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Ashraf Badr

في هذه الدورة التدريبية القائمة على المشروع والتي تستغرق أقل ساعة واحدة.

في نهاية هذا المشروع سوف تتمكن من عمل خطة إنتاج, و إطلاق المنتج من خلال تعلم التخطيط بأثر رجعي, و سوف تفهم كيفية, و سبب عمل مواصفات المنتج.

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في هذه الدورة التدريبية القائمة على المشروع والتي تستغرق أقل ساعة واحدة.

في نهاية هذا المشروع سوف تتمكن من عمل خطة إنتاج, و إطلاق المنتج من خلال تعلم التخطيط بأثر رجعي, و سوف تفهم كيفية, و سبب عمل مواصفات المنتج.

خلال نهاية هذا المشروع سوف تتعلم خطوات تطوير المنتجات الجديدة للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة.

سوف تتعلم كيفية القدوم بفكرة منتج جديد, و كيفية تقييمه باستخدام نموذج استخراج أفكار ,و مصادر على الإنترنت مثل Google Trends و Amazon.

سوف تستخدم طرقا تساعد على تقييم المنتج من خلال معرفة تجزئة السوق لمنتجك ,احتمالات زيادة المبيعات , و من خلال معرفة المنتجات المنافسة في السوق.

أيضا سوف تتعلم كيفية تقييم الموردين , و تقييم سعر منتجك من خلال تحليل أسعار مكونات المنتج , و معدل الإنتاج.

هذا المشروع موجه إلى الأشخاص, و الشركات الصغيرة و المتوسطة الذين يرغبون في تحويل أفكارهم الى منتجات تحقق المبيعات. و هو أيضا موجه لمن لديه أفكار و يريد تعلم طريقة تطويرها إلى منتجات.

ملاحظة: تعمل هذه الدورة التدريبية بشكل أفضل للمتعلمين المقيمين في منطقة أمريكا الشمالية. نعمل حاليًا على توفير نفس التجربة في مناطق أخرى.

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ملخص المشروع
في نهاية هذا المشروع سوف تتمكن من عمل خطة إنتاج, و إطلاق المنتج من خلال تعلم التخطيط بأثر رجعي, و سوف تفهم كيفية, و سبب عمل مواصفات المنتج. خلال نهاية هذا المشروع سوف تتعلم خطوات تطوير المنتجات الجديدة للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة..سوف تتعلم كيفية القدوم بفكرة منتج جديد, و كيفية تقييمه باستخدام نموذج استخراج أفكار ,و مصادر على الإنترنت مثل Google Trends و Amazon. سوف تستخدم طرقا تساعد على تقييم المنتج من خلال معرفة تجزئة السوق لمنتجك ,احتمالات زيادة المبيعات , و من خلال معرفة المنتجات المنافسة في السوق. أيضا سوف تتعلم كيفية تقييم الموردين , و تقييم سعر منتجك من خلال تحليل أسعار مكونات المنتج , و معدل الإنتاج.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores خطوات تطوير المنتجات الجديدة للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة، وهو أمر شائع في الصناعات المرتبطة بالتصنيع والإنتاج والتجزئة
يقوم بتدريس كيفية إجراء البحث عن المنافسين على منصات شهيرة مثل Google Trends و Amazon، وهي مهارة عالية الطلب في صناعات مثل الاستشارات الاستراتيجية والتسويق والبحث
يقوم بتدريس كيفية تحديد الموردين وتقييم الأسعار، وهي مهارات قيّمة لأصحاب الأعمال الصغيرة والشركات الناشئة
مناسب لأصحاب الأفكار الريادية الذين يتطلعون إلى تحويل أفكارهم إلى منتجات، وهي مهارة مهمة في صناعات مثل ريادة الأعمال والابتكار
يتطلب معرفة مسبقة بمفاهيم تطوير المنتجات وأبحاث السوق، مما قد يكون حاجزًا أمام المبتدئين
يعتمد على الأمثلة والسيناريوهات الخاصة بمنطقة أمريكا الشمالية، مما قد يحد من فائدته للمتعلمين خارج هذه المنطقة

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Reviews summary

Excellent course for product development

This course provides a comprehensive and well-structured approach to developing new products for small and medium-sized businesses. Students praise the course's clarity, relevance, and practical approach, emphasizing its value for entrepreneurs and those seeking to advance their product development skills.
Easy to understand and follow
"Easy, simple and rewarding course"
Applicable to real-world scenarios
"... helps in dealing with challenges in the future."
Focuses on the importance of product development
"تأتي أهمية المنتج باعتباره عنصراً أساسياً"
Valuable for those starting a business
"جدا خفيف وسهل و مليئ بمالعلومات لليفكرون يفتحون بزنس"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in مقدمة الى تطوير المنتجات الجديدة للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة with these activities:
Review product planning basics
This will bring your knowledge up to date on product planning concepts and terminology, helping you better grasp the material covered in the course.
Browse courses on Product Planning
Show steps
  • Read articles and blog posts about product planning best practices.
  • Watch videos or attend webinars on product planning.
  • Review your notes or materials from previous product planning courses or workshops.
Attend a product management workshop
Workshops provide an opportunity to learn from industry experts and network with other professionals, both of which can enhance your learning experience in this course.
Show steps
  • Research upcoming product management workshops in your area.
  • Choose a workshop that aligns with your interests and learning goals.
  • Register for the workshop and attend as scheduled.
  • Actively participate in the workshop, ask questions, and take notes.
  • Follow up with the workshop organizers or speakers if you have any further questions or want to connect.
Develop a product launch plan
Creating a launch plan will help you apply the principles and methods you learn in this course to a real-world scenario, solidifying your understanding.
Show steps
  • Identify your target market and customer persona.
  • Define your product's value proposition and unique selling points.
  • Develop a marketing and communication strategy.
  • Create a timeline and budget for your launch.
  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to track your launch success.
Show all three activities

