What is the aim of this course? This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in optimizing the production, and operations of any company through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become consultants, or business analysts, or have to run and optimize production on a daily basis. In the course you will learn 3 things:
What is the aim of this course? This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in optimizing the production, and operations of any company through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become consultants, or business analysts, or have to run and optimize production on a daily basis. In the course you will learn 3 things:
How to understand any production or operational activities
How to optimize the production and operations in order to get more things done, cheaper at higher quality with fewer resources using elements from lean manufacturing, theory constraints
Where to look for savings and improvements, how to calculate potential savings in Excel and implement them
I will concentrate here on lean manufacturing techniques as well as things related to the theory of constraints (removing bottlenecks and critical chains).
This course is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement, and turn-arounds in the biggest firms from Retail I have carried out or supervised over 90 different performance improvement projects in different industries that generated a total of 2 billion in additional EBITDA. On the basis of what you will find in this course, I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts, and managers who now are Partners in PE and VC funds, Investment Directors and Business Analysts in PE and VC, Operational Directors On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 224 000 students including people working in EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Adidas, Naspers, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Dell, Walgreens, Orange, and many others.
I teach through case studies, so you will have a lot of lectures showing examples of analyses, and tools that we use. To every lecture, you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels as well as additional presentations, and materials shown in the lectures so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modifications, be applied by you or your team in your work.
Why have I decided to create this course?
Most consultants and business analysts are terrible at organizing operational issues. They treat the operations, especially production, as a black box and try to avoid it at any cost. Technical things overwhelm them and they shy away from them. This approach is not the right one as you find elements that resemble production everywhere. In hospitals, most procedures performed are very similar to production issues. The same goes for running a call center, a chain of restaurants, a logistics company, or a firm delivering specialized services. Everywhere you have operations that you can optimize by using techniques that I will show in this course. Production influences heavily other areas especially sales and marketing. Therefore, it is a good idea to have at least a general knowledge of production. The funny thing is that to be good at production you do not even have to be technical at all. I have not finished any technical school and I am pretty good at finding significant improvements in production. One of the best Production Directors I know has finished Pedagogical Studies.
To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in any business you should master techniques related to optimizing production. That is why I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analysts that have to advise their customers but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as production directors.
In what way will you benefit from this course?
The course is a practical, step-by-step guide loaded with tons of analyses, tricks, and hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you find and analyze production. There is little theory – mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know:
How to understand the production
How to optimize it
Where to look for savings and improvement in production
How to calculate the impact of proposed changes in Excel
You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly.
How the course is organized?
The course is divided currently into the following sections:
Introduction. We begin with a little intro into the course as well as some general info on production
Basic methods of improving production. In the second section, I will discuss the basic techniques that you can use to optimize your business. Here you will find the potential low-hanging fruits. Here I will show you basic lean manufacturing methods as well as elements of the theory of constraints. You will also see how to calculate potential savings in Excel
Continuous Flow. The ideal in production is the so-called continuous flow in which production goes smoothly and fast. Products are being produced fast and cheaply. In this section, I will tell you how to achieve it. This is one of the pivotal elements of lean manufacturing
Advanced methods of improving production. In this section, I will continue with the more advanced ways in which you can improve your production such as Apart from optimizing the production you have to think strategically and know when you have to add a new capacity/factory. In this section, I will show you how you can do that
Production planning. Production planning is the brain of production. If you get this wrong the other things won’t matter. In this section, I will show you some ways in which you can analyze and improve production planning
A case study in Optimization of in-store processes using Lean Manufacturing. In this section, I will show you how you can use lean manufacturing techniques to optimize processes in stores.
You will be able also to download many additional resources
Excels with analyses shown in the course
Presentation of slides shown in the course
Links to additional presentations and movies
Links to books worth reading
At the end of my course, students will be able to…
Analyze production process
Improve production process – make it faster, cheaper, and at higher quality
Calculate in Excel the potential impact of proposed changes
Apply improvement techniques to other fields and industries
Who should take this course? Who should not?
Production Directors
Business analysts
Small and medium business owners
Startups founders
What will students need to know or do before starting this course?
