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The Science of Motivating Yourself and Your Team

Lawrence M. Miller, Institute for Leadership Excellence

Your success is your ability to motivate and develop your team and team members. If they perform, you perform. This course will provide those skills that are critical to your success.

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Your success is your ability to motivate and develop your team and team members. If they perform, you perform. This course will provide those skills that are critical to your success.

Motivation is not a speech or pep talk. It is the skill of creating a worthy purpose, an effective team environment, designing work for intrinsic motivation, and using positive reinforcement in an effective way. This course will enable you to develop a system of sustained motivation for yourself and your team.

I have authored eleven books and the key to getting books published is simply the self-discipline to sit yourself down and write. I have been CEO of two companies and consulted with more than one hundred major corporations on improving human performance. In this course I have distilled the science of human behavior down to the essential practical lessons that every entrepreneur and manager must know and practice to succeed.

The topics covered in the course include the following:

  • Sources of Motivation

  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

  • Optimizing Social Reinforcement

  • Developing a System of Motivation

  • The ABC Model of Managing Behavior

  • Using Reinforcement Schedules

  • Is it a “Can’t Do” or a “Won’t Do?”

  • Managing Yourself. The Biggest Challenge.

What students are saying about this course:

  • "I love the detailed yet simple approach this course takes." Nikhil Shah

  • "Excellent content, actionable and well delivered. " David Davis

  • "Wow Great Course. Easy to understand with true life experience suggestions." Carolyn Swanson

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • To gain mastery over your own behavior and to maximize your influence over your employees and associates.
  • To learn a model of analyzing and solving human performance problems.
  • You will learn an inclusive model that includes spiritual, social and situational motivation.
  • To learn to apply the science of behavior management to yourself and others.
  • You will learn how lean management (toyota production system) employs the forces of motivation to engage and optimize human performance.
  • You will learn the "coaching kata", a simple and proven method of coaching others to improve specific skills and behavior.


They will understand the objectives, curriculum and background of the author.

Which is more difficult: motivating yourself, or motivating others? The answer is that if you master the skills of self-motivation you will also master the skills of motivating others.

The purpose of this course is to help you to be successful at managing the behavior of yourself and others.

The objectives are:

§To learn a model of analyzing and solving human performance problems.

§To develop the skills of coaching others.

§To help your team improve their own motivation and the motivation of others.

§To create a positive environment at work.

§To gain mastery over your own behavior.

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The Curriculum
They will learn a comprehensive, inclusive, understanding of the sources of motivation that can be applied to all human beings.

Where does motivation come from? The answer is not from one source. We derive motivation from a variety of sources and people have diverse interests and needs. Therefore, the job of the manager is to optimize all available sources of motivation.

This lecture presents several models: First, competency + motivation = performance; Second, motivation that is derived from within versus motivation that is derived from one's environment.

Finally, this session presents the hierarchy of motivation, a pyramid that begins with spiritual motivation or the motivation of a worthy purpose, the motivation derived from social relationships, and finally the situational motivation from one's immediate environment.

The need for a meaningful life and meaningful work is the most powerful source of motivation. The Purpose Principle defines the different sources of purpose in our life and how to find a worthy purpose in our work.

Attached is a PDF file that is a synopsis of my book, American Spirit, which includes a description of the purpose principle.

This lecture also describes how leaders can make use of the purpose principle to motivate others in their company or on their team.

The Power of Purpose - Exercise
The Hierarchy of Motivation

Our learning and motivation begins in our first "learning organization." The Family. It is where we learn to learn and develop our values. Most important, we learn to support and appreciate others.

For most of humankind's history we have worked in small groups, family units or family like units. The mass production model of specialized work and the divorce of decision making from the work, destroyed social motivation.

In his book Trust, Francis Fukuyama shares the research that links the radius of trust to economic activity. High trust cultures, those with an extended "radius of trust", develop more vibrant economies than low trust cultures. Similarly, organizations in which there is high trust have higher rates of innovation and economic growth.

Trust is the social bond that is the soil of innovation.

What can you do to increase social motivation?

  • Strengthen the bonds of your own team.
  • Build trust between your team and others.
  • Demonstrate empathy and mutual interest.
  • Recognize the team, large and small.
  • Celebrate together as a team.
Social Motivation - Exercise

Situational motivation is the motivation derived from the antecedents and consequences to our behavior. In this lecture is share my experience setting up the first free economy behind prison walls, a system to "make performance matter" for inmates, a simulated economy that rewarded good behavior. It is simply an example of how we can establish systems, either for others in our organization, or for own own motivation and self-management.

If you understand how antecedents to behavior gain their effect, you gain the power to manage your environment to prompt the behavior your desire. The key elements of analyzing behavior are the following:

First, pinpointing the desired behavior.

Second, gathering data on the current rate of performance.

Third, establishing antecedents to the desired behavior.

Fourth, establishing effective consequences that reinforce the desired behavior.

Situational Motivation Exercise
Social and Situational Motivation
The Science of Behavior Management

How you define terms matter in our understanding of motivation. The terms used in behavior analysis are empirically defined, meaning they are defined by the outcome.

