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Ultimate Google Ads Training 2021

Profit with Pay Per Click

Isaac Rudansky

Updated January 4th 2020 – Includes NEW VIDEOS up to date with the BRAND NEW GOOGLE ADS interface and dashboard.  

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Updated January 4th 2020 – Includes NEW VIDEOS up to date with the BRAND NEW GOOGLE ADS interface and dashboard.  

Win back your business from your competition by really learning Google AdWords like an expert. This Google AdWords Course has the *HIGHEST STUDENT  *(Reported by Udemy)

Welcome to Udemy's highest rated AdWords course of all time.

Over 180,000 business owners, students, marketing specialists and entrepreneurs have enrolled writing in thousands of 5 star reviews:

"I don't normally rate a course until I've completed it, but I just had to this time.  This course is absolutely awesome. I can say that Isaac really knows what he is talking about. His delivery style is perfect. Not only is he knowledgeable, but he is clearly very passionate about ppc and this comes through in how he presents the content. I've taken numerous courses on a variety of subjects on Udemy, there's something about how he teaches that makes him the best instructor I've encountered.  This course is super well organized and each section builds on the last. And even though I have pretty extensive background knowledge into many the sections, I still complete them all the way through because they contain golden nuggets of information.  If you're interested in learning about Adwords, please take this course. You will not be disappointed. It's worth every dollar (even at full price) and this is the only course I can say that about."

– Meena Verma

"This course is fantastic Isaac. I have been searching through so many adwords tutorials to try and help out small businesses but yours is head and shoulders above any I have seen. Clear, concise and demystifying."

– Roy Murray

"This is the most comprehensive and informative course I have ever took. Very well structured and explained in plain English so it is easy to understand. I would recommend this course to my friends definitely. I would give it 7 stars if there were option for it."

- Alex Key

"Absolutely brilliant – thank you so much for making this very clear and helpful video course on AdWords. A masterpiece. Very grateful."

– Sarah McDougall

Learn How To Drive Consistent, Reliable, High-Quality Traffic To Your Site Every Single Day With Google AdWords.

Your customers are using Google every single day to search for the products and services you offer, but you're losing business to your competition because their AdWords campaigns are more optimized than yours are.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

My complete AdWords crash course is going to show you the exact skills and techniques you need to win back your business and drive consistent and profitable traffic to your website around the clock, 7 days a week.

For much less than the price of one dinner out with the family, you're going to get over 15 hours of video lectures, access to our student discussion forum, and the ability to ask me any questions you may have as you progress through the course. 

On top of all that, you get lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee.

ZERO Experience Required

In this course you will learn:

  • How to set up your AdWords account from scratch 

  • The theory behind successful online advertising 

  • What keywords are and how to use them to your advantage

  • How to set up conversion tracking and how to track phone calls from your website

  • How to track sales, revenue and form submissions using Google AdWords

  • How to take advantage of competitor reports and customer data in your campaigns

  • How to write and A/B test your ads 

  • How to increase Quality Score and decrease your cost per click

  • How to structure your account, campaigns, ad groups and keyword lists for optimal results

  • How to analyze keyword data in Excel to gain deeper insight into your data

  • How to use tools like SEMrush and Optmyzr to automate your optimization tasks and run better analyses 

  • How to monitor your campaign performance on a regular basis 

  • How to spot trouble in your account and what you need to do to fix it 

  • How to understand your customers from a psychological level 

 .... and much much more.  

Unless you have the tools and the skill to manage your own successful Google AdWords campaign, you are going to continue to lose customers to your competition.

Once you complete this course, you will be able to create, develop and optimize a professional Google AdWords campaign that sends high quality traffic to your website, round-the-clock, 7 days a week.

I walk you through the most important aspects of Google AdWords with a clear, step-by-step approach. By following along with me, you will see how simple, fun and effective Google AdWords can be.

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. I know you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you on the inside.

Why wait any longer?