Career center

Learners who complete مقدمة الى تطوير المنتجات الجديدة للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Product Developer
A Product Developer is responsible for the design and development of new products and services. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to bring a product to market. This course will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Product Developer. You will learn how to identify and validate product ideas, develop product specifications, and manage the product development process. You will also learn how to launch a product and measure its success.
Product Manager
A Product Manager is responsible for overseeing the development of new products and services. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to bring a product to market. This course will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Product Manager. You will learn how to identify and validate product ideas, develop product specifications, and manage the product development process. You will also learn how to launch a product and measure its success.
Project Manager
A Project Manager is responsible for planning, executing, and closing projects. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to bring a project to completion. This course will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Project Manager. You will learn how to plan and manage projects, develop project budgets, and track project progress. You will also learn how to communicate with stakeholders and manage risks.
Business Analyst
A Business Analyst is responsible for analyzing business needs and developing solutions to meet those needs. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to ensure that the products and services developed by the company meet the needs of the target market. This course will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Business Analyst. You will learn how to identify and validate business needs, develop solutions to meet those needs, and communicate your findings to stakeholders.
A Marketer is responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote a product or service. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to ensure that the products and services developed by the company meet the needs of the target market. This course will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Marketer. You will learn how to develop marketing plans, create marketing materials, and measure marketing campaigns. You will also learn how to communicate with stakeholders and manage budgets.
Sales Manager
A Sales Manager is responsible for leading a team of sales representatives to achieve sales targets. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to ensure that the products and services developed by the company meet the needs of the target market. This course will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Sales Manager. You will learn how to develop sales strategies, manage a sales team, and track sales performance. You will also learn how to communicate with stakeholders and negotiate contracts.
Operations Manager
An Operations Manager is responsible for planning, executing, and controlling the day-to-day operations of a business. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to ensure that the products and services developed by the company meet the needs of the target market. This course will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Operations Manager. You will learn how to plan and manage operations, develop production schedules, and track production costs. You will also learn how to communicate with stakeholders and manage risks.
An Entrepreneur is responsible for starting and operating a business. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to bring a product or service to market. This course will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Entrepreneur. You will learn how to identify and validate business ideas, develop business plans, and raise capital. You will also learn how to manage a team and build a successful business.
A Consultant is responsible for providing advice and support to businesses. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to help businesses improve their operations. This course will help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Consultant. You will learn how to identify and analyze business problems, develop solutions to meet those problems, and communicate your findings to stakeholders. You will also learn how to manage consulting projects and build a successful consulting business.
Financial Analyst
A Financial Analyst is responsible for analyzing financial data and making recommendations to businesses. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to help businesses make sound financial decisions. This course may help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Financial Analyst. You will learn how to analyze financial data, develop financial models, and make recommendations to businesses. You will also learn how to communicate your findings to stakeholders and manage financial risks.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to help businesses make data-driven decisions. This course may help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Data Analyst. You will learn how to collect, analyze, and interpret data. You will also learn how to communicate your findings to stakeholders and manage data risks.
Software Engineer
A Software Engineer is responsible for designing, developing, and testing software applications. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to bring products and services to market. This course may help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Software Engineer. You will learn how to design, develop, and test software applications. You will also learn how to work with a team and manage software development projects.
UX Designer
A UX Designer is responsible for designing user interfaces for websites and applications. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to bring products and services to market. This course may help you develop the skills you need to be a successful UX Designer. You will learn how to design user interfaces and create user-friendly experiences.
Graphic designer
A Graphic Designer is responsible for creating visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to bring products and services to market. This course may help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Graphic Designer. You will learn how to create visual concepts and communicate ideas through design.
Web Developer
A Web Developer is responsible for designing and developing websites. They work with a team of engineers, designers, and marketers to bring products and services to market. This course may help you develop the skills you need to be a successful Web Developer. You will learn how to design and develop websites. You will also learn how to work with a team and manage web development projects.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in مقدمة الى تطوير المنتجات الجديدة للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة.
Provides a framework for understanding why large, established companies often fail to innovate. It is particularly useful for understanding the challenges of developing and marketing new products in established markets.
Provides a step-by-step guide to developing and testing new products and services. It is particularly useful for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are looking to launch new products or services.
Provides a framework for developing and evaluating good strategies. It is particularly useful for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are looking to develop a strategy for their business.
Provides a framework for marketing and selling new products and services to mainstream customers. It is particularly useful for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are looking to launch new products or services to a mass market.
Provides a unique perspective on the challenges of building a successful startup. It is particularly useful for entrepreneurs who are looking for inspiration and guidance on how to build a world-changing company.
Provides a practical guide to getting customers for your startup. It is particularly useful for entrepreneurs who are looking for proven strategies for acquiring and retaining customers.
Provides a practical guide to developing value propositions for new products and services. It is particularly useful for entrepreneurs who are looking for a step-by-step guide to creating products and services that customers want.
Provides a framework for understanding the challenges of innovation in established organizations. It is particularly useful for businesses that are looking to develop a strategy for innovation.
Provides a practical guide to using lean principles to develop and launch new products. It is particularly useful for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are looking for a proven process for bringing new products to market.


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