonatal Physician Assistant.
Pediatric Nurse
Pediatric Nurses provide care to infants, children, and adolescents in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices. While the focus of this course is specifically on newborn care, the knowledge and skills you will gain may be useful to you in your role as a Pediatric Nurse.
Pediatricians specialize in providing medical care to infants, children, and adolescents. This course may be of use to you if you wish to pursue a profession in Pediatrics as it provides foundational knowledge and context. While a background in providing direct care to newborns is not usually a pathway to becoming a Pediatrician, you may find that grounding in this topic helps you provide more comprehensive care to your patients in the future.
Lactation Consultant
Lactation Consultants provide support and guidance to breastfeeding mothers. The foundational knowledge you will gain in this course regarding newborn nutrition and care may be of value if you wish to pursue a career as a Lactation Consultant.
Obstetricians specialize in providing medical care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. While the focus of this course is on newborn care and not the care of expectant mothers, you may find the information provided in this course to be useful foundational knowledge if you pursue a career as an Obstetrician.
Certified Nurse Midwife
Certified Nurse Midwives provide care to women throughout their pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period. They also provide care to newborns. While the principles and knowledge provided in this course focus specifically on newborn care, and Certified Nurse Midwives provide care to patients of all ages, the content may be useful as background knowledge for you as you move into your career.
Family Practice Physician
Family Practice Physicians provide primary care to patients of all ages, including newborns, children, and adults. This program may be useful as background knowledge if you pursue a profession in Family Practice, particularly for family medicine physicians who intend to work in practices that provide prenatal care.
Doulas provide physical, emotional, and informational support to women during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. While the focus of this course is on newborn care and not prenatal or postpartum care, you may find the information provided in this course to be useful foundational knowledge if you pursue a career as a Doula.
Childbirth Educator
Childbirth Educators provide education and support to expectant parents. While the focus of this course is on newborn care and not prenatal care, you may find the information provided in this course to be useful foundational knowledge if you pursue a career as a Childbirth Educator.
Healthcare Administrator
Healthcare Administrators plan, direct, and coordinate the provision of health care services. While the focus of this course is on newborn care and not healthcare administration, the foundational knowledge you will gain in this course regarding the healthcare system may be of value if you pursue a career as a Healthcare Administrator.
Public Health Nurse
Public Health Nurses work to improve the health of communities by providing education, resources, and support. While the focus of this course is on newborn care and not public health, the foundational knowledge you will gain in this course regarding newborn health may be of value if you pursue a career as a Public Health Nurse.
Medical Researcher
Medical Researchers design and conduct studies to investigate the causes and treatments of diseases. While the focus of this course is on newborn care and not medical research, the foundational knowledge you will gain in this course regarding newborn health may be of value if you pursue a career as a Medical Researcher.
Social Worker
Social Workers help people cope with difficult life circumstances. While the focus of this course is on newborn care and not social work, the foundational knowledge you will gain in this course regarding newborn health and care may be of value if you pursue a career as a Social Worker.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Cuidados y procedimientos generales en la atención del recién nacido.
Provides a comprehensive guide to the resuscitation of the newborn. It is written by a team of experienced neonatologists and valuable resource for neonatologists, pediatricians, and other healthcare professionals who work with newborns.
Provides a comprehensive overview of fetal and neonatal physiology. It is written by a team of leading neonatologists and valuable resource for students, residents, and neonatologists.
Una guía paso a paso sobre las técnicas de reanimación neonatal. Ofrece instrucciones claras e ilustradas para el manejo de recién nacidos en situaciones de emergencia.
Provides a comprehensive guide to breastfeeding. It is written by a team of experienced pediatricians and valuable resource for pediatricians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who work with breastfeeding mothers.
Este libro de texto clásico es una referencia integral para las enfermedades del recién nacido. Proporciona información detallada sobre la patología, el diagnóstico y el manejo de una amplia gama de condiciones que afectan a los recién nacidos.
Este libro proporciona una base fisiológica para la comprensión de la salud y la enfermedad del recién nacido. Es un recurso valioso para profesionales de la salud que buscan una comprensión profunda de los procesos fisiológicos que afectan a los recién nacidos.
Esta guía proporciona información basada en evidencia sobre la lactancia materna. Es un recurso esencial para profesionales de la salud que brindan apoyo y orientación a las madres que amamantan.
Este libro de texto integral cubre todos los aspectos de la pediatría, incluyendo el cuidado del recién nacido. Es un recurso valioso para estudiantes de medicina, residentes y profesionales que trabajan con niños.
Una guía para el cuidado de la piel del recién nacido. Cubre prácticas esenciales, como el baño, la hidratación y la prevención de infecciones.


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