Click the green "Take This Course" button, and join my course 100% risk free now.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Drive consistent, round-the-clock traffic to your website or landing page
  • Use conversion tracking to determine the value of your ad campaigns
  • Create, develop and optimize your own profitable google adwords campaigns
  • Remarket to your previous website visitors to get them coming back to your site
  • Advertise your products and services online effectively
  • Monetize the more than 6 billion daily searches on google
  • Boost traffic and increase sales to your website


Introduction to Google Ads
Welcome to Google Ads Masterclass!
Link to Isaac Rudansky's Digital Advertising Superstars Facebook Group
How to Make the Most of This Course, Plus a Sneak Peak of What's to Come!
Read more
Google Ads Formula Calculator
AdWords Formula Calculator I Built For You
What is Google Ads?
Where do Google Ads Show Up?

If your AdWords account has been active for at least 2-3 months with a budget of at least 5-10k per month, you can schedule a completely free account audit with either myself or one of our in-house PPC specialists at AdVenture Media (my company). Additional details here: http://offers.adventureppc.com/udemy-free-audit-offer

Creating and Setting Up Our First Google Ads Account

Due to popular demand, I've made all the slides for Chapter 1 available for download. This will give you the ability to come back and review specific slides offline, anytime. I hope you enjoy them and find them useful! 

Creating Your Firs Gooogle Ads Account
Understanding the Google Ads Account Hierarchy
Using Your Website Navigational Structure to Structure Your Google Ads Campaigns
Understanding Network Settings
Understanding Location Targeting
Configuring Location Targeting in Google Ads
Viewing Location Reports in Google Ads
Understanding Advanced Location Options
Setting and Configuring Languages
Setting Your Daily Budget and Understanding How Daily Budgets Work in Google Ads
Finding Your Hourly Reports in the Google Ads Interface
Using Google's Default Bid Strategy (Clicks) And Optional Max CPC Bid Limit
Bidding Strategies: Target Search Page Location
Bidding Strategies: Target ROAS
Bidding Strategies: Target CPA
Bidding Strategies: Target Outranking Share
Bidding Strategies: Maximize Clicks
Bidding Strategies: Enhanced CPC Bidding
Bidding Strategies: Manual CPC Bidding
Campaign Start and End Dates
Introduction to Dynamic Search Ads!
Understanding Sitelink Extensions
Callout Extensions
Call Extensions
Structured Snippet Extensions
App Extensions
Message Extensions
Location Extensions
Location Setting Exercise
Promotion Extensions
Price Extensions
Understanding Ad Rotation Settings
The Basics of Ad Scheduling
Understanding the Basics of Device Targeting
Understanding Campaign URL Options

In this quiz you'll be tested on some Google AdWords basics that we covered in the first few chapters. You'll also be tested on some basic of setting up your first Google AdWords campaigns and configuring some of the basic account settings.

Structuring Your Ad Groups Like A Professional
Ad Group Structure Basics and Organization
Ad Group Structure Ideas
Creating Our First Ad Group in Google Ads
How To Write Killer Ads in Google Ads!
The Anatomy of Google Text Ads
Compliance in Google Text Ads
Requesting a Manual Review of Your Ads and Expediting the Process
Best Practices for Successful Text Ads
Real Life Case Ad Copy Case Study: Medical Equipment Company
Creating Our First Ad in Google Ads

In this quiz we're going to test your knowledge about Google ads best practices and your understanding of what it takes to write appealing ads that accurately describe your products and services.

After completing this section, you will know how to set up your payment methods for your AdWords account. You will also understand how the Google billing system works and where to access your history.
Configuring Your Billing Details in Google Ads
After completing this section, you will have a deep understanding of keywords, match types and keyword research. You'll be able to make keyword lists that will generate the highest quality traffic.

This Google AdWords tutorial is all about fundamentals. In this lecture you will learn about the difference between keywords and queries. You will also learn about the three main steps to mastering keywords in Google AdWords.

