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Negociación exitosa

Estrategias y habilidades esenciales (en español)

George Siedel

Todos negociamos diariamente. A nivel personal, negociamos con amigos, familia, propietarios, vendedores de autos y empleadores, entre otros. La negociación también es la clave del éxito comercial. Ninguna empresa puede sobrevivir sin contratos rentables. Dentro de una empresa, las habilidades de negociación lo pueden llevar a avanzar en su carrera.

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Todos negociamos diariamente. A nivel personal, negociamos con amigos, familia, propietarios, vendedores de autos y empleadores, entre otros. La negociación también es la clave del éxito comercial. Ninguna empresa puede sobrevivir sin contratos rentables. Dentro de una empresa, las habilidades de negociación lo pueden llevar a avanzar en su carrera.

En este curso, aprenderá y practicará los cuatro pasos necesarios para lograr una negociación exitosa, con un módulo para cada paso:

(1) Preparación: Planifique su estrategia de negociación

(2) Negociación: Use las tácticas claves para el éxito

(3) Cierre: Cree un contrato

(4) Cumplimiento y evaluación: El juego final

Para completar exitosamente este curso y mejorar su capacidad de negociar, deberá completar los tres pasos siguientes:

(1) Mire los videos breves (que van de 5 a 20 minutos) de cada módulo. Los videos son interactivos e incluyen preguntas para evaluar su entendimiento de las estrategias y habilidades de negociación. Los videos se pueden acelerar o ralentizar para adaptarse al ritmo que prefiera escucharlos. Según sus horarios, puede ver los videos en unas semanas o verlos todos juntos. Un estudiante que vio el curso de una sola vez concluyó que "es tan bueno como Breaking Bad".

(2) Complete la negociación del Módulo 6 para evaluar sus capacidad de negociación. Puede negociar con un amigo local o usar los Debates para encontrar un socio de otra parte del mundo. Su socio de negociación le brindará una devolución sobre sus capacidad de negociación. En el camino, puede resultarle útil utilizar esta aplicación móvil gratuita que está relacionada con el curso y contiene varias herramientas de planificación de la negociación. http://negotiationplanner.com/

(3) Tome el examen final. Para completar el curso exitosamente, debe responder correctamente el 80 % de las preguntas. Este examen es un examen de dominio, lo que significa que puede tomarlo las veces que quiera hasta que domine el material.

Además, este curso incluye la opción de obtener un Certificado verificado (CV) a través de la verificación de su identidad y la finalización exitosa del curso. Un CV le proporciona un reconocimiento formal de sus logros en el curso e incluye el logo de la Universidad de Michigan.

Si usted está considerando obtener un CV, debe completar el proceso de verificación antes de tomar el examen final. Puede elegir pagar los cargos asociados antes o después del examen. Para obtener más información acerca de los CV, visite: learner.coursera.help/hc/en-us/articles/201212399-Verified-Certificates

El logo compuesto del curso se comparte con una licencia Creative Commons CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) y fue creado con las imágenes proporcionadas por cortesía de Flazingo Photos (http://bit.ly/1zOylRm) y K2 Space (https://www.flickr.com/photos/k2space/14257556613/in/set-72157644732478432).

This is a translated version. To join the original English version, visit this page: https://www.coursera.org/learn/negotiation-skills/

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What's inside


¡Bienvenido a la negociación exitosa!
Durante este curso, aprenderá y practicará las estrategias y habilidades que lo ayudarán a convertirse en un negociador exitoso en su vida personal y las transacciones comerciales. Después de completar este módulo, podrá indicar las cuatro etapas claves de la negociación y lo que debe hacer para completar exitosamente este curso.
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Preparación: Planifique su estrategia de negociación
Este módulo se enfoca en el primer paso del proceso de negociación: la planificación de la negociación. Un componente fundamental que aprenderá es cómo completar un análisis de negociación para prepararse para el éxito.
Negociación: Use las tácticas claves para el éxito
Este módulo se enfoca en dos temas especialmente importantes: (1) cómo usar el poder durante las negociaciones y (2) las herramientas psicológicas que puede usar durante las negociaciones. Tenga un lápiz y un papel a mano, porque participará en varios experimentos mientras mira estos videos.
Cierre: Cree un contrato
Este módulo se enfoca en la negociación que ocurre en un trato comercial después de llegar a un acuerdo inicial: la negociación para crear un contrato vinculante. Entre otras cosas, aprenderá a decidir si necesita un abogado o si puede actuar como su propio abogado para la creación del contrato Sin embargo, los videos no deben interpretarse como fuente de asesoramiento legal.
Cumplimiento y evaluación: El juego final
Este módulo se enfoca en el cumplimiento y la evaluación de su acuerdo. Si ambas parten cumplen con lo esperado, no hay ningún problema. Pero si no lo hacen, son importantes los procesos de resolución de conflictos que cubrimos en este módulo, especialmente la mediación y el arbitraje.
Practique sus habilidades de negociación
Evalúe sus habilidades desarrolladas recientemente en este módulo con un amigo o un compañero participante del CEMA de otra parte del mundo.
Evaluación final
Una vez que haya completado exitosamente el examen final, habrá completado exitosamente el curso. El tiempo estimado para completar la evaluación es de 75 minutos. Puede volver a tomar la evaluación hasta estar seguro de entender estos conceptos.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Diseñado para utilizar en transacciones comerciales y personales
Comienza con una base para principiantes y se fortalece gradualmente
Cada módulo incluye una herramienta de ayuda con contenido práctico para apoyar el aprendizaje
Proporciona un certificado verificado opcional para respaldar el aprendizaje
La evaluación final puede repetirse según sea necesario para garantizar la comprensión
Incluye un módulo dedicado para practicar habilidades de negociación con otros estudiantes

