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Strategic Management

Robert Austin

The world of business strategy is in transition. What used to work doesn't anymore -- not necessarily.

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The world of business strategy is in transition. What used to work doesn't anymore -- not necessarily.

This course prepares you to think strategically in an age when companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft have become more valuable (in market cap terms) than companies like Exxon. Today, business value and competitive advantage arise more often from consumer perceptions of what is "cool" than from physical assets or economies of scale.

In this course -- the first of a three-course specialization tailored specifically for the age of creativity and innovation -- you will gear up for the challenges of strategy formulation and implementation in a 21st century business.

After taking the course, you'll be able to:

- Explain why "doing" strategy is considered "the high point of managerial activity" (Mintzberg);

- Recognize and avoid the old, tired ideas about strategy that are still out there, so you can adopt fresher, better ideas;

- Point out how doing strategy has changed because of advancing technology and globalization;

- Prepare for the Capstone Project for the Strategic Management and Innovation Specialization

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What's inside


A 21st Century Approach to Business Strategy
A short intro to the Course.
What is strategy? And why do we care about it?
Strategy can mean a lot of things. In this module, you'll encounter examples of strategy in action that demonstrate what people mean when they talk about strategy. After completion of the module, you'll be able to: Describe examples of strategy in action; Recognize "strategic situations"; Explain the difference between strategy as "position" and strategy as "capability" (and why that matters).
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The Evolution of Strategy...Past Progress, Past Mistakes
Historically, strategy consulting and strategic planning have been big business. Companies have spent a lot over the years on sophisticated, high-brow "strategic" consulting. For a long time, consultants were the strategy "high-priests" of business. Until it all fell apart. Many past approaches have now fallen into disfavor, having risen spectacularly and failed even more spectacularly. Indeed, the history of business strategy making could be called a "March of Folly" (historian Barbara Tuchman uses this expression to describe a tendency in human history to repeat the same mistakes, again and again). This module explores what the past can teach us, how we might avoid repeating past mistakes.
Changing World, Changing Strategies
In the past several decades, a lot has changed in the world. Many more people and nations (China, India, Russia, etc) have joined the global market economy. The number of Internet users has skyrocketed and continues dramatically upward. Shipping traffic between countries has multiplied and also continues to grow. All this world change has changed the strategy situation of most companies in a big way. It means, for example, that companies in advanced economies have to compete against rivals that have structural cost advantages, because they operate in lower cost parts of the world. This module describes the shifted and shifting strategy landscape, due to the advance of technology and the relentless march of globalization.
Capstone Project Intro -- Strategy in a 21st Century Creative Company
An up-and-coming (and very ambitious) design firm is unexpectedly invited to bid for a work against more prominent competitors. The job: Design the logo and other elements of the public identity of the national sports team. Winning will vault e-Types to much greater prominence. Their work will be displayed on TV and on t-shirts. And they believe they have what it takes to win. But there's a problem. The e-Types designers, who have always thought of themselves as design revolutionaries, don't like the guidance they're receiving from this somewhat conservative client. In short, the designers think what the client is asking for is BORING. It's not the kind of work they want to do or be known for...now or ever! Meanwhile, more business oriented e-Types managers and staff can hardly believe what they're hearing from the designers -- don't they see the opportunity? This is business and there's money to be made. The designers should GET OVER THEMSELVES and satisfy the customer. Right? Controversy grips e-Types. At stake: what kind of company will they be going forward? Can they continue to be revolutionary and still satisfy their growth ambitions? Or is it time for them to "grow up" in order to appeal to a wider range of customers. The battle is on for the soul of this company -- what will YOU recommend?

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Examines strategy in the 21st century, emphasizing the growing importance of consumer perceptions in the digital age
Emphasizes the shift away from traditional ideas about strategy due to globalization and technological advancements
Explores the challenges and complexities of strategic formulation and implementation in an era of dynamic business landscapes
Introduces the concept of strategy as a high-level managerial activity and highlights its importance in business decision-making
Provides practical guidance for students preparing for the Capstone Project in Strategic Management and Innovation Specialization
Teaches through examples and case studies, making the concepts more relatable and applicable to real-world situations

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Learners say that Strategic Management is a well-received course with engaging assignments and a knowledgeable instructor. Students also appreciate the reasonable deadlines and clear communication.
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"Assignments are stimulating and encourage critical thinking."
Instructor is knowledgeable.
"Amazing professor, really knows his stuff."