  • Reinforcement is a stimulus that follows a behavior, a consequence, that results in an increased rate of response of that behavior.
  • Positive Reinforcement is the presentation of a reinforcing stimulus.
  • Negative Reinforcement is the removal of a stimulus that results in an increased rate of response.
  • Punishment is a stimulus that results in a decreased rate of response.
  • Extinction is the absence of any consequence that results in the eventual reduction of response.

Positive Reinforcement increases the rate of a response. However, there are many different types of reinforcement, all of which can be used to strengthen the behavior of yourself or your team.

  • Intrinsic or Extrinsic
  • Tangible or Social
  • Immediate or Long Term
  • Certain or Uncertain

Lean management, or Toyota Production System, is not only a technical system of just-in-time, kanbans, etc., but it is a social system built on the twin pillars of "respect for people" and "continuous improvement." These require establishing a culture of experimentation and positive reinforcement.

Honda and Toyota both adapted their culture to North America and both employ a good dose of behavior management practices. For example:

  • Toyota compensation is 75% base salary and 25% bonus based on a combination of individual and group performance.
  • Toyota practices the 4 to 1 principle – four positive to one negative comment or recognition.
  • Honda has a point system that rewards a variety of positive behavior.
  • You need to “make performance matter.”
Lean Management Exercise
How to Apply Behavior Management to Your Life and Work

Setting goals and objectives is one of the oldest and most important means of motivation. However, management by objectives became bureaucratic and demotivating. In this lecture I present the critical elements of successfully using goals and objectives.

  • Dream Big!
  • But, Target the Baby Steps
  • MBO & Self-Control
  • Engage and Gain Commitment
  • Visualize – Employ Visual Display
  • Plan Reinforcement Along the Way
  • PDCA
  • Engage in Reflection – Process it!
MBO & Self-Control
Intrinsic Motivation and Goals

When reinforcement is delivered matters a great deal. There is a wealth of scientific literature derived from experiments with not only mice and pigeons, but in organizations as well, that provide insight into the effect of different schedules. In this video I explore the advantages and disadvantages of each of the following:

  • Fixed interval schedules
  • Variable interval schedules
  • Fixed ratio schedules
  • Variable ratio schedules

All performance problems are either ones of "Can't Do" or "Won't Do" - either motivation of skill.

It is important to analyze a problem do determine whether it is one of skill or motivation because the solution is entirely different. All the consequences, positive reinforcement or punishment, will have no effect if the person lacks the necessary skills to perform.

Exercise: Analyzing Performance Problems

It is within our nature to model the behavior of significant others - parents, managers or heroes - who display behavior that we value. For this reason it is important that we seek models in our own life of individuals who have achieved the success we desire and who display the behavior we seek to develop.

Appreciative inquiry is the practice of finding examples of outstanding performance, heroes and heroines, within your organization to hold up as examples for others to emulate.

Analyzing and Improving Performance

It is never all or nothing. Every day we make choices to stay late at work, read a book, or watch television, and every choice is a reflection of the balance of consequences. If you understand the balance of consequences you understand that a slight shift in positive reinforcement can completely change the outcome.

When reinforcement is delivered matters a great deal. As managers, it is our responsibility to act in a timely manner to reinforce behavior. Delay dilutes the power of positive reinforcement.

There are times, no matter how good we are at the positive forms of motivation, when we must use a negative consequence to reduce an undesirable behavior. How we do it will make the difference between constructive change in behavior and a negative influence on the entire group. Learn the skills of effective punishment.

Keys to Performance Management
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Giving Feedback to Others
Receiving Feedback from Others
Summary and Wishes for Your Success

After viewing the previous 20 lectures you may wish to create your own summary of what you got out of this course and what you hope to do better in the future. Here are my wishes for you:

My Wishes for you personally

  • Be clear about your purpose in life and at work. Become noble.
  • Have models and set goals (antecedents)
  • Surround your with others from whom you can learn.
  • Practice 4 to 1 with yourself. Recognize your own achievements.

My wishes for you as a leader

  • First become the model of the behavior you want from others.
  • Practice 4 to 1.
  • Always create aspirational goals and targets with your team members.
  • Analyze the environment and…
    1. Optimize intrinsic reinforcement
    2. Social recognition.
    3. Make performance matter
  • Become a great coach.
Bonus Lecture: Some Additional Resources

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Emphasizes the practical application of motivation techniques, making it highly relevant to anyone looking to improve their leadership skills
Taught by Lawrence M. Miller, an experienced CEO and management consultant with a proven track record of success
Covers a comprehensive range of motivation theories and strategies, providing a well-rounded foundation for understanding and applying motivation techniques
Suitable for both aspiring and experienced managers looking to enhance their team's performance and productivity
Emphasizes the importance of self-motivation, recognizing that effective leaders must first be able to motivate themselves

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Reviews summary

Poor instructor inspiration

According to students, this Motivation course falls short due to an uninspiring instructor who is difficult to understand.
Instructor is not very inspirational
"This teacher isn’t very inspirational"
Instructor is difficult to understand
"This teacher [...] seems a little mumbley"