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Reviews summary

Pactos provechosos: estratégias e habilidades essenciais

Os 718 reviews analisados revelam que este curso é altamente recomendado pelos alunos devido à excepcional qualidade das lições e estratégias de negociação apresentadas de forma clara e concisa. Os alunos apreciam particularmente os exemplos do mundo real e os exercícios práticos que lhes permitem aplicar as suas aprendizagens. O curso é visto como uma ferramenta valiosa para melhorar as habilidades de negociação em ambientes pessoais e profissionais. No entanto, alguns alunos observam que a tradução para espanhol pode ter algumas imprecisões e que o exame final é desafiante, mas os conhecimentos adquiridos compensam o esforço.
Embora o exame final seja abrangente e desafiante, os alunos reconhecem que os conhecimentos adquiridos valem o esforço.
"mas os conhecimentos adquiridos compensam o esforço."
O curso aborda os aspectos legais das negociações, incluindo a criação e execução de contratos.
O curso desmistifica táticas psicológicas usadas em negociações e ensina os alunos a usá-las a seu favor.
Os exemplos do mundo real e as histórias pessoais do instrutor trazem conceitos à vida e ajudam os alunos a ver a negociação de uma nova perspectiva.
"...e os exercícios práticos que lhes permitem aplicar as suas aprendizagens."
O curso fornece uma base abrangente de estratégias de negociação, incluindo preparação, uso de poder, psicologia e fechamento.
Alguns alunos observaram imprecisões na tradução para espanhol, o que pode dificultar a compreensão de alguns conceitos.
"Alguns alunos observam que a tradução para espanhol pode ter algumas imprecisões..."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Negociación exitosa: Estrategias y habilidades esenciales (en español) with these activities:
Watch Negotiations in Action
Observe experts negotiating in real-life situations to gain insights and learn from their approaches.
Browse courses on Case Study Analysis
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  • Find videos or documentaries of successful negotiations.
  • Analyze the strategies and tactics used by the negotiators.
  • Identify the key factors that contributed to the success of the negotiations.
Discussion Forum Participation
Engage with fellow learners in online discussions to exchange ideas and perspectives on negotiation strategies and concepts.
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  • Join the course discussion forum.
  • Participate in discussions by sharing your thoughts and insights.
  • Respond to comments and questions from other participants.
Negotiation Plan Template
Develop a comprehensive negotiation plan to guide your preparation and execution of negotiations.
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  • Identify the objectives and interests involved in the negotiation.
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your own position.
  • Research and anticipate the other party's interests and tactics.
  • Develop a range of potential solutions or concessions.
  • Outline your negotiation strategy and tactics.
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Negotiation Case Study Report
Conduct an in-depth analysis of a negotiation case study to gain insights and identify best practices.
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  • Select a negotiation case study relevant to your interests.
  • Research and gather information about the case.
  • Analyze the negotiation process and identify the strategies and tactics used.
  • Evaluate the outcomes of the negotiation and identify lessons learned.
  • Write a report summarizing your analysis and insights.