Career center

Learners who complete Strategic Management will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Consultants advise companies on how to improve their business strategies. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful consultant, such as the ability to analyze complex business problems, develop creative solutions, and communicate your findings effectively.
Business Analyst
Business analysts help companies identify and solve business problems. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful business analyst, such as the ability to gather and analyze data, identify trends, and develop recommendations for improvement.
Project Manager
Project managers plan and execute projects to achieve specific goals. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful project manager, such as the ability to plan and manage projects, track progress, and communicate with stakeholders.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers develop and execute marketing campaigns to promote products and services. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful marketing manager, such as the ability to develop and execute marketing strategies, conduct market research, and manage marketing budgets.
Sales Manager
Sales managers lead and motivate sales teams to achieve sales goals. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful sales manager, such as the ability to develop and execute sales strategies, manage sales teams, and close deals.
Operations Manager
Operations managers plan and execute operations to achieve specific goals. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful operations manager, such as the ability to develop and execute operations plans, manage operations teams, and improve efficiency.
Human Resources Manager
Human resources managers develop and implement HR policies and procedures to support the organization's goals. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful human resources manager, such as the ability to develop and implement HR policies, manage employee relations, and recruit and hire new employees.
Financial Analyst
Financial analysts analyze financial data to make investment recommendations. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful financial analyst, such as the ability to analyze financial statements, identify trends, and make investment recommendations.
IT Manager
IT managers plan and manage IT systems to support the organization's goals. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful IT manager, such as the ability to develop and execute IT strategies, manage IT teams, and improve IT efficiency.
Data Analyst
Data analysts analyze data to identify trends and patterns. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful data analyst, such as the ability to gather and analyze data, identify trends, and develop recommendations for improvement.
Market Researcher
Market researchers conduct market research to identify and understand customer needs. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful market researcher, such as the ability to design and conduct market research studies, analyze data, and develop recommendations for improvement.
Business Development Manager
Business development managers identify and develop new business opportunities. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful business development manager, such as the ability to identify and develop new business opportunities, build relationships with customers, and close deals.
Entrepreneurs start and run their own businesses. This course can help you develop the skills you need to be a successful entrepreneur, such as the ability to identify and develop business opportunities, develop and execute business plans, and manage a business.
Investment Banker
Investment bankers help companies raise capital. This course may be useful for you if you are interested in a career in investment banking.
Nonprofit Executive Director
Nonprofit executive directors lead and manage nonprofit organizations. This course may be useful for you if you are interested in a career in nonprofit management.

Reading list

We've selected 14 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Strategic Management.
Provides a framework for understanding why large, successful companies often fail to innovate and are disrupted by smaller, more nimble competitors. It is particularly relevant to this course because it explores the challenges of strategic renewal in the face of technological change.
This classic work by Clayton Christensen explores why even the most successful companies can fail to innovate. It provides a framework for understanding the challenges of innovation and offers practical advice for how to overcome them.
This concise book provides a simple and effective framework for evaluating the quality of a strategy. It valuable tool for both students and practitioners who want to develop and implement better strategies.
This ancient Chinese military treatise provides timeless insights into the nature of strategy and competition. It is particularly useful for this course because it offers a philosophical perspective on strategic thinking that complements the more analytical approaches covered in other readings.
This practical guide provides a step-by-step process for developing and testing new products and services. It is essential reading for entrepreneurs and anyone who wants to learn more about the lean startup methodology.
This groundbreaking book introduces the concept of blue ocean strategy, a new way of thinking about competition. It provides a framework for creating new markets and making the competition irrelevant.
Provides a framework for understanding the characteristics of successful innovators. It is particularly relevant to this course because it helps students to develop the skills needed to drive strategic innovation within their organizations.
Challenges the conventional wisdom that companies should focus on a single, clear strategy. It is particularly relevant to this course because it explores the tensions between strategic commitment and flexibility.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of strategic management concepts and frameworks. It is particularly useful for this course because it provides a solid foundation in the subject matter.
Provides a framework for understanding the competitive forces that shape industries and markets. It is particularly relevant to this course because it helps students to develop an industry analysis.
Provides a framework for understanding the characteristics of successful companies. It is particularly useful for this course because it offers insights into how companies can achieve sustained growth and profitability.
Provides an introduction to the consulting methods and approaches used by McKinsey & Company. It is particularly useful for this course because it offers practical insights into how to develop and implement effective strategies.
Provides a framework for aligning organizational goals and objectives. It is particularly useful for this course because it offers practical tips for overcoming obstacles to successful strategy implementation.


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