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Career center

Learners who complete Motivation: The Science of Motivating Yourself and Your Team will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Professors teach and conduct research at colleges and universities. This course can contribute to your success as a Professor by providing you with a solid understanding of motivation and how to motivate students. You will learn about the sources of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how social and situational motivation can influence learning. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement to encourage learning.
Adult Educator
Adult Educators help adults learn and develop. This course can contribute to your success as an Adult Educator by providing you with a solid understanding of motivation and how to motivate adults. You will learn about the sources of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how social and situational motivation can influence learning. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement to encourage adult learners.
Teachers help students learn and develop. This course can contribute to your success as a Teacher by providing you with a solid understanding of motivation and how to motivate students. You will learn about the sources of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how social and situational motivation can influence learning. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement to encourage learning.
Counselors help people with a variety of mental health issues. This course can contribute to your success as a Counselor by helping you understand the sources of motivation and how to optimize intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement to help people achieve their goals.
Behavioral Scientist
Behavioral Scientists use scientific methods to study human behavior. This course can contribute to your success as a Behavioral Scientist by providing you with a foundational understanding of behaviorism, the scientific study of behavior. You will learn about the principles of behavior analysis and how to apply them to real-world problems.
Positive Psychology Coach
Positive Psychology Coaches help people to identify and develop their strengths and virtues. This course can contribute to your success as a Positive Psychology Coach by teaching you about the sources of motivation and how to optimize intrinsic motivation. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement to help people achieve their goals.
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Industrial-Organizational Psychologists apply psychological principles to the workplace to improve organizational performance. This course will contribute to your success as an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist by teaching you about the sources of motivation and how to optimize intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement.
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Managers are responsible for managing the human capital of an organization. This course will contribute to your success as a Human Resources Manager by teaching you about the sources of motivation and how to optimize intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement.
Leadership Development Consultant
Leadership Development Consultants help organizations develop and implement leadership development programs for their employees. This course will contribute to your success as a Leadership Development Consultant by teaching you about the sources of motivation and how to optimize intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement.
Executive Coach
Executive Coaches help leaders and managers improve their performance. This course can contribute to your success as an Executive Coach by teaching you about the sources of motivation and how to optimize intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement.
Managers are responsible for leading and motivating teams of employees to achieve organizational goals. This course will help you succeed as a Manager by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of motivation. You will learn about the sources of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how social and situational motivation can influence performance. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement to motivate your team.
Training Manager
Training Managers are responsible for planning, developing, and delivering training programs for employees. This course can help you succeed as a Training Manager by teaching you about the sources of motivation and how to optimize intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement to encourage learning.
Learning and Development Specialist
Learning and Development Specialists help organizations develop and implement training programs to improve the skills and knowledge of their employees. This course will contribute to your success as a Learning and Development Specialist by teaching you about the sources of motivation and how to optimize intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement to encourage learning and development.
Performance Improvement Consultant
Performance Improvement Consultants help organizations improve the performance of their employees. This course can contribute to your success as a Performance Improvement Consultant by teaching you about the sources of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how social and situational motivation can influence performance. You will also learn about the ABC Model of Managing Behavior and how to use positive reinforcement to improve performance.
Organizational Development Consultant
Organizational Development Consultants help organizations improve their performance by developing and implementing strategies for change. This course can contribute to your success as an Organizational Development Consultant by teaching you about the sources of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and the ABC Model of Managing Behavior. The section on the Hierarchy of Motivation can help you understand how to address the needs of diverse individuals within an organization. The course's insights into positive reinforcement can help you develop effective interventions for improving organizational performance.
Employee Engagement Manager
As an Employee Engagement Manager, your goal is to create and maintain a positive and motivated work environment that aligns with the company's purpose and culture. This course can help develop your approach to creating such an environment by teaching you a model of analyzing and solving human performance problems. This course may also be useful in learning to optimize social reinforcement and developing a system of motivation, which can contribute to employee engagement.

Reading list

We've selected 16 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Motivation: The Science of Motivating Yourself and Your Team.
Explores the science of motivation, arguing that the traditional carrot-and-stick approach is not as effective as creating a work environment that fosters autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
Examines the science of habit formation, providing insights into how we can change our behaviors and improve our lives.
Provides practical strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones, based on the latest scientific research.
Explores the science of willpower, providing insights into how we can develop self-control and achieve our goals.
This memoir provides a personal account of one woman's year-long experiment in happiness, offering insights into the factors that contribute to well-being.
Explores the concept of mindset, arguing that our beliefs about our abilities can have a profound impact on our success.
Encourages readers to challenge societal norms and pursue their passions, providing practical advice on how to live a more fulfilling life.
This classic self-help book emphasizes the importance of positive thinking and its role in achieving success and happiness.
Argues that the key to success is to set audacious goals and take massive action, providing strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving your dreams.
This parable teaches the importance of giving and helping others, arguing that it is the key to building successful relationships and achieving success.
Provides practical advice on how to achieve success by focusing on daily habits and making small improvements over time.


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