Basic or intermediate Excel
Basic knowledge of economics or finance
We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on productio
In this lecture I will share some info on who am I and what is my experience
Most treat production as a black-box but if you want to be a great consultant you will have to get into details. In this lecture I will show you why it makes sense to go deeper into production and e I will talk about the important issues that you will master in this course
In this lecture I will talk about the important issues that you will master in this course
Here I will show you what to do if a blurry image appears
Here I will show you how to find additional resources attached to the coruse like Excel files, presentations, links etc.
Most treat production as a black-box but if you want to be a great consultant you will have to get into details. In this chapter I will show you how to improve production results with simple methods and techniques and what it means in practice
Due to differences in waste we only use 5% to create value. In this lecture, I will show you 7 different types of waste that may occur at your business
In production, you will know far less than your customer’s team so you have to use smart ways to get to the bottom of things. 5 Why is one of such methods. In this lecture, I will show you how to use it in practice
We show here how to use the so-called OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency) Analysis that shows you how efficient you are in using your resources. It is very useful for checking whether you use well machines and equipment/
In every company, you have bottlenecks that limit your ability to go forward and deliver more goods and services. Here I will show you how to estimate what is the impact for the whole system and how you can remove improve them.
Now imagine that you were asked to increase the production capacity of a factory. Try also to calculate the financial impact of the proposed scenarios. Before we look at specific scenarios we have to discuss 2 issues
What the production capacity depends on?
How to calculate monthly production capacity
First let’s see what the production depends on assuming there is just 1 production stage
We said that the production generally speaking depends on 3 drivers. Now let’s see how it looks like for the whole month
Here we will discuss the sceanarios that we will analyze later
Here we will discuss the available data that we will use to solve the case study
In every company you have bottlenecks that limit your ability to go forward and deliver more goods and services. Here I will show you how to estimate what is the impact for the whole system and how you can remove improve them. I will use simple production example to show you the effect on the whole system. You will see how the bottleneck can shift from 1 shift to another. You will also learn how to prioritize where it make sense to invest to get the best results.
Before doing this lecture I strongly encourage you first to take the OEE lecture – we use the OEE concept here so if you are not familiar with it please start with OEE lecture as a warm-up.
In this lecture we will see how you can present the result of the analysis in a for of graphs
You quite often have situations when people perform at a different pace and with different results. You have to standardize them.
Here I will show you in Excel the effect on standarization
5S in short is about cleaning your working station, putting everything in order and keeping it this way I will show you the stages, examples of 5S and how to check whether the business has truly implemented 5S
Here I show how to calculated the impact of 5S on cost in Excel
We are very fast to acquire, buy and collect because even if we do not use it know at some point (usually very distant in the future) specific thing may prove to be lifesaving. Most often, the staff we collect we do not use more than once (80/20 rules come into play. In this lecture I will show you how to get rid of unused things it in practice
Kanban is a way in which you can drastically limit work in progress. I will show you in this lecture what it is and how it looks like in practice
I will show you how to calculate the impact of Kanban in Excel
In this lecture I will show you how to take advantage of periods of lower activities using the so called Kanban
Zero defect rules is not about making zero mistakes. It is about finding mistakes as soon as possible and eliminating them. In this lecture I will show what it is and how to use it in practice
I will show you how to calculate the impact of universal workers in Excel
If you have specialized workers you end-up not using most of available resources. I will show you what you can achieve by having a more universal workers
Quite often you have one operator per one machine. This is often not efficient as machines just need feeding in the goods.
I will show you how to calculate in Excel the impact of making the workers operate on more than 2 machines at the same time
The ideal in production is the so called continuous flow -every go smoothly and fast. Products are being produced fast and cheap. In this section I will tell you how to achieve it.