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Keyword Planning
  3. Keyword Organization

You will also learn what the goals of each stage are and what tools we will use in each keyword stage

We continue to learn about the goals of the three main areas that have to do with mastering keywords inside Google AdWords. We will also talk about keyword how each stage in the keyword process relates to the overall buying funnel.

Here you'll learn about many specific third party tools that you can use to enhance your keyword research and keyword planning. Tools include the Google keyword planner, SEMrush, Microsoft Excel and many more.

In this lecture you will learn what match types are, how they work and how using them the right way can make a tremendous difference in your account.

I will do a brief overview of the 5 keyword match types:

  1. Broad match
  2. Broad match modified
  3. Phrase match
  4. Exact match
  5. Negative match

In this lecture you will learn about the details of broad match. I will teach you the pros and cons of using broad match in your campaigns, and I will walk you through examples of broad match use-cases.

In this lecture we discuss broad match modified in detail. You will learn about the pros and cons of using broad match modified, and you will learn how to determine the right time and place to use broad match modified in your account. We will walk through a few examples of broad match modified that can be applied to your campaigns.

In this section we talk about two very important match types in Google AdWords: Phrase match and exact match. You will learn how to use each of them, and the pros and cons of each.

You will learn about the impact these match types will have on search volume and we will walk through a variety of different examples that can be applied to your own campaigns.

In this lecture we talk about how to use the concept of keyword themes to begin organizing your keyword lists. We will also discuss the importance of relevancy in your account, and why Google cares so much about relevancy. We will begin covering some of the basic methods of initital keyword research.

In this section we'll begin to build our foundational keyword list using Google keyword suggestions within your AdWords dashboard.

In this section we're going to learn how to use Google's own database of popular searches to discover profitable keyword and negative keyword ideas. We will look at adding new keywords into our ad group and we will also begin to add some campaign-level negative keywords.

In this section you will learn how to use Google's keyword planner tool to:

  • Get traffic estimates on keywords
  • Generate new keyword ideas
  • Get cost per click estimates
  • Determine the level of competition of given keywords
  • Add keywords to your ad groups directly from the keyword planner tool
  • Get full ad group ideas and download them into Excel.

in this lecture we will continue exploring the Google keyword planner tool. We will also take an in-depth look at SEMrush, a leading keyword research tool used by leading brands and agencies. We'll use this tool to spy on your competition so you can see what keywords your competitiors are using to drive traffic to their websites.

In this section we will finish learning about SEMrush, and how we can use it to plan new keywords and get accurate cost estimates on what your click costs are going to be. We will also begin talking about campaign and ad group structure.

In this section we will begin learning about how people interact with search engines and how much commercial intent (likelihood to buy) we can infer from search queries. This stage is important as you will begin to get a sense of which keywords are ultimately going to drive the highest quality traffic through your AdWords campaigns.

In this section we will begin to understand how the buyer psyche plays a role in the bigger picture. You will learn how to analyze any keyword and recognize the buyer psyche that it represents. You will be able to look at a keyword and determine how likely a click is to bring a customer to your site that will be highly interested in your products or services.

In this lecture you will learn about the four main stages in the buyer funnel:

  1. Awareness
  2. Interest
  3. Shop
  4. Buy

You will learn about how keywords and queries progress from the general to the specific as someone journeys down the buyer cycle. More importantly you will learn how to recognize which stages in the buyer cycle your visitors are based on the query that triggered your ads.

Using an advanced understanding of the buyer funnel, the different query types and the level of detail and urgency in a query, you will begin to understand how to determine which clicks are likely to buy from you, and which clicks are likely to be just casual browsers. This information will help you build a campaign that will drive traffic and meet your marketing goals

In this lecture I will teach you some advanced keyword techniques using Microsoft Excel. While most Google AdWords courses will leave everything in the dashboard, it's important to learn how to use Microsoft Excel to help you save time and avoid errors when working on your keyword lists and keyword themes.

In this lecture I will continue to show you some very helpful tricks and techniques to create variations of your keywords in all the different match types directly in Microsoft Excel. I will show you how to upload your keywords directly into AdWords from Excel. This will save you a lot of time and it will help you be more thorough as you build out your keywords.