Career center

Learners who complete Negociación exitosa: Estrategias y habilidades esenciales (en español) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Lawyers advise and represent clients in legal matters. This course may be useful for Lawyers, as negotiation is a fundamental skill in the legal profession. By taking this course, Lawyers can enhance their negotiation skills and become more effective advocates for their clients. This course covers topics such as preparing for negotiations, using different negotiation strategies, and closing deals. It also provides practical exercises that allow learners to practice their negotiation skills.
Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Agents are responsible for helping clients buy, sell, or rent properties. This course can be useful for Real Estate Agents as it provides practical guidance on how to negotiate effectively with clients, other agents, and closing agents. By applying the negotiation techniques taught in this course, Real Estate Agents can help their clients achieve their real estate goals and build a successful career in the industry.
Project Manager
Project Managers are responsible for planning, executing, and closing projects. This course can benefit Project Managers by providing them with effective negotiation strategies that can help them manage stakeholder expectations, negotiate project timelines, and resolve conflicts. By mastering the skills taught in this course, Project Managers can deliver successful projects that meet the needs of all stakeholders.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for managing the development and launch of new products or services. This course can be useful for Product Managers as it provides practical guidance on how to negotiate effectively with cross-functional teams, vendors, and stakeholders. By applying the negotiation techniques taught in this course, Product Managers can ensure that their products meet customer needs, are launched successfully, and achieve desired business outcomes.
Procurement Manager
Procurement Managers are responsible for sourcing and purchasing goods and services for a company. This course can benefit Procurement Managers by providing them with effective negotiation strategies that can help them secure the best possible deals for their company. By applying the negotiation techniques taught in this course, Procurement Managers can reduce costs, improve quality, and ensure that the company has the resources it needs to operate efficiently.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers are responsible for developing and executing marketing campaigns to promote a company's products or services. This course can be useful for Marketing Managers as it provides practical guidance on how to negotiate effectively with vendors, clients, and other stakeholders. By applying the negotiation techniques taught in this course, Marketing Managers can optimize their marketing campaigns, secure favorable terms, and achieve desired business outcomes.
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Managers are responsible for managing all aspects of human resources within a company, including recruitment, training, and employee relations. This course can benefit Human Resources Managers by providing them with effective negotiation strategies that can help them resolve conflicts, negotiate contracts, and manage employee grievances. By mastering the skills taught in this course, Human Resources Managers can contribute to a positive and productive work environment and ensure that the company complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
Business Development Manager
Business Development Managers are responsible for identifying and developing new business opportunities for a company. This course can be useful for Business Development Managers as it provides practical guidance on how to negotiate effectively with potential clients and partners. By applying the negotiation techniques taught in this course, Business Development Managers can increase their success rate in closing deals and generating revenue for the company.
Account Manager
Account Managers are responsible for managing relationships with key clients and ensuring their satisfaction with a company's products or services. This course can benefit Account Managers by providing them with effective negotiation strategies that can help them build strong client relationships, identify and address client needs, and resolve any issues that may arise. By mastering the skills taught in this course, Account Managers can contribute to increased client retention and loyalty.
Sales Manager
Sales Managers are responsible for leading and motivating a team of sales professionals to achieve revenue targets. This course may be useful for Sales Managers as it provides practical guidance on how to negotiate effectively with clients and close deals successfully. By applying the negotiation techniques taught in this course, Sales Managers can improve their team's performance and drive business growth.
Consultants provide expert advice and guidance to organizations on a wide range of issues. This course can be beneficial for Consultants as it equips them with effective negotiation strategies that can enhance their ability to build strong client relationships and deliver successful outcomes. The skills learned in this course can help Consultants differentiate themselves in the competitive consulting landscape.
Managers are responsible for overseeing the work of a team of employees and ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. This course can provide Managers with valuable insights into how to negotiate successfully with team members, clients, and vendors. By applying the principles learned in this course, Managers can foster a positive and productive work environment while achieving desired outcomes.
Directors are responsible for managing a specific area of a company's operations, such as finance, marketing, or human resources. This course may be useful for Directors as it provides practical techniques for negotiating effectively with internal and external stakeholders. By mastering the skills taught in this course, Directors can contribute to the achievement of the company's strategic goals.
Vice President
Vice Presidents are responsible for leading and managing a specific division or department within a company. A solid foundation in negotiation can help Vice Presidents build and maintain strong relationships with clients, employees, and other stakeholders. This course can provide guidance for developing a comprehensive negotiation strategy that aligns with the company's overall objectives.
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officers, also known as CEOs, oversee all aspects of a company's operations. Success in this role may be achieved by building a foundation in negotiation strategies and skills. This course may be useful for gaining a better understanding of how to optimize negotiations for the benefit of the company.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Negociación exitosa: Estrategias y habilidades esenciales (en español).
Offers practical advice and techniques for effective negotiation. It covers a wide range of topics, including preparation, strategy, tactics, and ethical considerations. Malhotra draws on his own research and experience as a negotiation consultant to provide insights and guidance that can help learners improve their negotiation skills.
Explores the psychological principles that influence human behavior. Cialdini identifies six key principles of influence that can be used to persuade others to see our point of view and agree to our requests. Understanding these principles can help learners become more effective negotiators.
Provides a framework for having difficult conversations in a constructive and productive way. It offers practical advice and techniques for managing emotions, communicating clearly, and finding common ground. These skills are essential for successful negotiation.
Although this classic work on military strategy may seem like an unlikely choice for a course on negotiation, it offers valuable insights into the principles of conflict and competition. Sun Tzu's teachings on deception, timing, and the importance of understanding your opponent can be applied to any negotiation setting.
Explores the importance of emotional intelligence in all aspects of life, including negotiation. Goleman argues that people with high emotional intelligence are better able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. This can be a significant advantage in negotiation, where emotions can often run high.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the cognitive processes involved in thinking and decision-making. It covers a wide range of topics, including problem-solving, judgment, and risk-taking. Understanding these processes can help learners make better decisions in negotiation.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the negotiation process, from planning and preparation to execution and follow-up. Siedel offers practical advice and techniques for each stage of the negotiation, as well as insights into the psychological dynamics of negotiation.
May seem like an odd choice for a course on negotiation, but it offers valuable insights into the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. Peale argues that people who believe in themselves and their ability to achieve their goals are more likely to be successful in all areas of life, including negotiation.
Offers a set of principles for personal and professional effectiveness. Covey argues that people who adopt these habits are more likely to be successful in all areas of their lives, including negotiation. The habits include being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and putting first things first.


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