Using a sandwich factory I will show you the mistakes people do when they try to create a continuous flow
I will continue our example of sandwich factory. I will show you how the continuous flow should look like
I will continue our example of sandwich factory. We add the Kanban to the continuous flow
I show here example of continuous flow in services
Sometimes it makes sense to have instead of continuous flow the so called smart batching. Here we continue the previous example from service company to show how it could look like
I will show you how to use similar to OEE concept on people the so called Overall Labor Efficiency that shows you what is the potential for improving things done by people
Before you start analyzing the waste you have to somehow group it by stages of occurrence and type of waste. I will show you in this lecture how you can approach this subject
Imagine that you work for a plywood firm with 3 factories and you have to decrease waste. A few information about he firm:
They have 3 plants
They have different waste level
You can find waste: in too big level of wood usage or plywood quality
Estimate the potential impact on profit and cash
In this lecture we will be solving the previously introduced case study
One of the ways to make the set-ups shorter is the so called SMED technique. I will show you how to use it
Imagine that you are in a fish factory. How much money are you loosing and how you can improve it
In this lecture I show you the solution to the case you had to solve in the previous lecture
Apart from production people you will have a lot of so called maintenance guys that are fixing the machines. For this are we used the so called TPM
In more and more cases you have to find way to replace or support people with machines to lower down production costs
One of the biggest problem for efficiency is the so called Parkinson’s Law – Work expand so as to fill the time available for its completion. People when asked to evaluate the time certain things will take build in buffers. One of the ways to deal with it is the so called Critical chain. Here I will show you what it is
Apart from optimizing the production you have to think strategically and know when you have to add new capacity / factory. In this section I will show you how you can do that
Here I will show you how to manage capacity depending on your industry and demand forecast.
Locations of some factories depends on the so called supplier catchment area. You are looking for area where you have sufficient amount of resources or suppliers. Here we will see how catchment area influences decision on capacities
The customer catchment area is important in picking the right location for the factory. Both B2B as well as B2C. Here I will show you how to approach this subject
In this lecture we show how you can measure and analyze what is the maximal reach of your B2B bussiness having in mind transportation costs and markups. We will provide you with fast way to identify potential customers and measure your targeted price on a specific foreign market
In this lecture you will learn how to calculate optimal batches and how to estimate savings when comparing to actuals batches. We will use his an example of juice producer
2-stage production planning (planning for assembling and bundles). In many cases you have to first prepare the components and then on the basis of this produce the end product. This requires certain amount of additional planning, especially taking into account that the same component can be in different end-products. I will show you here on the basis of example of cosmetics producer how to create such a production plan, assuming optimal production batches for components and taking into account the inventories.
In this secgtion I show you how to optimize processes in the store. I will use here real case of a company from home improvement / DIY sector. You will get also the model we used to calculate costs
Workshop was very important as I was getting a team that I did not know and that did not trust me. On top of that they did not know how to optimize processes. I will show you in this sections what were the goals of the workshop
In this section you will see what kind of goals were presented to the project team
The team had no previous experience in process optimization. In this section I will show you the techniques that we were using to optimize the processes
Here you will find a short introduction to Lean manufacturing.
Here you will find a short introduction to theory of constraints
Here you will find a short introduction to Queuing problem
Here you will find a short introduction to OEE
Here I will show you how in groups for chosen process the team has chosen the KPIs and cost drivers
In this lecture I will show you an example of 1 process that was optimized with the team. I used this to show them the proper way of defining the KPIs, cost drivers and optimizing the process using this data
Finally, during the workshop I show them the timeline of the project to get confirm that the project is doable within this ambitions timeline
In section 4 I show you how to optimize processes in the store. I will use here real case of a company from home improvement / DIY sector. You will get also the model we used to calculate cost
In this lecture I will show you some information on what we achieved during the process optimization and how the test store looked like
Here I will show you how we optimized the process of changing prices in the store and what savings we managed to generate
Here I will show you how we optimized the process of shelf replenishment in the store and what savings we managed to generate
Here I will show you how we optimized the process of advising customers in the store and what savings we managed to generate
Here I will show you how we optimized the process at cash till and info point in the store and what savings we managed to generate
Here I will show you what other potential improvements we suggested in order to sell new projects
In this lecture I will show the estimation of cost
In this lecture I will show the estimation of costs and savings achieved during the project
Imagine that you were asked to prepare an analysis to determine how the rearranging of the main office of the drugstore chain company will help reduce costs.
In this lecture, I will show you the solution to the previously introduced case study.
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