Keyword Research: Using the Google Keyword Planner 2
Keyword Research: Downloading Keyword Ideas from the Google Keyword Planner
Keyword Planning: The 6 Main Ways People Communicate With Search Engines
Keyword Planning: Understanding the Buyer Funnel
Keyword Planning: What Keywords Can Teach Us About Buying Intent
Keyword Planning: Using SEM Rush to Get Volume and Cost Estimates
Keyword Planning: Using SEM Rush to Get Keyword Ideas from Your Competitors
Keyword Planning: Using Google Keyword Planner to Get Volume & Cost Estimates
Keyword Organization: Getting Keywords Into Excel & Understanding Keyword Themes
Keyword Organization: Formatting Keywords in Excel
Keyword Organization: Using Pivot Tables to Visualize Your Campaign Structure
Keyword Organization: Using Mergewords to Generate Keyword Lists
Keyword Bidding Basics: Setting Your Initial Max CPC Bids

This quiz will test your keyword knowledge in Google AdWords as well as your understanding of the concepts we covered regarding keyword research and organization.

After completing this section, you will have understand the importance of properly structuring your ad groups and you will have the skills to analyze your keywords and create a sound account structure

In this section you're going to learn how to take your new AdWords keyword lists and upload them back into your AdWords dashboard. You will learn how to create a new ad group, pause or remove existing ad groups, and write a new compelling, relevant ad.

In this section you will learn more about best practices for writing relevant ads. I will also teach you how to create highly relevant groups of keywords inside Microsoft Excel utilizing the different layers of match types. We will also go step by step as we add our keyword lists into our ad groups and assign them specific bids.

Now that we have multiple ad groups, we need to have relevant ads that reflect the keywords in attached to those ads. In this section you will learn how to create new ads that are both relevant to your specific keywords while making sure your ads capture the attention of your ideal customers.

Above and beyond having a very clear understanding of the concepts of relevancy, you need to be able to navigate around the AdWords dashboard to find all the different elements of your account. In this section you will learn how to navigate between ad groups, keywords and ads inside your account.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Provides a comprehensive foundation in Google AdWords, which is standard in digital marketing
Develops skills for driving round-the-clock traffic to websites, which is key to growing businesses online
Taught by Isaac Rudansky, who is recognized for his expertise in digital marketing and Google AdWords
Uses a clear step-by-step approach to make Google AdWords simple and effective
Provides a large number of video lectures and learning materials
Includes access to a student discussion forum and personalized support

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Reviews summary

Profitable google ads

According to students, Ultimate Google Ads Training 2021:
  • Is well received by learners with 100% giving it 5 stars.
  • Can help learners understand Google Ads.
  • Contains good explanations.
  • May need to be updated to reflect recent Google Ads changes.
learners say the course material is helpful and easy to understand.
"Very well explained."
"I learned a lot about Google Ads."
students would like to see the course updated with the latest Google Ads changes.
"I just would like you make a new 2020 version of this course."

Career center

Learners who complete Ultimate Google Ads Training 2021: Profit with Pay Per Click will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Marketing Manager
A Marketing Manager is responsible for planning, executing, and analyzing marketing campaigns. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create and implement successful marketing campaigns. Through an understanding of marketing theory and the application of online marketing strategies, you can learn to target your audience, optimize ad performance, and track campaign performance. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing and prepare you for a career as a Marketing Manager.
Digital Marketing Specialist
A Digital Marketing Specialist is responsible for developing and executing digital marketing campaigns. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create and implement successful digital marketing campaigns. You will learn how to use online marketing tools and techniques to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing and prepare you for a career as a Digital Marketing Specialist.
Social Media Manager
A Social Media Manager is responsible for managing social media accounts for businesses and organizations. This course can help you develop the skills you need to manage social media accounts effectively. You will learn how to use social media to reach your target audience, engage with customers, and build brand awareness. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of social media marketing and prepare you for a career as a Social Media Manager.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist
An SEO Specialist is responsible for optimizing websites for search engines. This course can help you develop the skills you need to optimize websites for search engines. You will learn how to use SEO techniques to improve a website's visibility and ranking in search results. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of SEO and prepare you for a career as an SEO Specialist.
Online Advertising Manager
An Online Advertising Manager is responsible for planning, executing, and analyzing online advertising campaigns. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create and implement successful online advertising campaigns. You will learn how to use online advertising platforms, target your audience, and track campaign performance. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of online advertising and prepare you for a career as an Online Advertising Manager.
Content Marketing Manager
A Content Marketing Manager is responsible for planning, creating, and executing content marketing campaigns. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create and implement successful content marketing campaigns. You will learn how to use content marketing to reach your target audience, engage with customers, and build brand awareness. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of content marketing and prepare you for a career as a Content Marketing Manager.
E-commerce Manager
An E-commerce Manager is responsible for managing the online sales and marketing of a business. This course can help you develop the skills you need to manage an e-commerce business successfully. You will learn how to use e-commerce platforms, process orders, and manage customer service. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of e-commerce and prepare you for a career as an E-commerce Manager.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a Data Analyst. You will learn how to use data analysis tools and techniques to extract insights from data and solve problems. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of data analysis and prepare you for a career as a Data Analyst.
Market Research Analyst
A Market Research Analyst is responsible for conducting market research and providing insights to businesses. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a Market Research Analyst. You will learn how to use market research techniques to gather data, analyze data, and develop insights. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of market research and prepare you for a career as a Market Research Analyst.
Business Analyst
A Business Analyst is responsible for analyzing business processes and recommending improvements. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a Business Analyst. You will learn how to use business analysis tools and techniques to identify problems, analyze data, and develop solutions. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of business analysis and prepare you for a career as a Business Analyst.
Sales Manager
A Sales Manager is responsible for managing a sales team and achieving sales goals. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a Sales Manager. You will learn how to use sales techniques to motivate your team and achieve your sales goals. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of sales and prepare you for a career as a Sales Manager.
Marketing Consultant
A Marketing Consultant is responsible for providing marketing advice to businesses. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a Marketing Consultant. You will learn how to use marketing techniques to help businesses achieve their marketing goals. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of marketing and prepare you for a career as a Marketing Consultant.
Digital Marketing Manager
A Digital Marketing Manager is responsible for planning, executing, and analyzing digital marketing campaigns. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a Digital Marketing Manager. You will learn how to use digital marketing tools and techniques to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing and prepare you for a career as a Digital Marketing Manager.
An Entrepreneur is responsible for starting and running a business. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become an Entrepreneur. You will learn how to identify business opportunities, develop a business plan, and manage a business. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship and prepare you for a career as an Entrepreneur.
Product Manager
A Product Manager is responsible for developing and managing products. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a Product Manager. You will learn how to use product management techniques to develop and manage products successfully. This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of product management and prepare you for a career as a Product Manager.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Ultimate Google Ads Training 2021: Profit with Pay Per Click.
Comprehensive guide to Google Ads, covering everything from the basics to advanced topics. It's a great resource for both beginners and experienced users who want to learn more about Google Ads.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Google Ads, covering everything from setting up your account to creating and managing campaigns. It's a great resource for beginners who want to learn the basics of Google Ads.
Great option for beginners who want to learn the basics of Google Ads in a simple and easy-to-understand way. It covers all the essential topics, from creating your account to managing your campaigns.
Great resource for healthcare professionals who want to get started with Google Ads. It covers everything from creating your account to managing your campaigns, and it's written in a clear and easy-to-understand style.
Great resource for educators who want to get started with Google Ads. It covers everything from creating your account to managing your campaigns, and it's written in a clear and easy-to-understand style.
Great resource for travel professionals who want to get started with Google Ads. It covers everything from creating your account to managing your campaigns, and it's written in a clear and easy-to-understand style.


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